A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 222 The familiar old wizard

Grindelwald stared at Rogge, his fingers flicking on the cane, thinking about Rogge's suggestion. It must be said that this proposal aroused a strong interest in him.

"Memoirs?" Grindelwald fell into deep thought.

In fact, while he was imprisoned in Nurmengard, he attempted to write an essay on confession and life. He closed his eyes lightly and began to review his life in his mind.

This life is long and short. From that fateful encounter at the age of sixteen to the final loneliness in prison, his life is filled with countless ups and downs.

"Okay." Grindelwald nodded and replied seriously to Rogge: "I have a book of confessions."

"Repent?" Rogge carefully examined the energetic old wizard in front of him. Unexpectedly, the Dark Lord put down his butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately.

"This name... is not bad, but it is not profound." Rogge thought of the Austrian painter, "How about "My Struggle and Confession"?"

"'My Struggle and Penance'?" Grindelwald stared at Rogge, seeming to have some impression of the name, "I am not an unlearned wizard, and I also understand Muggle works.

I know that before 1945, Mein Kampf could be seen everywhere in Europe. "

"But you repented, didn't you?" Rogge shrugged and said without any pressure: "If there is no struggle, how can your repentance appear sincere and profound?"

Grindelwald thought for a long time, and finally agreed reluctantly: "Okay."

Rogge nodded. He had already figured out how to release Grindelwald's memoirs. It must be divided into two volumes. The first volume is about struggle and the second volume is about confession.

Considering Grindelwald’s powerful magical abilities and identity as the Dark Lord, Rita cannot be asked to polish the article.

"Hmm~ Lockhart's writing style is good. He can make the article more appealing. I wonder where this guy is now?"

They walked into the fireplace one after another, were flooed into the narrow passages, and passed through countless fireplaces to the Travis Manor.

"How about a hood?"

Grindelwald looked at Rogge, his eyes revealing chilling pressure.

"Aren't I afraid that you will bump into someone you know?" Rogge muttered, taking a long detour to his library.

The house elf who was sweeping the floor in the library saw his master coming back and quickly bowed in greeting.

"Mr. Green, all the books related to Horcruxes are here. You read them first, and I'll clean up the reading room."

This private library was built for him alone, and its core is the white ball located in the center of the library.

It was transformed into a reading room by Rogge, where he kept a series of research notes on elemental magic, runes, blood magic, blood orcs, etc. Nagini was left inside to guard them.

"This library is good." Grindelwald walked in familiarly and looked at Rogge's private reading room.

"Hiss~" Nagini saw the outsider and immediately put on an attack stance.

"It's okay, he's borrowing it for a while. Let's move first." Rogge said to Nagini in snake language.

Grindelwald looked at Nagini, who was also an old friend. Unfortunately, he has turned into a beast and lost everything he had as a wizard.

He looked around and was very pleased with the room. The reading room has been treated with multiple traceless expansion spells, making it extremely spacious.

The ground is made up of obsidian floors with uniform specifications, and a huge circular magic desk is placed on it.

The desktop is made of a variety of materials, such as mahogany, sterling silver, agate, crystal... The desktop of each material corresponds to different research types, from magic to potions, from runes to spells... almost everything.

The entire magic desk can't help but provide abundant storage space, and can also automatically organize books and notes. Rogge's research results are all neatly displayed on it.

The chair next to it is made of dragon skin, covered with a blanket woven from unicorn hair, and embellished with phoenix tail feathers.

In front of the table, there is a huge magic glass. It can record experimental images or display the outside weather according to the wizard's needs.

In addition to the usual magical instruments, Grindelwald also noticed Muggle contraptions that he had never seen before. What surprised him most was a Big Mac installed above the reading room.

"Is this a telescope?" Grindelwald flew up curiously and sat on the floating seat.

In an instant, an illusory starry sky appeared under his feet. He was like the master of the starry sky and could adjust the position and brightness of the stars below at any time.

"Muggle reflecting telescopes. They need to consider various issues when manufacturing them, such as site selection, lens size, manufacturing process, etc.

