A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 158 Malfoy’s Change

"Cock! Cock..." Hermione went to the library to look for information every day because of this, which also caused a slight delay in her signature campaign.

Her sixth sense was very accurate. The rooster was indeed the natural enemy of the basilisk. As long as the sound of a rooster crows, the thousand-year-old basilisk will die on the spot. But all this requires Hermione to find the corresponding books in the library.

Roger thought again and again, without prompting Hermione. It was not time to reveal the mystery yet, she needed to distract herself from the signature campaign moving too quickly.

At the club activity on Sunday afternoon, Malfoy made a strange noise: "Aow~Oow~"

He craned his neck and lengthened his voice as if he were playing the role of a werewolf. Seeing Rogge coming in, he shouted excitedly: "Rogge, it's a pity that you didn't go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. I really like Lockhart, and there is no better teacher than him."

"Uh, I heard it turned into an acting class?" Rogge smiled. Such classes were a complete waste of life.

"That's right, Lockhart and Kettlebo started a magical drama club. Guess what, Harry and Ron are both members of the club. I'm most looking forward to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class now, and there will be a new story every time. "Malfoy imitated Harry's movements and walked around quietly.

"The professor asked him to play the role of a werewolf, and he walked out obediently, and then pretended to see the full moon." Malfoy tugged on his school robe and howled a few times.

Everyone else had seen Harry's performance, but Malfoy's reenactment had a unique flavor. Everyone laughed happily and applauded Malfoy's performance.

"Oh, Professor! I'm going to kill you!" Malfoy waved his hands in the air, not forgetting to turn around and make faces for everyone.

"Then the heroic Lockhart pounced, and he threw Harry to the ground. He held him down with one hand, and held his wand to his neck with the other. Then... Harry screamed miserably, Aww~Aww~”

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed, and Rogge couldn't help laughing. Lockhart should be an actor, not a professor.

"I heard Lockhart is rehearsing a play for Christmas," Nott asked.

"That's right, Harry plays the heroine. Oh~ I've prepared my camera and lens, and can't wait to take pictures of Harry pretending to be a girl!" Malfoy was full of expectations and prepared to sell the photos to the Daily Prophet.

Harry, the savior, is a girl in love tragedy. A headline like this would definitely sell out their newspaper.

"Who is the protagonist?" Rogge asked curiously.

"Professor Lockhart, of course."

"Where's the villain?"


"Who?" Rogge raised his voice, Snape would actually cooperate with him?

"We can't believe it, but the dean really wants to play the vampire queen."

"My God, it will be exciting then."

Hermione walked in holding a stack of books and yawning. It seems that I stayed up late reading again last night.

"Now that everyone is here, I will start arranging the next stage of the activity: challenging the Acromantula."

"Giant spider?" Everyone's eyes widened in surprise when they heard Rogge said that he wanted to fight against the Acromantula. This is too dangerous!

Only Malfoy held out his chest, he had already challenged. Right here and thinking I've won.

"That's right, we have to deal with a healthy Acromantula." Rogge reminded them, "It's not a blind one, but a big guy with a 360-degree field of vision."

"President, it's too dangerous. We are only in the second grade after all." Anthony reminded him, "If something happens, you will probably be expelled."

"It doesn't matter, no one will find us. I'm here to ensure that no accidents happen." Rogge sighed in his heart, compared to someone killing the basilisk, the Acromantula was nowhere near where it was.

"Don't panic, everyone. This is not a personal confrontation, but a team battle."

"You mean we deal with a spider together?" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"For the time being, let you familiarize yourself with the attack rhythm of the Acromantula. I believe that by the end of this school year, you will be able to kill an Acromantula alone. For those who are strong, I will take him to the Forbidden Forest. "

"Really? That must be me!" Daphne was the first to stand up. She waved her wand to make the box containing the spider fly over.

But today there was still a big blind spider in the wooden box. Daphne couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: "Roger, where is the healthy big spider?"

