
"...Only if you defeat me!" Rogge moved his wrist and looked at Malfoy with a half-smile.

"Then I choose to read." Malfoy sighed helplessly. He wisely chose to surrender to Rogge's tyranny.

"And Nott, frequent dodging can't change the inevitable outcome. You have to seize the opportunity to kill the wooden people instead of waiting for them to run out of magic power."

After speaking, Rogge waved his wand and instantly shot out a red light. The Acromantula let out a short scream, and then fell heavily to the ground. Its long-blinded eyes twitched mechanically, looking both funny and terrifying.

Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change when they saw this scene. Although spells are often used in schools, this is not the same thing as killing living creatures.

"Acromantulas are a powerful species in the Forbidden Forest today. They are not native to the UK and came here for some reason."

"They have high intelligence, broad vision, and ferocious nature." Rogge introduced the Acromantula calmly and began to dissect it smoothly and quickly.

The knife in his hand cut open the giant spider's belly and skillfully found the poison glands of the Acromantula. Rogge flicked it, and the poison gland fell into his hand.

"Last semester, a pint of Acromantula's venom cost as much as 100 galleons. According to the current market situation..."

"I know, it's 1,200 galleons over there in Knockturn Alley." Malfoy shouted excitedly, his face full of excitement.

Everyone looked at Malfoy in surprise, how could he know so much about this thing?

Rogge glanced at him faintly. If Lucius wanted to know that his son was so public, would he remember the tongue-locking spell for him?

"In the future, I will take everyone to the Forbidden Forest to hunt these guys, and the money from the sales will be used as funds for the club's activities."

"Roger, please give me the venom, I will definitely sell it at a good price." Malfoy's eyes lit up and he shouted excitedly. For all of you here, there is no one more suitable than him.

"Okay." Rogge carefully poured the venom into the bottle and warned him not to lose it or use it without permission.

"Don't worry." Malfoy put it close to his body, his face filled with excitement and pride. This is related to the profits of the entire society, and he must not betray everyone's trust.

"Hermione, how about you taking care of the accounts?"

"Huh?" Hermione looked at Roger in confusion.

"I'll be in charge of the activities, and you'll manage the Galleons. This will ensure that the flow of money is transparent and legitimate."

"No problem." Hermione nodded.

Although no one is short of money, this can improve mutual trust. Only by starting from the details can we all go forward together.

Back in the dormitory, Roger just lay down on the bed when the badge beeped. Daphne, who was still awake, was curiously typing into the badge to see if Roger could receive her message.

"Roger, can you take me with you next time you go to the Forbidden Forest?"

"Not good." Rogge answered her briefly and directly.

"Don't refuse, I will be very obedient." Daphne pouted. Really, she was not gentle at all.

"I don't believe it. Good night, Miss Greengrass." Rogge decisively cut off the chat. He dared to say that Daphne could send messages all night if he was not offline.

Daphne tried several more times, but when she saw that Roger had no response, she could only sleep with her pillow in her arms unhappily.

The next day, everyone wore the golden badge of the Jackdaw Magic Society. Many students cast envious glances. Goyle and Crabbe reached out to touch Malfoy, but they were immediately swatted away by him.

"This is mine! Just look at it, don't touch it!" Malfoy put his hand on the badge and showed it to everyone proudly.

He walked around with his chest exaggeratedly puffed out like a victorious general. It's like some fishermen who can't find their way home with a big fish on their shoulders.

Growing up, as long as Malfoy caused trouble, the Luciuses would grant all his wishes. For example, he insisted on joining the Quidditch team this year to compete with Harry. Lucius waved his hand and bought him a whole team of Nimbus 2000.

But this badge is different. It represents my achievements and efforts in the previous school year. He did not rely on his family, but relied entirely on his own strength. The point is, Harry doesn't, but he does.

"Roger, our team is training tomorrow, do you want to come and watch?" Malfoy was very interested, but unfortunately he didn't see Harry.