For us, with a little magic, those problems are no longer problems..."

Grindelwald excitedly tried various magic spells and interacted with the illusory starry sky. He seemed to be transported into a whole new universe, completely intoxicated by it. His expression was full of childlike curiosity and excitement, and he completely ignored Rogge's words.

"Is it fun? Do you know how to play? You've never played before!" Rogge shouted at him angrily.

"Ha! Hurry up and pack your things, I still have to study Horcruxes." Grindelwald suddenly became very serious, as if he had become the administrator of this library. He waved his hand to Roger not to disturb his research.

Rogge lamented in his heart and muttered silently: Respect the elderly, love them, don't be angry! Respect and love the elderly, don’t be angry!

"I'm really not angry!" He reminded himself again, preparing to pack up his notes and take them away.

"Hey, wait! Remember to tell the elf to bring me food every day. Remember, I want the following menu.

Have smoked meat, cheese and a cup of yogurt for breakfast; vegetable salad, pork ribs, jam cake and wine for lunch; lake fish with lettuce and pea soup as an appetizer for dinner, venison with red wine as the main course, and apple tart at the end.

Blue Mountain Coffee as a preparation. "

"Haha." Rogge rolled his eyes and returned the Blue Mountain coffee. Why don't you go to heaven?

"Mr. Green, can you eat it? I see you are thinking about peach! Why not go to bed early? You can dream about everything."

"Peach?" Grindelwald was confused about the word peach because he didn't understand Rogge's extended meaning.

"I don't have any of these. You'd better eat whatever you can." Rogge motioned for Nagini to put it on his body, hoping that Lupine, Black, and Peter would meet soon.

Once Lupine leaves Hogwarts, the Grimm wizards can go find Dumbledore. No matter if it's you or me or you're having a heated fight, you don't have to occupy your own library.

"Do you have any clues about Horcruxes?" Grindelwald stopped him and said flatly: "The first step in studying black magic is to use it. Or take a step back and at least have research samples."

"Just like when you study the Blood Curse, there is no way to start without Nagini. I need a Horcrux, of course, the more the better."

"Threatening me?" Rogge sneered.

What Grindelwald meant was that studying black magic and Horcruxes required some criminal conduct, and he seemed to be obligated to provide him with the necessary resources.

"It's up to you. Even if you make a Horcrux for yourself, I don't care. Anyway, I'm not the one going to Hogwarts to be a teacher."

"The more, the better?" Rogge cursed, how about I tell you all of Voldemort's Horcruxes.

"Or I'll give you an offer you can't refuse." Grindelwald looked at Rogge with interest and said confidently: "How about the Kirin?"


"If I read correctly, the core of your wand is made of unicorn heartstrings. When I ran for president of the International Magic Association, two unicorns died unfortunately.

However, there is still a unicorn alive, and counting the time, it should be about to give birth to a child. "

"Tch, it's boring." Rogge refused without hesitation.

This unicorn is not that unicorn. The Qilin in the magical world is neither a beast in the traditional Chinese sense nor a mythical beast in the sense of fantasy gods and demons.

It is an evolution based on the musk deer, and is most commonly called a deer with dragon scales.

If Rogge remembered correctly, the unicorn in Grindelwald's mouth lived in the Far East. And there, lives the River Crab God.

He waved his hand and rejected Grindelwald's proposal. Returning to the main building, I summoned the elf immediately: "Bubble."

"Master." Bubble appeared immediately, waiting for the master's order.

"Tell the other elves to pay attention to the old wizard in the library. Don't let him steal books, and don't let him run to the breeding house in the back.

If you can't stop it, come to me. As for meals, just prepare them normally. "

"Understood, Master!"

Rogge waved his hand and asked Bubble to retreat. He lay on the bed, Nagini around him, taking away the heat around him like an air conditioner.

He rested his head on Nagini and stroked the smooth snake skin: "I remember acquiring a medical company last year. I forgot the name."

Rogge decided to go to the medical company to conduct the next experiment, and at the same time asked Andrew to find several swordsmanship coaches for himself to improve his close combat ability.

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