"It will be brought next week. Let's use it to practice first, and I will share a magic spell: Spider Dispersion." Rogge waved his wand and demonstrated the pronunciation and movements of the spell.

"The pronunciation of this spell is very important. In Latin, spider is Arania, and retreat is Exumai. Pay attention to the articulation, especially when facing big guys, don't panic." Rogge opened the box and asked others to stand behind him.

As the stiff legs were removed, the big spider rushed towards Rogge full of resentment.

"Spiders retreat!" Rogge drew a cross with his wand in front of him. The big spider that was rushing towards him immediately stopped and ran towards the corner in panic.

But the room was closed, and it couldn't escape, so it had to crawl to a corner to stay away from them.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they chanted the spell like Rogge. Roger checked each person's pronunciation and movements one by one.

The members of the Jackdaw Magic Society are already some of the best young wizards at their level, and it takes no effort at all to master new spells. The poor big spiders were driven around by their spiders.

Malfoy looked at the big blind spider and called Nott to stand on the opposite side. The two men were like herding sheep, playing with the spider and running around. Anthony and Terry from Ravenclaw also joined in. The four bad boys surrounded the spider and kept chanting spells to drive it away.

They were in great spirits, as if they had found a new toy. In the end, the big spider was paralyzed from exhaustion.

"Malfoy, can you stop torturing it?" Hermione couldn't stand it anymore and shouted at him.

"Okay, Vice President, let's stop." Malfoy Mountain smiled, realizing that it was indeed a bit cruel.

Hermione wasn't satisfied with his answer, though. If he were not the vice president, Malfoy would definitely continue to tease the spider.

"Malfoy, be smarter next time." Rogge criticized him seriously. "Playing tricks on the enemy will only waste time and may leave hidden dangers. A real wizard must learn to kill with one blow and show no mercy."

"We must respect life, and killing the enemy is also a form of respect. We cannot let the enemy linger because of our arrogance." Rogge sighed. This kid probably doesn't know how many villains have lost their lives for nothing because of playing tricks on each other.

"Roger, I understand." Malfoy nodded, "I'm sorry, Hermione, I shouldn't have treated it as a toy."

"You should apologize to that spider." Hermione said a little unreasonably, pointing at the dying giant spider.

"I was also involved. Let's apologize to it together." Nott quickly stood up, and Anthony and Terry also apologized.

"Well, you should perform the final farewell ceremony for this giant spider." Rogge handed the dagger to Malfoy. He ended the giant spider's life and skillfully cut open its belly.

"Rogge, as the president, you need to be stricter." After the disbandment, Hermione said to Rogge.

"I accept your criticism." Rogge nodded seriously and said sincerely: "I should really stop them from playing with the giant spider. Thanks to you, otherwise they may become stronger and more willful. With you as the vice president, it is true that It’s the Jackdaw Magic Society’s good fortune.”

"Nowhere...it's not as good as you said." Hermione lowered her head and blushed.

Rogge sighed in his heart, everyone comes from four colleges. Everyone’s identity and growth background are different. It is not easy to live in harmony and move forward together.

Fortunately, Nott interrupted in time, otherwise Malfoy and Hermione might have quarreled.

"Hermione, you need to pay attention to rest recently." Rogge said with concern.

"Well, I understand."

"By the way, have you noticed that someone in the club has read all the Muggle books?"

"What! Who?" Hermione asked in surprise. Besides her, someone else was interested in Muggle books? During this time, she was busy going to the library to look up information, and she hadn't read the newly purchased book by Rogge yet.

"That's Malfoy." Rogge said with a smile, "Last time he found out that you didn't know about hemoglobin. He was very happy."

"You know him, he loves it. There's nothing more rewarding than defeating Miss Granger in knowledge."

Hermione pouted, not expecting that she would lose to Malfoy. Suddenly, she raised her head and looked at Rogge: "I'm sorry, I was too impatient."

