A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 812 Dark Elves and Aether Particles, Must Go to Asgard (1/2)


Jane was lying on a rectangular stone table, with several top female therapists surrounding her.

As the therapist moved the magic instrument in mid-air, a human body projection composed of light red powder slowly appeared above her, and a strange dark red substance swam irregularly in the light red.

"This is not a substance on the earth, what is it?" Sol looked at Jane worriedly and asked a therapist in a low voice.

"It's not clear yet, but the energy rushing through her is too great for her to hold on."

Jane did not hear the conversation between the two, and looked at the projection above in surprise: "This is a quantum generator, right?"

"This is the soul smelting furnace," the healer said.

"Can the soul smelting furnace move molecules?"

The therapist paused, looked at her in surprise and answered affirmatively, "Yes."

"It's the quantum field generator." Jane turned her head and smiled softly at Thor.

Sol forced a smile, not knowing what to say.

"Are my words just falling on deaf ears to you?" Odin walked in. He waved his soul smelting furnace with one hand and automatically closed it. The healers also bowed and left.

"She's sick," Saul said.

"She's human and they all get sick."

"I brought her here because we could save her."

"She doesn't belong in Asgard, just like goat meat doesn't belong on the banquet table."

These words were not very harmful, but extremely insulting. Jane couldn't bear it anymore, "He just said...who do you think you are?"

"I am Odin, King of Asgard, Protector of the Nine Kingdoms."


This is embarrassing.

"I am..."

"I know very well who you are, Jane Foster." Odin said expressionlessly.

"Have you ever mentioned me to your dad?"

Thor's eyes were evasive. He had indeed mentioned it, but he also knew that Odin did not support his relationship with Jane.

“There is something in her body, Father.

It's a substance I've never seen before. "

"Her planet has its own healers. They call them doctors. Let them handle it!" Odin had no intention of giving Thor a chance to speak. "Guard, send her back to Midgard."

The two guards immediately walked towards Jane, and Thor immediately stopped him, "No, don't..."


Dark red energy suddenly erupted from Jian's body, knocking the two guards away.

"Don't touch her." Saul seemed to have expected this. "Jane, are you okay?"

Jane nodded reluctantly, her face looking slightly pale.

Odin walked to the stage, his right hand slowly brushed Jane's arm, and he could clearly feel the dark red substance running under her skin, "This is impossible."

"Her infection is protecting her," the therapist speculated.

"No." Sol shook his head slightly, "It's protecting itself."

"Follow me." Odin looked solemn as he brought Jane and Thor to a main hall.

In the center of this palace is the trunk of the tree. Nine nebulae of different shapes move slowly at different positions on the branches, seeming to symbolize the movement of the World Tree and the Nine Realms.

"Some things date back to before the universe was formed, and the things inside her seem to be such ancient artifacts.

The Nine Kingdoms are not eternal. They have the dawn of their birth and the dusk of their disappearance. "Odin took down a golden book from the bookshelf and opened it on the table. "Before that dawn, the dark forces, the dark elves, dominated the universe and were unrivaled. "

"Born from the eternal night, the dark elves will steal your light." Thor looked at the dark elves with sharp ears and black bodies except for their faces in the book, "My mother told us their stories when we were young. "

"Their leader, Malekith, used that darkness to create a weapon called the Aether Particle.

Most of the other ancient objects are solid, but ether particles are constantly changing fluids. They can turn objects into dark matter. They look for hosts to parasitize and absorb the host's vitality.

Malekith wanted to use the energy of the ether to return the universe to darkness, but after a long bloody battle, my father King Bol finally won, thus winning... peace that lasted for thousands of years. "

"How did he win?" Jane asked.

Odin turned to look at her, "He destroyed the dark elves."

"Are you sure?" Sol asked with some doubt. "It is said that the ether particles were destroyed together with them, but now they have appeared again."

"The dark elves are extinct."

"Does the book mention how to extract it from my body?"

