Dumbledore looked at Ron, who was possessed by Riddle, and couldn't help but shake his head. At this time, two black shadows rushed towards them in the distance.

"Albus, what happened! The board of directors' decision hasn't been announced yet!" Fudge and Lucius rushed to the scene. They looked at Weasley who fell to the ground and stared at Dumbledore in disbelief.

"How could you hurt students!" Malfoy asked, but he was happy in his heart.

Great, with this evidence, he can more confidently remove Dumbledore. He also held a scroll in his hand, which was a joint letter of dismissal from the school board of directors.

"Gentlemen, I don't think this is the place for chatting." Dumbledore responded to them with a smile, without any trace of panic.

He motioned to Roger to help Weasley up and go back to school first.

"Fly here quickly." Rogge chanted in a low voice, taking the opportunity to put the invisibility cloak into his bag. Dumbledore glanced sideways and said nothing.

In the principal's office, Fox is napping on his perch. It heard Dumbledore's return and chirped softly. On the wall, the former principals were pretending to be oil paintings. Several people came in and stared at them intently.

Fudge used magic to clear away the rainwater on his body, and looked at Dumbledore slightly anxiously. Lucius and Rogge looked at each other, and then stared at the unconscious Ron with interest.

"Dumbledore, I know you think Hagrid did not commit the crime." Fudge wiped the water droplets on his face with a handkerchief and reminded: "But you know, Hagrid was responsible for the case fifty years ago."

"He has a criminal record and the Ministry of Magic has evidence of guilt. The former principal personally kicked him out of the school. But now, another student has been harmed by the basilisk."

"As you know, the Daily Prophet spread the news everywhere. It seems that our injustice has caused the continuation of the crime."

Fudge sighed regretfully, "I'm very sorry, Albus. I have thought of many ways, but at present it seems that Hagrid needs to be arrested. Not only to give an explanation to the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts, but also to everyone who cares about the school. Give it to every parent and every wizard!"

"But in fact, whether it was fifty years ago or now, it has nothing to do with Hagrid. A miscarriage of justice will only allow the real culprit to go free."

"No, mercy will allow the crime to continue!" Fudge faced Dumbledore with a rare tough moment. He turned to look at Lucius as if asking for help, "I have contacted the school board."

"Rules are rules, and criminals must be punished." Lucius shook his head, with a somewhat regretful expression on his face. "The emergency interrupted us just now, but I have to continue to inform you of the school board's decision."

"This is a temporary suspension order, and all twelve directors have signed it." Malfoy said, unfolding the scroll, and the long parchment was filled with resolutions written in cursive script.

"It's a pity, Mr. Dumbledore." Lucius shook his head. "We feel that you may not have displayed your due talents in the position of principal."

"Though there has only been one attack on a Muggle-born wizard so far. But hire Lockhart and show the board that you can't choose teachers correctly.

Hogwarts is, after all, a school of magic, tasked with educating the next generation of British wizards. We cannot let the children be helpless when facing the dark wizard because of your mistakes. "

"Recently, I have received reports from students that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts has turned into a drama performance." Lucius showed a proud expression in his eyes, and Draco's complaint became the best way to attack Dumbledore. arms.

"Oh, what did you say? Lucius?" Fudge was a little surprised. He originally thought that the board of directors was going to put pressure on Dumbledore and ask Albus to ensure the safety of all teachers and students in the school.

But he never expected that Malfoy would directly hook up with everyone and make the decision to suspend him. Fudge knew very well that Hogwarts still had a basilisk, and without Dumbledore it would be closed.

The principal sat behind his desk and listened to them with a smile. From time to time, his eyes glanced at Rogge, who was writing and drawing in his diary with a quill pen.

Rogge wrote in the notebook: Riddle, you will be sentenced to death. Do you have any last words?

Diary: Judge me? Totally impossible! I'm just a diary, what's wrong with me?

