A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 128 Newt’s Magical Paradise

Dorset is located in southwest England, where Newt lives with his wife Tina after his retirement.

Professor McGonagall held a lantern and walked across a grassy field with Roger. From time to time, there were several strange screams coming from the lighted house in front of me.

A cat was lying on a rocking chair in the corridor to enjoy the cool air, and it screamed when it saw someone coming. It jumped to Professor McGonagall's feet, raised its lion-like tail, and rubbed its legs affectionately.

"Okay Hobby." Professor McGonagall picked it up and rubbed its big ears. It seems that Professor McGonagall is very familiar with this place.

"This is a neko, a magical creature. Newt and Tina should be taking care of the magical animals. Let's go in." Opening the door, there were two nekos with big foreheads in the room. They followed Professor McGonagall and seemed to like her so much.

The house is very cozy, and you can see the small garden at the back through the window. The table is a bit retro and wiped clean. On top was a woven basket containing some fruits. There were several sofas with fluffy cushions on them.

Against the wall is an old-fashioned bookshelf, filled with books with obvious signs of wear and tear. Suddenly, a roar came from under the bookshelf. Rogge looked curiously and saw that the cry came from the box below.

"Is this Newt's box of magical animals?"

"Who is it?" An old woman came out and waved quickly when she saw Mag.

"Minerva, you're here! Wait a moment, Newt and I are checking on the kelpie."

"You guys get busy first, Tina."

Tina nodded and got in again. From time to time, some animal roars came from inside.

"Come, come here?" Rogge had nothing to do, teasing the three cats.

They were a little excited when they saw the cat food in Rogge's hand, and their movements were slightly hesitant. These cute little guys are so smart that they can detect bad or suspicious people, and can even spot animagus.

After hesitating for a while, a cat finally walked over carefully, asked for a mouthful of cat food, and then ran away. The other two cats followed suit and soon divided up all the cat food in Roger's hand.

"At least you don't hate me." Rogge smiled bitterly, and the happy time of playing with the cat was gone.

Tina got out of the box and shouted: "Minerva, come down and help me."

"Let's go, Roger, let's go take a look together."

Mag nodded, and Roger followed her into the box.

Inside the box is a completely different world, with rainforests, grasslands, mountains...all kinds of environments organically mixed together. All kinds of magical creatures, both seen and unseen, live in their own areas.

A tree hole filled with treasures, Xiu Xiu kept stuffing shiny gold coins and necklaces into the crevices of his belly. There is a little bird snake in the nest, and the blue bird snake mother looks at the little wizard warily.

Passing through the woods in front of me, there is a piece of black water behind. A giant, half-ghostly kelpie thrashed inside.

There is an old man with gray beard on its back, who is Newt, the master of magical beasts whom he is visiting this time. His skills were still strong, he grabbed the water monster's neck and firmly held the reins.

The struggling water monster was quickly tamed and slowly calmed down under Newt's instructions.

"Tina, injection." Newt rode the water monster to the surface, saw Mag and the little wizard, and said hello.

"What happened to it?"

"If you eat something you shouldn't eat, you need to take it out and let the water vapor out of it." Newt patted the water monster, and Tina took the opportunity to inject the injection into the water monster.

The water monster screamed in pain, and Newt quickly patted it rhythmically. It quickly returned to silence under Newt's comfort: "Don't worry, it will be fine in a while."

Ten seconds later, the big guy in front of him passed out under the influence of the medicine. Tina quickly picked up the tool and opened the water monster's mouth.

"Minerva, can you turn into pliers?"

"No problem." Mag picked up a waterweed and cast a spell on it with the wand. A long-handled pliers would be enough.

Newt took the pliers and stuck his head into the water monster's mouth. His wand glowed brightly, apparently trying to find out what the water monster had mistakenly eaten.

Stones, dead wood, a large ball of waterweed... After a long time, Newt finally found the culprit's big turtle shell.

After checking, Newt found that the turtle was not injured, so he put it back into the water: "Little guy, don't get eaten next time."

He picked up the iron bucket next to him and poured the prepared potion into the water monster's mouth. The monster quickly recovered and sneezed in thanks.

"Meg, long time no see, who is he?"

"Mr. Newt, this is Roger. The professor and I are here hoping to get your help this time."

"What's wrong?"

"Rogg found a nest of Golden Snidget eggs in Quidditch Swamp, but they were snatched away by poachers from the United States."

"Golden Flying Knight Egg?"

"Yes, Mr. Newt. Bowman Wright used ancient magic to protect a nest of eggs, and I didn't discover it until yesterday."

"American poachers?" Tina brought some hot tea and asked curiously.

"They called themselves the Thunderbirds and wore black jackets..."

Hearing Rogge's description, Newt couldn't help but frown: "I know them. They are rampant in the United States. Why did they suddenly come to the UK?"

"If it's really the Golden Snidget, we really have to take action." Newt nodded, "Do you guys have any clues?"

"The one who escaped is called Ilya, a duelist from the Thunderbirds. Their mission this time is to capture the Silver-maned Pegasus..."

"I don't think he will go to the Thunderbirds and might sell the nest." After listening to Roger's story, Newt looked at his wife Tina.

"We need to go to the United States." Newt picked up the hat from the hanger and took the coat from Tina.

"Be careful, don't pick up the wrong box." Tina warned as she handed the suitcase to Newt.

"I know." Newt looked at the suitcase and couldn't help but think of his old friend Jacob who had passed away.

"Minerva, this operation cannot be carried out through the Floo Network."


"The current MACUSA is a sieve, and no information can be hidden. They call this the Freedom of Information Movement. The Thunderbirds are everywhere in the United States, and we need other means of transportation to enter the country secretly."

"I understand." Minerva nodded and looked at Rogge: "How about the broomstick?"

Minerva did not consider Apparition. It was a course that started in the sixth grade. It was too early for Rogge now. The key is that when the little wizard uses phantom, it can easily lead to a split problem where one part leaves and the other part remains in place.

"Across the Atlantic! How about taking a plane." He had been flying for two full days, which was longer than flying at school, and he really didn't want to continue flying.


"That big white machine flying in the sky?" Newt asked curiously.

"Yes. We can start from London and arrive in New York in the United States after sleeping."

The two had no objections and agreed to Rogge's proposal.

"But I need to change my clothes. This clothes looks too historical."

"Is that so?" Newt's wand lightly clicked on the clothes, turning into a gray suit.


Magic provided the three with small help, such as passports and visas in the blink of an eye. Newt and McGonagall followed Roger through the terminal and boarded the direct flight to New York.

It was their first time riding this kind of Muggle machine, touching here and looking there. They were discussing with each other, wondering how Muggles could make it fly.

"How can I help?" The first-class stewardess smiled sweetly.

"We're just taking a look." Newt and McGonagall smiled at the stewardess.

"I'm sorry, this is the first time for any of my family members to fly." Rogge explained quickly. Fortunately, Newt and McGonagall are not the kind of wizards who like to dismantle machines, otherwise they would have been invited to drink coffee. Roger asked for a pillow and fell asleep quickly.

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