A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 141 Have we talked about anything?

After the dinner, everyone sent Ms. Celina off. Many people took photos and signed autographs with her, and Minister Fudge even invited her to his home.

"When did this fat man become so brave?"

"Perhaps the actions of the past few days gave him the courage." Malfoy sneered. The British Auror's secret operations caused a devastating blow to the global poaching organization.

I heard that Dumbledore is still walking around, and MACUSA has intensified its crackdown on underground gangs. Many dark wizards and smugglers fled to the French magic world, which allowed them to harvest a lot of good things out of thin air.

"School is about to start. Will Dumbledore come back?"

"I don't know. Why don't you ask Snape?"

The short-haired wizard turned his head and met Snape's terrifying eyes, and took a few steps back in fear. Snape looked at the wizards around him, then calmly walked into the fireplace and returned to Hogwarts.

After most of the wizards left, Rogge invited Lucius to chat in the balcony garden.

"Uncle Lucius, business has been good recently, right?"

"Where is it? Everyone is panicking after being done like this by the Ministry of Magic." Lucius picked up the cold water and didn't understand why Rogge would drink such tasteless water.

"The price of magic materials has skyrocketed so much. No matter how you look at it, you are making a profit."

"But it's not a long-term solution after all. What happened in New York? Why did the two magic ministries suddenly join forces? Where is Dumbledore? School is about to start?" He stared at Rogge, hoping to find something from his expression. to some answers.

"I don't know. I think the principal will show up at the sorting ceremony on time."

Rogge's answer was as expected, and Lucius laughed. This little wizard is now half-telling and half-hiding to himself.

"What about the new Muggle protection laws?" Rogge looked at Malfoy.

"It's being carried out. The Aurors are going to crack down on poaching wizards recently, so the search is temporarily suspended." Malfoy was a little worried. There were still some dark magic items in his manor that were difficult to deal with.

"Stop? I heard from the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic that they want to search the things left by Voldemort."

"V... Rogge, you shouldn't call his name." Lucius thought about Voldemort, still frightened. His reign of terror was beyond what Rogge could have imagined.

"Maybe, but I'm curious, hasn't the Ministry of Magic ever dealt with it?" Rogge stared at Lucius's arm, and he subconsciously retracted it.

"Are you worried about your cameras? Don't worry, they don't have time to attack those things." Lucius tried. He didn't know the purpose of Rogge inviting him to chat.

"But the law is already there, just like a knife that can kill you but temporarily cuts at others."

"It's already too late." Lucius couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart.

The Travis family's business is growing rapidly, making him quite unbalanced. Seeing others making money is more uncomfortable than losing money yourself.

Now that he is forced to deal with the things left by the mysterious man, the Travis family will face the same blow in the future.

"No, we still have a chance."

"You want to overturn the Muggle Protection Act?" Lucius shook his head. No one could overturn it as long as Dumbledore was around.

"Huh? Shouldn't we fully support it and let it be fully implemented?"

Seeing Lucius' confusion, Rogge laughed: "Since items that can cause misunderstanding among Muggles are within the scope of attack, then clothes, books, teapots... are all banned."

"Oh, the crucible must be kept, and the broomstick must be kept, after all, Muggles no longer use such antiques."

"This will cause turmoil in the entire magical world!" Malfoy looked at Rogge in surprise, not expecting the young wizard to be so cruel.

"But the new Muggle protection law has been passed. Is there anything wrong with enforcing it in accordance with the law?" Rogge's big eyes showed innocence, making Malfoy unable to refute.

"Since you want to pursue excitement, then implement it to the end. The law must be fully implemented to make sense. Isn't partial law enforcement bullying honest people?"

"You...you want to force the Ministry of Magic to withdraw the amendment?"

Rogge smiled, picked up the cup and took a sip: "I'm going to Hogwarts to go to school, how can I know about things outside."

Lucius held the cup tightly. Roger's method was indeed practical: "You can try it in Diagon Alley."

"Um, what? Did we talk about anything?"

"Roger, you must go to the Ministry of Magic after graduation. It would be unfair to go anywhere else." Lucius picked up the silver snake crutch and left Travis Manor.

Most of the guests have left, but Barbara's family will stay for two more days. Ever since, Rogge accompanied Sister Furong to visit the manor.

"Roger, Dumbledore, as the principal of Hogwarts, your magic is very strong, right?" Fleur stood in the private library, marveling at the beauty and magnificence here.

"Generally, people can't learn black magic."

"Ah? Why?" Fleur didn't understand. If a wizard doesn't learn black magic, doesn't he have no combat weapons?

"Although we at Beauxbatons do not teach the Unforgivable Curse, we do not prevent the research and study of black magic. Durmstrang in Northern Europe is proud to use black magic."

"Maybe the principal thinks that the Viking pirates are not very good at black magic, so he only offers a Defense Against Dark Arts course in the school."

Furong nodded. Those barbarians were indeed unpleasant, but the students were generally stronger than them.

"Hogwarts' magic education is indeed unique. But Roger, you can't learn dark magic. What should you do when you face dark wizards like Death Eaters?"

"Well, we will learn various defensive spells." Rogge explained, "For example, armor can form a protective barrier to block unfriendly spells. We will also learn dueling skills. Use Tongtong Petrification, Expelliarmus These spells subdue the enemy.”

"I understand, Hogwarts chooses a gentler defense method, while Beauxbatons and Durmstrang take the initiative to learn to prepare for attack." Fleur laughed, defense is not a good way.

Rogge saw that Fleur had some contempt for Hogwarts and asked, "How about we have a wizard duel?"

"Ah? You and me?" Fleur couldn't believe it. Rogge was only in the first grade and he hadn't learned any magic at this time.

"It's okay, maybe you can't hurt me even if I stand here."

"Okay, but if you cry for a while, don't come to mom!"

Fleur saw that Rogge was serious and accepted the duel invitation. The two bowed to each other, turned and walked forward.

one two three!

"Split into pieces!"

"Armor protection!"

"What?" Fleur looked at the golden mask on Rogge and exclaimed. My own spell on it was completely ineffective.

She frowned, and Roger's smile made her a little angry: "I'm going to use black magic."

"Please!" Rogge smiled and made an invitation. Fleur clutched her wand tightly and shouted, "Fall out!"

The black magic collided with the light shield, causing a wave of fluctuations, but the people inside remained unscathed.

Furong was particularly unconvinced and tried her best, even breaking her body into pieces. If it weren't for a duel, she would have wanted to cast a few Cruciatus Curses on the smiling Rogge.

"You are not wearing armor!" Ten minutes later, Fleur panted and put down her wand and admitted defeat.

"Okay, I admit that Hogwarts' educational philosophy is unique."

"You are also very good, Fleur. If other wizards in the school duel with you, they may not be able to get past two rounds."

"Really?" Fleur was a little surprised.

"Of course, if you were in our school, you would be the strongest female prefect of the four colleges. Maybe you could even become the president of the student union."

Hearing Rogge's praise, Fleur blushed a little.

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