A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 224 Cambridge Medical Corporation

Highway 11 leads directly to the town of Cambridge, and the only better roads are Highway 4 and Highway 40 leading to Oxford. This may be because most of the cabinet secretaries in No. 10 Downing Street are from Oxford.

Along the way, Andrew introduced Roger to life in Cambridge. As a squib, he was very resistant to Muggle society at first, and he himself knew nothing about Muggle life. However, when he finally stepped into that magical campus, he realized the incredibleness of the Muggle world.

"Roger, you were 18 when you graduated. Do you want to go to a Muggle university to get a diploma? How about coming to Cambridge?" Andrew took out the red wine and poured himself another glass.

"As a Cambridge native, I assure you that Cambridge is definitely the most outstanding university in the UK." He was very satisfied with his purchase of Yuan Qinghua today and couldn't help but drink too much.

Andrew patted his chest and assured Roger: "If you decide to apply, I can write a letter of recommendation for you and I will definitely help you get admitted."

"How about Magdalen College? It maintains the last tradition. If you dislike the fact that there are no girls there, you can also go to Trinity College. I assure you, the girls on campus are definitely all good with big breasts..." Andrew said slightly He said drunkenly, putting his hand on the secretary's shoulder and rubbing it dishonestly.

"You drank too much." Rogge shook his head. Can't British people not drink?

Two hours later, the car stopped in front of the company. Even though it was lunch break, the CEO was already waiting at the door.

"Andrew, welcome back!" George hugged his old classmate warmly and whispered in his ear: "Where's the boss?"

"Allow me to introduce you. This is the heir of the Travis family, Mr. Roger Travis." Andrew secretly regretted that he drank too much and forgot to introduce Roger to them first.

"A child?"

"George, watch your words!" Andrew reminded.

"I mean, a young and promising guy!"

Andrew pulled George aside and warned him: "Don't you think about last year's financial report? How could a cold medicine have such a big loophole?"

"Okay, okay." George glanced at Roger secretly and asked softly: "What are you doing here?"

"I told you before that we need to prepare that laboratory. When we acquired it, I specifically told you. You won't forget it, right?"

"How can I forget!" George laughed quickly, "It's on the third floor. I guarantee that it is the most outstanding laboratory in the entire institute. But, old classmate, do you think this young man is capable of using it?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Andrew put aside George and said to Rogge: "Rogge, this is the CEO of the medical company, George."

"Hello, George. Can you visit our company?"

George quickly reached out his hand, shook Rogge's hand enthusiastically, and agreed without hesitation: "Of course."

The entire company is more like a research institute, with researchers from prestigious universities gathered together. Rogge followed around and roughly understood why the company fell into bankruptcy and reorganization.

At first, the laboratory looked chaotic, with various materials and test tubes scattered on the table. The code of practice on the wall silently accused them of their behavior, and then was covered up by a Playboy cover.

The researchers seemed distracted. Some were chatting and some were eating on the test bench. Rogge even found media outlets such as The Sun in the experimental data.

Why, the researcher wants to use big white car lights and long, straight gun mounts for experiments? Or use test tubes to unclog sewers?

Rogge originally thought that Muggle laboratories were much better than wizards using crucibles in terms of environment and operational requirements. Looking at it now, he wished he could give each of these Muggles an Avatar.

The whole institute has a disorganized, unserious and unprofessional atmosphere. It doesn’t matter if you don’t do market research. The research projects also have mature drugs on the market. I don’t know that it was that brilliant idea to develop a special cold medicine.

Rogge was very suspicious that these guys were here to provide for their retirement.

In the company's top-level conference room, directors from various departments gathered together. They heard that the company's directors were coming to the meeting, and they came to hear the new directors' plans for the future of the company with trepidation.

However, the first time they walked into the conference room, they saw the child in the main seat. He was building blocks with a ball pen, which immediately caused confusion and confusion among everyone.

They exchanged glances with each other and asked in a low voice whose child this was.

"Mr. Rogge, everyone is here." George said cautiously.

"Are you all here?" Roger suddenly pulled out the bottom ball pen. The shelf collapsed instantly and the ball pen rolled down.

He didn't say anything, just looked at each one. The atmosphere in the conference room became increasingly oppressive. The directors couldn't help but have doubts.

Someone couldn't stand the atmosphere and asked, "Hey, hello, who are you?"

"You are fired!" Rogge said nothing and simply pronounced the verdict.

Seeing the disbelieving look in his eyes, he waved his hand to indicate that the other party could leave the company.

"Fire me? Who do you think you are?"

"It's simple, I'm a director of this company."

"A little brat?" The other party snorted coldly, slammed the door and left with disdain.

"Is anyone still leaving?" Rogge shouted expectantly.

