A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 212 Death of Midsummer

The old door slowly opened, creaking, and a damp breath rushed in.

Jessica walked in with her son, took off her gloves and waved her wand. All the thick dust on the steps was swept away, and the footsteps echoed along the stone steps in the ancient castle.

The cell at the highest point of the castle was dark and damp. A large number of letters were scattered on the low rotten wooden table, like pieces of music forgotten by time. The broken quill rests on the worn paper, recording the owner's thoughts.

Hearing that someone was visiting, the old Grindelwald stood behind the cell door and simply packed up his shabby robes.

His eyes were fixed on the door, the thick cell door cutting off the sight of both parties. But he seemed to see the guests coming to the door and greeting them gently: "Good night, witch and this little wizard."

"Good night, Mr. Grindelwald." Jessica took a deep breath, "I am Jessica, and this is my son Rogge. I believe you have received the letter."

"Letter?" Grindelwald paused for a moment and picked up the letter from the table: "Diagon Alley Flash Golem House, Ms. Travis?"

He opened the letter and analyzed with a smile: "With impeccable rhetoric, you must come from a noble wizard family. There are a few traces of French mixed in the writing, which is the same as your accent, but it is difficult to notice."

"From France, now living in England. Oh~" Grindelwald whispered, "I'm sorry, I think the war back then must have had an impact on your family."

Jessica frowned. The years affected by the war left her with pain and uneasiness.

She took a deep breath and said dissatisfiedly: "The war is far away, and the magical world is peaceful under Dumbledore's mediation.

No one wants to be haunted by the past, and I'm here because I need your help, Mr. Grindelwald. "

Grindelwald behind the cell door looked like a jammed machine gun, and his expression became extremely complicated.

"Mr. Grindelwald, I would like to invite you to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. Of course, not now." Jessica firmly held the initiative.

She had done her homework before coming. Not only do you understand the relationship between Grindelwald and Dumbledore, but you also understand the accidents and stories that happened between them.

Grindelwald's eyes were full of struggle and hesitation. This proposal was obviously not an easy decision for him.

Grindelwald no longer remained silent. He slowly raised his head, his sharp eyes even looking at the guest through the cell door: "Hogwarts... why do you invite me?"

Jessica took a deep breath and explained: "The British wizarding community is facing a crisis, and Voldemort will come back at any time.

But Dumbledore always hired some unreliable wizards as Defense Against the Dark Arts professors. "

She snorted dissatisfied and continued: "As a mother and school director, I cannot tolerate a dangerous werewolf becoming a professor for children."

"Werewolf?" Grindelwald fell into deep thought.

Albus has drifted further and further away from his own ideals, but to this day, he is still practicing his ideals. Even in the face of doubts and responsibilities from a large number of wizards, he still persisted unswervingly.

The corners of Grindelwald's lips raised slightly, and he calmly replied to Jessica: "I think Albus must have rejected your proposal."

"You really know him very well." Jessica nodded and said firmly, "However, I have also obtained the right of the school board to nominate new professors."

"Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Grindelwald couldn't help but sneer. He didn't expect that one day he would become someone else's bet.

"The school board agrees with the professor he nominated. But if something unexpected happens during the teaching process, that professor will be fired." Jessica's eyes were firm, something would definitely happen to the werewolf.

"Mr. Grindelwald, if you..."

"I refuse." Before Jessica could finish speaking, Grindelwald refused.

He has his own principles, and it is his own choice to be imprisoned here. No one can let him get out of Nurmengard.

"This is your chance to leave Nurmengard." Jessica fought for it unwillingly, "If you miss this opportunity, you will die of old age in this black castle."

There was silence in the cell, and Grindelwald turned his head and ignored Jessica's persuasion. Decades ago, I had already made a choice in my heart.

"Okay, if you want to spend the rest of your life in despair!" Jessica snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Roger took out a picture from his pocket and passed it through the ankle-high window.

His voice was slightly mysterious: "A gift, Mr. Grindelwald. Maybe you can see the Death of Summer through it."

Afterwards, Rogge and Jessica left Nurmengard silently, leaving Grindelwald alone to face this mysterious picture.

Grindelwald's eyes fell on the picture. For a moment, his eyes widened and his heartbeat accelerated. He leaned over to pick up the picture and stared at him quietly.

The wizard in the picture is Dumbledore. He is no longer the passionate, handsome young man, or his destined opponent. Replaced by a wise or kind old man, with the vicissitudes of time.

Grindelwald took a deep breath. The time of burning passion and passionate friendship could no longer be recaptured. All that was left was the lingering dream of each other.

He stroked the picture gently, as if he could feel the warmth of each other, and couldn't help but smile. Albus's eyes were still full of tenderness, and his smile seemed to bloom for himself.

At this moment, Grindelwald's heart rippled, and he whispered softly: Long time no see.

"Death in midsummer?" He thought of the child's last words, and strong uneasiness wrapped around his heart.

His mood became extremely heavy, and his whole person was shrouded in shadow.

The water is as clear as a spring!

Grindelwald did not hesitate to use his wandless spell to peer through the water on the ground into the future.

When the picture of the future appeared in front of him, he was stunned!

His hands were shaking as he looked at the scene on the water in disbelief. Dumbledore was hit by Avada's giant melon, fell into the tower, and lost his life.

Tears welled up in Grindelwald's eyes, and his heart was overwhelmed by an unspeakable despair and grief.

His breathing was rapid and he was at a loss. He never thought he would see such a scene. Dumbledore was everything in his life, his love, his companion...and now, it would all be taken away.

He didn't believe it and started prophecy again.

This time, the picture is clearer. He saw determination and courage shining in Dumbledore's eyes, and he was still undaunted even in the face of death.

The picture seems to be an unchangeable fate. His lover, Dumbledore, is destined to face death.

"No!" Grindelwald knelt on the ground, grabbed the table, and kept retching, as if he wanted to spit out his heart and soul.

Perhaps, he could stop all this, change Dumbledore's fate, and prevent Midsummer's death from happening.

Grindelwald held the picture tightly, and a firm belief emerged in his heart to change Dumbledore's fate and prevent this terrible prophecy from coming true.

Grindelwald stood up, looked at Dumbledore, and whispered: Please forgive me for all my mistakes, I will always love you.

Violent magic fluctuations were heard from the highest point of Nurmengard, and dark clouds gathered above the castle, flashing with frightening thunder and lightning.

"Is it raining?" Rogge looked at the dark sky, and a phantom appeared in front of them.

The emotion seems to be exaggerated

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