A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 185 I pronounce the sentence, your death!

"Riddle's diary contains part of Tom Riddle's soul. Fifty years ago, he released the basilisk, murdered innocent girls, and framed kind schoolmates. Fifty years later, it attempted to resurrect and cost several lives. Extremely dangerous." Dumbledore slowly recounted his crime, and then solemnly announced the verdict.

"Hogwarts will cancel all its special contribution awards, outstanding graduates and other honors. The Wizengamot will deprive its wizard status and rights.

And according to the Code of the International Federation of Magical Circles, in view of his numerous culpability and depravity. It is hereby announced that it will be destroyed with severe fire on the spot to avoid further trouble. "

"Destroy it!"

"Burn it with fierce fire!" The crowd became restless, and everyone waved their magic wands to send this evil thing to death.

Dumbledore removed the podium and stepped forward with steady steps. The diary was floating in the air, shaking uneasily as if it noticed something.

"Tom, the last light in your heart passed away fifty years ago. Today, you will be judged in the name of the law." Dumbledore raised his wand and slowly pointed it at the diary.

At this moment, the diary started shaking violently. It struggled wildly, as if trying to break out of the chains. There was an exclamation in the crowd, and many parents hurriedly protected their children and moved back.

Some people even use telepathy to apparate, and run away as soon as they see danger. But there were still people who came out bravely, holding up their wands to prepare for Riddle's counterattack before he died.

"Lucius." Rogge raised his wand and reminded him.

"I understand." Lucius, who was hesitating, shuddered and immediately raised his wand and began to prepare the Fire Spell.

He knew clearly that he had lost Voldemort's Horcrux. If Voldemort returns, the consequences will be disastrous. He could already imagine the horrific torture he would suffer.

Now, he could only stand firmly on Dumbledore's side. He wants to cooperate with everyone in the wizarding world to destroy the diary to prove that the Malfoy family and Voldemort are completely separated.

What if Voldemort comes back and learns that he lost his diary and it was destroyed. He and his family will definitely suffer the harshest punishment.

"I pronounce sentence, your death!"

Dumbledore muttered a spell, and suddenly, a fiery red flame shot out from the tip of the staff. It turned into a fiery red phoenix with its wings spread out in mid-air, roaring towards the diary suspended in mid-air.

The fire phoenix reflects brilliantly in the sunlight. It raised its long neck like a hungry beast hunting for prey.

"Dumbledore!! No..."

The diary was ignited by the fierce fire and let out a blood-curdling scream. It twisted wildly, trying to escape, but was firmly imprisoned by the chains.

A twisted human figure rose up, it was young Tom Riddle. He howled and tried to escape, and many people couldn't help but stare nervously, fearing that he would suddenly explode.

Rogge was about to add fire, but Mrs. Longbottom had already taken the lead and shot out a golden flame.

"Let's go together!" Rogge shouted to the others, and the wand instantly sprayed out a stream of silver-white fire, turning into a crow and flying into it.

Soon after, more people joined in. A fierce chanting sounded in the square, like a solemn aria in a church, inexplicably sacred and harmonious.

Firelights of various colors shot out from the tip of the wand, transforming into various flaming creatures. There are fire snakes that look like snakes and scorpions, and there are fire beasts that look like ligers. They shine with bright gold, crimson or poisonous green light, and fly towards the target.

Rogge closed his eyes and felt the excitement of the fire elements around him. The whole world was immersed in a sea of ​​fire. In this ocean, he experienced countless emotions.

It turns out that when wizards cast spells, they use spells to release and shape these inner emotions and powers. Rogge suddenly understood and began to understand the essence of magic more deeply.

He unconsciously gathered the fire elements surging around him. Keep calm inside and shape the fire element without any emotion. Soon, a ball of fire formed in his palm.

You can make fireballs by yourself!

Rogge was taken aback and quickly dispersed the fireball in his hand. Fortunately, everyone was engrossed in the diary and no one noticed his little move just now.

He looked at his white and tender palms, where the warmth of the fireball remained. It was magic composed of pure fire elements and did not rely on any emotional factors. I just don't know how powerful it is.

On the other side, everyone was cheering.

Countless rays of fierce fire ravaged Riddle's diary crazily, eating away at his sixteen-year-old remnant soul. The diary twisted, let out an inhuman howl, and was slowly swallowed by the flames.

Today, what everyone is burning is not only an evil black magic item, but also a collective trial for an existence whose name cannot be revealed for all its sins.

Today, everyone uses the hatred of the past as fuel to burn the remnants of their souls. Now that Voldemort has fallen into darkness, let his remaining soul fall into eternal death.

Harry looked a little depressed, as he hadn't learned the Fire Charm yet. So, he listened carefully to the chants around him and memorized the spell-casting movements. Seeing the diary being burned, he hurriedly raised his wand and tried to chant the spell.


A ball of flame burst out from Harry's wand, and his fire formed into a deer, which flew in to join the ranks of other fires, competing to eat Riddle's remaining soul.

Snape in the crowd looked at Harry, then turned to look at the cemetery in the distance, with a faint light in his eyes.

Riddle's remnant soul howled miserably while being surrounded by endless fire, glaring at the wizards around him with hatred. Before he could say anything, the raging sea of ​​fire suddenly merged into a fire tornado that penetrated the heaven and earth, shattering his phantom into pieces, leaving not even a trace of black embers.


The gathered flames rose into the sky and turned into a huge fire cloud. There are various shapes of flaming creatures flying among them. They fight for each other, kill each other, and regard each other as prey.

Rogge stared at the crow that his fierce fire had transformed into. It tore apart a fiery red lion with its sharp claws, then swallowed it in one gulp, and immediately grew in size.

But after all, there is no more combustible material. This fierce fire has lost its fuel and will eventually be extinguished.

Dumbledore prevented Li Huo from falling elsewhere and causing a fire. He waved his wand lightly, and a beam of light shot into the cloud of fire.

Suddenly, those fire beasts turned into countless twinkling stars. They flickered over the square and slowly extinguished, making the scene extremely beautiful and spectacular.

"Today, we ended an object of darkness. There may be other Horcruxes hidden in the magical world, but if we work hard, we are destined to defeat all darkness!" Dumbledore declared slowly, his voice full of determination and confidence.

Minister Fudge was a little sad. The peaceful situation he had struggled to maintain was shattered with Dumbledore's announcement.

However, the crowd did not panic as the peace was shattered, but instead burst into loud applause. Wizards don't need Fudge to act like the Muggle Prime Minister and bring a page of peace.

They need the truth and leaders to defeat the darkness and evil that has appeared or is about to appear.

Accompanied by the bright lights flying in the sky, everyone felt unprecedented passion and strength in their hearts.

"Kill Voldemort! Burn all the Horcruxes!" Someone excitedly shouted the mysterious man's real name.

After a brief hesitation, the crowd finally plucked up the courage to start shouting. For a moment, all the wizards were shouting: "Kill Voldemort! Burn all the Horcruxes!"


In the past, Voldemort's reign of terror made everyone afraid to call him by his first name and always referred to him as a mysterious person. Like an ostrich, afraid to face the pain and nightmares of the past.

Now, a feast of fire not only destroyed Riddle's diary, but also burned away the wizarding world's fear of Voldemort.

They showed unprecedented unity and courage. For the sake of justice, they were determined to burn his Horcruxes and end Voldemort and his dark age.

This is not a war of one person, nor a private fight of a few people, but a common war of all wizards in the magical world!

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