A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 85 Simple Logical Reasoning Questions

"You're checkmate!"

After the words fell, the white king let go of the long sword in his hand, and the remaining white chess pieces gave way, silently announcing the outcome of the chess game.

"We won?" Ron said in surprise, as if he still didn't believe it.

"We won, but it's not over yet." Aaron looked at the door guarded by the white chess piece. "The next levels will definitely not be easier than the previous ones, and we have to face a big BOSS."

"Ron, can you be alone?" Harry asked worriedly.


"Then I feel sorry for you to wait for us here, and you won't participate in the remaining levels."

"What? But I've already come this far." Ron stood up unconvinced, but as soon as he took out his right foot, he staggered and almost lost his balance.

"You just stay here!" Hermione said, "You can't let us carry you there, right?

If you encounter any dangerous institutions again, we can't take care of you in this state. "

"You don't want to implicate us, right?" Aaron added bluntly.

Ron opened his mouth, was silent for a while, and lay there unwillingly.

Lying flat, but not lying flat, there is really nothing I can do.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, he is indeed a burden to the team now, commonly known as a drag on the team.

If it were normal times, forget it. At most, one point would be deducted for lagging behind. But at this time, lagging behind would obviously put the remaining people in more danger.

"a wise decision."

Aaron chuckled and then moved to the next level.

Hermione and Harry gave Ron an apologetic look and followed Aaron into the next door.

When I opened the door, a stench hit my face.

The three of them saw a familiar magical creature, a troll.

But this monster is a little sadder than the one they saw on Halloween.

It lay motionless on the floor, with a big bag on its head.

"Great, it looks like we don't have to fight the troll anymore," Harry said.

Aaron rolled his eyes, "Actually, you can also think so. The guy who came in first was very powerful and defeated a giant monster casually."

Harry's expression was stagnant, but after thinking about it, he realized that this was natural. How could he have the courage to come to Hogwarts to steal things if he had mediocre skills?

"It's better to get out of here first!" Hermione said, covering her mouth and nose, "If you stay any longer, you will suffocate."

The three of them immediately walked around the giant monster and opened the next door.

There is no magic here, just a table and seven bottles of different shapes.

"This level should have been designed by Professor Snape." Aaron said thoughtfully, "Isn't it about preparing a potion? If so, I suggest that I turn around and go back immediately.

Because that is very time-consuming, and by the time the potion is mixed, the mysterious man has already succeeded. "

Harry took a deep breath and took a step forward.

In an instant, purple flames blocked the door, and black flames also burst out on the next door.

"Beautiful!" Aaron's eyes twitched, "As expected of Professor Snape, he really doesn't leave any escape route!"

"Now it's time to go." Hermione shrugged, then walked to the table, picked up a piece of parchment on it, and read out:

Danger lies ahead, safety lies behind.

Two of us can help you, drink them, one will lead you forward, the other will take you back to where you came from.

Two contained nettle wine, and three were assassins waiting in line.

Take your pick, unless you want to stay here forever.

We also provide four clues to help you choose:

First, no matter how cunningly the poisons hide themselves, they actually stand to the left of the nettle wine;

Second, the contents of the bottles at the left and right ends are different. If you want to move forward, neither of them will be useful to you;

Thirdly, you will find that the bottles are of different sizes, and that there is no death hidden in the giants and dwarfs;

Fourth, the second one on the left and the second one on the right, although they look different, they taste the same.

After Hermione finished reading, her eyes glowed with confidence, "This is not magic, it is logical reasoning.

That's great. He really deserves to be Professor Snape. Wizards who can't reason may be trapped here forever. "

"Don't get too excited yet, I don't want us to be trapped here."

"What are you thinking about? This kind of logic problem can be solved in less than half a minute.

If you were preparing potions, you might be able to gain some rewards from your labor, but this... is really a bit speechless. "

"Half a minute?" Hermione was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the seven bottles, "Are you kidding me? It will take me a minute or two at the fastest to tell them apart."

