A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 156 Principal, your bird?

Hermione was a little surprised that Roger didn't directly tell everyone that the blood on the wall was chicken blood. If this is done, those wizards who look down on Muggles will have to face up to Muggles' scientific analysis.

But in the busy discussion just now, she always felt that something was missing. Hermione turned to look at Malfoy. Yes, this guy was so unusual that he didn't take the opportunity to make fun of herself.

Not normal, absolutely not normal!

"Vice President, don't look at me!" Malfoy's expression tightened. He took out the notes he had just taken out of his pocket and muttered in a decent manner: "Muggles based on the type, content, and color of respiratory pigments in the blood. Distinguish between different blood types.”

"The so-called respiratory pigments include hemoglobin, serum albumin and hemocyanin. It's strange, why are there no hemoglobin and hemoglobin?" Malfoy looked at his notes and wondered if he had missed it.

"Where did you learn that?" Everyone was shocked by Malfoy. Is this the same pure-blooded young master who looked down on Muggles?

"Didn't Roger ask me to read more? I just ran back to the club and looked through the Muggle books that Roger bought. Guess what, I actually found it!" Malfoy showed the notes to everyone and briefly He complained in distress: "It's a pity that I didn't write down the title of the book."

However, his face was full of pride, especially when he found that Miss Know-It-All and Vice President Hermione had not seen this knowledge, and he looked even more proud.

"I read in a book that you can compare the shape and diameter of red blood cells in blood through a microscope. Roger, what are red blood cells? Also, what are microns?" He seemed to be asking for advice, but in fact he was showing off to everyone.

Faced with such a studious Malfoy, Rogge would of course explain to him: "Muggles believe that we develop from cells. There are plate-like cells in human blood that transport oxygen to the body and take away waste."

"Micrometers are the Muggle unit of length. In today's Muggle world, most emerging fields use metric units.

Only a few conservative industries still use the old system. These industries are all deeply influenced by certain old antiques (yes, the Great Empire). "

Rogge was delighted to see Malfoy embracing new knowledge. Wizards can disrespect Muggles, but they cannot disrespect knowledge and power.

"Huh? The Muggle government in the UK is such a waste. It didn't promote imperial units?" Daphne felt a little regretful. Such a Muggle government is worse than the Ministry of Magic.

"No. 10 Downing Street may become increasingly useless." Rogge completely agreed with Daphne.

Without sucking blood or squeezing, how can the sun never set on the empire? The Humphreys (civilians) in London can only prevent politicians from stepping on the accelerator when the empire is in decline.

On the other hand, if there was no Dumbledore in the British wizarding world, he doubted whether those overseas branches would obey his command. If given the chance, would they take the opportunity to go out independently? Thompson previously revealed that MACUSA often makes small moves.

A few months ago, Dumbledore's thunderous wrath showed them what the greatest white wizard was, and scared the group of people to tighten their tails.

For the benefit of all the wizards of the Three Islands, Dumbledore should live for a long time. It's a pity that he always thinks too much about the entire magical world and too little about Mishima's well-being.

"Harry may be able to face Voldemort, but how will he face the politicians and bureaucrats outside."

His strength is not enough to crush all demons and monsters, and Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, Jianghu is about human nature. If he didn't have the twin wands, could he face Voldemort?

Rogge was skeptical, "Sometimes, white wizards are more terrifying and difficult to deal with than black wizards."

"Roger, you haven't answered me yet. Why didn't you tell everyone that there was chicken blood on the wall?" Hermione asked, interrupting his thinking.

"Now is not the time." Rogge smiled mysteriously, "It is enough for them to know that it is not human blood. We need to investigate the truth."

"Do you two have other plans?" Daphne stared at them, "Don't deny it, I have already seen it from your little actions."

"Eh?" Roger looked at Daphne in surprise. When did he have such strong observation skills?

"I did have a small plan, but it didn't work out. Let Hermione do the talking."

Hermione nodded and explained to everyone: "When Roger gave me the blood sample, he told me to be careful of someone taking the blood sample away..."

"Clever! Whoever steals it will be the heir." Malfoy interrupted.

"It's a pity that no one took action. I contacted Anthony and Susan, and we split up to investigate our respective houses. It turned out that in addition to Harry and the others, Ginny did not attend the Halloween party that night."

"Ginny Weasley? Impossible! The red-haired one cannot be the heir of Slytherin!" Malfoy immediately denied, "If Weasley is the heir of Slytherin, I will transfer to another school immediately!"

"Listen to me." Hermione glared at him before the annoying guy interrupted again.

"I don't think she is the heir of Slytherin either. Because Ginny's brothers started school very early.

This has never happened before, and now that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, it is not consistent with the situation of the Weasley family. "

"However, she is indeed suspicious." Hermione took out the letter, "So Roger and I decided to test it with my father's letter."

"You set a trap to lure Ginny into stealing the letter?" Daphne suddenly realized, "If Ginny is afraid of the information revealed in the letter, she will probably take action, such as stealing the letter or attacking you. No wonder you talked for a long time at the greenhouse door .”

