"This is just my guess." Percy said distressedly, "But Ron's recent changes are indeed strange, and we must find out why. As an older brother, I have the responsibility to help him."

"So what do we do?"

"I will talk to Ron first." Percy thought for a while, "and then find a way to investigate. Some things cannot be rushed and need to be taken slowly. Don't worry, as long as I am here, nothing will happen to Ron. of."

"One more thing, you are not allowed to go out for night walks recently! I have seen you several times!"

"I, I know. I haven't been out for a long time." Ginny lowered her head, but she didn't expect Percy to notice her.

She was like a child who had made mistakes, her face was red and she kept clasping her fingers. Percy wasn't criticizing her, but he thought she was too careless.

"Ginny, actually you are not the only one who sneaked out." Sister Percilla sat down and enlightened: "Except for you, George, the others, and Ron all went out for a night out."

"Really? But...but they never take me to play." Ginny was a little disappointed.

Percy pursed his lips and could only comfort her: "You can find someone else. Even if you go out alone at night, you must not be caught. Last year, Harry was punished to patrol the Forbidden Forest for this."

"Forbidden Forest!" Ginny was startled, "He is not injured. I, I mean the Forbidden Forest is dangerous."

"As long as you understand. Especially now, the principal and professor are looking for the location of the secret room. Colin was seen by the Basilisk."

Ginny turned pale and her lips trembled when she heard Percy's words. She looked at Percy with a look of panic on his face, which frightened him.

"Are you okay? You're not catching a cold again, are you?" Percy held his sister's hand, which was as cold as ice.

"Snake, basilisk...how did you know?" Ginny's voice was trembling. She heard Colin said it was a green snake, and thought no one knew it was a basilisk.

"The professor told me, and the prefects all know it." Percy thought Ginny was frightened and didn't think much about it. He poured a cup of hot tea and let Ginny hold the warm hand.

"That is a terrifying monster that will kill anyone who looks directly into its eyes. Thank God, Colin only saw it through the camera." Percy put the protective glasses on Ginny's neck and told her: "Thousands of people Remember, even if you go out to play secretly, you must wear it."

"However, I still hope you don't come out." Percy sighed, "I am running for the new student union president. If you are caught wandering at night, my campaign will be ruined."

"Yeah." Ginny nodded mechanically, the teacup in her hand making her body slightly warmer.

"George and Fred always only think about themselves. They have done enough harm to me. They were caught by Professor McGonagall a few days ago. Fortunately it was not Snape, otherwise I would have been completely out of luck..."

She no longer wanted to listen to Percy's complaints. She held the cup tightly and thought about the whereabouts of the diary. He had obviously thrown it away, so why was the secret room still open?

After dinner, the auditorium was quickly transformed into a duel stage by magic. The four long tables were removed and replaced by a standard magic dueling platform.

The duel platform is in the shape of a long strip, extending from the front of the high platform to the steps. It is covered with a moon phase carpet, and some patterns are even plated with gold. Above it, hundreds of candles lit up. The ceiling became pitch black, like an abyss.

Everyone huddled together, took out their wands, and discussed excitedly. The members of the Jackdaw Magic Club were all there, with relaxed expressions on their faces, as they were used to magic duels.

"I heard that Professor Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young. Maybe he came to teach us." Hermione guessed.

"It's not Professor Flitwick, it's Lockhart." Rogge shook his head, "He told me this personally when I gave him protective glasses."

"Is it really him?" Hermione was a little excited, but also a little hesitant. "Will Professor Lockhart personally participate in the duel?"

Half the semester has passed, and Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class has been useless. Many people said that the name should be changed to Magic Drama Class. After the elf incident, he no longer taught any spells. Every class consisted of reading textbooks and watching him act.

Although Hermione is starstruck, she is not a fool. Every time she saw Lockhart's class performance, her suspicion would increase. She was gradually disappointed, but she still didn't want to believe that he was a liar.

"I know now why you didn't go." Daphne sighed. She once admired Lockhart, but now she hated him.

Following Daphne's gaze, she saw Lockhart wearing a shining purple robe. His appearance is still radiant, and his smile is still sunny.

"Come around. Everyone, come around!" Lockhart's voice was loud, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Can everyone see me?" He paced back and forth on the duel stage, fearing that others wouldn't be able to see him.

"Can everyone hear me?" Although no one answered him, he still pretended: "Very good."

"That's right, in view of the recent horrific events. Professor Dumbledore allowed me to open this dueling club. I will train everyone so that you have the power to protect yourself." He stepped on the stage, and the changes in his voice sounded particularly interesting. Affinity.

Lockhart looked around and glanced at the young wizard one by one. "As I have done countless times, for details, please see my published works."

He grabbed the velvet cloak and threw it to the girls in the audience. The witches exclaimed, looking enviously at the female companion they had snatched.

"I was going to invite Professor Flitwick. After all, he once won the duel championship. It's a pity that he didn't have time to assist me in making a small demonstration." Lockhart showed a regretful expression on his face and extended his hand to invite someone standing on the edge. Snape.

