A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 105 Let Fletch run for a while

"Of course, I am Fletcher. There is no other supplier of rare treasures like me in the magic world." Fletcher proudly claimed.

"Really? I heard from Borgin that you have some Muggle books here. I heard they are very old?"

Fletcher raised his head and glanced at Borgin. He was indeed his old friend, able to package Muggle books into ancient books.

"Yes, yes, look at these books. The titles are all gold-plated and the decorations are gorgeous." Fletcher quickly put the books on the counter and introduced them to Roger.

"Although they are all Muggle books, they are very old, and the knowledge and cultural value inside are unparalleled. It is perfect to keep as a collection at home!" Fletcher smiled, showing his uneven yellow teeth.

In fact, he asked again, these Muggle books were just more ornately decorated. If Bo Jin hadn't said that a book collector was interested, he would have thrown it away.

Rogge nodded: "Can I take a look first?"

"Of course, it's all here...actually, it's a small part. If you still want it, I still have it there." Fletcher looked at Rogge wretchedly, thinking that purebloods really have a lot of good stuff.

"No problem, Mr. Fletcher. How much do you think these books are worth?" Roger pretended to look through the books, all of which he brought back from the cold wind and flames of Siberia.

"How about 1 xico per copy? The price is definitely not high. Look at these words, they are all gold-plated and the binding is very elegant. And these..." Fletcher quickly promoted the sales, and the business without capital became prosperous. .

"Oh? I have no objection to the price, but where did these books come from? Mr. Fletcher, are these Muggle books stolen?" Roger closed the book heavily and stared at him closely. It seems like asking a question, but also like interrogating.

"Muggles? What do they have that I can steal! I am a serious wizard and a supplier of rare treasures, so I would not do such a thing..." Fletcher spoke with certainty, shouting as if he had suffered an unknown injustice.

"I have worked hard to collect these from all over the magical world. Borgin... Borgin can prove it to me."

"Really?" Rogge looked at the ridiculous Fletcher and told the facts coldly: "But my elders said that you came to my manor many times to plunder and didn't even let go of the tableware."

"Mr. Fletch, is the Irish wind mixed with the salty smell of the waves?"

"You, you are...Travis!" Fletcher looked at Rogge in shock and finally recognized his identity.

The dilapidated manor he had visited many times was their home, and these Muggle books he had stolen a while ago.

"Damn Borgin, you lied to me! You set a trap for me!" Fletcher's eyes burst out with rage, wishing to cast a Cruciatus Curse on Borgin.

"Do dark wizards have to talk about credibility? Mr. Fletcher, come with me to the Ministry of Magic!" Roger took out his wand and deliberately slowed down his spell-casting movements.

"Apparition!" Fletcher quickly waved his wand and disappeared into the store.

"Young Master Travis, you obviously have a chance to catch him." Bojin looked at Rogge in confusion and took 5 Galleons from his hand.

"Don't be anxious, let him run for a while." Rogge smiled and asked a question: "Bo Jin, if I put a reward of 10,000 Galleons, how many days can he escape?"

"10,000!" Bo Jin's eyes lit up, he licked his lips, and his body stooped even lower: "As long as you tell me, I can catch him tonight!"

"Oh, I didn't expect that our Mr. Borgin was so powerful that he could find his whereabouts?"

"Hahaha, that's my dear supplier of rare treasures. I know him very well. Do you think?" Bo Jin looked at Rogge eagerly, eager for the reward of 10,000 Galleons.

"Don't worry, my reward will definitely be paid. Mr. Bojin, I hope our future cooperation will be as pleasant as this." Rogge walked around the store and found some good products.

"I will definitely! Master Travis, I will be your best partner." Bo Jin complimented Rogge and accompanied him to look at the magic items in the store.

"I firmly believe this, at least when there are gold galleons." Rogge stopped in front of a string of opal necklaces.

The name of opal is too tacky, and calling it Opal seems more high-end and elegant.

"Master Travis, this is a rare product." Bojin saw that Rogge was interested in it and quickly promoted it.

"The entire necklace is made of fine opals, pure and elegant, and has a mysterious curse." Borgin pointed to the words on the label, which had taken the lives of 19 Muggles.

"Curse? If you write it like this, aren't you afraid that no one will buy it?"

"Look what you said, it is worth buying it because of the curse. After all, it can be given as a gift..." Bo Jin did not finish his sentence, but the meaning was self-evident.

