The tall golden judgment chair standing in the center of the stone chamber exuded a solemn atmosphere. Many earth-shattering secrets and crimes had been revealed in front of him.

Principal Dumbledore was sitting in the judgment chair wearing half-rimmed glasses, with files piled in front of him. He looked around and saw that many old friends were present at the trial.

Under the Supreme Court, the clerks of the Wizengamot hold quills. They will meticulously record the upcoming trial, and will not miss a single word. These will become the eternal footnotes of magical law.

In a short time, all 50 members of the Wizengamot arrived. You must know that in past trials of dark wizards, most jurors would be absent. The door was crowded with reporters, eager to become the next Rita Skeeter.

"The last time it was so grand was just after the war."

Dumbledore knocked the gavel in his hand, and an old and powerful voice echoed in the stone room: "Quiet!"

For a moment, the room was silent.

"The suspect Jessica has attended. Please start the prosecution's statement." Dumbledore looked at the location of the Ministry of Magic.

There was originally an experienced old prosecutor, but now he was replaced by a black Zio. He joined the Law Department three years ago and quickly rose through the ranks to become a prosecutor.

Zio took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to stand up: "Dear wizards of the Wizengamot!"

"The defendant Jessica Travis, followed the mysterious man..." His tone gradually became stern, and even aggressive.

"Mom, who is the suspect? Who is the defendant? Who is the mysterious man?" Rogge's immature question echoed in the room, and Zio instantly became speechless.

"Silence, please continue the questioning." Dumbledore knocked his gavel.

Jessica put her index finger to her lips, signaling Roger to stay quiet. Rogge nodded. He suddenly asked the question just now to interrupt the prosecutor's rhythm. Lest he portray Jessica as a Death Eater who does all kinds of evil.

"Phew...the defendant Jessica Travis and her late husband Theodore Travis actively joined the ranks of Death Eaters when You-Know-Who rose. They carried out attacks on Muggles and Muggle-born wizards. Numerous violent attacks caused huge losses."

"I have the official records of the Ministry of Magic in my hand, which mark the crimes committed by the defendant." Zio had already prepared Jessica's files and distributed them with a wave of his wand.

Unfortunately, he didn't expect that all the wizards of the Wizengamot would attend the trial, so he had to use the duplicate spell on the spot, and it took him a long time to ensure that everyone had a copy.

The file fell into everyone's hands and no one looked at it. Zio was a little anxious. He walked to the center of the court, opened the file and shouted: "Please take a look!"

"We have clearly found out that Mr. and Mrs. Travis were involved in the murder of Barna, the kidnapping of the Evans family, setting fire to Ministry of Magic institutions, disrupting Quidditch matches, illegally using the Imperius Curse to control Muggles, etc. These crimes It constitutes a serious violation of the International Statute of Secrecy and the Unforgivable Curse Prohibition Act." Zio's tone was passionate, revealing a trace of unconcealable indignation.

"Why don't you take a look at the book in your hand?" Zio asked. Most of the wizards on the stairs responded with silence, while a few sneered.

"Does the prosecution have any other evidence of guilt?" Dumbledore raised his head and signaled that Zio could go back.

"Your Excellency Dumbledore..."

"Please make a statement from the defense lawyer."


"Everyone, as Jessica's defense lawyer, I ask everyone to put aside their prejudices for the time being and examine her past rationally." Attorney Albert King raised objections with a calm attitude.

He had been a prosecutor in the Department of Justice for 20 years, and he had just left the Ministry of Magic to open his own wizarding law firm. As an old classmate of Malfoy's, he was very happy to receive this case that was sure to win and bring both fame and fortune.

"First of all, the authenticity of the so-called Ministry of Magic files presented by the prosecution is questionable. We request the prosecution to provide the original copies of these documents for court review."

"The original is here!" Zio raised the file, and Albert was extremely happy.

"The original documents of the Ministry of Magic can be copied by magic at will? Your Excellency the Chief Magician and fellow jurors, I have every reason to suspect that this file may have been tampered with?"

Zio was not a fool, and he was aware of his own folly. Ministry of Magic files will be counter-cursed, and once the counter-curses expire, they lose their legal effect.

"Secondly, is there any evidence for the prosecution's claim that Jessica actively participated in the Death Eaters? I have an original document from the Ministry of Magic." Albert handed the original document to Dumbledore and lectured him with a proud expression.

"Roger Travis's birth certificate? What does that prove?"

"Everyone, Mrs. Jessica's real name is Jessica Lestrange. She graduated from Hufflepuff College and went to work in France after graduation. In 1979, she returned to the British wizarding world and met Theodore Trevi Let’s hold a wedding here.”

"Please note that Rogge was born in 1980. In other words, Mrs. Jessica became pregnant shortly after her marriage."

"be opposed to!"

"The objection is invalid." Dumbledore banged his gavel and asked Prosecutor Zio to sit down.

"How could a woman who was about to become a mother willingly become a Death Eater? It was only the coercion of other Death Eaters that forced Theodore and his wife to serve the mysterious man."

"As a mother, Jessica's behavior of loving and protecting her children is obvious to all. In the eleventh year of Azkaban, she also let her children survive when surrounded by dementors. And for someone who once became a Death Eater, she I also feel deeply guilty.”

"Mrs. Travis does love children very much." One jury member nodded, agreeing with Albert.

"Just look at how thin they are, and you can see how terrifying Azkaban is."

"Yes, a whole eleven years. What a poor child, what a great mother!"

Albert was very satisfied with everyone's reaction. He cleared his throat and continued to heighten the atmosphere: "We have experienced a turbulent era. Many individuals and families were in trouble. We cannot use peacetime to measure the war years."

"I think the prosecution's accusation is questionable. A mother who loves her children so lovingly should not be found guilty."




The members of the Wizengamot on the stone steps raised their wands one by one, and green fireworks appeared from the tip of the wand, indicating agreement. Fifty green fireworks bloomed in the ancient stone chamber, and the Wizengamot witnessed a rare unanimous vote.

Dumbledore raised the gavel and brought it down heavily: "The Wizengamot has found Jessica Travis not guilty and will restore all her powers as a wizard with immediate effect."

Following the outcome of Dumbledore's trial, there was warm applause. Jessica hugged Rogge, hot tears welling up from the corners of her eyes. Everyone stood up and blessed the brave mother and son, but Zio sat there dejectedly.

When Zio took over the case, the director promised him a triple jump. He is even more proud that he can become a candidate for director. But now, everything is in vain.

The Ministry of Magic officials who accompanied Zio in court also applauded, but felt very uneasy. According to the verdict of the Wizengamot, Jessica and her husband were coerced by mysterious people and Death Eaters, and they were completely innocent.

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