A Magical Journey Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 94 The influence behind the guarantee

Dumbledore's expression was slightly tense. He knew Snape and knew that he would never exaggerate, which meant that the information on the yellow paper was indeed not simple.

"Can I take a look?" Professor McGonagall came over and asked, "I'm curious about what's written on it?"

Professor Snape glanced at Aaron and saw that he had no objection, so he handed the yellow paper over.

Professor McGonagall took a closer look after receiving it, and her expression changed from relaxed to serious. But then she was puzzled. "Why didn't you take it out earlier?" Aaron spread his hands and stroked the young dragon in his arms helplessly. "Professor Snape once told me that the resources of the family and the individual should be separated. Although this principle does not apply to me, I don't want to rely too much on the family in the process of growing up. The reason is simple. It's too smooth. There is no challenge in doing anything. That's why I came to Hogwarts instead of other magic schools." "Since your family has prepared this guarantee letter, then..." "Professor, it is not necessary to use it. You should know this. Abe is a unique creature in the magic world. It is conceivable how much sensation it will cause if its identity is exposed. The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will come to talk to me. Countless people obsessed with magical creatures, such as Rubeus Hagrid, the forest keeper, they will flock to him.

In addition, a large number of reporters will come to the door like sharks smelling blood. An unknown magical animal, with a beautiful appearance and extraordinary durability, will greatly increase the sales of newspapers.

Of course, these are troublesome, but they are not a problem.

But who can guarantee that there will be no greedy people who want to make money from it?

So I want to keep it secret as much as possible, also to ensure safety. "

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips, silently weighed Abe's value in her heart, and said with a sigh: "You are right."

"Thank you for your understanding, professor."

Professor McGonagall put the yellow paper on Dumbledore's desk, "Principal, you'd better take a closer look.

Although it is unbelievable, I think the effectiveness of this guarantee can be said to be quite large. "

Dumbledore nodded, put on the glasses on the table, and read it carefully.

One page of paper, dozens of names.

But Dumbledore read it for a full five minutes, but his heart was completely opposite to the surface, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He is very old and knows more than McGonagall and Snape. He knows almost all the names on it.

The former ministers of the Ministry of Magic, who are still popular, signed on it, the head of the Merlin Knights signed on it, and several elders of the Magic Council also signed on it.

These people are very famous, and Dumbledore can treat any of them with courtesy. Together, they are enough to make a revolution in the magic world.

Not only that, there are also the names of his old friends Nicolas Flamel and his wife, and the signatures of several well-known wizards who are over 100 years old and have made achievements in various industries.

In other words, his strength can be shown, otherwise Dumbledore would not even be qualified to judge by seniority in front of these people.

More importantly, there is also the mark of a vampire royal family and the symbol of the leader of a werewolf tribe.

Is this still a guarantee? Maybe.

But in Dumbledore's view, it is more like the influence of a hidden family, and the bigwigs of both the black and white worlds have gathered together!

In the past, he thought that these families were at most a little stronger than the pure-blood families, and they were worth paying attention to, but not too much attention.

After all, they were all families with a long history, and no matter how big the gap was, it was still the same.

Of course, Malfoy and Weasley were the exceptions. These were two extremes, one was rich and the other was poor and could only solve the problem of food and clothing.

But now he found that he was wrong, and he was wrong in a very outrageous way.

The influence of the hidden family exceeded his imagination. Aaron was not the head of the family yet, but he could come up with such a list.

It is conceivable that their network of contacts is much larger than the one on the list, and this is just Gaius's family.

If the other three families are the same, then it is no exaggeration to say that these four families can change the whole magic world at any time as long as they unite.

Voldemort needs to struggle, manpower, resources, and strategies to rule the magic world.

But it seems to be very simple for them to do it. Just raise their arms and call.

Dumbledore had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't remember the last time he was nervous, but he was sure that he was not so nervous last time.

Before, he thought Aaron was a Slytherin worth paying attention to, similar to Voldemort in the past, but now he has to re-evaluate Aaron's value and influence.

