Seeing Rogge eating with two wooden sticks, he quickly used the transformation technique to imitate it.

The delicious food in the crucible intoxicated everyone's taste buds. It not only became an eternal memory, but also made their friendship closer.

"It's so delicious! I'll also get some meat from the basilisk after school starts." Malfoy said excitedly, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Stop bragging!" Daphne interrupted him mercilessly. She took a sip of the delicious mushroom soup and continued: "You win if you can knock out the basilisk."

"Tch." Malfoy rolled his eyes and looked at Rogge: "Dear President, do you know how to breed basilisks?"

"What are you going to do?" Roger's eyes widened, and he suddenly noticed that Susan was silently taking away a large bowl.

"Of course they are killed and used as ingredients. Paired with Neville's jumping mushrooms, it must be a magical delicacy. If it is sold, it will definitely make a lot of money." Malfoy looked at him excitedly.

"Hey, do you have a way to deal with the basilisk's eyes? You'll die if you look at them."

Hearing this, Malfoy couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. How could the students dare to face the basilisk without Fox blinding it?

"Oh, it's comfortable! It's so comfortable!" Roger finished drinking the mushroom soup and fell on the seat with satisfaction.

"It would be great if I had a phoenix." Malfoy's words expressed everyone's thoughts. Who in the wizarding world doesn't want to have Fawkes.

"Or you can cultivate a magical creature yourself and use it specifically to make food." Hermione slowly exhaled the hot air. The crucible hot pot was indeed good.

Malfoy nodded and secretly took note of Hermione's suggestion. For the Malfoy family today, finding new business opportunities is really important.

Several people ate so much that they didn't even leave the bottom of the pot. Everyone sat leisurely in their seats and chatted with each other about their summer vacation plans.

"Roger, can I go to your manor this summer?" Malfoy touched his full belly and smacked his mouth from time to time.

"Of course, but don't you want to practice Quidditch?"

"Ah!" Malfoy suddenly thought of something and sighed, "Yes, I will definitely become the best chaser."

"What about you? You're not going to build another house, are you?"

"Well, we still have to build a house."

"Huh?" Others looked at him doubtfully.

The Travis family already renovated the manor last year, will they continue to do so this year? How much money do they earn in a year?

"It's not from my family, it's from our college."

"Oh, I know this." Daphne hugged Hermione and said, "The school board will fund us to rebuild the college."

"Why are you alone?" Hermione asked curiously.

"That's because of Slytherin and Riddle." Daphne explained, "Although the secret room is not in our college, no one can guarantee that there are no other secret rooms in our college."

"In addition, Riddle was once a student of Slytherin, and the school directors were worried that Riddle might have buried some dark magic items in the academy."

"So that's it, what are you planning to rebuild?" Hermione looked at Daphne curiously.

Daphne pointed at Roger, "You have to ask him about this. He hired someone to make the design drawings."

"The tower is similar to Ravenclaw's. From now on we don't have to live in the dark underground." Rogge patted his belly and said proudly: "The goblins are responsible for providing the building materials, and the elves are responsible for the construction.

In addition to them, Principal Dumbledore and Dean Snape will also take action. In case there are any weird rooms in our college. "

"I'm so envious that you can live in a new dormitory. I heard that you still have a single room." Anthony looked at Rogge eagerly, "Our college is decorated hundreds of years ago. To be honest, I really can't get used to it."

"The same is true for us." Everyone chatted about the accommodation conditions of their respective colleges and resonated with each other.

When they heard Roger talking about the life of Muggles and how they had all kinds of automated equipment, everyone first didn't believe it, and then they couldn't help but envy Hermione.

"Toaster? Automatic toothbrush? Hermione, tell us in detail!" they asked impatiently.

"Actually, it's very common and very simple." Hermione was very happy to explain the Muggle machine to them. Unexpectedly, this aroused even greater interest among the wizards.

She happily told them about devices that could play music and use computers to send emails to people on the other side of the world. Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"But they all use electricity, which is far less convenient than our magic."

"Actually, we can learn from them and then use them to transform them." Roger took out the magic camera from his bag. "Now Muggles already have color photos, but our photos are still in black and white, which is outdated."

"If nothing happens this summer, I plan to upgrade them. How about doubling the price?" Rogge proposed this idea, and then was despised by a group of people.

The eyes of each one seemed to say, profiteer.

"Don't look at me like that, you can do the same." Rogge's words opened up new ideas for them.

Although learning about Muggle technology may feel a bit disdainful, there is no denying that it contains business opportunities.

There is something unsettling about wizards learning Muggle technology. It's like a thousand-year-old aristocrat suddenly discovers that the peasants have surpassed him in some aspects. This feeling is both arrogant and at a loss.

"It makes money, it's not shabby. Muggles have a drink called Coke, which is very delicious.

If we can make it with magical materials, it will definitely be a big seller in the wizarding world. "

"Are you really not interested?" Rogge held the camera and looked at everyone.

"Coke is very harmful to teeth." Hermione shook her head, "My parents never let me drink it, and if I drink too much, I will gain weight."

"Then I'll do my own research..."

"President, is it really possible to make money? I can try it!" Theodore looked at Rogge, he was seriously considering it.

The Nott family's financial situation is not good, even worse than Hermione's. Even though it was a bit embarrassing to imitate Muggle equipment, he really needed some money.

The key is that his level of potions is pretty good, so researching Muggle drinks shouldn't be a problem. It can even be combined with the most popular food in the magic world to make more advanced drinks.

"Of course." Rogge nodded, "In addition to being sold in the magical world, drinks can also be sold to Muggles."

"Anyway, as long as the formula is kept secret, how can they know that it is made with magic herbs and a little bit of magic power."

"If you can really do it, the Travis family can invest and even help you communicate with the Ministry of Magic." Rogge sat up straight and stared at him with burning eyes.

"I can definitely do it!" Theodore said firmly.

Rogge looked at everyone: "Why don't everyone receive a task?"

"Mission?" Everyone was a little curious.

"Each of us can choose a Muggle item and transform it into a magic item. We can't rely on our family. We can also make money ourselves."

"Yes, but I don't know what to choose." Neville muttered softly.

"How about hair growth grass?" Roger suggested, "British male Muggles have a lot of Mediterranean products, which will definitely sell well."

"Okay, okay." Neville agreed, remembering Rogge's proposal.

With the introductions of Roger and Hermione, everyone found their own direction. They found that the Muggle world was magical and that there were things beyond wizards' imagination. Therefore, they decided to explore new things in the Muggle world during their summer vacation.

Under Rogge's proposal, a mission called "Coke Project" was officially launched.

On the Hogwarts Express, a group of young people started to start a new engine. The future of the magical world will be drastically changed by their plans today.

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