"But don't worry, I found a new assistant, Professor Snape." Lockhart said, grinning widely.

"He told me that he knew a little bit about dueling and was willing to help me make a small demonstration in class."

"I hope you little guys don't worry. After the demonstration, I will return your Potions teacher to you intact." Lockhart had a conceited smile on his face and even winked at everyone proudly: "do not be afraid."

People who were familiar with Snape saw his curled upper lip and staring eyes and understood that it was a precursor to Snape getting angry. But Lockhart didn't understand the Potions Master so well that he even looked at him with a smile.

"I think he should find Professor Trelawney." Rogge watched the two people bow and salute, as if he had seen a medieval duel between nobles.

"That professor of Divination?" Hermione was currently struggling with the elective courses for the next school year.

Second-year students have to decide on elective courses at Easter, and it's still early in December. But Miss Granger thought it was too late to think about electives before Christmas.

"Yeah, that's right. I think Lockhart would look better losing if he fought against Trelawney."

Lockhart made a standard bow to Snape and made various tricks with his hands. Rogge couldn't help but curl his lips, this guy must have been born in the wrong era. If he goes back to the Middle Ages, he is destined to become a bard who travels among the royal palaces and nobles and is famous on the European continent.

Snape, on the other hand, simply tilted his head and raised his wand to his chest impatiently.

"As you can see, we hold our wands in a normal dueling posture." Lockhart looked at the quiet crowd. "On the count of three, we will cast the first spell. Of course, none of us will do it. The other person’s life.”

"Who will win?" someone asked in a low voice.

It's a big departure. Some people actually think that Lockhart can fight Snape.

one two three!

They both jerked their wands over their shoulders at the same time. Before Lockhart could utter the incantation, Snape's spell was already coming.

"Expelliarmus." A dazzling red light hit Lockhart, and he was violently knocked away and fell heavily onto the dueling platform.

"Oh~" There was a cry of regret from the crowd. Everyone felt that Snape's move was unfair and unethical. Lockhart hadn't stretched out his wand yet, and was obviously not ready. How could he activate the spell?

"The dean is awesome!" The little snakes cheered enthusiastically.

Lockhart took a deep breath and staggered to his feet. Still smiling, he praised Snape's performance: "A very nice disarming charm. As you can see, I lost my wand. Oh, thank you, Miss Brown."

Brown handed the wand to Lockhart, blushing with excitement at his thanks.

"A very clever display, Professor Snape... But don't mind what I say, your intention just now is very obvious. If I want to stop you, your spell will not fly at all."

"I can counterattack and win at any time. This is easy for me. But..." Lockhart looked at the students in the audience, "In order to increase your knowledge and see the effect of the spell. I think you can be generous. Bear this blow..."

Snape looked at Lockhart with a murderous look on his face and said calmly: "Perhaps students should be taught how to resist evil curses."

Lockhart panicked, resisting the curse? Doesn't that mean Snape is going to impose them on himself?

He rolled his eyes and said immediately: "Excellent suggestion. But our demonstration ends here! Now I will come among you and divide you into groups of two. If Professor Snape is willing to help me..."

They move through the crowd and match people up. Snape ignored his students and walked directly towards Harry and Ron.

"I think you should be dismissed." He sneered, "Weasley, you can and Finnigan..."

"Professor, I want to challenge Rogge." Weasley interrupted Snape loudly before he could finish.

Snape had a look of surprise on his face, then smiled coldly: "I don't think so."

"I'm going to challenge Rogge." He took out his new wand and looked in Rogge's direction.

"Dean, let me take care of him." Malfoy volunteered, he is just a little Weasley, there is no need to trouble Rogge to take action himself.

Snape turned to look at him and nodded slightly: "Okay, Draco, if you want."

"Facing your partner." Lockhart gave way and Malfoy had a mocking look on his face.


Malfoy curled his lips and made a simple gesture. Neither of them lowered their heads, staring at each other intently.

"Raise your wand and get ready," Lockhart said loudly. "I'll count to three and cast the spell to disarm the opponent. Just disarm, I don't want anything to happen."

Neither of the two people on the stage responded to Lockhart, clearly ignoring his warning.

"one two three."

As soon as Lockhart finished speaking, the two of them took action at the same time. Their spells were cast quickly, but Malfoy was deliberately half a beat too late. He moved his feet and easily dodged Weasley's spell, and then his own spell hit the opponent accurately.

"The front teeth match the big stick!" Malfoy was just playing tricks on the other person, using magic spells to trick him.

Weasley's front teeth suddenly grew very long, causing the whole room to burst into laughter.

"I said, just disarm." Lockhart reminded loudly, but no one paid attention to his words.

The two long front teeth made it impossible for Weasley to read spells smoothly, and he could only passively bear the spells that kept coming. Dancing spells, grinning... Ron was so embarrassed that he fell on the duel stage.

