A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 809: Simple surgery, a sign of celestial bodies converging (1/2)

"The third one." Fitz said without thinking, but then he seemed to think of something and changed his words, "Let's choose the second one!"

Aaron raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Can I understand that you don't trust my ability?"

"No, I don't mean that."

"Forget it! That's what you mean.

But it doesn't matter, the second one is the second one!" Aaron said and put Thor's hair on the table, "Good luck to you."

"That phoenix feather..." Coulson hesitated.

"Don't push it, Agent Coulson.

Thor's hair is actually not worth much. Maybe I can get another one after a while, but the phoenix feather is my personal property.

If you want it, you can, one million US dollars, the price is absolutely fair."

"Ignore what I said."

Fitz immediately delivered Thor's hair to the laboratory. After receiving it, Simmons couldn't wait to use it to make serum.

The onlookers also breathed a sigh of relief. They still have great confidence in Thor.

"What's the matter with your motorcycle?" Coulson asked curiously.

"I'm an alchemist, so it shouldn't be too much to make a small modification to a motorcycle!"

"Modification?" Coulson's face twitched, "But it's too fast!

We are now over the Atlantic Ocean, and you have reached thousands of kilometers in an hour?"

"Turn the power to the maximum, and you can barely catch up.

Stark's Iron Man Armor should be able to do this!"


Do you want to listen to what you are saying? Do you want to be so relaxed?

"Wait, how do you know our location?"

Aaron took out Captain Jack's compass and shook it proudly in front of everyone, "This compass is also quite valuable among all my collections.

It can point to what people think in their hearts, money, love, and even knowledge. It can find it. When I was on the road, it only pointed in one direction. That's how I found you."

Everyone looked at each other, not expecting Aaron to have such a treasure in his hand.

"You can find everything, right?" Skye asked with great excitement, thinking that this compass might be able to find her parents.

"Well... it's not that magical. It can't find people or objects that are too outrageous."

"Can you lend it to me for a while? I promise to return it to you immediately after using it."

"I'm sorry, no.

This thing is very fragile. I won't lend it to anyone. If it breaks or gets lost, I can't afford to sell all of you." Aaron said as he put the compass into the space ring.

Skye hesitated to speak, and was stopped by Coulson's eyes when he was about to say something.


Half an hour later, Simmons nervously picked up the third little white mouse and released a pulse to it with a release device loaded with serum.


The blue electric light flashed, and the little white mouse also floated up and lost consciousness.

"Failed?" Skye frowned tightly.

"It shouldn't be! Logically speaking, Thor's hair can be used to make serum to resist alien viruses."

"But the facts are already in front of us." Coulson said in a deep voice, "We need your phoenix feather now. I can ask Fury for approval for one million first."

"What a trouble!"

Aaron rolled his eyes speechlessly and walked straight to the laboratory.

Everyone had no time to stop him and could only watch him walk in.

"What are you doing here?" Simmons said incoherently, "Alien viruses can be transmitted through contact."

"For some reason, I want to save your life." Aaron said lightly, and then took out the acupuncture gun from the space ring, "It may hurt a little."

Before Simmons could react, the acupuncture gun pierced her chest and she fell straight down.

"Jemma." Fitz shouted anxiously.

"Shh!" Aaron made a gesture to silence him, "Don't be impatient, I'm just doing an operation on her, I won't do anything to her."

After saying that, Aaron took out a small bottle and dripped a drop of liquid on the nail.

With a flick of his finger, the nail instantly extended, and at the tip of the finger, it extended into a ten-centimeter-long needle that was almost invisible to the naked eye.


The needle pierced Simmons' shoulder, and after about two seconds, Aaron quickly pulled out the nail.


Simmons screamed in pain, and the whole person twitched violently on the floor for a long time before stopping.

"Done." Aaron walked out of the lab and said to the confused people, "Prepare some nutrients for her. She will be fine after a few days of rest."