Odin pondered for a second, "No."


On the other side, after Eric came back, he listed dense formulas and pictures on the blackboard, and then excitedly explained his findings to the three people sitting on the sofa.

“The universe operates in a cycle of five thousand years, and inline phenomena occur in every cycle.

Imagine that the two planets are usually separated, but during the alignment period the entire universe was connected to each other, including the nine kingdoms.

The nine kingdoms will travel through each other, and gravity, light, and even matter will collide and mix with each other.

If that happened to us the results would be devastating. Eric said seriously, and then picked up the one-meter-long experimental equipment, "But the peak gravity tester I invented can stabilize the focus of celestial bodies, so that the nine kingdoms and other celestial bodies will not encounter us. .

It's perfect and simple. Do you understand? "

"Uh... I don't quite understand." Daisy smiled awkwardly, "Aaron said this is a cosmic wonder that happens once every thousands of years. When it happens, the portals of the other eight countries will appear on Earth at the same time."

"You can say that, but the portals during the celestial convergence are much larger than those during the Battle of New York.

In addition to the main portals, there are countless space nodes.

These nodes may lead to various parts of the universe and are very unstable, but the peak gravity tester can stabilize or even control these nodes to a certain extent until the celestial convergence ends."

"I understand a little." Aaron looked at him meaningfully, "You want to reduce the occurrence of accidents."

"Almost." Eric nodded without comment.

"Do you need me to notify S.H.I.E.L.D."

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? Let's forget it!

We have been tricked by S.H.I.E.L.D. enough."

"Indeed, we can't notify them." Aaron also laughed dryly, almost forgetting that there are still many Hydra undercovers in S.H.I.E.L.D., and notifying S.H.I.E.L.D. would increase the risk for no reason.

Moreover, the celestial bodies convergence will not take too long from the beginning to the end, and it is unlikely that there will be any major trouble. Even if a few people fall into the space node...what does it have to do with him?

"Okay! Do whatever you want!

Anyway, I am just here to watch this cosmic wonder that happens once every few thousand years."

"It's not a big deal. I am more worried about Jane. When can she come back?

Asgard is also one of the nine realms, but there is no peak gravity tester I invented there."

"Are you underestimating Asgard?" Aaron said speechlessly, "Odin is the father of the gods. With him in charge of the celestial bodies convergence, the impact on Asgard will not be that great.

What's more, I am afraid that only Asgard can cure Jane now."

"Cure?" Eric's expression froze, "Is Jane sick?"

"To be precise, when she fell into a space node, she was parasitized by a strange liquid substance." Aaron said lightly, "The medical level on Earth can't solve the problem, so Thor took her to Asgard."

"I see, but it is so important. Why did you tell me about this only now? "

"That... Dr. Selvig." Ian raised his hand weakly, "It's not that we don't want to tell you, but you were so engrossed just now that you interrupted us several times when we wanted to speak."


"Sorry, a god entered my mind before."

"Speaking of this." Aaron suddenly clapped his hands, looked at Eric seriously and asked, "How did you drive the god out of your mind at Stark Tower at that time?"

"I don't remember, it seems that my head was hit and it hurts."

"That means you didn't see the octagonal rune, right?"

Selvig frowned in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." Aaron smiled bitterly and shook his head, but in his heart he cursed S.H.I.E.L.D., no, Natasha Romanoff.

It was just a suspicion at first, but now it seems that the "disposable sheep spell" was definitely taken by Natasha.

"Eric, you are an expert in astrophysics. Can you calculate the exact location of the celestial bodies?"

"No problem, I just have some ideas."

Aaron nodded, and just as he was about to say something, his brows frowned unconsciously.

"What's wrong?" Daisy asked.

Aaron hesitated for a while, gently rubbed the space ring, and took out the prophecy book.

"Great master, there is a new prophecy, I think it is necessary to remind you."


