A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 173 Who borrows something and returns it!

Dumbledore saw Rogge's vigilant eyes, and there was a bit of cunning hidden in his smile: "This sword is called the Sword of Gryffindor, and it was forged by goblins."

"Compared to the invisibility cloak, it not only has a long history, but also contains extremely powerful magic," Dumbledore said slowly, "This sword belongs to Godric, the founder of Gryffindor..."

"I agree!" Rogge handed the invisibility cloak directly to Dumbledore without waiting for the principal to finish.

Although there are three major Deathly Hallows in this world: the Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Resurrection Stone. But in Rogge's view, the real magic weapon is the big sword in front of him.

When the goblins forged it, they gave the great sword the potential to grow. Harry uses it to kill the basilisk and make it absorb the venom of the basilisk. From now on, the Great Sword can destroy Horcruxes.

If the great sword can continue to absorb and grow, it can one day become a supreme divine object, and even kill gods.

Dumbledore was a little surprised. It seemed that Snape was right. Compared to magic spells, Rogge preferred a duel with real swords and guns.

"I'm just lending it to you." Dumbledore changed the subject, causing Rogge's hand to grab the sword to freeze in mid-air.

"Lend it to me? Principal, you are too stingy!"

"This is a relic of Gryffindor. After all, it belongs to the glorious inheritance of the school." Dumbledore placed the Sorting Hat in front of him. "Normally, only those with the true Gryffindor spirit can get it from the Sorting Hat." it."

"However, if you have the confidence to take it out of the Sorting Hat, I can consider giving it to you." Dumbledore placed the two items in front of him at the same time, wondering what Rogge would choose.

Rognun pursed his lips, really thinking this was the sword in the stone! He is not King Arthur, nor is he a son of destiny like Harry or Neville. I know very well how much it weighs. Once I put the sword back into the Sorting Hat, there is a high probability that I will not be able to pull it out.

More importantly, the invisibility cloak has been handed over. It would be unwise to accept Dumbledore's test at this time. Once it fails, everything will be lost, and it will be nothing.

Rogge grabbed the sword: "Principal, I am in Slytherin, so I definitely cannot have the spiritual spirit recognized by Gryffindor. Just borrow it (the worst case scenario is not to return it)!"

The eyes of the two people couldn't help but bump into each other. After a brief meeting, Dumbledore looked at him with a smile.

Rogge regarded it as a pledge. Old Bee will not give up control of the Deathly Hallows easily. As for the sword of Gryffindor, it has more symbolic meaning in his heart.

"Then I'm leaving?" Rogge received Dumbledore's tacit approval and left the principal's office briskly.

Dumbledore touched the invisibility cloak in his hand and placed the Elder Wand on it. He picked up Riddle's diary again and fell into deep thought.

The next day, news spread quickly around the school that Ron had fallen into a coma. Harry and the Weasley brothers ran to the school hospital and asked what happened.

"It must have been done by the basilisk." Everyone was talking about it, and some people were so suspicious.

"Didn't you say that basilisks don't attack purebloods?"

"Who knows. Maybe he did some magic experiment and reaped the consequences."

"Could it be that Ron made a deal with the devil..."

There are various speculations circulating on campus, and no one knows what the real situation is.

"Roger, you said it wasn't Hagrid who killed Myrtle?" Hermione held a pile of autographs and stared at him seriously.

"Yes, it was Riddle who did it. Hagrid is just a scapegoat. The Ministry of Magic will restore Hagrid's wizard status in a few days." Rogge answered in the affirmative.

"Really!" Hermione was a little excited, but also a little disappointed.

She was happy that Hagrid had been vindicated, but she was also a little sad that the signature in her hand had become waste paper.

"You can keep these signatures for now. The principal said there will be a special trial on Easter." Rogge said mysteriously.

"Judgment? For whom?"

"The real murderer who killed Myrtle. This is a grand trial, and when the time comes, everyone in the magical world may be present."

"Oh my god, this news is great! I think Myrtle will be very happy when she knows it. I'll tell her right away!" Hermione was about to turn around when she was caught by Roger.

