A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 815 Odin and Frigga's helplessness, Thor's action plan (1/2)

"We still can't restore the palace's barriers, our cannons can't detect them, not even... not even Heimdall can see them."

Fandral reported in a muffled voice. In front of him was a golden three-dimensional projection of the fairy palace, but it was exposed and without any protection.

"Your Majesty, we have completely lost our defense capabilities."

Odin nodded thoughtfully, "Then wait for them to appear. As long as the ether particles are still in our hands, they will not be able to restrain themselves and take the initiative to attack."

"Father, do you mean to use Jane as bait?" Saul asked hesitantly.

"You all stand down!" Odin said, and Fandral and several guards bowed and exited the hall.

Aaron hesitated for a while, and was about to leave the hall, but before he could turn around, Odin stopped him, "Wait a moment, Gaius."

"What are your orders from His Majesty the God King?"

"I can't talk about orders. I just want to thank you for saving my queen."

"You're welcome, after all, the Ice Box you gave me last time was a bit more expensive.

I feel a little guilty if I don't do something for Asgard. "Aaron looked at Frigga next to Odin and said meaningfully.

Saving your queen is considered as repaying the heavy gift. What happens to Asgard in the future has nothing to do with him.

Odin could naturally hear the meaning behind his words, but he could not refute it and could only acquiesce regretfully.

For him, and even for Asgard as a whole, Frigga's life was not comparable to the Ice Box.

"Father, you haven't answered my question yet."

"I don't want to argue with you."

"I don't want to argue with you, but Jane..."

"It's not that I used her as bait, but she is the bait now." Odin emphasized with a serious look, "For Jane Foster, Asgard is the safest place in the entire nine realms.

At least here, with the protection of the Asgardian army, the dark elves would not catch her so easily. "

"But his fleet will destroy us."

"Haha! You overestimated these monsters." Odin smiled disdainfully. His father, King Bol, once led an army to destroy all the armies of the dark elves, but now they are just fish that slipped through the net.

And he is much more powerful than Bol. As long as the dark elf dares to show up, there will be only death.

“No, I just value the lives of our people.

Let me take Jane to the dark world and lure the enemies away from Asgard.

When Malekith removes the ether particles from Jane's body, it will be exposed and vulnerable. I will destroy them all together then. "

"You are taking a risk. If you fail, the weapon will fall into the enemy's hands."

"It will only be more dangerous if we sit still and wait for death." Thor disagreed. "His fleet may be hovering above our heads at this moment, and we have no way of knowing."

"When he comes, his men will be defeated by tens of thousands of Asgardian soldiers."

"Then how many people will we have to sacrifice?"

Odin was silent for a while, "I will not allow you to take risks. I have ordered Heimdall to close the Rainbow Bridge. Jane Foster must stay in Asgard for the time being."

"Thor." Frigga nodded slightly to him, "Give your father some time."

Thor sighed deeply, turned and left the hall.

"Ha! He is still too naive." A look of helplessness appeared on Odin's lips. "He doesn't even think about how he can destroy the ether particles that even his grandfather Bol couldn't destroy."

"You mean Thor will have the ability to destroy ether particles in the future?" Aaron asked with some surprise.

"I didn't say that." Odin said noncommittally, "Actually, the tactics he proposed were more for the safety of Jane Foster, and destroying the ether particles was just a side trip."

"And he will definitely take Jane to the dark world." Frigga said firmly, she still knew her son well, "Heimdall, Sif, Fandral, they will all help him.

And...Loki, he was the most important thing, without his help they couldn't leave Asgard. "

"God King, God Queen, with all due respect, you two... don't seem to intend to stop me."

“Now that the enemy is in darkness and we are clear, the lives of the people of Asgard are even more important.

Frigga, she may be more concerned about Jane Foster's physical condition. "Old God Odin said thoughtfully, "Thor's chance of success is slim, but even if he fails, he is capable of dealing with the consequences of failure. "

"So... this is just a test of friendship for Thor and his friends?"