"It's not your fault. Malfoy has lived in a wizarding family since he was a child. Many things have to be done slowly."

Changes always happen slowly, just like this year's game between Slytherin and Gryffindor, students from other houses finally supported them and cheered for them.

Susan, Anthony and Terry became the outliers of their respective houses, waving Slytherin flags with a glowing snake moving around on them.

Amid cheers, teams from both colleges rode broomsticks onto the field. Old rivals, but with a new look.

All members of Slytherin ride Nimbus 2000. The rich dad can indeed quickly improve the team's strength. The rich rely on technology and the poor rely on mutation. Even in the wizarding world, this principle is the same.

The commentator was still Li Jordan. He didn't like Slytherin in his heart, and it was impossible for him to have any good impressions. However, he didn't dare to say anything nonsense. After introducing Gryffindor to everyone enthusiastically, he simply and perfunctorily announced the name of his opponent.

Rogge shook his head. Such a commentator was completely incompetent. If it were him, he would definitely vigorously promote Lucius's sponsorship. With so many alumni coming out of the school every year, there are always successful wizards who are willing to give back to their alma mater.

Today, in addition to the generous sponsor Lucius Malfoy, there were two mysterious guests on the Slytherin viewing stage.

One of them is known to many people, he is Ludo Bagman, the legendary batsman of the England Quidditch team. Now he has another identity, the Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Ministry of Magic.

The other person is Hassan Mouss, president of the International Quidditch Federation. They came to Hogwarts specifically for the next Quidditch World Cup held in the UK. Fudge was originally going to come, but in the end he backed down.

The two were invited by Lucius to the Slytherin stand, where Dean Snape sat next to him with a stiff face. Snape secretly wondered why they came to Hogwarts to watch a student game. No matter how good Harry is, he can't please them, right?

Fortunately, Lucius was very good at handling this kind of situation and did not let the two distinguished guests be left out in the cold.

"Seven Nimbus 2000 versus one. The difference in this game is huge." Hassan looked at the two teams. The outcome of this game seemed to be doomed from the beginning.

"The chairman's opinion is very pertinent. From my point of view, the only way for Gryffindor to win is to quickly catch the Golden Snitch."

"You mean the boy named Potter?"

"Yes, Harry needs to shake off the Slytherin Seeker and quickly catch the Golden Snitch to end the game."

"This is not easy. Lucius, what do you think?" Hassan asked Malfoy for his opinion. His son also participated in this game.

"Gryffindor's disadvantage is indeed obvious, but after all, Quidditch is a wizard's sport. As long as the rider is good enough, anything is possible." Lucius spoke beautifully and seemed very humble, but the only thing he thought about was he knows.

He looked at his son Draco, wondering why this big shot came to Hogwarts to watch the game. But the opportunity was rare, and he hoped Draco would not be embarrassed or let him down.

The three of them talked to each other and analyzed and predicted the strength of both sides. Both teams on the field are also ready.

Marcus and Wood shook hands, and Mrs. Hooch reminded them not to commit flagrant fouls.

"Please pay attention, there are special VIPs watching the game now. Show your best performance." She warned.

"Special guest?" Marcus and Wood looked at each other, confused. Mrs. Huo Qi said it very seriously, and the two of them did not dare to take it lightly.

"Everyone, take your positions and listen to my whistle!" As Mrs. Huo Qi blew the whistle, fourteen players jumped into the sky together.

Harry flew the highest of all. He squinted his eyes and looked around, looking for the whereabouts of the Golden Snitch.

"Marcus, I'll keep an eye on Harry while you execute the plan." Malfoy held the broom and rushed into the sky like an arrow.

"Hey, Saint Potter, do you want to see who can find the Golden Snitch first?"

Harry didn't have time to answer, because at this time, a black Bludger flew towards him. He narrowly avoided it, and George rushed up to fight it away.

"The Bludger isn't quite right, there's something wrong with its trajectory." Ludo said with a frown when he saw this scene.

