A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 176 Easter Judgment Day

Hearing Roger's encouragement, Hermione's eyes reappeared with determination. She nodded and decided to go all out according to her plan. As long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to complete the twelve courses.

Daphne grabbed Hermione's hand and couldn't help but sigh: "Hermione, you are working too hard! It will be too hard in the future. You have to read and study every day, and you may not even have time to try on new clothes."

"It's okay. In fact, it's about the same now. The pressure will be a bit greater when the third year comes. By the way, I heard that many people have received invitations to the Easter Trial. Have any of you?" Hermione asked.

Daphne and Roger both nodded, "All pure-blood families in the magical world will witness the trial."

"Ah? Who is being judged, and it has alarmed so many people?" Hermione was very curious, but she felt a sense of discrimination in her heart.

Just because I came from a Muggle family, no invitations were sent to young wizards like me in this trial.

In fact, this was not because Dumbledore was discriminating against them, but because he thought they were not ready to face Voldemort.

"The names cannot be revealed yet, but I think they won't be released after the trial."

"What! So mysterious?" The more Rogge said this, the more interested Hermione became, and she thought quickly, "A person who cannot be named."

Her eyes lit up, she covered her mouth and looked at Rogge in disbelief: "It can't be lying on the ground..."

"Shh!" Rogge shook his head and motioned to Hermione not to say the name, so as not to cause panic around her.

"Isn't he dead?" Hermione was very puzzled. "It is clearly written in the book that Harry destroyed him."

She had already guessed who would be tried, but she knew some things needed to be kept secret. At Easter, the judge will naturally announce the truth to everyone.

"I can't tell you the specific situation yet. But if you want to go live, you can take those signatures with you. When the time comes, Myrtle will also be present." Rogge said mysteriously.

"Myrtle? I understand, that person was the murderer who killed her back then! No wonder you let me keep my signature. Great, I can use my signature to ask the judge to punish that guy severely." Hermione clenched her fists and waved, Myrtle's murderer is finally punished.

She had been sad about Myrtle. Later, when he learned that the real murderer was not Hagrid, he came to the bathroom to comfort Myrtle. The cute, slightly buck-toothed girl cried and plunged into the toilet. It took a lot of effort for Hermione to convince her that there would be justice for her.

"Where is the location?" Hermione couldn't wait to see it.

"Godric's Hollow." Rogge took a deep breath and slowly said this place name that was of great significance to the magic world.

It is a place where wizards and Muggles live harmoniously. It is a semi-wizard settlement located in southwest England.

As early as thousands of years ago, many famous wizard families lived here. Peverell, the first owner of the Deathly Hallows Cloak of Invisibility, is buried in the Valley Cemetery.

Dumbledore and Grindelwald met, fell in love, and killed each other here... The dispute between Albus and Grindelwald eventually led to the death of his sister Ariana.

This place contains the pain of Albus's life!

Later, Voldemort killed James through Wormtail Peter's informant. Lily sacrificed herself to protect Harry, which eventually caused Voldemort to be cursed and disappear into the wizarding world...

Everything everything, everything everything.

It can be said that countless major events that affect the wizarding world are inextricably linked to this land.

If Grindelwald and Voldemort were the powder keg that stirred up the storm, then their fuse was lit here.

The gears of fate turn away from here and back again. Godric, a poignant and heavy place name.

Today, it ushered in the final chapter of Riddle's seventh chapter.

The originally peaceful valley ushered in unprecedented excitement on Easter. The Muggle residents of the village were invited to go on vacation, and wizards from all over the world descended from the sky on carriages pulled by thestrals or hippogriffs.

The small square has been magically expanded to accommodate thousands of people. People wore solemn black gowns and wide-brimmed hats. They either greeted each other softly, or stood still and stared at the monument in the center of the square.

Although the organizer is the International Federation of Magic, most of the wizards who appear are from the British wizarding community.

The twenty-eight sacred clans stood in the center, with other pure-blood families surrounding them. Then came the half-blood, Muggle-born wizards... The huge square was quickly enveloped by countless figures.

A tall monument stands in the center of the square. Under normal circumstances, it is just an obelisk with densely packed names engraved on it.

But when a wizard walks underneath it, it turns into a statue of three people. A middle-aged man with thinning hair and glasses stood vigilantly with a wand in his hand, protecting his cloud-haired wife and the baby in her arms behind him.

The baby with a distinct lightning-shaped scar on his forehead was the young Harry Potter.

This monument was built after Voldemort was eliminated. It witnessed the sacrifice of light against darkness and also heralded the coming of new vitality and hope.

The trial of Riddle's diary here today is both a coincidence and a necessity.

"Is that baby Harry?" Hermione looked at the statue in surprise. The two adults were undoubtedly James and Lily.

"That's right." Rogge nodded. The shape of the statue was too gross. It seems to constantly remind passing wizards that it was here that the Potter family eliminated Voldemort and saved the wizarding world.

Not only Hermione, but most of the wizards present recognized who the statue was. They all looked at the child beside Dumbledore, the savior of the wizarding world and the Boy-Who-Lived: Harry Potter, and sent them endless blessings and greetings.

Thanks to Harry, You-Know-Who has been killed. Everyone is freed from darkness and killing, and the magical world finally ushered in peace.

But all this: the illusory peaceful days in front of them will be broken today.

Well-informed people have already learned, through the Ministry of Magic or Malfoy, the magical props of the person who will be tried today.

Whether you attend this Easter trial will represent everyone's attitude towards the mysterious man. Support or opposition determines whether you stand behind Dumbledore or in front of him.

The weather was a bit gloomy, and the quiet square seemed more solemn and solemn. Under the calm atmosphere, there is an undercurrent. Everyone felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

As the head of the Travis family, Rogge and the others watched the trial from the front row. Jessica stared at the people around her, many of whom were her husband's (Death Eater) friends during his lifetime.

Hermione looked around and soon found more familiar faces: Mr. Ollivander, Old Tom, Mrs. Malkin... almost everyone she knew was here.

Dumbledore came over and waved his wand to raise a podium from beneath his feet.

"Roger, where is the prisoner?" Hermione looked around the podium curiously.

"It's already there." Rogge gestured that it was on the stage.

Hermione was confused. It looked like an ordinary book, so it wasn't worth going to war, right? Could it be that there is a hidden mechanism inside? The prisoner enchanted the book, jumped in and hid it?

"How could there be such a stupid thief?"

"Shh!" Jessica reminded the two of them to be quiet, the trial was about to begin.

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