A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 146 Please issue an approval slip

Half an hour later, Lockhart put the papers away and read them in front of the class.

"Tsk tsk~ How come almost no one remembers that lilac is my favorite color... Oh, Rogge, I remember you are a fan of mine, why didn't you write anything?" Lockhart knew Rogge's status among young wizards. His attitude made me a little unhappy.

"Mr. Rogge, handing in a blank paper shows that you are not serious about this course. Slytherin will deduct 5 points."

"Oh, but Miss Granger knows everything about me." Lockhart turned over her paper and kept nodding: "Yes, my secret ambition is to eliminate evil from the world. And to sell my own line of shampoo …”

"One hundred percent, where is Miss Hermione Granger?" Lockhart saw Hermione's hands shaking with excitement and nodded with a smile.

"Great! Ten points for Gryffindor!"

He understood that some young wizards doubted him, which made him sad. He bent down and picked up a large cage, which was covered with cloth. From time to time, small tentacles stretched out, which looked quite scary.

"Now, beware! I will teach you how to defend yourself against the most evil the wizarding world has ever known! Here you will face the most terrifying creatures in the world. But remember, as long as I am here. Hero of Lohar Professor Te will stand in the way of evil and protect you from any harm.”

"And the only thing you have to do is keep quiet." He pressed his hand on the cage, took out his wand and spoke seriously to the little wizards.

Everyone nodded involuntarily, staring at the big cage under the cloth.

"Please keep quiet, any screaming will anger them!" Lockhart lifted the cover and revealed a cage of Cornish elves.

Seamus, who was in the first row, couldn't help but sneered. How could such a little thing be so scary? Just as Lockhart said, no one screamed, and many people looked at him in confusion. Everyone looked at the livid, eight-inch-tall elf in the cage and laughed secretly.

This made Lockhart very angry. He felt that his authority was doubted and attacked.

"Well, since you said they are not scary, let's see how we deal with them." Lockhart was originally going to release one, which would help him control the situation.

But seeing everyone's disdain, he opened the cage door and let out all the elves.

These shrill-voiced little things were flying around the room, jumping up and down and chirping. They made trouble everywhere, tearing up the little wizard's books and breaking the classroom windows. Some grabbed Neville by the ears and tried to hang him from the roof.

Several elves jumped on Roger's table, making faces at him like the worst little villains possible. An elf saw the ring on his hand and wanted to take it off. No matter how much strength it lost, the ring remained indifferent.

The elf opened his mouth, revealing his jagged and sharp teeth, and was about to bite off the finger with the ring.

"That's enough!" Rogge slammed the table, and the elf lying on his hand was thrown away by him.

"All petrified!" The curse flew into the air, and all the elves were frozen for an instant, falling down with a clang, ending the farce.

Susan lowered her head and looked at Roger from time to time, her face flushed and she wondered if she had been scratched by the elf.

"Now you know how powerful they are! I have told you that the elves in Cornwall are the most terrifying creatures in the world!" Lockhart took a deep breath with lingering fear, and his wand was almost snatched away by the elf.

"It's a good spell, but it's still a little worse than mine." Lockhart said confidently, straightening his hair that had been messed up by the goblins.

"Roger, you should use the spell: Goblin Go Away to drive them away. Peschipixi Pesternomi." Lockhart rolled up his sleeves and waved his wand to drive away the immobile goblins.

He looked at Rogge's indifferent expression and smiled coquettishly: "Now everyone put them in the cage, I will release the Cornish elves one by one, and everyone will use the goblin to drive away."

"do you understand?"


Thanks to Rogge's intervention, Lockhart still retains the dignity of a teacher. Some people may have doubted him, but more people couldn't see his true face because of his aura, thinking that this was a test left by the teacher for everyone.

However, a bigger farce soon emerged. Regarding all the petrified elves, Lockhart waved his wand and said: "The curse will stop."

The wand flew out with a beam of light and hit the elf in the cage, but there was no reaction.

Lockhart hurriedly saluted: "Everyone must remember that except for the three unforgivable curses, other spells have corresponding anti-curses. For example, if all of them are petrified, you can use the incantation to stop them."

He cast his magic again, and the elves were still as stiff as stone.

"Did everyone see my actions clearly?"

"See clearly."

"Very good, now starting from the first row. Come up one by one and cast the spell on them." Lockhart frowned and placed a petrified elf on the table.

Starting from Simo, the little wizards came forward to chant the spell, but no one could solve it.

"Roger, aren't you going up?"

"No, that's our evil nemesis, the great Professor Lockhart. My spells are much worse than his, so how can I go up there and show my shame."

"Hold your wand more firmly! Oh, damn!" When Ron cast the spell, the broken wand directly caused an explosion. The petrified elf was turned into pieces by the huge magical power.

"Professor, I didn't mean it!"

"Get off!" Lockhart hammered the table. "How can you use a broken wand?"

"I..." Ron lowered his head and walked back to his seat dejectedly.

"Don't you understand why you haven't unlocked all the petrifications?" Lockhart glanced around and was satisfied with everyone's confused expressions.

"That's because your spellcasting skills and level of spells are too low." Lockhart spoke of the power of spells with great experience. Because his forgetfulness is too strong, no one can resist it, nor can it be unlocked.

"This involves the power of spells. For example, if you and I cast the same spell, my spell will definitely knock you down in the end. Because your spell-casting skills are not precise enough and the magic output is not smooth enough. In addition, your magic power is far away. It's not as good as an adult wizard, who will naturally have such a result."

"Professor, are you saying that Roger's magic is stronger than ours?"

"Of course, but it's much worse than me." Lockhart nodded. After such a long time, class is about to end, and all the petrifications should be solved.

"The curse stops!" Harold used all his magic power to cast a spell on the newly taken out elf, but the result was still unable to be solved. The little wizards below were making noises, and Lockhart even heard someone asking him if he could do it.

"Ahem." Lockhart smiled awkwardly. Fortunately, the bell rang, which prevented him from continuing to be embarrassed.

"Okay, that's it for today's class. We'll learn how to walk away from the goblin in the next class."

The students were still frightened by the elf and ran out of the classroom one after another. Rogge stepped forward and looked at Lockhart.

"Professor, I have read all seven of your works. If there are no new books, please give me an approval note."

"Approval note?" Lockhart looked at Rogge in confusion, what was that.

"With your permission, I don't have to attend the second-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

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