A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 90 The urge to grab someone’s head


The impact was unexpected. Voldemort had no idea that someone would attack from behind, and it was successful.

Not only did he fail to capture the Philosopher's Stone, but the continuous output of magic power was also interrupted. The two professors' spells instantly overpowered Voldemort's Death Curse and hit him.


Voldemort screamed, and the severe pain made his whole body tremble.

Also screaming with him was Quirrell's face, which had been moved to the back of his head, but it was much more miserable than Voldemort's. His face was hideous, and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

Voldemort just felt the pain for a moment, and then his condition dropped a few levels again, and he could abandon this body at any time.

But as the owner of the body, Professor Quirrell will suffer this irreversible damage until death.

"Master, I can't... hold on any longer." Professor Quirrell was incoherent and his words were intermittent, exactly the same as the persona he usually pretended to be.

But this time it's not pretending, it's real.

"Shut up, you loser.

Fortunately, you were still behind and didn't even notice the sneak attack. Voldemort cursed angrily, and then turned his attention to the figure that sneaked up on him.

Not just him, everyone looked at the white figure hovering in mid-air in astonishment.

"Is that...a dragon?" Hermione murmured.

"It should be!" Ron swallowed, "My brother sent some photos before, and it is very similar to some juvenile dragons, but... this is too cool!

I'm sure that even Charlie has never seen a dragon that is whiter and more sacred than a unicorn. "

"come over."

Aaron waved, and the young dragon flew down in mid-air.

As it fell, its body quickly shrunk and turned into the shape of Abe, with a bright red gem in its mouth.

"Be good, you did a good job.

I'll reward you with a turkey when you get back. "Aaron patted its dragon head, and then took off the magic stone.

"It's you." When Voldemort saw Abe, he remembered that he had been kicked violently by him in the Forbidden Forest. He was so angry that he wanted to kill him immediately.

But now he is injured more and more, and his condition can no longer be described as poor.

Quirrell's body has entered the countdown to decay. No matter how much he hates him, he can't take revenge. Moreover, after calming down, he is a little curious about this dragon.

In the wizarding world, dragons are the pinnacle of magical animals, powerful but rare.

This does not mean that there is no chance to see it, but it is the first time for him to see a dragon that has never appeared before and can freely control its size. It is definitely the only one.

"Isn't that it? Doesn't it look particularly familiar?" Aaron joked, "Originally, I thought there was no need for Abe to take action, but your strength forced me to do so.

Fortunately, I succeeded. "

"Hmph! This is not luck.

Your timing is very precise, using the magic stone as bait, I can't refuse. Voldemort looked at Abe, who was completely different from the majestic and domineering figure just now, "What kind of creature is that?"

You have been in school for more than half a year. If you were a dragon, you shouldn't have only grown to the size you were just now. "

"As expected of the Dark Lord, he can discover the key points at once."

Aaron also knew that with so many people here, Abe’s identity must not be hidden.

After thinking for a while, he pretended to explain: "It's normal that you don't know. It is one of the inheritances of our family, but it happened to be hatched in my generation.

It only recognizes the blood of my family, but it grows very slowly. "

"That's such an honor!" Voldemort said with a gloomy smile, "Being able to see such a creature before this body is destroyed, it is considered a worthwhile trip."

After the words fell, Quirrell, who was sitting on the back of his head, immediately panicked, "Master, you can't give up on me. I am your most loyal slave. I..."

"Shut up!

The Dark Lord would not abandon his loyal servant. Voldemort said coldly, "It's not that I have never failed, but I will never die. I may give you new life when I return." "

"Thank you, Master, thank you..."

Quirrell burst into tears of gratitude, but soon closed his eyes.

After he closed his eyes, the back of his head turned into black particles and dissipated into the air, leaving only the front half of his head controlled by Voldemort.

"Hiss! It's so miserable." Aaron took a breath, and Harry and the three of them opened their mouths in shock. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape were relatively calm. After all, age matters here, as does their mental quality. Leverage.

“Death was just a relief to him.