If this child is not guided well, if he brings his hidden family back to the mountains in the future, the magic world will probably usher in a major reshuffle.

"Professor, have you finished reading it?"

Aaron suddenly said, pulling Dumbledore's thoughts back to reality.

"I have finished reading it." Dumbledore smiled and handed the yellow paper back, "No problem, no problem at all.

You can continue to support Abe, but try to keep a low profile!

But I really didn't expect that your family actually knows so many people, almost scared me, an old man."

"This is all about human relations." Aaron sighed, "These are all friends of my family's elders, and they have nothing to do with me."

"Professor, with this letter of guarantee, my fault should be gone!"

"Of course." Dumbledore nodded, "I may want to congratulate you in advance, and also congratulate Slytherin for winning this Academy Cup."

"Thank you. If it's okay, I'll leave first."

Aaron didn't pay attention to Dumbledore and walked toward the door.

Snape glanced at Dumbledore with a complicated expression, hesitated for a moment, and followed Aaron out.

A few minutes later, Aaron looked at Snape speechlessly, "Professor, you don't need to send me off.

It took so long, it was almost reaching the common room. "

"As the dean, I think it's okay to talk to my students!" Snape said calmly, "Although this is not my obligation, and it has nothing to do with me.

But I still think it is necessary to remind you that no matter when and where, it is always good to keep a hand for yourself. "

Aaron stopped and said playfully, "You mean I shouldn't take out my guarantee letter?"

Snape did not refute, but nodded seriously.

"You are a smart man and should know what that guarantee means.

You can wait until next semester to prepare yourself a formal dragon-keeping license, the kind approved by the Ministry of Magic and the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. This should not be difficult for you.

Now that there are only a few days left before the holiday, there is no need for you to take it out, just for the Academy Cup it seems a little not worth it. "

"Of course the Academy Cup is not worth it, but the mission rewards are worth it. That will save him two months of hard work." Aaron thought to himself, but his face remained calm.

"Professor, I admit that what you said makes sense.

But that guarantee was meant to be used at this time, and it would keep some people secret.

Besides, I don't want to go to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to report to Abe.

That would put it in the Ministry's sights, and those politicians could do anything.

In order to enhance their reputation, they would not mind publicizing the emergence of a new species, and the noise caused by the Ministry of Magic would definitely not be small. "


“Besides, the Academy Cup must not be given up.

That was Slytherin's year's work. "Aaron said righteously, "If you usually slack off and lose, you will lose. We have nothing to say.

But if for some reason the score is adjusted significantly and Slytherin loses the honor they deserve, I believe many people will not be convinced.

Moreover, just a few days before the holiday, Gryffindor's score suddenly shot to the top of the list. This is simply a Slytherin mentality, which will make the two houses that are already contradictory even more contradictory.

Protecting the deserved Academy Cup is also for the sake of the stability of Hogwarts. "

When Snape heard this, he froze on the spot.

What Aaron said makes sense. This twelve-year-old student's mind is not generally mature and he considers issues very comprehensively, but he always feels that something is wrong.

It's as if everything has been calculated by Aaron, and everyone else is executing his plan unknowingly. This feeling of being led by the nose is really bad.

"Maybe you think a little more than me, the dean, but I still stick to my point of view."

"Of course I understand this." Aaron smiled, "I must have trump cards, such as the resurrection potion in my hand.

That guarantee letter may be very influential in your opinion. You may think that it is the personal connections of the Gaius family, and you may think of it as a lot of things you want to think about. This is somewhat exaggerated. "

"What do you mean?" Snape asked somewhat puzzled.

"Because in my opinion, it is just a piece of paper, the kind that can be bought for a stack with one Nat," Aaron said nonchalantly. "It cannot be eaten, cannot be drunk, cannot improve strength, cannot be exchanged for any money, and has no value. That’s what you can do to bluff people.”

"Ha!" Snape laughed self-deprecatingly, feeling a lot more relaxed. "I thought too much. You will be the pride of Slytherin in the future."

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