The Magic Planting Table is an amazing magical device. It was made by ancient magic craftsmen, using exquisite runes and complex magical knowledge.

The surface of the platform is smooth and flat, like a mirror. Through it, you can clearly see the soil and plant roots below. Its edges are decorated with ornate runes that fluidly intertwine to outline delicate magical patterns that symbolize life, growth, and the mysteries of nature.

"It can speed up the growth and development of seeds, and can monitor the status of plants in real time." Professor Sprout waved his wand, a faint light shot out from the tip of the wand, and the soil in the groove tumbled.

When the wand touched the rune, it began to glow slightly. Dark clouds slowly gathered over the planting platform, and soon a small thundershower appeared.

"Use your magic power to simulate all kinds of weather on the planting platform. Whether it's sunny, rainy, hail, or storm. You can use it to create the most ideal growing environment for plants." Professor Sprout dispersed the dark clouds, and the small The magic sun shines on the moist soil.

"Professor, this is amazing!" Roger looked at the workbench excitedly. He could hardly resist the urge to take it apart and study it.

The little wizards were also attracted by this magical herbal table. They never expected that herbalism would have such a fascinating magical tool.

"Ahem." Sprout patted him gently to make him retract his dangerous thoughts. "Although it is magical, it can only be planted in a small amount. It was originally designed for advanced wizards to use for further training."

Professor Sprout was very happy that many little wizards showed great interest in the magic planting platform.

Compared to the magic of the Transfiguration class, the torture of the Potions class, and even the boring history of magic, the Herbology class can be said to be the most down-to-earth and least magical subject among all courses.

Put down your wands for a while, put on your dragonhide gloves, and get your hands dirty with plants or weeds. At first glance, it doesn't look like a magic class, but like a farmer's class.

For a long time, the young wizard had no interest in herbalism. Few people choose to work as herbalists after graduation; after all, most prefer a life of waving a magic wand.

Professor Sprout went on to explain: “Herbalism is as much an art as it is a science. It will help you understand the subtle interactions of nature’s mysteries and magic.

Now, you can choose to plant the seeds immediately, or check the information before taking action. "

The seeds are oval in shape and have a smooth surface with faint white stripes. Neville recognized them immediately as the seeds of a fluorescent bud.

It is the most common plant in the Enchanted Forest. Every summer night, fluorescent buds and fireflies sway together to create an intoxicating landscape.

Especially in June every year, fluorescent buds grow rapidly. As long as the conditions are right, small, delicate blue buds will bloom in three days.

"I'll plant it now!" Malfoy put on his gloves excitedly and carefully buried the seeds in the soil.

Anthony and Terry looked at each other, they were not familiar with seeds either. Seeing Malfoy in action, he hurriedly dug a hole, buried some soil, and waited for one, two, three, four, five...

However, Neville frowned because he knew that the seeds of the Fluorescent Buds were not suitable for being buried directly in the soil. The outer shell of these seeds is very hard and needs to be soaked in rain to soften before they can break out of the soil smoothly.

By doing this, the seeds will take more time to grow. Maybe when their seeds germinate, their own fluorescent buds will wither.

"I'll go back and check the information." Hermione, who was always cautious, put away the seeds.

She was happy to accept Neville's challenge, but would not act hastily. She was determined to be fully prepared to ensure she could win.

"Okay, kids." Professor Sprout nodded, "The First Greenhouse will always be open. I want to see the results of your competition before the exam ends."

"Professor, you mean it will mature quickly?" Rogge asked.

Professor Sprout smiled and did not answer clearly, but said: "It depends on the knowledge you have. It is very common in this season, and you can see them when you look at the Forbidden Forest at night.

However, there are very few records about it in books. Because it was so common, no herbalist thought it worth recording. "

Professor Sprout left clues in the hope that Malfoy and the others could correct their mistakes in time.

The little wizards who were watching began to discuss the results of the game excitedly, and everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

"I think Hermione will definitely win. If Neville doesn't challenge Miss Granger, he might be able to enter the Jackdaw Magical Society."

"Sure, I've never seen Hermione lose."

"Not necessarily. Did you forget the flying lesson last year? That result would be a disaster for her."

"Disaster? Oh my God, has good become synonymous with disaster?"

"Don't forget that except for flying class, Hermione got O's in all other subjects. If her flying class results were better, Roger wouldn't be number one in the grade."

After hearing these words, the little wizards in the discussion fell into silence. For Hermione, a top student, all grades except O are considered failing.

This is a completely devastating evaluation system for everyone. Especially when I heard that she had signed up for all the elective courses, I was even more amazed.

Hermione, the top student, is so terrifying!

"But I still think Neville has a chance of winning."

"He has been studying in the greenhouse this year, and he must have mastered the secret of cultivation. By the time Hermione finds the information, Neville's seeds will have sprouted long ago."

"Heh... How about we make a bet? Do you dare to be a Sickle?"

"Who is afraid of you?"

After hearing everyone's discussion, Daphne couldn't help but worry about Hermione. Miss Granger's self-esteem was so strong that she might burst into tears if she were defeated in knowledge.

She asked Rogge uneasily: "Will Hermione win?"

"I don't know." Rogge shook his head, "But she is definitely better than Malfoy and the others. Look at Neville, he didn't directly plant the seeds."

"This shows that Hermione's caution is correct. Special treatment must be carried out before the seeds are planted."

Daphne thought about it for a moment and realized that this was indeed the case. But in this case, doesn't it mean that Neville is one step ahead?

In particular, Professor Sprout said, few scholars have documented this plant. In other words, the corresponding knowledge may not be found in the library.

"Is the professor reminding us that some knowledge cannot be obtained from books?" Daphne came closer and whispered to Roger.

While they were discussing, a voice came from the side: "Excuse me, can I join the Jackdaw Magic Society?"

The speaker was a first-year witch. She had blue eyes and dark golden brown hair. Her eyes were slightly protruding, giving an expression of surprise.

She wore a pair of carrot-shaped earrings and a necklace made of butterbeer plugs. It looks very quiet, but it always makes people feel a little wandering.

"Crazy girl Luna?" Daphne asked in surprise, then quickly changed her words: "Ah, I mean your necklace looks interesting."

"Actually, it's a charm." Luna picked up the necklace and showed it to her, which made Daphne even more embarrassed.

Daphne lay down next to Roger's ear and said secretly: "She is a little abnormal. Everyone calls her a crazy girl."

Rogge nodded, "To avoid the hook?"

"You know?" Luna's eyes flashed, and no one in Hogwarts believed in the existence of Hook.

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