It was Quirinus Quirrell's honor to lay down his life for the great Dark Lord. Voldemort said calmly, "Maybe you will agree with this will when you surrender to me in the future." "

Aaron: ...


A generous gift crab! Even now, you still don’t let me go.

How could I be worthy enough to make the Dark Lord care about me so much?

"Um... Actually, Harry Potter is better than me, and I can't surrender to you.

So...you'd better focus on him! "

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched suddenly, and he looked at Aaron blankly, his eyes extremely resentful.

"You don't need to remind me, I never planned to let him go." Voldemort said angrily, "Believe me, time will prove everything.

In the future, you will find that becoming my heir is your best choice. "

Aaron pondered for a while, looked at the backs of the two professors, and said: "Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, I want to ask you a favor.

Let him breathe later and I will send him on his way myself. "

"This...isn't appropriate!" Professor McGonagall said speechlessly.

Although thanks to Aaron, Voldemort suffered a full blow from him and Snape, which made his body on the verge of collapse even worse, and a weight was added to the balance of victory.

But it is not allowed for a twelve-year-old student to kill someone, even if the person being killed is the evil Dark Lord.

Professor Snape chose silence and said nothing.

"Severus, let him do it." Voldemort laughed loudly, "The second generation Dark Lord came to power, and he is worthy of being my chosen successor."

"What the hell..." Aaron couldn't help but cursed.

He originally just wanted to follow the two professors and pick up heads at the last moment, but now he suddenly had the urge to grab heads.

I'm not going to inherit such a huge family fortune, so I have to follow you and stand on the opposite side of the magic world?

You can obviously win, but you have to take a narrow path and become a black terror in the magical world?

Unless he was out of his mind, no, unless he was out of his mind, he would not choose this path to kill Harry Potter.

"Are you sure?" Professor Snape frowned.

"It's not your turn to teach me how to do things, I know exactly what I'm talking about." Voldemort roared, "Harry Potter spent his parents' lives becoming a celebrity in the wizarding world.

But he gained my recognition based on his confidence, wisdom and courage. "


"Snape, you...

I don't agree with this, Aaron is just a twelve-year-old kid. "

"Professor McGonagall, his time is running out." Snape said calmly, "Voldemort is a tycoon in the wizarding world, and we should respect his wishes before his death.

And, this is what Aaron meant too. "

"No, he is also my student. He should not be exposed to these things at a young age."

"Don't forget his origins. It would be a good thing for him to be exposed to these things earlier."

Professor McGonagall immediately retorted speechlessly. Voldemort would come back sooner or later, and the entire magical world would be in turmoil. Those well-known wizarding families were the ones he wanted to conquer.

Aaron is the sole heir of the Gaius family and will face this sooner or later.

"Have you discussed it yet?" Voldemort asked impatiently, "Let's start after discussing it! I will use your embarrassed appearance to prove the power of black magic."

"Avada Kedavra!"

Green light flashed from Quirrell's wand, and Snape and Professor McGonagall immediately waved their wands to fight back.

The two white rays of light merged together, became thicker, and collided with the green death curse.


After a long time, the magic spread out from the midpoint of the collision of the magic spell. The shock wave splashed fragments on the ground, and flying dust filled the entire room.

Aaron and others who were watching the battle only vaguely heard the sound of a few heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Professor, are you okay?" Harry asked anxiously.

However, a shaky figure came out of the dust. The weak Voldemort gave several people a terrifying smile, and then turned his attention to Aaron.

"Hey hey hey! Don't look at me like that, I'm scared."

"I can't see how you look scared." Voldemort said hoarsely, "Look at them all trembling, they don't even have the courage to look at me.

But you are different. You have two wands in your sleeves ready to go, which is nice.

You want to kill me, it's easy, you can do it easily. "

"Madman." Aaron stopped pretending and took out two wands. "You only have the strength to wait for death, otherwise I will run faster than anyone else."

"Sure enough, you are just like me when I was young."

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not the same as you." Aaron retorted, "It's your biggest mistake to think of me as an idiot like you.

Any last words? "

"Dumbledore can't give you what you want. I'm waiting for you to come to me."

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