"What did you do?" Coulson asked seriously.

"I gave her an injection." Aaron pinched his finger, and a drop of crystal white liquid flowed out from his nail. "This injection can stimulate the human body, accelerate cell division, and automatically form temporary antibodies against foreign viruses.

In other words, the body is damaged to eliminate the alien virus, but it does not mean that antibodies are really produced. Try not to be infected again. I don't have time to make another long trip."

"This, this is solved?" Skye said in disbelief.

"Otherwise! I said before that this is just a low-level alien virus.

Not to mention Thor, even Steve Rogers is probably immune to this virus."

"But that little white mouse..." Ward was just about to say something when he saw the third little white mouse squeaking in the cage, "How could this happen?"

"The experiment was successful, but the mouse was knocked unconscious by the pulse." Simmons said with a weak bitter smile, "We should have observed clearly. It was really painful just now. It felt like being pricked by tens of thousands of needles."

"At least you're okay now, and there are no side effects from my surgery."

"Have a good rest! Gemma." Colson comforted, "I will grant you three days' leave. When you go back, you can spend time with your parents."

"Thank you, sir."

"Now that the matter is settled, it's time for me to go back." Aaron looked at Colson and said, "You owe me a favor this time. Remember to pay it back in the future."

"learn by heart."

"By the way, what was I going to tell you on the phone before?"

"It seems like a particularly interesting prophecy?"

"Yes, nine stars in a row, a cosmic wonder that occurs once in thousands of years is about to appear.

If Nick Fury... forget it, he should be busy at this time, so don't disturb him. "

Colson: ...


[Rescue Gemma Simmons;

Completing the mission rewards 500 magic points; there is no penalty for mission failure; Completed]


"Congratulations to the host for completing the system task and obtaining 500 magic points."

Aaron leaned back on the sofa in a happy mood, "I got five hundred magic points just by going out for a few hours, and it was almost not difficult.

If possible, arrange a few more jobs like this for me in the future, I won’t be too many. "

"It depends on the specific situation. If the host always stays at home, it will be difficult to trigger such a task."

"I just said that casually."

Aaron lost his temper, and then turned on the TV, intending to learn about the recent news.

However, after just switching a few channels, I saw an extremely eye-catching picture.

"I'm at Stonehenge, following up on an interesting story that happened today.

The police received the call just after 11 o'clock this morning and rushed to the scene.

A seemingly normal male tourist came here and immediately started running around naked, holding up scientific instruments and frightening the tourists, shouting that he wanted to save them.

This person was later confirmed to be the famous astrophysicist Dr. Eric Selvig, who is currently in police custody pending trial..."

"Waltfak!" Aaron looked at the figure running naked on the TV with a mosaic on his face, and couldn't help but cursed.

Eric Selvig, crazy?

You can do such things as streaking, especially at Stonehenge. Are you afraid that others won't know?

Wait, logically speaking, he wouldn't be so brainless!

Aaron thought for a while, and an interesting guess emerged in his mind.

Could it be that the cosmic wonder of the discovery of the convergence of nine celestial bodies will occur near Stonehenge?

But even if there is danger, you won’t chase people away by running naked!

“Unfortunately, London is a little further.

Otherwise, I would really be interested in seeing up close the wonders of the universe that happen once in thousands of years. "

"The host triggers a new task, please check the task panel."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and then opened the task panel.

【Watch the spectacle of celestial bodies gathering up close;

Completing the mission rewards 200 magic points; there is no penalty for mission failure; Do you accept it? 】

"Huh?" Aaron blankly turned his gaze to Stonehenge on the TV, and he was also a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. "Although I really don't think there are too many tasks like this, but I just came back! At least let me have a rest!"

"The host can choose not to accept it."

"That's not the case."

Aaron shook his head and chose to accept the task.

There are still more than a thousand magic points left before the next ghost mask, and it would take half a year to sign in normally, but this mission reward can save him a month of hard work.

