A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 Two versus one, even called for reinforcements

"Sorry, Professor Snape." Professor McGonagall said awkwardly, "I will ask them to write a thousand-word examination later and give it to you.

It is obviously irrational to doubt a school professor without any evidence. "

Snape snorted coldly, a little dissatisfied with this explanation.

But Professor McGonagall has already said so. As the professor and dean of Hogwarts, she still has to give her face.

"Didn't Aaron also suspect Professor Quirrell?" Ron said a little unconvinced, "Does he have evidence?

And why did you rush over after he just asked his pet to deliver a letter?

Harry and I went to find you in person, but you turned a blind eye, which is unfair. "

"Unfair?" Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment and explained: "It seems that you have misunderstood something.

Aaron also had no evidence to prove that Professor Quirrell had evil intentions towards the Philosopher's Stone, but he made a deal with Dumbledore that he could call the two professors at once and be on call. "

Ron was stunned immediately, and Hermione was stunned for a while before she showed a look of realization.

They finally understood why Aaron didn't want to enter the trap door, and why he was so confident that he could stop the mysterious man.

The dean of the college can be said to be the strongest combat force in Hogwarts besides the principal. He can mobilize two deans at once, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

The only problem is to determine the time when the mysterious man takes action. Only by seizing this opportunity can we achieve it once and for all. No wonder he is waiting at the door of the corridor tonight.

"So that's it!" Hermione smiled coquettishly, feeling particularly complicated.

Ron also responded, "But why didn't Aaron tell us earlier?

In this case, we don't have to enter the trap door, and we don't have to go through so many complicated levels. "

"Is it useful?" Hermione rolled her eyes, "He said that he was sure to prevent the mysterious person from getting the Sorcerer's Stone. We came here ourselves.

He also urged us to go back more than once, but we ourselves were unwilling to leave.

After breaking through the Devil's Net, he suggested that we wait where we were. We were worried that the mysterious person would take advantage of this time to get the magic stone and have to go to the next level. "

Ron's mouth twitched, as if that was indeed the case.

They insisted on entering the trap, and Aaron stopped him, but instead of stopping him, he was dragged in by them instead.

"Does that mean we came here in vain?"

"It's not in vain, you will let Gryffindor's few points drop another level." Professor Snape said coldly.


Hermione and Ron's hearts suddenly became cold, and they couldn't accept it.

They had already deducted 150 points from Gryffindor, which was already a historical record. If they had another round, they would really be embarrassed.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. At least your intentions are good." Professor McGonagall comforted him. "If someone really wants to steal the Sorcerer's Stone, then your behavior tonight is not only not a fault, but also a merit."

"That's okay." Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

"But why Professor Quirrell?" Hermione asked, "He doesn't look like a brave person!"

"We don't know if it's true or not, but it's always good to come and take a look." Professor McGonagall said.

"Don't talk about it yet." Professor Snape looked at the two of them with a stern face, "Where are my students?

Where is he with Harry Potter? "

"If nothing else, it should be the last level." Hermione said awkwardly, "The next level is the troll, but it seems to have been subdued in advance.

As for the penultimate level designed by Professor Snape, Aaron passed it in twenty seconds. "

"Twenty seconds? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm really not kidding."

Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall were both stunned for a moment. They both thought that this level could slow down the two students, but now it seems that the plan still cannot keep up with the changes.

It is a good thing to have an excellent student, but this student is so outstanding that it is embarrassing beyond the teacher's expectation.

Snape took a deep breath, quickened his pace and ran towards the next door.

Professor McGonagall was also worried, "Granger, take Ron and get out of here quickly.

If this is true, it could be dangerous here.

There was a magic broom in the previous level that allowed you to fly out of the trap door. As for the three-headed dog, it's asleep now, so don't worry. "


"No buts. You guys staying here are just a burden. We won't be allowed to be distracted next time."

Hermione nodded and was about to help Ron leave.