"No, to be precise, it deepens. Their friendship does not need to be tested." Odin said matter-of-factly, and then looked at Aaron solemnly, "Gaius, Thor will definitely ask you for help.

if you can..."

"Please forgive my refusal, His Majesty the God King." Aaron said without thinking. He finally completed the cut with Asgard, and he didn't want to get involved anymore.

"My girlfriend is still at the place where the celestial bodies converge..."

"Wait, what did you say?" Odin frowned slightly and exchanged a vague look with Frigga, "You have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, she was Jane Foster's intern."

"Jane Foster again?" There was no emotion or anger in Odin's voice, but he didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Intern, His Majesty the God King." Aaron emphasized, "She... is still very good."

"It's really..." Odin forced a forced smile, "It's worth celebrating."

"This is not necessary, but if possible, please allow His Majesty the God King to allow Heimdall to send me back via the Rainbow Bridge. After all, her current location is not particularly safe."

Odin was silent for a moment and slowly shook his head, "It's not possible for the time being. It doesn't matter if we change the day or night, but the threat of the dark elves is still hovering above our heads. Once the Rainbow Bridge is opened, they may not be able to take advantage of it."


MMP! If you don't let me go, I won't let you go. Are you saying it so grandly?

"I'm very sorry about this." Odin said awkwardly but politely, "You saved the queen of Asgard, but Asgard...

What a shame! It is a big burden for my body to use divine power now, otherwise I will definitely send you back to the atrium.

But Asgard must repay its kindness, you can go to the treasure house to pick another one..."

"That's not necessary." Aaron said immediately, but he was speechless in his heart.

Some things are easy to pick up, but really hard to return!

"Oh! You go and rest first!

I promise that you will be sent back to the atrium within two days at the latest. "

I believe you, you are such a bad old man.

Aaron secretly cursed, turned and left the hall.

You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder. It just so happens that his missing body clone is in Asgard. At the worst, let him return to the earth first, and his own body will stay in Asgard to confuse Odin's sight.


Looking at Aaron's leaving figure, Odin took a deep breath and sat on the steps tiredly.

"Little fox! It's more difficult to deal with than last time."

"If he doesn't have enough character, I'm afraid he won't be able to come to our universe." Frigga said softly, "I can see that he doesn't want to have anything to do with Asgard anymore."

"It's a beautiful thought, but you have to ask me if I agree."

Frigga was stunned for a moment, her expression changed slightly, "Odin, what are you going to do?"

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"Advance the plan." Odin said solemnly.

"This is too sudden, and Hela's side..." Frigga said something suddenly occurred to her, and she looked at Odin in astonishment, "What do you think?"

“I didn’t want to, but he saved you, and I’m grateful for that.

But because of this, he doesn’t owe Asgard any favors, so I had no choice but to make this decision. "


"Stop it, Frigga." Odin waved his hand, "Gaius already has a girlfriend, and she is still a humble mortal. If it continues, even if our daughter finally accepts this fate, her The position will also be relatively embarrassing.”

Hearing this, Frigga couldn't help but fell silent.

"And Loki." Odin continued, "We can't protect him all the time, let alone lock him up all the time. This may be an opportunity for him to change himself."

Frigga sighed heavily, "Just do what you say first! I hope he won't blame us in the future!"

"Why should he blame us? Isn't the eldest princess of Asgard still worthy of him?" Odin said confidently, but when he saw Frigga's guilty eyes, he lost confidence, "This is helpless There is no better way for me to do this.”


Back in the bedroom, Aaron lay down on the bed and looked at the luxurious ceiling above his head in depression.

Isn’t the God King amazing? All right! The God King is amazing, but he is also so shameless.

It's not that easy to keep me in Asgard for two days.


Aaron took a few deep breaths and simply adjusted his mentality.

"System, open the personal panel."

