Narlak loosened his shirt and coughed a few times. He looked at Rogge fiercely and agreed to help them find someone.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Ilya, the duelist of the Thunderbirds. He went to England with Executioner Carl and Ranger Rex to steal the Silver-maned Pegasus a while ago. He came back yesterday or today."

"Just him?"

"Of course, I've sent Carl and Rex to meet Death."

Narlak was a little surprised, damn, what kind of little wizard is this. Are all British wizards so scary now? It turned to look at Newt. It still liked Mr. Scamander more. Although it could be tricky, it was not life-threatening.

"Give me a day..."

"One day?" Rogge shook his head, "Mr. Narlak, it seems that your power is a bit weak."

"I need to know where Ilya is before 12 o'clock."

"Okay. But the price will be doubled!" Narlak looked at Rogge and estimated the price: "Three thousand Galleons."

"Hey." Rogge looked at Narlak who was serious and laughed, and he was actually in the mood to ask for money.

"Don't look at me like that, I also want to survive." Narlak took the cigar and held it in his mouth. "As long as you don't kill me, we can continue to do business, as long as the price is fair."

"Don't worry, the most important thing I need is Galleons." Rogge nodded and lit his cigar.

"However, you must do what you promised me. Otherwise, I will kill you." Rogge snapped the singer's wand on the bar.

"I see."

Newt and McGonagall were relieved to see that they had reached an agreement.

"Professor, Mr. Newt, Narlak has decided to help us. Don't worry, he wants Galleons this time."

The three of them sat in the bar, and Newt told the story of his first visit to the Blind Pig Bar. Speaking of Pickett and American Aurors, he thought of Jacob again.

At that time, I gave him a sterling silver bird and snake eggshell and asked him to open his own bakery: Kowalski. After this matter is settled, I should go to the Lower East Side to see if that store is still open.

Narlak lived up to his trust and came back two hours later with the information.

"Elijah didn't return to the Thunderbirds. He showed up on Broadway this morning. My people told me he was attending the auction in City Hall Park tonight."

"Where?" Newt exclaimed, a little unbelievable.

"Yes, it's City Hall Park across from the Woolworth Building."

"What's wrong?" Rogge was very puzzled. It's just a park. Is there anything strange about it?

"The Woolworth Building is the home of the Magical Congress of the United States of America."

"Hahaha, Scamander, this is normal. You wouldn't think that ordinary wizards can afford the things at the auction, right?"

"But Ilya is a poacher..."

"Poachers?" Narlak shook his head, "Good-hearted Master of Magical Beasts, you have to understand that without trade, they would not exist."

"The reason why the Thunderbirds are so active in the United States is because there is no dark wizard behind them. This is not the New York of decades ago. Times have changed, my Master of Magical Beasts." Narlak stopped abruptly and thought about it. What follows doesn’t sound very nice.

Newt was silent, the dark side of the wizarding world was everywhere. Have the wizards who once fought side by side fallen?

"I happened to get an auction list. The things Ilya stole must be on it." Narlock waved the booklet in his hand, and Rogge threw the money bag over.

"Let's go." The three of them left the bar. This was obviously not the place to discuss plans.

Narlak looked at Rogge's back viciously, and then sold their information to the Thunderbirds. Eat two things for one fish, that's how fairies do business.

"Oh, by the way, they seem to have come here secretly." Narlak laughed, and he was able to make more money.

"This is too much!" Newt sat indignantly. The Magical Congress had fallen to this point: secretly supporting black market transactions.

The auction features a variety of magical creatures, from Bowtruckles to unicorns, house elves to murlocs, and even a ptarmigan. Roger's bird's nest is also listed, but it is placed in miscellaneous items.

"They fought with us against Grindelwald, but we didn't expect it to be like this now!" Professor McGonagall sighed and looked at Newt: "We have to find a way to stop them and rescue these innocent little guys."

"I'm going to talk to their chairman, James." Newt nodded solemnly, wanting to stop the auction.

"Newt, I know you always advocate a gentle approach to solving problems." Professor McGonagall pulled him and reminded him: "No one knows how deeply Markuza has been penetrated."

"Alas!" Newt sat back on the sofa feebly. Makuza is the abbreviation of Magical Congress of the United States of America.

"Their auction is right across from the Ministry of Magic, and it is obviously supported by wizards within the Magical Congress. If we want to save magical creatures, we need decisive and covert action."

"You're right, Minerva." Newt rarely agreed to strong action. He was really annoyed by these wizards. "I can create some chaos and you can rescue them from it."

"Okay, I'll go find out the information right now." Minerva nodded, she could use Animagus to spy on the information.

"Wait a minute, Professor." Rogge quickly called her, "Even if we succeed this time, what about the future?"

He flipped through the book and read it several times. The list covered almost all magical creatures from everywhere. The organizers behind it are no kittens or puppies.

The auction is obviously the fruit of the intertwined growth of the major forces, and it cannot be shaken with a single passion. Dumbledore couldn't do it alone. Grindelwald or Voldemort would have changed the situation, because they really dared to carry out massacres.

"What will happen to New York if we release those magical creatures? There are tens of millions of Muggles living in this city now. Does it need a large-scale amnesia spell?"

"I have Crooked Winged Venom," Newt said, taking out a potion from his pocket.

"It's very powerful. It can bring a heavy rain like it did many years ago and achieve large-scale oblivion."

"Heavy rain?" Rogge shook his head, "This is a steel jungle now, and heavy rain cannot cover all Muggles."

"If you really want to do this, you must first cut off the Internet and power, send an electronic pulse to destroy gadgets such as video recorders, and then send a tsunami to clean away all traces."

"If New York is flooded, I can help. Are you sure you want to do this?" Rogge waved his magic wand, and with the blessing of the Heart of Elements, he was sure that the movie would come to New York the day after tomorrow.

"Roger, is there no other way?" Professor McGonagall sighed. She didn't expect that saving magical animals would be so troublesome.

"Of course." Rogge stood up. This was a perfect opportunity to show the huge power of the British Ministry of Magic.

"Since there is a problem within the Magical Congress of the United States of America, its old employer, the British Ministry of Magic, has the responsibility to help it correct its mistakes."

"You mean..." Professor McGonagall was very surprised to hear Rogge's suggestion, which may cause serious political conflicts and even trigger a war among wizards.

"Contact Fudge, the Minister of Magic, and Dumbledore, the President of the International Confederation of Wizards. Secretly mobilize Aurors from the British Isles, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Hong Kong and other places to help them in City Hall Park tonight Hold a unique auction.”

"I think with such a grand party, coupled with the evidence and witnesses, the Magic Congress will definitely hand in an at least passing answer. Whether the Thunderbirds are a poaching organization or a loyal dog raised by a wizard councilor, they will be destroyed. Sexual blow.”

"One action can completely defeat the arrogance of these scum. In the next ten years at least, magical creatures around the world will be protected from poaching. Otherwise, we can only sneak in and take away the nest of eggs."

"This..." Newt and McGonagall looked at each other. They had never thought that saving magical creatures would require such a powerful force. It was almost the same as the scene against Grindelwald.

"We don't have much time. The auction will start in 6 hours." Rogge shook his watch to remind them.

"I'll contact Albus." Magna wasn't sure what to pay attention to, and she didn't want to give up these magical creatures that were trafficked and hunted by wizards.

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