"No!" Roger refused sternly. The Quidditch Swamp was still fresh in his mind during the summer vacation, and he still didn't have much fondness for broomsticks.

"In a few days, the second edition of the Muggle Protection Act will be officially introduced. The Ministry of Magic has lifted the ban on magic carpets. With them, who would buy brooms?"

"What! A magic carpet? How can that thing compare to a flying broomstick!" Malfoy shook his head firmly, completely disagreeing with Rogge's view.

Everyone was talking a lot when they heard the news. Some were interested in the magic carpet, while others insisted on flying broomsticks. The little wizards quickly divided into the Magic Carpet Party and the Broom Party, and they got into a row.

In any case, the British wizarding market has opened up to magic carpets. Those broom companies may have to adjust their prices soon, otherwise who would refuse a magic carpet that is both user-friendly and user-friendly.

Daphne didn't participate in everyone's arguments. She would sneak out at night to play. Who knew, he would find Rogge going to the Quidditch training ground alone.

"Roger, do you have any secret activities at night?" Daphne stared at him suspiciously.

"What are you thinking about? I want to train Sailor."

"Saylor? Your owl? Doesn't it fly very fast?"

"Train it to learn magic. I was supposed to take Yuumi to school for training, but unexpectedly she disappeared on the first day of school."

Roger was a little angry when he mentioned this matter. The kitten wants to play all day long and doesn't want to be trained at all. In addition, Jessica dotes on it, and it is leisurely every day.

It's okay if you tease it with the Golden Snitch and feed it a special potion, but ten thousand people won't be willing to do it.

"Magic?" Daphne looked at Roger in confusion. Aren't owls the messengers? What's the use of training magic.

Rogge nodded and explained: "Owls are born with good magic power, and wizards just use them as messengers. I have developed some methods that can allow them to master special magic."

Rogge blew a clear whistle towards the tower, and Sailer flew over in response, landing firmly on his shoulder. It turned its head and stared at Daphne curiously with its big eyes.


Species: Snowy Owl-SSR

Characteristics: Loyalty (never betray master, can be entrusted with important tasks), keenness (natural vision and sense of direction, tracking targets), tenacity (endurance and survivability that are different from ordinary eagles)

Skills: Night Vision, Search, Tracking, Hypnosis (Beginner)

Level: lv10

Cultivation plan: It is recommended to strengthen the magical talent of the magic pet (feed magic-enhanced owl feed every day, the formula is as follows: 4.2g spicy grass, 1.2g devil's nettle juice...)

It is recommended to strengthen the mental training of this familiar, and you can learn hypnosis;

It is recommended to accompany this demon pet to study together to improve its intelligence...

Daphne was a little surprised, "It's impossible. Owls are just the most common creatures in the magical world. How can they cast magic?"

"Saylor has learned some hypnosis skills, how about we try it?"

"I'm not coming, but you can find someone else." Daphne looked around and focused on Gore.

"Goyle, come here quickly."

Goyle walked over in a daze, with a confused look on his face: "What's the matter, Daphne?"

Daphne pointed at Seiler on Rogge's shoulder and said mysteriously: "Rogge said his owl can do hypnotic spells. Come and try it for me."

"Hypnotic spell!" Gore's eyes widened, "Did you say it can make me fall asleep?"

"Yeah, it puts your brain into partial sleep. That way we can ask you things without you knowing."

After Rogge finished speaking, Seiler turned his head 180 degrees towards Gore and let out a crisp chirp.

"You are joking, right?" Gower stepped back nervously, "I don't want to be a test subject..."

"Don't be nervous. If you agree, Daphne and I will treat you to something delicious."

"Delicious?" Gore swallowed, feeling very confused.

"Donuts, cauldron cakes, or Honeydukes candy..." Daphne read slowly, and Goyle touched his belly and thought it didn't matter if he tried it.

According to the latest report from the BBC on September 28, actor Michael Gambon’s family said that Gambon died in hospital at the age of 82.

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