[Host: Aaron Gaius]

[Magic energy: body: 16904, intermediate great magister; missing body 16904, intermediate great magister; total 33808 (elementary holy magister/Ya Tianfu)]

[Talent: Once-in-a-lifetime (the magic energy increases by 4 points every day, the body increases by 2 points, and the thoughts body increases by 2 points)]

[Items: Magic Carpet, Captain Jack's Compass, Prophecy Book, Wei Zheng's Jar, Pensieve, Ice Box...]

[Magic Points: 1456]

"It seems that it is necessary to add some magic energy." Aaron murmured.

Today he intuitively felt Odin's anger. The earth-shaking feeling made him feel extremely small.

At least the total amount of magic energy must be raised to the mid-level Holy Magister, otherwise he really doesn't have much sense of security. After all, not every heavenly father has a good impression of Gaius.

"System, open the task panel."

【Watch the spectacle of celestial bodies gathering up close;

Completing the mission rewards 200 magic points; there is no penalty for mission failure; Accepted]

[Save the God Queen Frigga;

Completing the mission rewards 500 magic points; there is no penalty for mission failure; Completed]

[Take out the ether particles in the simplified body;

Completing the mission rewards 800 magic points; there is no penalty for mission failure; Do you accept it? 】

Aaron looked at the third task and hesitated for a moment before choosing to accept it.

It's just an ether particle, and it only takes a matter of minutes for him to take it out.

If nothing else, Odin can also be taken out, and the Father-level ceiling is no joke.

It's just that he doesn't support Thor and Jane's love between humans and gods. Letting Jane die naturally in this way can be regarded as a quick way to cut the knot.


At the same time, in a quiet secret room.

Thor and four men in black robes sat around a table. Under the candlelight, the faces of the other four people were also revealed, Fandral, Volstagg, Sif and Heimdall.

Thor looked at the four of them and said in a deep voice: "What I want you to do is the most serious treason. Even if we succeed, we will be exiled, and if we fail, we will die.

Malekith knew the Aether was here, he could sense its energy, and if no action was taken, they would attack again, but this time they would destroy Asgard completely.

We have to get Jane out of here. "

"The Rainbow Bridge has been closed and the Cosmic Cube is locked in the basement," Sif said.

"There are other ways to leave Asgard. There are only a few people who know these ways. To be precise, there is only one."

Several people looked at each other and seemed to realize who Saul was talking about.

Loki, he knows all the secret passages from Asgard to other worlds.

"No way!" Vostagg said in shock.

"He will definitely betray you." Fandral said.

"Then let him try."

"Then what? Your beloved mortal is being guarded by a team of heroic warriors, and they can see you from afar."

"What if I wasn't the one to pick her up!" Thor said, looking at Sif meaningfully.

"Okay! I'll go get her out.

What about the Father of the Gods? "

"I have sworn to report all treasonous crimes to him." Heimdall said helplessly, "It's just that this time I seem to have to report myself."

"Even if Loki is willing to help you, you have rescued that mortal, so what's the use?" Volstagg said, "We will definitely die if we step out of the palace."

“So, my friends, we are not leaving on foot.

The Dark Elves left a spaceship in the square. "

"But you still need help." Heimdall said solemnly, "Gaius, he has a flying blanket.

Loki will not betray you if he will go with you. "

Thor struggled for a moment, shook his head and said: "He won't help. This is...a trouble for him. He always hates trouble."

“You have to try, and he may not be able to help you.

Daisy Louise had an extraordinary relationship with him, and she was Jane Foster's assistant, so maybe..."

"I'm going to convince him, but I may not succeed." Fandral took a deep breath and said, "If I fail, I will hijack an airship for you."

“Without further ado, let’s take action now.”

After the words fell, the five people split up.

Heimdall went to the Bifrost and was responsible for attracting Odin's attention, while Sif went to the room where Jane was under house arrest and was responsible for bringing her out.

Volstagg picked up the giant ax and walked towards the dark elf's spaceship. After Thor and the others succeeded, he would be responsible for delaying the Asgard soldiers.

Fandral goes to Aaron and tries to convince him and Thor to take a trip to the Dark World.

As for Thor... went to the dungeons of Asgard and convinced his dear brother to help him leave Asgard.

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