The atmosphere in the auditorium is getting more and more heated, and everyone is already taking practical actions to conquer Fudge. They were about to leave Hogwarts and rush into the Ministry of Magic in London. The sound of Dumbledore knocking on the table came just in time.

His eyes were kind and serious. As his eyes swept across the entire venue, the noise in the auditorium was gradually extinguished.

Dumbledore nodded slightly and said calmly: "I know the anger and worry in everyone's hearts. When I learned that dementors attacked students, I also wanted to expel those guys back to Azkaban."

"But this is Hogwarts, a place where young wizards are trained. We need to maintain order and create a good learning environment for students." Dumbledore paused. Under the gaze of the old principal, everyone stopped moving. .

Everyone returned to sit down at the long table and accepted the old man's earnest teachings just like they did in school.

"The issue of dementors can be discussed after Minister Fudge arrives at Hogwarts. We can even discuss who is right and who is wrong in the Wizengamot. However, before that, the teaching work must continue."

"Now, let's change to a pleasant and relaxing topic." Dumbledore smiled and looked at Slytherin: "First of all, I would like to thank the school board for its strong support of the school. Starting from this year, the teaching aids for flying lessons will be unified. Replaced with Nimbus 2000."

As soon as he finished speaking, the auditorium suddenly fell into dead silence. Immediately, warm and prolonged applause broke out.

"Nimbus 2000? Real or fake?"

"Is the principal a liar?"

"Why can freshmen enjoy it? I really want to go back to first grade and take flying lessons!"

While the seniors were still doubting, the freshmen were already overwhelmed by the good news. They slapped the table, shouted loudly, their faces filled with endless joy, and they wanted to bring chaos to the auditorium.

Even though the wizarding world already has newer and more powerful broomsticks and firebolts, Nimbus Corporation is rumored to be working on Nimbus 2001. But for most wizards, the Nimbus 2000 is fast, stable, and cool in appearance. It is already the dream of every young wizard.

Everyone has never thought that they can use Nimbus 2000 to learn to fly as soon as they enter school. In contrast, when Rogge and the others were in first grade, they still had to carry tattered broomsticks of unknown model. Seeing the happiness on the freshmen's faces, I couldn't help but feel sad in my heart.

Alas, all the good things are reserved for those who entered the school late, and they, the seniors, are only responsible for complaining.

The school directors looked at the scene in the auditorium with satisfaction. This batch of Nimbus 2000 will not only allow the freshmen to feel the charm of Quidditch, but also stabilize the teaching quality of Hogwarts.

Although the school's teaching staff is very strong, only with better hardware facilities can we cultivate more outstanding wizards in the future.

Dumbledore raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. He smiled and continued to announce the good news: "The second thing is that Hogwarts will form a Quidditch team."

Having said this, he paused deliberately and looked at Rogge friendly.

The International Quidditch Association and the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic have written to him many times, hoping that he, the principal, can persuade Rogge to donate the Golden Snidget. After reading the letter, Dumbledore politely rejected their request.

Since Gold Snitch appeared in the newspapers, wizards have been criticizing the evil in the history of Quidditch. They were under tremendous pressure to go to Diagon Alley to PR Miss Rita. When he learned that Golden Snidget was at the breeding center at Travis Manor, he ran to it in a hurry.

At that time, Roger was learning swordsmanship in Cambridge, and the person who received them was Mr. Newt. Under the questioning and accusations of more than a dozen scholars, they fled back to London in despair.

Seeing that the turmoil was getting bigger and bigger, Chairman Hassan Mous thought of a way. We can organize an annual Quidditch minor league for magic schools around the world.

In this way, the influence of Quidditch can be expanded, and Hogwarts can also be brought in. Even if Rogge gave the Golden Snidget to the school as a mascot, they could still block everyone's mouths.

Quidditch players from each house were buzzing when they heard about the school-level team. In the past, Hogwarts only had house-level teams, and competitions were only held between the four houses.

"Since we are a school-level team, can we represent Hogwarts against other schools?"

"Possibly, who could be part of the school team?"

Dumbledore signaled everyone to be quiet, and then said: "The International Quidditch Federation has decided to organize a Quidditch minor league. Starting from Halloween, the team will represent the school and compete with other schools around the world. Students who are interested in participating in the minor league , please contact your dean.”

