A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 92 You have to prepare for a rainy day when raising a dragon

In the afternoon, Aaron walked out of the infirmary with two college professors.

It's just that Madam Pomfrey's face was not very good when she left. From her professional point of view as a doctor, although these three patients seemed to have fully recovered, their mental state was obviously not very good, and they needed to be nursed back to health for a day or two. .

The destination of the three of them was clear, Dumbledore's principal's office.

Aaron walked between the two professors, holding a cute white pet in his arms. He looked like a rich young man.

Although he was, Aaron only felt particularly embarrassed at this moment.

Because neither professor's eyes left Abe in his arms, in comparison, the status of the pet was even higher than that of his owner.

"Two professors, really not.

Although Abe is a magical animal, it’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Aaron said with some embarrassment, "You don't need to follow me. It's not like I haven't been to the principal's office before." "

"I used to only think of Abe as a naughty and cute cat." Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "I even fed it snacks. Can you imagine how excited I was after learning that it was a magical animal?

Not everyone can be friends with magical animals like Hagrid, because he is very patient with magical animals, and the feelings he cultivated since childhood allowed him to gain incredible friendships.

But even Hagrid has never truly tamed a dragon, but you actually raised a dragon majestically by your side and made it docile. "

"Professor McGonagall, it's too early for you to define it as a dragon in such a hurry.

Dragons don't know how to control their size, and dragons aren't so obedient. "Professor Snape said meaningfully, "You'd better make sure it's not harmful and won't suddenly explode and hurt anyone, otherwise it won't be as simple as sending it home.

Hagrid was expelled from school for raising a terrifying magical animal during his school days, which still lives in the Forbidden Forest.

You also know that the dragon that had just hatched was sent to Romania, so... think about how to explain it for a while, otherwise the consequences will be difficult to predict. "

Aaron paused slightly, and then sighed, "Thank you for your concern, Professor.

But I guess I probably don't need any explanation. "

"No, you must not think that." The smile on Professor McGonagall's face instantly faded, "Dumbledore is a kind and kind principal, but because of this you have to explain it clearly to him so that he can understand.

But you don’t have to worry too much. Abel is the hero after all. Professor Snape and I will speak for you.

The worst result is that you can't keep it in school, and you won't be severely punished. "

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched. Isn't it punishment if he can't raise it?

But thinking about the guarantee letter he had prepared, Aaron put his heart in his stomach again.

To be honest, he didn't want to be exposed so early.

Keeping a low profile as much as possible and developing steadily is the right path for him now.

But if Dumbledore really grasps Abe's identity as a magical animal, then he will have no choice but to take out his 'dragon breeding license'.

There was nothing he could do about it. After all, he was raising a holy dragon that had never been seen before and could even cause shock in the magic world. It was necessary to prepare for a rainy day.

When they arrived on the fifth floor, the three met Harry Potter.

"Aaron, there are two professors." Harry expressed surprise, "You have recovered."

"There was nothing serious about us in the first place. It was Madam Pomfrey who made a fuss out of a molehill." Aaron said very speechlessly.

He doesn't like to deal with doctors, because patients have to listen to doctors regardless of their identity, status, willingness or not...

"You all lost consciousness at the time, which made us all anxious.

Fortunately, Dumbledore came back in time, otherwise we really don't know what to do. "

Aaron opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

He has worked so hard to plan and prepare so much.

Both professors were almost defeated, and he himself was severely punished by the Dark Lord.

In the end, everything ended and Dumbledore came back. How could this be called timely?

Generally speaking, those who showed up when the dust settled were either there to pick peaches or to wash the floor, and Dumbledore was obviously the latter.

"Where are you going?"

"The principal's office, Dumbledore wants to talk to me about something."

Harry nodded thoughtfully, not thinking of Abe's problem.

In his opinion, Dumbledore probably just wanted to find out what happened last night. After all, the matter was relatively big and it was the principal's responsibility to find out.

"Professor Snape." Harry turned his attention to Snape, who had a calm face, and bowed sincerely, "I'm sorry, I should apologize to you.

I may have some bad suspicions about you because of some personal subjective wishes. "

Snape stared at Harry's pupils, was silent for a while, then turned his face away, and walked past him on his own.

"Don't worry, Harry." Professor McGonagall explained, "Professor Snape is like this, he is not good at expressing his feelings in words.

But I can see that he has forgiven you, or that he has never blamed you. "

Harry was a little suspicious, after all, he didn't see it at all.

And he instinctively felt that Snape's attitude towards him would not change even a little bit because of this apology, and he would continue to target him in different ways as before.

"By the way, Professor McGonagall, do you know the relationship between Professor Snape and my parents?" Harry asked curiously.

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment and shook her head slightly, "I don't know."

"Okay!" Harry looked at Aaron again, "There's something you need to know. All the teachers and students in the school seem to know that we broke into the trap door last night.

We certainly didn't tell anyone, but the secret spread like wildfire. "

"What?" Aaron frowned, looking confused.

Several suspects quickly flashed through his mind, and he finally settled on the smiling Dumbledore.

They were the only ones who knew about this matter. Although Hagrid couldn't keep it a secret, it was impossible for it to be leaked so quickly, and it was impossible for everyone to know it in one day. There was only the principal in the entire Hogwarts. Have this ability.

Aaron's face didn't look very good. He didn't know what benefit Dumbledore would do to him, but he was sure it would not do him any good.

Originally, he was just an excellent Slytherin with a certain reputation, but it still fit his personality.

But now he has become famous, which will bring him into the eyes of many people early.

"Let's go, Aaron." Professor McGonagall reminded.

"Good professor."

A few minutes later, the three of them arrived at the door of the principal's office.

Snape knocked on the door, and the voice of "Please come in" came from the office.

When he opened the door, Aaron couldn't help but pat his forehead, because next to Dumbledore stood a giant who couldn't stop smiling, Rubeus Hagrid.

He was smiling as happily as a child weighing several hundred pounds.

Hagrid has always wanted to know what kind of magical animal Abe is, but because he has offended Aaron several times before, he has been embarrassed to ask. Today, he finally got his wish.

"Good afternoon, Aaron," said Dumbledore.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore." Aaron sat on a chair very familiarly. "Professor, did you call me here to return my potion to me?"

Dumbledore smiled awkwardly and took out a bottle of potion from the drawer, "Take it! It's safe now.

But I still want to remind you, don't let others know that you have such a bottle of potion, otherwise your situation will be very dangerous. "

Aaron couldn't wait to put away the bottle of resurrection potion. His personal panel had proven that it was genuine, so he was not worried at all about what Dumbledore would do.

Feeling that his second life was back, Aaron instantly felt extremely safe.

"Then let's talk about other things." Dumbledore cut to the chase, "I briefly learned about your plan and everything that happened under the trap door from Harry and the others.

He is shrewd, assesses the situation, protects himself wisely, and wins first, but at the same time he also shows sufficient responsibility and responsibility.

You are a perfect Slytherin, no wonder Voldemort likes you so much. "

"Actually...it's not that exaggerated."

"It's true, Aaron.

Even I have to admit that I was far less good than you when I was your age. "Dumbledore praised, then turned his attention to Abe, and was stunned for a moment in surprise.

I saw Abe staring at Fox perched on the golden branch with bright eyes, saliva slipping from the corner of his mouth.

This time he was sure that Abe was indeed quite interested in Phoenix.

But is this too exaggerated? I actually want to eat a phoenix. How much have I drunk?

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