"But that kid responded quickly and has the qualifications to become a professional Seeker." Hassan nodded and gave his own evaluation of Harry.

Meanwhile, the rest of Slytherin was attacking. They rely on the speed of Nimbus 2000 to crush their opponents.

Several people form a standard triangle offensive formation, with three chasers forming an inverted triangle in the air and two batters covering the attack on the outside.

"Harry, are you okay?" George took the bat and hit the Bludger flying towards Harry towards Slytherin again, targeting Malfoy.

"Slytherin leads, forty to zero." Li Jordan reported the score feebly.

"What?" Harry and George were shocked. How could they lose so many points in a short time.

They and all the spectators looked at the court in shock. Slytherin maintained a perfect offensive formation, and the Gryffindor players could not touch the Quaffle at all.

Even if the opponent scored the Quaffle, it was quickly snatched back by Slytherin's speed advantage and then counterattacked.

Malfoy originally wanted to avoid the Bludger, but it turned back halfway. He smiled proudly and shouted to Harry: "Give up, you can't win even if you catch the Golden Snitch. The gap in our hard power is too big."

"Fifty to zero..." Li Jordan's voice became trembling.

In the audience, the Gryffindor students all looked disappointed. They were unwilling to give in, but Slytherin's advantage was indeed too obvious.

"Hahaha, very energetic." Ludo laughed, the scene in front of him was like a professional team playing a student team.

"It seems that they are not only ahead." Ludo commented, "They also understand that the cooperation and tactics of the players are also very important."

"I agree with you," Hassan said. "Individual skills alone cannot win. Teamwork is the key."

The two teams have completely different styles. The Slytherin team focuses on discipline and tactical coordination, while the Gryffindor team is flexible and free. The latter may have a shocking reversal, but the former can make steady progress.

"One hundred and twenty to zero." Li Jordan's voice became depressed.

"There isn't much time left for the kid." Hassan looked at Harry.

George knocked the Bludger away again and again, but it would always turn around and hit Harry on the head.

"You cheated!" George shouted angrily.

"Do you need it?" Malfoy snorted coldly, "Who do you look down on?"

"Harry, run!" George shouted as he heard the roar of the Bludger.

Harry suddenly accelerated and flew towards the other end of the field. He circled and dived rapidly, but the Bludger still didn't let go of him, clinging to him like a missile.

Malfoy followed suit. No matter what the bludger was doing, his mission in this game was to keep an eye on Harry and not give him any chance to catch the Golden Snitch.

"Something's wrong." Lucius asked Snape in a low voice. Both of them could see that something was wrong.

"Timeout, we need to timeout!" George signaled to Wood. He and Fred found that the Bludger was abnormal.

Mrs. Hooch quickly blew the whistle, and the score had to be fixed at 130-0. Gryffindor gained possession of the Quaffle.

"What's going on?" Wood asked George, which is what everyone wants to know.

"Why do unexpected things happen every time we compete with us?" Daphne complained in confusion, "Last year too, I almost fell off the broom."

"This is the Boy Who Lived. It's going to be a little different after all." Rogge smiled and looked up at the gray sky, "It's raining."

Players from both teams landed, and the crazy Bludgers temporarily disappeared into the rain.

"What did you two do?" Wood angrily scolded the twins. "Angelina had a chance to score just now, but was blocked by the Bludger. That was an opportunity we finally seized."

"We're above her, stopping another Bludger from killing Harry."


"That Bludger has definitely been tampered with. It's not normal!"

"But we have been locked in Mrs. Huo Qi's office since practice last night..."

In the audience, Hermione whispered to Hagrid: "Someone cast a spell on that Bludger. It's too targeted and unlike normal."

"Yes, but who would do such a despicable thing?" Hagrid searched everywhere with his telescope, but found nothing.

Lucius and Snape looked solemn, but they were worried about different things. Lucius wanted his son to win and win the game cleanly.

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