"That's right! I put magic on the letter. If someone steals it, there will be pimples on the other person's face saying 'I am a thief'. But it's a pity that no one does it." Hermione noticed that Ginny did go first. Leaving, the Fat Lady also proved that she returned to Gryffindor.

However, Ginny didn't steal the letter, so what should she do? Why did she leave the academy in a hurry again?

"So, it's not Ginny. Did Harry lie to everyone?" Malfoy firmly suspected Harry. I don't know what's so charming about Harry that makes Malfoy obsessed with him.

"Damn it, we've already said that the Gaunt family is the descendant of Slytherin, why do some people still think it's Potter!"

"Saint Potter!" Malfoy said angrily, clenching his fists, "There will be a Quidditch match in two days. I want Harry to see what real Quidditch is."

"But I heard from dad that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened before. Just fifty years ago, a Muggle-born wizard died." Malfoy looked at Hermione, "Vice President, you must be careful."

"None of your business!" Hermione snorted, "Fifty years ago? Did your father reveal more information?"

"He refused to tell me more. He just said that the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets was fired." Malfoy looked at Rogge. His father's words and Rogge's inference were completely different versions.

One is only harmful to Muggle-born wizards, the other is only harmful to purebloods. He doesn't know who to trust now.

Rogge squinted his eyes and thought. Even if Lucius didn't know Hagrid was a ranger at Hogwarts before, he had met him at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore this year.

Why did he think Hagrid was the heir of Slytherin? Or is it that he discovered the inside story and was unwilling to reveal it?

For a time, various speculations were intertwined in Rogge's mind. But one thing is certain, what Lucius told his son must be concealing something, and he must know more key information.

"Expelled! Is this the official result?" Hermione suddenly raised her voice and shouted angrily, "The lives of Muggle wizards also matter! Why are murderers just expelled!"

She glared at Malfoy so fiercely that it startled everyone. Hermione felt the same way. If she was also killed by the heir, would the school just expel the murderer?

Malfoy touched his head, feeling a little aggrieved. This case was not tried by him! Fifty years ago, there was no self at that time.

But he could also understand Hermione's anger if he was killed. In the end, the school just fired him, and his reaction was definitely more indignant and violent.

If nothing else, assuming that the person who died fifty years ago was a pure-blood wizard, Hogwarts would definitely be investigated. As for the murderer, even if he digs three feet into the ground, his bones must be dug out and his ashes scattered.

Daphne held Hermione in her arms and comforted her softly. Hermione had always been so strong, and this was the first time she had been so excited.

"I will ask Deluxe to find the file from that year." Rogge understood that all this was Tom's mischief, and the so-called person who opened the Chamber of Secrets was just a scapegoat found by the Ministry of Magic.

"I must let the Ministry of Magic retry the murderer!" Hermione said firmly.

"I will help you." Rogge nodded and said silently, "Mr. Riddle, you need to be tried!"

"Maybe we can start a signature campaign to let more people know about the injustice fifty years ago!" Hermione suggested.

"Good idea, all Slytherin students will participate." Malfoy answered.

Anthony and Susan were also willing to contribute. Everyone was very enthusiastic and believed that Muggle-born wizards should not be ignored. We cannot afford to be treated differently.

Rogge looked at everyone who was mobilized and couldn't help but touch his forehead. Although he had issues with Hagrid, it wasn't his style to accuse others of being innocent.

He could only hope that Hermione would move slower and wait until there was clear evidence of this matter.

Daphne sent Hermione back to Gryffindor. As soon as she reached the third floor, she heard Filch yelling in the corridor.

A smile appeared on Hermione's face, glad that Filch was back to his old self. The only regret is that it is of no benefit to everyone who travels at night.

"Who? What little wizard did it!" Filch stood at the intersection and asked the students passing by, "Which one of you made the water out of the bathroom!"

Everyone looked along Filch's hand and found that the corridor where Mrs. Norris was petrified was filled with water. They all emerged from the girls' bathroom.

Is there a bathroom here? Most people realize it for the first time. Judging from the location, it should be the girls' restroom, but it hasn't been used for a long time. Especially after the attack on Mrs. Norris, few people passed through this corridor.

"Meow!" Mrs. Norris called down the corridor. Filch turned around and caught the culprit.

"Harry! Ron! So it's you!" Filch ran over in a few steps and grabbed their clothes.

"Mr. Filch, we came in when we saw the leak."

"Yes, the faucet inside was broken, and we helped fix it!" Ron looked aggrieved. They really didn't do anything.

"Hmph, come with me to see the principal. Explain it to Dumbledore!" Filch dragged the two of them to the principal's office, muttering: "I'm going to put you in solitary confinement, and I'm going to make you handle the medals in the display room with your hands." Rub it a thousand times!”

Filch walked happily and led them to a huge and ugly stone monster.

"Lemon ice cream!" he shouted to the stone sculpture, pulling the two of them up the spiral staircase.

Filch knocked on the door, and the door opened automatically, but Dumbledore was not seen.

"Stay still! Don't go anywhere!" Filch warned them, with a gloomy smile on his face.

Harry and Ron looked around uneasily. They came to the principal's office for the first time. This was undoubtedly the most interesting place they had ever seen.