Rogge: But you seduced others into corruption and committed many unforgivable crimes. Kill Myrtle, hurt Ron.

Diary: That wasn't me, that was the sixteen-year-old Voldemort. I am just a fragment and a memory of him, and the laws of the magical world have no right to judge me!

Rogge: But you are Voldemort, and even a memory of him must be completely destroyed.

Rogge saw the book and stopped replying, and continued to write: I want to destroy you in many ways. How about the Fire Spell?

The diary remained indifferent and seemed to have become the most ordinary notebook.

Rogge shook his head, dipped in ink and wrote: I think Li Huo is a bit cruel. After all, it is funny for a wizard to burn a wizard. It would be better to immerse you in a latrine, or put you in a satellite and launch you towards the sun.

The diary shook and angrily displayed a line of writing: Are you a devil?

Rogge laughed: Of course I am not the devil, you are. Let me tell you a secret, I had a conversation with Voldemort last year.

At that time, everyone also discussed the topic of making the soul lose consciousness. I think you are a good experimental subject, erase your consciousness and turn into a pure magic tool.

boom! Riddle's diary flew out, hit the table and fell heavily.

Fudge, who was discussing, was startled. Seeing that Rogge did not mean it, he continued: "Lucius, if Dumbledore can't stop it, who will?"

"But this was a joint decision by the school board, and all twelve people voted."

Fudge wiped his sweat nervously. Although he also wanted to drive Dumbledore out of the position of principal, he didn't even want him to appear in front of everyone. But Malfoy's actions were really too radical.

Dumbledore has been the principal for fifty years, and it can be said that his reputation was accumulated here. His control over Hogwarts far exceeds that of previous ministers over the Ministry of Magic.

In Fudge's opinion, nothing short of death could make Dumbledore step down from his position as headmaster.

"If the board of directors wants me to leave, I will naturally give up my position. But before leaving, I think I should deal with tonight's matters first." Dumbledore smiled and motioned for Rogge to speak.

"Principal, I didn't knock off your wand on purpose." Rogge explained quickly.

"Oh, it's not a big problem, just pick it up." Dumbledore looked at the Elder Wand, and he thought of a good idea.

Harry has a fragment of Voldemort's soul in his body, which may have become a living Horcrux. If the Elder Wand is given to Harry, does that mean Voldemort is also its master?

Rogge's Expelliarmus just now knocked the Elder Wand out of his hand. This means that from now on, the master of the Elder Wand will be Travis instead of Dumbledore. As long as you don't tell anyone about it, the owner of the Elder Wand will always be a secret. Even if he dies, Voldemort will never know who the owner of the Elder Wand is.

This is Dumbledore's last line of defense to protect Harry and an important bargaining chip against Voldemort. Dumbledore believed that as long as Harry was still Harry, Voldemort would be defeated as predicted.

He reminded Rogge: "What I mean is that you need to explain the diary to Minister Fudge and Malfoy."

Rogge put the diary on the light, and Malfoy's face instantly became a little ugly.

"Didn't I give it to the little girl of the Weasley family? Why did it end up in Rogge's hands?" Malfoy began to feel uneasy, no wonder he felt familiar, but it was a pity that it was dark just now and he couldn't see clearly.

Dumbledore motioned for him to place the diary on the table, then tapped it with his wand. The silverware on the table began to spit out green smoke, which formed a vicious snake head shape.

The snake head symbol frightened Lucius and Fudge because they both recognized it as Voldemort's symbol.

"This... this is impossible! Albus, the mysterious man is dead." Fudge became excited. He wanted to take the diary away, but Rogge took it away first.

Roger sat back as if nothing had happened. He held the diary with his finger and gently turned it, and it began to rotate on his finger: "Actually, it was not Hagrid who opened the Chamber of Secrets. No one would believe that a hybrid giant is a descendant of Slytherin."

"I agree with Rogge." Malfoy quickly changed his attitude. He needed to get out of the diary as soon as possible.