"Wait a minute. It rained last night and I didn't go looking for the giant spider. Let's continue tonight." Rogge stared at Hermione's increasingly rosy face. She lowered her head and hummed, then quickly broke away from Rogge's hand and left as if running away.

After Rogge and Weasley's "persecution" of the giant spider, these guys with high IQs were very vigilant. They have learned to be smart now and rarely move alone anymore. They all travel in groups.

Late that night, Roger and Hermione cast the Disillusionment Curse. They searched the Forbidden Forest and did not encounter any single Acromantula. The smallest number is a small group of five large spiders in front of them.

Rogge whispered, "Hermione, it seems I can only choose them."

"It's okay. I can definitely defeat them!" Hermione encouraged herself secretly.

"Don't worry, it's too dangerous to deal with five of them alone. You attack one of them first, and leave the others to me."

"Okay." Hermione nodded, grabbed her wand and began to select her opponent.

Soon, she selected the largest black giant spider. Then he broke out of the invisible state and hit it with splitting force.

The big spider let out a painful roar after taking pain, and other giant spiders quickly surrounded Hermione, trying to attack. Finally, they found the guy who attacked the tribe. It turned out to be the wizard in the castle in the distance!

"Spiders retreat!" Rogge cast a spell in time and knocked the other four away. "Hermione, leave the black spider to you."

After saying that, he drew out his big sword and killed the big spider who was fighting back. As for Hermione, he was also paying attention and would immediately come to the rescue if something unexpected happened.

Seeing that the little one dared to challenge him, the giant black spider raised up its eight thin legs, trying to crush Hermione into a meat pie.

It moved quickly, but its thoughts were too naive, and the weakness of its abdomen was exposed at once.

"All petrified!"

When Roger heard Hermione use the control spell, he knew that the end of the black giant spider was decided. He used his sword to chop off the slender spider legs, and killed the big guy in front of him with one sword.

Another giant spider screamed angrily when it saw its companion died tragically. Its eight thin legs moved rapidly, its big belly pushed forward, and its jet nozzle was aimed at the target.


The jet nozzle as big as a bowl spits out a large ball of white liquid. The white liquid quickly unfolded and turned into a giant net, quickly blocking all Rogge's paths. Rogge was not afraid at all and charged forward with his sword. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward, slashing hard at the flexible spider web with his big sword.

The sword blade struck it, and there was a silky feeling. Like a hot knife cutting through butter, a big hole is made when the sword is struck.

The giant spider looked at this scene in shock, what kind of strange thing is this!

It has never met a guy who can break through the cobwebs. The little guy's silver hands look like branches. How can he break through the cobwebs?

Before it could react, Rogge jumped in front of it. The big sword struck its thigh, and the giant spider jumped into the air in panic.

At this moment, Rogge raised the wand with his left hand and shouted: "Land to the ground!"

The big spider was hit by the curse, and a terrifying gravitational force came from the ground. Its whole body suddenly fell downwards


It hit the ground hard, and its thin legs were broken. His whole body sank into the wet soil, and his mind was in chaos. Of the eight eyes of different sizes, four of them can barely see.

In a daze, the giant spider saw silver light flashing past his eyes.

It didn't feel any pain, it just moved its mouth and its head fell off. The giant spider's head rolled twice on the ground, and it fell into darkness when it saw the little one stabbing the sword into its body.

"Split into pieces!"

The battle not far away also came to an end, and Hermione ended the battle cleanly. The giant black spider fell in front of her. Hermione wiped the sweat from her head and made a victory gesture to Rogge.

"Next time I come to the Forbidden Forest alone, no problem." Hermione kicked the giant spider's claws, and there was a rustling sound in her ears.

She turned her head to look alertly, and saw numerous shining black eyes appearing in the woods. They crawl out from the canopies of trees and shrubs. Densely packed, everywhere.

They are huge, and their eight long thin legs cast a frightening long shadow under the dense shadow of the trees. Hissing, hissing... a series of weird sounds came out of his mouth, intertwined together like a curse that threatened his life.

Hermione ran towards Roger, and the two leaned close to each other, looking around vigilantly. An unusually large spider crawled out from the shadows. It was more than ten meters in diameter, like a walking monster. If the eight eyes weren't milky white, they would definitely be able to emit weird light.