Daisy cursed, Ian subconsciously leaned back to the sofa, and Eric widened his eyes in astonishment.

It's not that they haven't seen strange books before, but it's the first time they have seen a talking book.

"There's no need to make a fuss, this is a prophecy book." Aaron introduced it simply, "As a fortune teller, it shouldn't be strange for me to have a prophecy book!"

The three looked at each other and complained speechlessly.

"This prophecy book?" Daisy asked curiously and nervously, "Is it the kind of prophecy book I understand?"

"How do I know which one you understand?"

"It's the kind shown in the movie!"

"I'm afraid not." The prophecy book said disdainfully, "I'm much better than those fabricated books."

"Okay, tell me if you have any prophecies.

I hope it's not bad news!"

"Okay, my great master." The prophecy book coughed twice in a pretentious manner, "The dark elves who have been sleeping for thousands of years have awakened because they sensed the birth of ether particles. Malekith, the king of the dark elves, will personally lead his army to invade Asgard, and Frigga will die at the hands of the cursed warriors."

Click! Click!

Aaron blinked, a little at a loss.

The other three were also at a loss. This prophecy just hit their blind spots in knowledge.

"I understand the invasion of Asgard." Eric said unnaturally, "but what are the dark elves? What are the ether particles?"

"Thousands of years ago, the dark elves tried to use the power of the ether particles to turn the universe into a dark world, but their plan was destroyed by Odin's father, Bor.

That war almost wiped out the dark elves, and only Malekith escaped with a few of his people.

As for the ether particles, they are mysterious substances born at the beginning of the universe and now exist in Jane Foster's body. "

"It turns out that the dark red liquid substance in Jane's body is the ether particles!" Aaron suddenly realized, and then rubbed his temples with a headache, "You just said that Frigga will die, right?"

"Yes, master."

"Excuse me." Daisy looked at the prophecy book and said, "Who is Frigga?"

"She is the queen of Asgard, the wife of the god Odin, and the mother of Thor. "

"What?" Daisy opened her mouth in astonishment, "Thor's mother... will be killed?

Please tell me that this prophecy is false. "

"Sorry, I am the Book of Prophecy, and my predictions have never been wrong. "

"Host triggers a new task, please pay attention to the task panel. ”

[Save the Queen of Gods Frigga;

Complete the task and get 500 magic points; no penalty for failed task; Do you accept?]

Aaron thought for a moment and made a decision.

Odin had forced the Ice Box into his hands, so in a sense he was forced to owe Asgard a favor.

Although he could not return it, he was not that kind of person. If he had the chance in the future, he would help Asgard within his ability.

The invasion of Asgard by the Dark Elves was a great opportunity. As long as Frigga could be saved, King of Gods Odin would have to accept his favor, which would just cut off his relationship with Asgard.

What's more, there was a reward of 500 magic points, which he should not refuse.

"What if I want the prophecy to be wrong!"

"Master, this..."


"The master is special and can try to modify the predetermined fate.

But I don't recommend the master to do this, because it may not succeed, and it will take certain risks."

"Tsk!" Aaron sneered, "That means it might succeed."

"Wait. "Daisy interrupted in a panic, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Very clearly, I have to go to Asgard.

Abe will protect you when I am away."

"By the way, I will lend you this for the time being." Aaron suddenly thought of something and took out the revolver Snake from the space ring, "I don't need to remind you of its power, there are only six bullets, use it sparingly."

Daisy took the revolver in a daze and said incoherently: "You, you, why are you going to Asgard? Do you know how to get there?"

"I really know."

"You, can't you just not go?"

"Don't worry, the Destroyer couldn't do anything to me back then, and the Dark Elves won't be stronger than the Destroyer!"

"That's hard to say."

"Don't worry, I promise you that I will come back safely. "

"Then Jane..." Eric opened his mouth and hesitated: "She is in Asgard. If the dark elves invade Asgard, she may also be in danger."

"This... For Daisy's sake, I will do my best."

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