Aaron didn't take action immediately. After all, the celestial convergence hadn't happened yet, so it wouldn't make much sense to go early.

After taking a shower, having lunch, changing into clean and handsome clothes, and finally packing up the equipment that might be needed, he took out Captain Jack's compass and took Abe on a motorcycle to fly high into the sky.


London, afternoon.

Aaron rushed to an abandoned factory building. The pointer on the compass pointed here, but it kept swinging up and down, left and right.

Aaron put the motorcycle into the space ring and immediately walked into the factory.

After walking to the relatively empty central area, Aaron felt something and stopped in surprise.

In his sight, several transparent space nodes were lined up above the factory building, looming.

“A cosmic wonder that happens once in thousands of years? That’s it?

No, no, this can only be regarded as some kind of sign! "Aaron thought thoughtfully, picked up a brick and threw it to a nearby space node.


The brick sinks into that node and disappears.

But then he fell from the higher node and performed a free fall motion, shuttling back and forth between the two nodes.

After several times in succession, the bricks floated strangely in the air, and a few seconds later they hit the ground due to the influence of gravity.

“Space is squeezed, and gravity suddenly increases and decreases.

Nodes are connected to each other, but are very unstable and may disappear at any time. "Aaron analyzed thoughtfully, "Perhaps there will be many such nodes in the world when the 'Nine Stars Lianzhu' begins. "

At this time, Aaron suddenly heard the sound of playing and playing, and three children ran over, seemingly playing games in the factory.

When they saw Aaron, the smiles on their faces suddenly froze, as if they didn't expect there was anyone here.

"Ahem!" Aaron coughed and pretended to take out the S.H.I.E.L.D. ID from his pocket, "From the Bureau of Investigation, martial law is now in place here. If you want to play, you'd better move to another place, understand?"

The three of them nodded blankly, turned around and ran away.

After sending away the three little kids, Aaron observed for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing special about these space nodes, he was ready to leave.

However, as soon as he walked outside the factory, a red car drove over.

Jane Foster and her intern Daisy got out of the car. Besides them, there was a thin boy holding experimental equipment.

"Aaron." Daisy ran over to him in surprise and gave him a warm hug. "I didn't expect to see you here. Are you very happy to see me?"

"Long time no see." Aaron simply said hello, then looked at the boy following Daisy, "Who is this?"

"My intern." Daisy introduced him carelessly, "But don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with him."

"I can see it." Aaron couldn't laugh or cry, "But are interns so busy these days?

You are Jane's intern and he is your intern? "

"Ian, my name is Ian." The intern emphasized.

"Just call me Aaron."

"Why are you here?" Jane asked with some confusion.

"I should ask you this question! You...

I almost forgot, Miss Foster specializes in astrophysics. "

Jane was stunned for a moment, "What did you find?"

"I can see from your expression that you both expect me to find something, but also hope that I don't find anything. It's very contradictory."

Jane shrugged helplessly, "You are from SHIELD after all."

"So that's what I was worried about." Aaron suddenly said, "I can only say that your worries are unnecessary. I have an official status from SHIELD, but that doesn't mean I am a SHIELD person.

I won't report the anomaly here, even if I report it, it won't solve the problem. "

"You...know what's going on here?"

"I don't know much about it, but I have some guesses."

"What guess?"

"Let's wait until you see it before talking!" Aaron smiled, and then took the three of them to the abnormal point of space in the factory, "This is it."

"Is there anything special here?" Daisy asked in confusion, "Everything looks normal!"

"Some things are invisible to the naked eye, such as gravity." Aaron picked up a stone and released it in front of the three people. The stone floated quietly in mid-air, as if it was not affected by gravity. .

"This is not normal." Daisy muttered.

"There is still room." Aaron picked up the stone and threw it into the air. The stone disappeared in the air, but the next moment it was at a lower position.

Appeared and fell straight to the ground.

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