Dumbledore looked at everyone's cheerful look, and his silver-white beard trembled with his smile. He also had good news to announce: "One more thing, Slytherin House has completed its reconstruction. The specific situation can wait until the end of the sorting. Ask your dean later.”

As new towers were built, Slytherin left less and less of his mark on Hogwarts. Dumbledore believed that one day, pure-blood ideas would disappear from the wizarding world.

"One more thing, let us warmly welcome R.J. Lupin. He is pleased to serve as the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor!" Dumbledore waved and saluted Lupin, both of whom knew that this position was cursed. .

But even so, Lu Ping did not flinch. He stood up and greeted everyone. There was neither warm nor cold applause in the auditorium, and many people speculated whether Professor Lupine could survive this year.

"Son, you must be careful about your new teacher. Remember?" Jessica asked earnestly, for fear that her child would be bitten by a werewolf.

Snape glanced at Lupin, his expression extremely ugly. When other teachers applauded Lupin in welcome, he treated him with indifference. There was hatred hidden in that hateful look, and he had never forgiven the James Four.

Snape would never have prepared the Wolfsbane potion without the principal's plea. He secretly wondered whether he should add a few herbs to the Wolfsbane potion to give it a stronger flavor.

After thinking about it, Snape decided to forget it. This is the ethics of a potion master and has nothing to do with personal emotions.

The two people's eyes couldn't help but meet. Lupine raised his lips at Snape. This smile made Snape feel even more disgusted.

"I heard that you temporarily took over this position in the first half of the year?" Lu Ping asked in a low voice.

Snape snorted and didn't answer. Lupine had already anticipated Snape's reaction, and he actually didn't want to sit next to Snape.

"Roger told me on the train that besides you, there is also a wizard named Green who is competing for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Snape's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but look at Lupin. Seeing that his expression was serious and not joking, he frowned.

"Grimm?" Snape thought to himself. He had never heard of the name.

"I heard that he was recommended by the school board. It was because of the principal that he was not allowed to come."

"What do you want to say?" Snape asked coldly.

"Oh, it's nothing. Even if the curse comes true, this position will definitely have nothing to do with you."

Snape couldn't help but clenched his fists when he heard the teasing tone in Lupine's words. He remained silent and turned his head stiffly to look at the auditorium.

Dumbledore waited for the applause to subside and continued: "I am sorry to tell you that our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Kettleburn, retired at the end of last semester in order to be able to enjoy his old age with sound limbs."

There was a burst of laughter in the auditorium. The professor who loved drama and cooperated with Lockhart in organizing Christmas performances was so cute and persistent.

Colin took out photos of the Christmas play, and Harry's photo of him dressed up in women's clothing instantly caused a large number of parents to exclaim. Harry's face turned red as he watched Colin show off his dark history to everyone. He got angry at Colin in a sullen voice and asked him to hand over the photos.

"However, I am honored to announce that this position will be deservingly succeeded by our Rubeus Hagrid. Of course, he is still willing to assume the duties of gamekeeper."

Hearing Dumbledore introduce himself, Hagrid stood up in panic. His huge body was even taller against the backdrop of the little Professor Flitwick, his face was hot with excitement, and there was a wide smile behind his unkempt beard.

"Huh, no wonder the new book bites people. This big fool..."

"Draco!" Lucius heard his son complain and shook his head at him. The eyes seem to say, when will you stop talking?

"Okay, there are so many important things. Let's have a banquet!" Dumbledore looked at the door of the auditorium. Fudge hadn't arrived after so long. It seemed that he must have encountered a more difficult problem than the dementors.

Gold plates and goblets jumped out from the long table, piled high with food and drinks. Jessica hasn't enjoyed a Hogwarts dinner for a long time since graduation. Thanks to the Dementors, she was able to enjoy the school dinner with her son.

Meanwhile, Secretary Fudge and Celestina drank wine. The goblet in her hand was mixed with a little fun potion: love potion. A person who drinks it will become intensely infatuated or obsessed with the person who gives him the potion. Usually, witches secretly use it on their sweethearts.

This extremely dangerous and regulated potion is strictly prohibited by the International Magical Convention. But for the Minister, it is very easy to use a little love potion. When the candlelight slowly burned out, the fat Fudge took the singer who was drunk by his charm and flew into the sky together.

Looking at the daily newspaper, there was a reward from a book friend on the 9th, but I couldn’t see the details in the background, so I didn’t send a thank you. Does anyone claim it?

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