The others looked at each other, many of them having difficulty accepting a child as their boss, so soon there were only seven people left in the conference room, including Andrew and his secretary.

"How is the development progress of cold medicine?"

"We have achieved some preliminary results and are about to enter the clinical trial stage. But..."

"but what?"

“There was insufficient funding, and among the people who left were the researchers who were responsible for the project.”

"That's great, just cut the project off. Diana!" Rogge ordered without hesitation, snapping his fingers and calling her over.

"Go and inform the project team that the project has been cancelled. The company will pay normal compensation to employees who are willing to leave."

Rogge felt that the atmosphere was tense enough, so he said: "Before coming, Andrew wanted me to see the financial report. But I was not interested in it. After all, when I acquired this company, I didn't expect it to make money."

"But I didn't expect that you are actually developing special medicine for colds. Is there any special medicine for colds?"

Facing Rogge's question, someone retorted unconvinced: "It's just that there is no specific medicine at the moment."

"Oh~What does this prove?"

Watson took a deep breath and responded: "It proves that we are pioneering the peak of unexplored land. Once the research is successful, we will be able to restore the company's decline in one fell swoop."

"The number of people infected by seasonal influenza worldwide every year ranges from millions to billions. Although the mortality rate is very low, the application prospects are promising.

The company could generate large sales during the annual cold season and allow patients to recover faster and experience fewer symptoms. It is of great significance both from a commercial and medical perspective. "Watson said clearly, and the others looked at him slightly worriedly.


"My name is Watson."

"Okay, Mr. Watson. When you have a cold, can't you get better without taking medicine?" Rogge mocked.

"It's... it's so uncomfortable!"

"Uncomfortable? Then tell me, how many viruses can cause a cold, and how much money does it cost? Don't you often say that medicine sometimes cures, often helps, and always comforts.

Can those bulging blondes in newspapers and magazines help you cure your cold? "

Faced with Rogge's rebuke, Watson fell silent.

"I'll give you one year to find new projects. No profit is required, but at least don't insult my IQ." Rogge raised his wrist and warned them: "Ten seconds have passed, how much more time are you going to waste? "

The four people hurriedly left the conference room, and Andrew said apologetically: "Roger, I didn't think about it..."

"It's not your fault. After all, this company is just for fun. Help me find a house nearby and see if I can find a swordsmanship coach."

"Swordsmanship coach? Fencing?" Andrew looked at Rogge in confusion.

"One-handed sword, the kind that can be used for self-defense. You go and do your work, I will go to the third floor to do experiments."

The laboratory prepared by George was quite complete, including a blood cell analyzer, a plasma centrifuge, and several microscopes, which were very suitable for studying the blood that Rogge wanted to analyze.

Roger opened the box, took out the blood samples of Nagini, Daphne and her sister Astoria, and began to study them in depth.

After a period of comparative analysis, he has captured the product of the blood curse, which is a mysterious and twisted power.

He used magic to cleverly extract it and carefully observed it under a high-power microscope.

Under the microscope, this mysterious force appears as distorted and aggregated red blood cells.

"In Nagini's blood, this type of red blood cells can account for more than 90%, Daphne's about 10%, and Astoria's about 20%."

Rogge asked the quill to record these data, and then continued to write: "The blood curse achieves the effect of animal transformation by affecting red blood cells.

Speculation 1: Animalization is achieved through large-scale cell transformation.

Speculation 2: The more times of lycanthropy, the fewer normal cells there will be, and eventually the wizard will irreversibly transform into a beast. "

Daphne once told him that unicorn horns can effectively suppress blood fever and reduce the number of contaminated cells. This allowed Rogge to generate some new speculations while conducting in-depth research.

He thought, if the contaminated cells were restored, maybe the effect of animal transformation could be reversed?

Rogge continued to analyze the blood of the three people and used Muggle instruments to analyze the protein composition. He noticed that the content of coagulation factors and inflammatory proteins was abnormally high. After more in-depth observation, the transformation process of the Bleeding Warcraft was finally restored.

For those wizards with blood spells, the blood in their bodies will boil violently when they transform, destroying and coagulating all cells. During the entire process, the blood curse will simultaneously reorganize the destroyed cells, allowing the wizard to transform into a beast.

The whole process is extremely painful, as if experiencing a physical rebirth, and may even lead to death. From the moment of transformation, except for their souls, they are still humans, and their bodies are no different from beasts.

Rogge found snake-specific venom proteins and serum proteins in Nagini's blood samples, which provided strong evidence for his research.

As the power of the blood curse becomes stronger and stronger, their souls are gradually covered and even devoured by the beastly instinct in their blood, and eventually become completely transformed into beasts.

Although there is no way to completely remove the blood curse, Rogge already has some ideas to suppress it.

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