Harry stood silently aside, trying to keep his presence as low as possible.

Is he the only one who thinks this level is too difficult to overcome? Or is there really such a big difference between the worlds of top academics and poor academics?

"It's not difficult. The most important thing for doing this kind of question is to analyze step by step." Aaron walked to the table, smelled briefly, and pointed to the second bottle on the left and the second bottle on the right.

"It tastes the same, Professor Snape is really rich!

This kind of nettle wine is rarely seen on the market, at least twenty years ago.

The first one on the left is poison. As for the second one, the three bottles of poison are mixed with the third, fourth and fifth bottles.

The bottle on the far right is not poison or nettle wine, but it will not help us move forward, so it will naturally send us away.

And it is a large bottle, that is the giant, the smallest bottle in the middle is the dwarf, which can help us move forward. "Aaron said and spread his hands, "less than twenty seconds, how easy!" Harry and Ron stared at him in amazement, speechless in surprise. "You must want a bottle that can pass through the black flame, right Harry?" "Yes!" Harry nodded solemnly. "Very good." Aaron looked at Hermione again and handed the large bottle to her, "Drink it, go out, and return the same way." "But what about you?" "I'll go!" Harry said, "This small bottle has only one mouthful, maybe less than one mouthful, and it should be enough for only one person to pass through. Aaron, you go back with Hermione, and then send a letter to Dumbledore to let him come to save us. This matter has nothing to do with you. I will try my best to delay Snape, but it may not be delayed for too long. " "Idiot! "Aaron said disdainfully, "I only agree to let Hermione go back, and I oppose all the rest."

"Why?" Harry asked in confusion.

"First of all, the person inside is definitely not Professor Snape. I have said it countless times, but you always have to make a preconceived notion.

Secondly, if you send a letter to Dumbledore at this time, he will probably only be able to collect your body when he comes back.

The most important thing is that I have thought of everything you have thought of, and I have also thought of everything you have not thought of. "Aaron said, seeing that Harry's eyes became more confused, he sighed speechlessly, "Forget it, I can't explain it to you clearly.

You just need to understand one thing, I have my reasons for preventing the resurrection of the mysterious man, and it is not unrelated to me. "

"Is it the time in the Forbidden Forest?" Hermione asked tentatively.

After all, in the Forbidden Forest, the man in black robes was quite interested in Aaron, and would rather give up the blood of the unicorn to catch him. It may not be enough to describe him as relentless pursuit.

If Hagrid hadn't arrived in time, the consequences might have been serious.

"Forbidden Forest? "Several question marks flashed over Aaron's head, "Yes, that time.

It was the most embarrassing moment in my life. If I don't get back at him, I'll be in a mess."

"But..." Harry swallowed his saliva, "How are you going to stop him?

If it's not Snape inside, it can only be the mysterious man.

With this scar on my head, maybe I can turn the danger into safety.

What about you?"

"Don't worry about it, he can't bear to kill me."

Hermione nodded, agreeing with this, "That's true."

"Well, even so, he can catch you."

"He doesn't have this chance." Aaron said meaningfully, "Anyway, unlike you, I never do things without confidence, and I won't do things without thinking."

Harry:...... Why does this sound so wrong!

"There's another problem. There's only enough for one person in this small bottle, and there are two of us."

"Tsk! "Aaron curled his lips, picked up the nettle wine on the table, and poured the potion in the small bottle into it, "This is enough for three people, not to mention two people." "Then should I..." "Don't talk yet!" Hermione was interrupted by Aaron before she finished speaking, "Drink the other bottle of potion and leave here, that's what you should do." "No, I don't agree." "You can't disagree." Aaron said and took out the wand, "I won't do anything to girls, but this is for your own good, you will know after you go out." "You..." Hermione trembled with her lips, "Really can't?" "No, don't even think about it, there is no room for negotiation." Hermione sighed slightly, glared at Aaron with red eyes, then picked up the bulging bottle and took a big sip.

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