At this moment, Harry screamed and rushed out of the troll's room, almost bumping into Snape who had just walked to the door.

"You can't run away, Harry Potter." Professor Quirrell sneered, "Hand over the Philosopher's Stone."

But when he rushed out of the room, his whole body felt bad, and a few black lines suddenly appeared on his pale face.

Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall were both here, and he was seriously on the receiving end of a gun.

"Professor, help me." Harry was overjoyed, as if he had caught a ray of light in the darkness, and ran quickly behind Professor McGonagall.

"Are you okay, Mr. Potter?"

"It's okay for now. Fortunately, you guys came in time."

"Where's Aaron?" Snape asked.

"He..." Harry hesitated, looking at Hermione and others who focused their attention on him, and lowered his head in shame, "I, I don't know."

"How could you not know?" Hermione couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you going to the next level together?"

"Yes, we got the Philosopher's Stone in the Mirror of Erised.

Dumbledore put the Philosopher's Stone in Aaron's pocket, and he handed it to me. Then in order to buy me time to escape, he chose to face Professor Quirrell alone.

By the way, Professor Quirrell is now possessed by Voldemort, which is particularly scary. "

Hearing this, everyone's hearts sank to the bottom.

Quirrell is here, which means that Aaron is in trouble.

"This is not true." Hermione staggered back a few steps, her eyes darkened, unable to accept this cruel fact.

"Hermione." Ron pursed his lips, "Cheer up."

"How do I cheer up?

If something happens to him, we must be at least half of the reason. "

Snape wasn't in a good mood either, but compared to these little wizards, he was used to big storms and calmed down quickly, "What did you do to my student?"

"You shouldn't ask me this question, Snape." Professor Quirrell said calmly, "Voldemort did it himself."

"I didn't kill him."

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a ferocious face changed from the back of Quirrell's head to the front, "That little guy exceeded my expectations in both talent and character.

I can't bear to part with such a good seedling.

Moreover, I am very familiar with Dumbledore. I know his thoughts clearly and will not be fooled.

I just didn't expect that he would be tricked by a young wizard. Gaius said he had informed Hagrid before coming, but he didn't expect it to be the two of you.

But being able to deceive me with this little trick is also his ability. "

"What did you do to him?" Snape asked again.

"It's nothing, I just put a small spell on him to make him sleepless for a month." Voldemort sneered, "Severus, I'll give you a chance.

Abandon darkness and embrace light! Help me get the magic stone, I..."

"Professor Snape won't help you." Aaron suddenly walked out and said, "I thought you guys could fight? This is the result. I'm really a little disappointed!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"How come I'm okay?" Aaron spread his hands, "I made enough preparations before coming here, including a letter informing the two professors, a music box to make the three-headed dog sleep, a blessing elixir to improve luck, and a life-saving medicine. Magic props that can withstand the full blow of the Grand Mage, and so on.

As a result, most of them were used, and your magic spell had no effect on me at all.

The situation now is obvious, two against one, you are dead. "

"Really?" Voldemort sneered, and then gave Snape a meaningful look, "That's not necessarily the case."

"No, you are really dead." Aaron glanced at the silent Professor Snape, thoughtfully, "Even if you have any backup plans, they won't be useful.

Haven't you ever wondered why Hagrid isn't here? "

"That giant?" Voldemort was stunned for a moment, and an ominous premonition surged into his heart.

Others don't have to come, but with Hagrid's concern for these three Gryffindors, he should and must be here.

"Could it be that..."

"That's right.

After knowing that Dumbledore left the school, I guessed that you were going to take action.

Apart from being unable to keep secrets, Hagrid was pretty good in other aspects. I convinced him to help bring a message to Dumbledore.

With Dumbledore's strength, as long as he went faster, half a day would be enough for him to return to Hogwarts.

I think Voldemort in his current state should not be a match for the White Devil in his heyday! "

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