"Now that the Chamber of Secrets has been reopened, it proves that the monster inside is not a spider, but a basilisk. Hagrid is not the heir of Slytherin, and he cannot control the basilisk."

"This shows that the murderer fifty years ago was not Hagrid! There was obviously something wrong with the trial back then!" Malfoy spoke righteously and seemed to be completely on Dumbledore's side.

Fudge turned to look at Malfoy, which side are you on?

Malfoy seemed not to have seen Fudge's eyes and continued to give him eye drops: "Although the Daily Prophet got the wrong person, they are right in what they said. Delayed justice will cause irreparable harm."

He held the suspension order in his hand and had a premonition that it would be difficult to drive Dumbledore away from the position of principal today.

Fudge looked a little ugly. It wasn't Hagrid's fault, so whose fault was it? When he saw Rogge and remembered that he came out of Azkaban, he couldn't help but feel a shadow in his heart.

The Ministry of Magic compensated the Travis family a large sum of galleons last year. According to them, Hagrid is innocent. Doesn't that mean the Ministry of Magic has misjudged him for fifty years? Want another large amount of compensation?

Fudge said with a cold face, "No matter what happened back then, he is the biggest suspect now and needs to go back with us for investigation!

It doesn’t have to be an arrest, it doesn’t have to go to Azkaban, but you have to follow me! In one month, if there is an error, the Ministry of Magic will correct it on its own! "

"Minister Fudge, Hagrid or the Basilisk are fine, but there is something more serious." Rogge pointed at the snake head in the air and deliberately lowered his voice: "For example, Voldemort, what we really need to pay attention to is that he is not dead yet and can be attacked at any time. Comeback.”

Fudge was furious and stood up with a bang. He picked up his hat and turned around to leave: "Albus, please take care of the students at Hogwarts. The mysterious man is dead. This is an irrefutable fact. If there is such a thing that disrupts the magical world again, Rumors, I’ll have the Ministry of Magic close Hogwarts!”

"But I have evidence." Rogge glanced at the principal and put the diary spinning on his fingertips in front of him.

"A diary? Huh, nonsense!" Fudge sneered a few times, unwilling to listen to Rogge's explanation. He pushed the child in front of him away and left in a panic.

"Tom Riddle's diary can also be said to be Voldemort's diary. If this news is told to Miss Rita, I think it will definitely be explosive!" Rogge's light tone was so heavy that Fudge could not take even half a step. .

His face turned pale and he turned to look at Rogge dully.

"No...impossible...this is not Merlin!" Fudge was very panicked, and even had tears in his eyes with anxiety, "The Dark Lord is dead! This is just a diary, it does not mean that he is still alive."

"I agree with Minister Fudge." Unexpectedly, Malfoy stood up to support Fudge.

Although he is a former Death Eater, he is also unwilling to see Voldemort come back. Because Malfoy knew full well that he was also the one who betrayed Voldemort. If he returns to the magic world, he will definitely not be able to spare himself.

If word got out that Voldemort was not dead, the wizarding world would be in turmoil. He could not enjoy a wealthy life in peace and contentment, but returned to his old career as a Death Eater.

He needs to put on a black robe and a mask, walk on thin ice, be on tenterhooks... and be frightened every moment. All day long, he was like other Death Eaters, running around in the magical world like rats. Then they stayed in an unknown secret room and began a secret meeting to discuss ways to retrieve their master.

Damn it, this is definitely not the life Malfoy wants!

What's even worse is that Voldemort's whereabouts are unknown, but Dumbledore is right in front of him. Without Voldemort standing in the way, Azkaban would be his destination.

"Dumbledore, you know, Harry Potter defeated him! If the mysterious man is still alive, who is Potter? A liar?" Fudge roared.