"Aragog?" Rogge asked it.

"It's me, why do you want to kill my descendants." Aragog made a low voice. Although he had cataracts, he couldn't see what was in front of him. But through the sound, the location of the two people was locked.

"Hagrid and I made an agreement that I will never hurt you. Correspondingly, you should not hurt us either."

Hermione took a deep breath, mustered up the courage to ask, "Are you raised by Hagrid? We are Hagrid's friends."

"Friends?" Aragog roared in displeasure, and the giant spiders around him waved their slender legs.

It made a low voice, "Then why did you kill my children? And you took away the poison glands in their bodies."

While talking, the big spiders crawled forward. They densely surrounded the two men, raising their sharp sickle-like forelimbs threateningly, ready to pounce at any time. As long as their father gives the order, they will be eaten immediately.

Hermione felt a little panicked and kept trying to reassure herself to calm down.

"I am a wizard, I am a wizard!" She thought silently in her mind, and Lalaroge hinted whether she should use her wings to fly away.

Rogge gave Hermione a look, indicating that she was ready to take action: "First of all, it was not us who took away the poison glands. Secondly, you are just a group of foreign pests. Do I need a reason to kill you?"

"Pest?" Aragog made a sharp voice, as if to express his dissatisfaction: "You wizards are always so arrogant. Even if you want to turn into fresh human flesh, you are still so arrogant."

"No matter what, I can't let you go." Aragog neighed loudly, "Attack them all! Let this stupid and arrogant wizard become our food!"

Almost at the same time, Rogge waved his wand, and two pieces of armor hung on him and Hermione.

The giant spiders that were very close had already pounced on him, their sharp claws, fangs, and sticky webs coming one after another, but they were unable to break through the armor's protection.

Hermione closed her eyes in fear and realized that she was not hurt in any way. She opened her eyes in surprise and found herself wrapped in a golden magic protective shield. No matter how fiercely the giant spiders from the outside attacked, the protective shield remained motionless and not damaged at all.

Araqq personally rushed forward, its huge body almost blocking the moonlight. It angrily bit off two of its fangs, and finally had no choice but to spit out large balls of cobwebs.

The golden protective shield was wrapped into a white ball, and Aragog ordered the remaining giant spiders to drag them back to his lair.

"Roger? Rogge?" Hermione shouted loudly in the darkness, but received no response. She could only hear the sound of the ball rubbing against tree roots and rocks, and she felt very anxious.

Just when Hermione didn't know what to do. The jackdaw badge on his chest trembled.

"Fluorescence." Hermione quickly lit up the darkness with her wand, and saw Rogge sending a message through the badge:

Acromantulas have a high IQ, and their words will be heard by them. Don't worry, don't attack for now, and wait until you are taken to the lair to find a way out.

Seeing that Roger was safe, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied: "Yes, I will listen to you."

The large and small spiders outside looked like ants returning from victory. Their eight slender legs protected the prisoners of the white ball. They moved noisily and happily through the dense forest, advancing like a hollow.

"Roger, I feel short of breath."

"Try the Head Bubble Charm. It creates a bubble around the head and supplies oxygen into it."

Hermione quickly used the Bubble Head Charm, and a transparent fish tank bubble was placed on her head. It's full of fresh air and you can take a big breath.

"It really works!" Hermione typed to Roger excitedly, "I thought it could only be used underwater."

"Haha, we are almost underwater now. I hope you didn't eat garlic, otherwise it wouldn't be fun to faint from your own breath." Rogge sent it with a smile.

"Hmph! I don't have bad breath!" Hermione clenched her fist, wanting to punch it through the badge.

Everything about the head soaking spell is good, even the air you exhale is retained in it. If you eat garlic or have bad breath, you will suffocate yourself to death before the oxygen is used up.

The two of them chatted with each other, making the dull journey not too boring. As Hermione continued chatting, the panic and tension in her heart slowly disappeared.

The movement around them gradually became smaller, and they seemed to have entered the spider swarm's nest. However, giant spiders can still be heard walking around.

"What magic did you use? Why have I never seen a similar magic mask?"