"You need to bring it with you to take effect, right?"

"Yes, even for a short period of time, the wizard will be sent to St. Mungo's Hospital. If it is for a long time, the consequences are difficult to predict. If you want, I can make it cheaper."

Rogge shook his head and refused: "I just can't figure out why some people think that the old man would carry it with him all day long."

"Ah?" Bo Jin was confused. Could it be that Rogge was talking about the last victim?

"The power of curse? It's not a field I can touch now." Rogge walked to a black iron cabinet with a statue of the Virgin Mary on the door.

"This is a medieval iron maiden cabinet, specially used to carry out cruel punishments." Bo Jin quickly opened the cabinet door and introduced its usage.

"Think about it, if someone is locked inside. Not only will he have to face a dark and airtight environment, but the spikes on the cabinet door will also penetrate his body."

"Puff puff..." Bo Jin smiled strangely, describing the sound of the iron tip piercing the body.

"They will avoid vital points and let you study abroad slowly until you die. The process of slowly tasting death, tsk tsk tsk, is so wonderful." Bo Jin imagined that state, with a look of morbid enjoyment on his face.

"Really?" Rogge touched the cabinet door and questioned: "It has no spikes. If I don't remember, the iron maiden cabinet is only used to scare people. So far, there is no record of execution of punishment."

"Um, this?" Bo Jin was speechless for a moment, Rogge was so knowledgeable.

"I don't feel the magical atmosphere. Look at its craftsmanship..." Rogge shook his head, "To be precise, this is a medieval Muggle craft."

"Young Master Travis, you are absolutely right! However, this is also a cultural relic!" Bojin rolled his eyes and quickly added: "Medieval collections are most suitable for displaying family heritage at home. They can also reflect wizards An open attitude towards Muggles makes a lot of sense!”

"Since it's a cultural relic, can I buy it with pounds?"

"That...this..." Borgin was stunned and obviously unwilling. Muggle currency was somewhat useful last year, but now it is pure waste paper.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's make a price." Rogge closed the cabinet door with an indifferent expression, as if the inquiry was just a spur of the moment.

"10...5, no no no, 6...8! As long as 8 gold Galleons, Young Master Travis, it belongs to you." Bo Jin struggled for a long time, mumbling the final report. Offer a price that you think is reasonable.

"Take it." Rogge didn't counter-offer at all, as if he was afraid that Bo Jin would regret it, he just slapped Galleon in his hand.

Seeing that the other party was so happy, Bo Jin knew that he had lost money. This cabinet is definitely not simple, there must be secrets inside.

"Master Travis, can you tell me what it is used for?" Borgin asked tentatively.

"It's just a decoration. It looks dignified when placed at home." Rogge dismissed him with the same words. He would definitely not tell the other person that it was a disappearing cabinet.

Borgin had no idea that he could enter Hogwarts with the help of the Vanishing Cabinet, so he curled his lips and could only complete the transaction.

"Bubbles, take the cabinet back." As soon as Roger finished speaking, the house elf came out of invisibility.

It respectfully handed the camera to Roger, grabbed the cabinet and disappeared instantly.

"House elf? Has it always been here?" Borgin felt a little scared and stared at the camera in Rogge's hand, wondering what was captured in it.

Thinking back carefully, I didn't do anything extraordinary.

"A good helper, but he's the only one in the family, so he's a little busy." Rogge sighed. While Bubbles had to handle housework in London, he also had to go to Hogwarts to help from time to time.

"Are you too busy?" Bo Jin watched Rogge leave, rubbing the gold galon in his hand thoughtfully.

The business of the Flash Golem House at the entrance of the alley was booming. He once calculated that the daily sales were no less than 50 gold galleons. If you encounter a scammer who buys lenses, you can easily earn hundreds of dollars in sales. I heard that the UK is not the main market yet, Europe and the United States are the big ones.

Bo Jin thought that Rogge's clothes and generous spending were like a walking treasury, and some thoughts came to his mind. It's a pity that the little guy is not simple, and he is not at the level of a first grader.

The key is to act decisively and viciously. That old witch Sheila just wanted to make a sneak attack, but her hand was cut off. What Bo Jin didn't expect was that Rogge was so cautious that there was an elf following him.

"Alas..." He put the gold coins into the box and took out a ferocious mask.

"Old man, you are worth 10,000 gold galleons. How could I not love you? How could I let you run away?" He put on the mask and transformed into a skinny old wizard.

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