Dumbledore waited quietly for Fudge to finish venting before speaking slowly: "The reason why Harry was able to defeat Tom was because of the magic of his mother's love. The wizarding world announced that there was no problem with Tom's death, but death does not mean the end.

As wizards, we all know that magic is always mysterious and full of temptations. Fudge, please wait patiently and listen to Rogge. "

Fudge was speechless and sat back down with a blush. I don't know whether he was annoyed or ashamed. Rogge sighed, this ostrich minister just refused to face the truth.

He nodded and continued: "Tom Marvolo Riddle's mother is a witch of the Gaunt family. The Gaunt family is a descendant of Slytherin. In other words, he is Slytherin's Heir."

"Fifty years ago, he opened the Chamber of Secrets and summoned a basilisk. Myrtle was killed by the basilisk. If the Ministry of Magic had conducted a serious and careful investigation instead of perfunctoryly, there might not have been Voldemort later... …”

"Ahem..." Dumbledore coughed a few times and added: "Hogwarts also failed in its duties in what happened back then. The question now is, how to deal with this matter?"

"After all, that's not a diary, but Tom's Horcrux."

"Horcrux?" Malfoy and Fudge looked at each other. They didn't understand and had to wait for further explanation.

"A kind of dark magic. Cut out a part of your soul, store it in an item, and then resurrect it one day. What I have in my hand is Voldemort's sixteen-year-old soul."

There was an eerie silence in the principal's office, with Fudge and Lucius staring closely at the old notebook. It turned out that Voldemort was so close to them.

Malfoy, in particular, regretted it even more. This dark magic item was gifted to him by Voldemort. He never knew it was a Horcrux. If I had known about it, I would never have thrown it away so easily.

Rogge pointed at Weasley, who did not know whether he was alive or dead, and introduced this unfortunate guy to them: "His name is Ron Weasley. Unfortunately, he came into contact with a Horcrux. Part of his soul was occupied. That's why Dumbledore just wanted to Reason to knock him out.”

"I regret not discovering this Horcrux in time. After all, no one thought that someone would bring Tom's Horcrux into Hogwarts." Dumbledore's words made Malfoy's heart tighten.

Malfoy quickly ran through it in his mind to make sure he didn't leave any evidence behind, and then carefully exhaled.

"If the Horcrux is not destroyed, Ron will never wake up. His vitality will gradually be absorbed by Tom's soul and become the nourishment for Voldemort's rebirth."

"Then destroy it now!" After hearing this terrifying fact, Fudge suddenly took out his wand and cast various spells on the diary, but was unable to cause any damage to it.

"What! Why is this happening? Why is it so difficult to destroy?" Fudge turned and stared at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore pondered for a moment, then slowly explained: "Horcruxes are very evil magic. They can protect themselves from being destroyed. It is difficult for ordinary spells to harm them, so special methods must be used."

After hearing this, Fudge had to admit the horror of the Horcrux: "I will leave it to the Department of Mysteries to deal with it."

"Minister, Weasley will die if you do this," Roger reminded.

Fudge took a breath and said regretfully: "For the peace of the magical world, I'm sorry that your friend had to make sacrifices. But this sacrifice is necessary and meaningful!"

He patted Rogge on the shoulder and said shamelessly: "Albus, there are always people who need to make sacrifices for the overall situation. Twelve years ago, the sacrifices of countless Aurors and wizards resulted in today's peace."

"Even the parents of the savior used their lives to protect the magical world. This child used his life to prevent the mysterious man from returning. He deserves the first-class medal of the Order of Merlin! I remember his father, named Arthur Weasley, A very dedicated staff member.”

Rogge's eyes widened and he said faintly: "You can exchange a life for a medal, how dare you say that."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, and Fudge felt an invisible pressure. But he would not back down, let alone let the magical world know about the mysterious man's return: "Albus, this is a necessary sacrifice."

"No, Ron's sacrifice is meaningless and avoidable." Dumbledore stood up and walked to Fudge, his eyes blazing.

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