Of course, Dumbledore was aware of Slytherin's thoughts. They wanted to abolish the House Cup by losing points. Doing so not only makes students question the value of college points, but also affects the authority of the school.

At that time, the Academy Cup won by Gryffindor will not only lose its meaning, but also become a shame that can never be washed away. As the principal, he will also lose his fairness. It seems that as long as he wants, he can add points at any time to change the final result.

Rogge stood up and explained righteously: "Academy points are obtained through everyone's daily study. Wouldn't it be unfair if challenging the basilisk can significantly change the points?"

"Unfair?" Percy was the first to express his objection, "We challenge the basilisk to demonstrate our magical abilities, and the professors will judge the scores just like an exam.

Students who perform well should of course get higher marks, while students who perform poorly have to work harder. "

"Oh." Rogge sighed softly, "Magic is not just about fighting and killing, but also astronomy, history of magic, herbalism and many other subjects. According to you, except for magic related subjects, there is no need for other subjects to exist. "

"I..." Percy was at a loss for words, that wasn't what he meant.

Rogge did not give him a chance to explain, and continued: "We only use combat and spells to evaluate the academy points. Doesn't that mean we deny the importance of other subjects? Could it be that this is the teaching method at Hogwarts all the time? idea?"

These words made everyone think deeply.

"Every student has their own areas of expertise. If the scores can be changed at will by challenging the basilisk every time in the Academy Cup, it will affect the normal education and learning environment."

"Ahem." Snape whispered, asking Roger to pay attention.

He is now not only Slytherin's shadow prefect, but also the school director's son. If the controversy reaches the ears of his mother, Jessica, future school board meetings could spark another heated dispute.

Rogge did not suppress his firepower and continued to fire at Dumbledore: "For example, in Potions class, do you think there are students stronger than me?"

"Hey, don't believe me?" Rogge looked at the other prefects frivolously, with disdain in his eyes, "How about we compete now and give you one hand?"

"Your talent for potions... to be honest, studying this course is a waste of time. Maybe it takes me a lifetime to learn how to brew potions, which is not as good as what I learned in three days.

According to this evaluation system, your biggest role is to preserve knowledge and then wait for the arrival of geniuses. In other words, your studies are meaningless. "

Rogge's arrogant words instantly aroused the dissatisfaction of a large group of prefects. They were all the best wizards in each college, so they were naturally dissatisfied with each other.

Especially since Roger was only in the second grade, in their eyes he was still a kid who had just entered school. Even if his potion talent is excellent, so what?

A smile appeared on Snape's lips. Roger's words were indeed correct. His current level of potions far exceeds that of graduates, and he must be an outstanding potion master outside.

"It's true. Roger is now fully capable of passing the N.E.W.T. (Ultimate Wizarding Test)." Snape said proudly, looking at the students around him. "Some of you may never take this exam in your lifetime."

Rogge continued, "Talking about dealing with the basilisk. I was able to fight against the Thunderbird poachers last year, what about you, okay?"

"If the rules of the Academy Cup become that you can easily get extra points by challenging the basilisk, you guys in front of me will have no chance at all. In that case, why are you fighting for the Academy Cup? Let's just put it in Slytherin forever to save everyone's time."

Rogge's words caused the entire office to fall into silence, as if time had stopped, and everyone's breathing sounded particularly clear.

This sentence stung every student present and revealed the unfair and cruel side of the magical world.

Ordinary wizards have absolutely no point in learning when faced with geniuses. They are more like dust in the air, not even qualified to set off those pearls.

"I have no objection to the school organizing everyone to challenge the basilisk. After all, the current situation is not peaceful." Rogge changed the subject and became more relaxed.

His purpose is not to undermine other people's self-confidence, or to act like Long Aotian in front of everyone. He wanted to correct Dumbledore's willful behavior: he was willing to add points at will without any restrictions, ignoring fairness and justice.

Dumbledore is the headmaster of the entire Hogwarts and theoretically serves as the most impartial referee. Whichever college performs well should be rewarded. Rather than giving Gryffindor special treatment because of Harry Potter's status as the savior.

What, Mr. Harry is a human being and the others are not human beings? Gryffindor can't lose except win? If so, is Dumbledore a qualified headmaster?

Although he is not yet able to openly question Dumbledore, after all, his strength is much worse than that of Old Bee. But Dumbledore is not a dark wizard after all, he needs to act within the rules.

Rules are like a ball of yarn. Dumbledore has the strength to knit it into the socks he wants. However, if Dumbledore could play the game, others could too.

"Everyone knows that Voldemort has made Horcruxes and can come back at any time. Therefore, it is natural to stay vigilant and improve one's strength."

Rogge stared at Dumbledore and said firmly: "However, it is not a normal teaching plan to judge everyone by challenging the basilisk. Some students are not good at fighting. Aren't they the power to fight against Voldemort?"

Dumbledore nodded, his blue eyes flashing through the lenses, and then applauded Rogge's speech. Immediately, a patter sounded in the office.

"What you said is very good. I withdraw my proposal and apologize to everyone." Dumbledore did not hide anything and admitted his mistake generously: "Whether they are geniuses or ordinary wizards, everyone is part of the magical world. Treat students according to their Dividing performance into different levels is an ill-considered approach on my part. However, the academy points you mentioned..."

Dumbledore stared at Rogge and threw the question back.

"I think this is because the school does not have clear rules. The principal and professors can reward or punish them at any time according to their mood." Rogge's straightforward words were not directed at Dumbledore alone.

Both Snape and Professor McGonagall once had their points deducted or awarded in large sums because of their emotions. It seemed great, but it was also seriously tearing the relationship between the four colleges.

Thinking about the last moment, why other colleges didn’t come to help you, is there no reason of your own? Roger smiled and glanced at Harry and the others.

"You mean to formulate college regulations?"

"That's right!" Rogge nodded, "For example, how many points will be deducted for being late, how many points will be added for answering questions... There should be an upper limit for points added or points deducted each time."

"In addition, there must be a deadline for college points. You can't suddenly add a large amount of points at the end." Rogge turned to look at Harry Potter, obviously thinking about what happened last year.

Since Dumbledore doesn't want to abolish the Academy Cup, he should close all the holes. Otherwise, why should everyone play with the referee?

"I agree!" Marcus couldn't help shouting, "Why did you get so many extra points last year? It's not fair!"

"Maybe the principal just told us that magic has rights." Rogge lightly added a knife.

Dumbledore was a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect that they were still brooding about this matter.

"It's because we defeated Voldemort last year!" Ron retorted, "We deserve the extra points."

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