"Sir, is this the letter?" Roger carefully took out the letter from the drawer.

After traveling all the way, the notice has become wrinkled. The edges of the envelope were somewhat torn, the letter was covered in black handprints, and the corners of the pages were rolled up.

"Yes, this is the admission letter to Hogwarts." Dumbledore nodded, "Have you kept this letter?"

"Yes, sir."

Rogge showed some embarrassment, "If it weren't for it, my mother and I would still be fighting the Dementors in Azkaban."

Roger and Jessica looked at each other and chose Hogwarts without hesitation. As for the invitation letters from the other two schools, Rogge did not read them.

Dumbledore's eyes shone with joy, Rogge's choice would bring a happy ending to this incident.

"Restored as new." He waved his magic wand, and the crumpled admission notice became as new as new.

Dumbledore smiled gently and said, "Don't worry, kid. The Ministry of Magic has made a decision. More Aurors will be stationed in Azkaban to manage it in the future. Wizards who were wrongly captured and tried will also be acquitted." "

"They will learn from this incident, and the laws and systems will be improved to ensure judicial justice and avoid similar tragedies from happening again." Dumbledore continued, "You and your mother have experienced unfair treatment, and I feel that It’s a shame. But I believe the future is bright.”

"Thank you, Principal. Mom, do you want to hear it again?"

"Of course!" Jessica hugged her son happily. She was so happy that she kissed her son hard on the cheek.

Rogge opened the envelope and read it word for word, even the appendix.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Dear Mr. Travis...Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad.

Parents are particularly reminded that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks.

"Congratulations, my child." Dumbledore congratulated warmly, "Hogwarts is looking forward to your arrival. There, you will meet like-minded friends and learn the most beautiful magic in life - friendship and love. magic."

"Great! Mom, I can let you have a good rest after I learn magic." Rogge made full use of his advantage as a child and inadvertently revealed the Dark Mark on Jessica's arm.

"Jessica, is it because of it?" Dumbledore frowned as he looked at the Dark Mark.

"It's my fault. The existence of this mark proves the serious mistakes I made in the past." Jessica lowered her head and quickly pulled up her sleeves to cover it up, with a guilty look on her face.

Dumbledore stepped forward and said warmly: "Mistakes do exist, but more importantly than that, you chose to look back. This shows the kindness and courage in your heart, and that is the most important thing."

"Mom can't sleep well because of it, please help mom!" Rogge tugged on Dumbledore's wide sleeves and flashed his big, ineffective eyes.

"What a kind boy." Dumbledore praised.

"Jessica, I will try my best to help you get rid of this painful mark."

He pulled out his wand and slowly approached Jessica: "This may be a little uncomfortable, please bear with it."

Jessica nodded and rolled up her sleeves to reveal the complete Dark Mark. It was a mark of a skull and a snake. It lingered quietly on Jessica's fair skin, like a terrible nightmare.

Dumbledore closed his eyes and whispered a complex spell. The marks on the skin began to twist and fade, and Jessica bit her lips, her face covered with sweat. After a few minutes, the Dark Mark turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared completely. Jessica was relieved, and there was a relaxed look on her face that she hadn't seen in many years.

"Well, it won't bother you anymore," Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Thank you, Headmaster. I'm really grateful." Jessica thanked Dumbledore excitedly. Although this could not eliminate the fact that she had been a Death Eater, it could at least give her the courage to face the future.

"I believe you will start over and become a good mother and a good witch."

"If you don't mind, you can ask Professor McGonagall to accompany little Rogue to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies." Dumbledore looked at Jessica, "Many wizards outside are inquiring and want to know about our cute little star. who is it."

"That would be great, thank you and Professor McGonagall." Jessica agreed with Dumbledore's suggestion. Azkaban had caused great damage to her, and her body had not fully recovered.

Although Rita's report did not include her son's photo or name, it was published in the newspaper herself, and many wizards in the magical world could recognize her. When she and her son appeared in Diagon Alley, everyone immediately knew that Roger was the reported child.

Jessica didn't want Rogue to be saddled with the experience of Azkaban, even though everyone knew he was innocent. She also didn't want Rogge to be noticed by the entire magical world. She just wanted her child to grow up healthy and happy.

"Little Roger, are you ready to go to Diagon Alley?" Professor McGonagall looked at Roger, he was such a thin child.

Trapped in Azkaban for many years, Rogge's figure was obviously smaller and thinner than his peers. His silvery moonlight skin showed that he had been deprived of sunlight for a long time.

However, this could not conceal the handsome features on Rogge's face. Under the high bridge of his nose are sunken cheeks, and his slightly protruding cheekbones add to the three-dimensionality of his face. The black hair lies softly on the forehead, forming a strong contrast with the fair skin.

Rogge wore a slightly oversized black robe, and the cuffs and hem needed to be fixed with pins to prevent them from bagging. The clear black and white eyes reveal intelligence and tenacity, indicating that the young man in front of him will become a pillar of the future magical world.

Dumbledore watched McGonagall and Rogge leave, his face slowly becoming serious. From the Dark Mark on Jessica's arm just now, he once again felt the power of Voldemort.

Dumbledore pondered, feeling faintly uneasy about the future: "The Dark Mark still hides his power, which means that Voldemort has not completely disappeared as everyone thought. He is still regaining his strength somewhere. , waiting for the opportunity to return to the world."

"We must be vigilant, stabilize people's hearts, and make all preparations secretly." Dumbledore frowned, "The forces of darkness are gathering and will appear in front of people soon. That prophecy..."

"Mrs. Jessica, you need to attend tomorrow's meeting." Dumbledore comforted, "I will do my best to give you and Rogge the fair treatment they deserve in the Wizengamot. You have experienced so much misfortune and you deserve to be compensated. and justice.”

"Thank you, I'm forever grateful," Jessica said sincerely.

"Then, I'm leaving for the Ministry of Magic. You have a good rest and relax." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Don't worry, principal, I will take care of myself." Jessica watched Dumbledore step into the fireplace, green flames surrounded him, and he disappeared in the flames.

Outside London's Qingdao Department Store, Professor McGonagall took Roger onto an ancient carriage. Their destination was the Leaky Cauldron. The pub is located on Charing Road, between a bookstore and a record shop, and has been cast under a Muggle Exorcism Charm to ensure that no Muggles enter by mistake.

Professor McGonagall held Rogge's hand and pushed open the dilapidated old wooden door: "This is the Leaky Cauldron, a secret entrance connecting London and the wizarding world."

"Oh, welcome, Professor McGonagall." An old man with gray-blue eyes poked his head out from the bar. Like most British wizards, Old Tom had a Mediterranean head. His bare forehead and top of his head were shining brightly in the dim bar.

"Is this this year's new student?" Old Tom greeted warmly, walked over with a smile and said, "Hagrid also took the new students to Diagon Alley, maybe you can meet him."

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