There are various astronomical models and magical magic items in the room. Portraits of the old headmasters of Hogwarts hang on the wall. There are men and women snoring in the picture frames.

The bookshelf behind the steps was filled with books and the tattered Sorting Hat.

"Potter?" The Sorting Hat looked at Harry, "I still stick to last year's idea, you will make great achievements in Slytherin."

Because Rogge revealed the surnames of Slytherin descendants, Harry was treated with far less suspicion. In the entire Hogwarts, only a handful of people still believed that he had blood from the Gaunt family.

Paradoxically, these people are also the most loyal fans of Mr. Harry Potter. They talked about Harry saving the wizarding world, as if they had witnessed the baby Harry defeat Voldemort.

If Snape heard these people's stories, I wonder if he would reward them to see Merlin.


Harry walked over carefully and shook his head at the Sorting Hat: "No, I will never go to Slytherin."

Ron was dumbfounded. He didn't expect the Sorting Hat to speak. What's more, Harry never expected that Harry would reject Slytherin during the sorting ceremony.

"Hello...then...that..." Ron was a little scared when facing the Sorting Hat, and said vaguely: "Excuse me, can we decide which house to go to?"

"Not under normal circumstances." The Sorting Hat shook his head humanely, "But there are always little wizards with special circumstances."

"A special situation? Harry?" Ron looked at his friend.

"Yes! His qualities are suitable for both Gryffindor and Slytherin. But I firmly believe that he is more suitable for Slytherin."

"I still remember there was another little wizard last year. He smelled of the moon and dragon's blood. Well... his name was Roger, and he came here twice during the summer vacation. Are you familiar with this Slytherin student?" the Sorting Hat asked .

Harry and Ron looked at each other, familiar, so familiar! There’s no one in the entire Hogwarts who doesn’t know him!

"He is very suitable for Gryffindor. He has a very grand courage." The Sorting Hat said it very abstractly, and they could not understand what grand courage is.

"He? Suitable for Gryffindor?" Harry and Ron screamed, both of them saying in unison, "No way, absolutely impossible!"

They couldn't imagine what it would be like if Roger was in Gryffindor. That cunning, moody, and violent little wizard, apart from his good looks, how could he be a good fit for Gryffindor!

He is completely the baby form of a dark wizard. After graduation, he will definitely be an evil guy.

"If that's the case, why did he go to Slytherin?"

"Oh, because he has an equally astonishing grasp on power. Like you, Harry, he made his own choices."

Harry had mixed feelings in his heart. If he had gone to Slytherin, would he have become an outstanding little wizard like Roger? But he remembered what Rogge had done and shook his head firmly.

That is not the life I want, nor is it the life I want. Slytherin doesn't have the friends he wants.

"Mr. Hat, I want to know why our family is all Gryffindor?" Ron thought for a while and asked the Sorting Hat for advice.

He actually wanted to ask if the red-haired Weasley family was a descendant of Gryffindor. How else to explain it, all seven children are Gryffindors.

"Because of your courage. For example, although you are averagely talented, not very smart, and sometimes feel scared, your loyalty to your friends deep down exceeds the characteristics of other houses, so I put you in Gryffindor. "

Ron listened to the Sorting Hat's story and was annoyed that it talked about his shortcomings, but his advantages made him feel secretly happy.

"But they are all Gryffindors. This is unusual..."

While Ron and the Sorting Hat were discussing bloodlines, Harry looked towards the gilded perch. There stood an old turkey with half of its feathers plucked out. Its neck hung limply and it stared at him with sad, empty eyes.

It made a sound like it was suffocating, and when it raised its head, a few more feathers fell down. Harry hadn't recognized that this was the phoenix. If Roger were here, he would have taken away the feathers on the ground.

Just as he was wondering why Dumbledore kept such a strange thing, the bird's body suddenly burst into flames.

Harry screamed in horror, and Ron was also frightened by him. He turned around and said in a trembling voice: "It, it's dead!"

The two people looked at each other with panic in their eyes. They felt that the whole world was targeting them.

When school started, platform nine and three-quarters was inaccessible. Driving to Hogwarts, he was seen by Muggles again. After finally arriving at school, I fell into the Whomping Willow again.

When I was going to school, I bumped into the petrified Loris. Today, he was even more unjustly accused by Filch and thrown into the principal's office. They swore they really didn't touch Dumbledore's bird.

Merlin, why are they so unlucky this year!

"Clear water like a spring!" Ron hurriedly took out the bandaged wand. Instead of water splashing out of the tip of the wand, a bouquet of flowers emerged. There's nothing wrong with them, they're all flowers.

At his reminder, Harry also hurriedly took out his wand. But before he could cast the spell, the bird screamed, turned into a ball of fire and crashed into the golden pillar below. As the flames disappeared, only embers that had not yet been completely extinguished remained.

Just as the two of them looked at each other, Dumbledore pushed open the door and walked down the stairs with a solemn expression.

"Professor (Headmaster)!" Harry and Ron gasped, "Your bird...we swear we didn't do anything and it suddenly caught fire!"

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