"Stop it, stop it!" Lockhart screamed, but Malfoy turned a deaf ear.

Malfoy said disdainfully, "Trash is trash, even if I give you ten thousand new wands, you can't do it."

He looked back at Rogge, but his president still had a cold expression.

"Stop the curse!" Lockhart shouted to Weasley, and Ron immediately stopped laughing and dancing. However, the long teeth could not be restored and needed to be treated by Madam Pomfrey.

"Too bad, loser."

Ron came down with a red face and long front teeth, surrounded by sneers.

"Upstart Ron is still such a loser."

"Malfoy is right, no matter how good a wand is given to him, he won't be able to hit it accurately."

"He should use the broken wand again, so that he can find a reason for his failure."

"What a pity, someone's new robe is dirty."

The jeers around him made Ron feel dizzy, and his arrogance was rewarded at this moment. He looked at the laughing man angrily and silently clenched his fists.

"Why!" Ron was very puzzled, why he couldn't even defeat Malfoy.

Lockhart sent Ron to the school hospital for treatment, then called to the others: "Next couple."

"Ron, I'll go with you." Harry chased after him.

"I'll go myself." Ron shook off Harry's hand and left the auditorium alone with his head lowered.

Harry looked at his back and decided to take revenge on him. But his opponent was Seamus, and as expected, Seamus' wand was knocked away by him.

You can hardly expect the second-year wizards to have any advanced magic duels. Most of them forcefully absorb each other's spells, or hug each other and start fighting.

In contrast, the members of the Jackdaw Magic Club move quickly and gracefully, and their opponents are often knocked away without even casting a spell.

From this point of view, Weasley was not as bad as he thought when facing Malfoy. At least he managed to cast the spell instead of being knocked out straight away.

"Oh my God, my God!" Lockhart jumped up and down in the crowd, sorting out the aftermath of the duel.

"Macmillan... pay attention! Miss Fawcett, squeeze hard, the bleeding will stop immediately..."

Lockhart had given up on making the little wizards obey, but fortunately his spell was very effective. Far from making a fool of himself, he received an outpouring of gratitude.

"I think it's best to teach you how to stop unfriendly magic." Lockhart stood on the stage, looking a little panicked. He was unsure, and when he saw the cold light in Snape's eyes, he immediately looked away.

"We need to find a couple volunteers..."

"Professor, I'll come." Harry volunteered. He believed that as long as he went on stage, Malfoy would definitely come up.

Sure enough, before Snape could call his name, Malfoy jumped up.

"Excellent!" Lockhart motioned them to the center and used his wand to show Harry how to stop the curse: "You do this when Draco points his wand at you."

He held up the wand and waved it to create complicated patterns, but accidentally threw the wand away: "Oh, it's so exciting."

"Professor, what was the spell you used to save Ron just now?" Harry asked, but Lockhart told him in a low voice: "Just like I did."

"What? Throw the wand on the ground?" Harry looked at Lockhart in disbelief. Is that simply surrendering to Malfoy?

Lockhart counted to three, and Malfoy quickly raised his wand and activated the newly learned spell: Oolong.

His wand crackled and a long black snake sprang out. It landed on the floor and looked around with its snake head raised. Everyone screamed and backed away.

Harry stood motionless, meeting Black Snake's eyes.

Roger stared at Harry from below, "I'm afraid I can't hide the Parseltongue."

"Don't move, Potter, I'll get it away." Snape stood up, pushed Malfoy away and walked towards the black snake.

"Let me do it, Professor Snape!" Lockhart began to convulse again. Perhaps he was afraid that Snape would steal his limelight, so he turned sideways to the black snake with his wand.


The snake bomb flew to the ceiling and then fell hard. It spat out its core, clearly irritated. It hissed angrily and swam straight to its nearest target: Justin.

It raised its head, exposed its fangs, and pretended to bite.

Harry walked over unconsciously, stared at the black snake and ordered: Let him go.

A miracle happened. The snake slumped down and became as supple as a black hose. Roger looked at Harry with slight surprise. The natural Parseltongue could indeed control snakes.

Although he had learned Parseltongue by rote, he could only make Nagini surrender through words, rather than direct control like Harry's domineering way.

The little wizard below ran behind Snape in fear, and everyone looked at him in horror. Snape's eyes widened in shock, an expression he rarely showed.

"Roger, is that Parseltongue?" Daphne felt uncomfortable with Harry's hissing sound, and she felt goosebumps rising all over her body.

"That's right." Rogge frowned and noticed something moving outside.

"There is no trace of the snake." Snape destroyed the black snake and looked at Harry with eyes full of confusion and confusion.

"Harry is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin?" Hermione exclaimed in disbelief, "There are records in the library that Salazar's famous ability is being able to talk to snakes. So, the symbol of Slytherin It’s a snake.”

"Let the principal and others study this matter." Rogge looked at Snape and reminded: "Teacher, we are in trouble."

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