"Armor protection."

"Liar!" Hermione pouted and typed, "Armor protection is not like this."

"Maybe this is a gift."

Through the text, Hermione could already imagine the proud look of the guy next to her. She rolled her eyes and was about to continue her reply. The light shield suddenly disappeared, and a hole was cut into the cobweb wrapped outside.

"It's me." Roger grabbed Hermione and used the Disillusionment Charm to slip out.

The large spiders around them stayed in their webs, unaware that their prey had escaped. Not only did the prey not escape, but it also found its way into the depths of the depression: an underground cave.

"This..." Hermione looked down in horror.

The moonlight slanted into the cave, and a female spider that was much larger than Aragog hung on the web. It has a small head and a huge, ugly belly.

Under the spider web, the entire layer was covered with spider eggs, so densely packed that they were countless. There were some white skeletons scattered around the edge of the cave, and newly hatched spiders were emerging from them, pounced on the corpses that had not turned into skeletons, and devoured them greedily.

"It's too scary..." Hermione couldn't help but tremble. If this female spider continued to reproduce crazily, the Forbidden Forest would sooner or later turn into a devouring hell.

"We must destroy them." Hermione pulled Roger, "Contact the Ministry of Magic. Our power is not enough to deal with so many."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me. Want to see a grand bonfire?"

"Bonfire?" Hermione looked at Roger in confusion.

Rogge took out his wand and rushed into the cave to release blazing flames. The flames released by the wand showed an extreme blue-white color, and they turned into blooming flowers as they fell apart.

When these flowers touch the ground, the cave turns into a huge furnace. The ubiquitous cobwebs became the best ignition material, and the layers of bones became firewood.

Mosag, the female spider on the spider web, screamed, and her painful screams pierced the night, startling countless giant spiders and rushing towards her.

As the cobwebs beneath it burned away, Mosag fell downwards. Her huge abdomen became a burden, not only destroying countless spider eggs, but also preventing her from climbing up.

The giant female spider trapped in the cave let out a painful scream, and the sound penetrated the night sky, alarming the entire spider group. They swarmed towards the cave entrance, with Aragog taking the lead.

But the scorching sea of ​​fire was so fierce that the giant spider that rushed down was licked fiercely by the tongue of fire before it even touched the mother spider. The down on their bodies quickly ignited, and they fell into the sea of ​​fire with howls of pain. A few final flutters, turning into new fuel.

A smell of roasted spiders mixed with the smell of mud came from the cave. In the end, Aragog only rescued the charred head of the female spider.

"Find them, find them!" Aragog fell into madness, and countless giant spiders began to search for the whereabouts of Rogge and Hermione.

Aragog roared as his wife and countless children perished in the flames below. Now it just wants to tear the two wizards into pieces, mix the bones and eat them one by one to vent the endless hatred in its heart.

"Hermione, I'll deal with that old spider alone. Cover me later." Rogge drew out his big sword and went to kill the blind spider.

"It's too dangerous!" Hermione frowned in protest at his recklessness, "It's so big, it will be seriously injured if it is patted."

"We must get rid of it. Otherwise, other people in the school will be in danger." Rogge patted Hermione's hand and put an armor on her to protect her. "Believe me, we can definitely do it!"

The night wind was a bit scorching, and bursts of neighing could be heard from the Forbidden Forest. Countless sleeping birds woke up from the forest and flew into the air in panic.

Rogge held a big sword in his right hand and a wand in his left hand, walking through the forest like a ghost. In order to avenge his wife Mosag, Aragog sent out all the giant spiders around him.

It vented its violence in front of the cave. It grabbed the giant spider that happened to be passing by and tore it into pieces, then chewed it up and swallowed it.

Rogge added the Flying Feather Technique to himself and quickly approached without making any sound. He was very confident in killing Aragog, a blind old spider who would surely die by his sword.

This old spider has lived for more than fifty years, and the venom in its body must be of excellent quality, just right to enchant the great sword.

10 m.

5 meters.

Closer, closer, Rogge could even see the hair on its legs trembling.

1 meter!


Rogge stabbed his sword sharply, aiming directly at Aragog's head.

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