A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 241 Fudge’s Two Dark Clouds

As the wizards at Hogwarts discuss Slytherin's new tower, huge changes are taking place in the British wizarding world.

The cuckoo sang cheerfully on the branches, and the morning sun shone through the curtains on the sleeping faces of Cornelius Fudge and Celestina. He hugged the big singer and slept soundly.

Suddenly, the deafening knock on the door of Deluxe Bangbang dragged Fudge out of his dream.

Fudge rubbed his sleepy eyes, his eyes widened, and an unknown anger surged in his heart. He stared at the ceiling angrily, imagining the guy outside who was disturbing his dream. The knocking on the door continued and he sat up with clenched fists.

Looking at the beauty sleeping beside the pillow, Fudge smiled proudly. He kissed her, wrapped herself in a blanket, and walked towards the door angrily with her bare feet on the floor.

"It's so early in the morning, why are you making so much noise! ​​Don't you know you can't disturb people when they're sleeping?" Fudge complained loudly, as if he wanted the whole house to hear his anger.

Cursing, he walked towards the door, wishing he could throw anyone who knocked on the door into Azkaban Prison. The frown highlighted his displeasure at the moment. The morning sun shone on him, but it couldn't dispel the gloom in his heart.

As soon as he touched the door handle, the wooden door was kicked open by Delis with a loud bang. Fudge, who originally looked angry, now looked like a knocked unconscious pig. He was knocked away by the huge force coming from the wooden door, rolled on the ground several times, revealing his white and fat body, and finally fell straight to the ground. The blanket on his body slipped off, revealing the little bean that was originally covered.

"Fudge, something happened to you!" Delis shouted into the room, squinting at the naked and fainting Fudge, and couldn't help but sneer a few times.

"Give me the camera." Delis looked at Fudge's funny look through the camera, feeling uncontrollably proud of himself.

Looking at Celestina who had not yet woken up on the bed, Delis secretly cursed: What a big scandal.

"Delux, do you want to notify the Daily Prophet?" the Auror behind him reminded in a low voice.

"Why inform them?" Delis shook his head, "Fudge is shameless, and the Ministry of Magic is shameless!"

As he spoke, he pulled out his wand and shot each of the two people in the room to make sure they wouldn't wake up. As for specific issues, let’s discuss them at the Ministry of Magic.

"Bring them back to the Ministry of Magic. This matter is classified under 5X confidentiality."

"Understood!" The Aurors under his command quickly wrapped the naked two people into rice dumplings with blankets.

Delis looked at the fat blanket and muttered faintly: "Minister, don't blame me for not helping you."

This power-hungry, selfish and incompetent minister illegally used love potions and forcibly had negative distance contact with Celestina, a well-known singer in the magic world. Nowadays, it is no longer a question of stepping down, but a question of knowing the law and breaking it.

Dear Minister Fudge, I'm afraid he will be the first Minister of Magic to be taken into custody by Azkaban. Maybe, he would want to taste the Dementor's kiss for himself.

"I hope our minister won't have nightmares." Delis checked the room and saw that nothing was left behind, and returned to the Ministry of Magic calmly.

Fudge's former right-hand man, personal assistant Janus, office secretary Percy, senior investigator Dolores... are all eagerly awaited at the Ministry of Magic.

Many people were well aware of what happened last night, and many were even happy to see this scene. Coupled with the dementor's attack on the express train, Fudge personally sent himself to the "guillotine". Although it's not as serious as beheading, he can't even think about the position of minister.

In order to consolidate his power, this guy frequently attacked Hogwarts and Dumbledore. He accounts for at least 50% of the credit for Hogwarts's decline in international rankings.

In addition, Fudge also indirectly affects the Wizengamot through the pink toad Umbridge. In recent sentencings, the woman has repeatedly influenced criminal court decisions at the behest of the minister. More importantly, he was greedy for money but let his subordinates take the blame.

Most of the Ministry was bored to death with Fudge. After Sirius escaped from prison, the Wizengamot held a closed-door meeting. At that time, Dumbledore told everyone that Voldemort should be more worried than Black. He is not dead, his soul is still wandering somewhere.

All knowledgeable people in the magic world realize that the other party will make a comeback. However, Fudge severely criticized Dumbledore, believing that he was hyping up anxiety and trying to restart the Order of the Phoenix to seize power!

During that meeting, Fudge stood up and reviewed his career in office, highlighting his great achievements: "The security edifice has fallen, and all that remains is some cosmetic work."

Fudge declared boldly to everyone, looking around at people's questioning eyes, he could only add: "The safety of the magical world is due to the existence of justice and law. Now, their beautiful and clear sky is shrouded by these two dark clouds."

"The first dark cloud appears on justice, and Horcruxes are still wandering in the world."

"The second dark cloud concerns the law, the escaped Sirius Black."

"Although they are two dark clouds, they are all related to one person, and that is Voldemort." Fudge looked at everyone and said firmly to Dumbledore: "And that person is already dead!"

"What we have to deal with now are just two inconspicuous dark clouds. The magical world is safe! There is no doubt about it!" Fudge raised his voice and emphasized his will.

Now that Horcruxes have appeared, can Voldemort be far behind?

The closed-door meeting ended in silent division, and everyone saw Fudge's cowardice. He was unable to lead the wizarding community to unite against Voldemort like his former minister Millicent had done. He just wants to escape!

Everyone realized that Cornelius Fudge could not be counted on, but he firmly held the position of minister and would not let go. This greedy behavior has attracted a lot of criticism.

When you talk about administrative capabilities, how many laws and regulations are produced every year? Is it useful? Nothing accomplished!

Newspapers also mentioned what happened to former Minister Millicent, who won the war against Voldemort. What about the current minister? They only fight for power and gain, but don’t do practical things!

Everyone has seen Fudge's ability. What's the current level of magic? I can't cast a few spells, and I don't even know where my wand is. Can he fight Voldemort? Can't fight. I don’t have this ability, you know?

Seeing Delis come back, Dolores rushed up and grabbed him, her eyes full of expectation: "How was it?"

Delis smiled confidently and said, "I'm afraid he lost his mind and used love potion on others. There are both witnesses and physical evidence, so he will definitely not be able to escape this time."

"That's good." Dolores and the others looked at each other and let out a long sigh of relief.

Delis asked in a low voice: "How should we deal with Fudge? Do you have an idea? Should we deal with it publicly or privately?"

To deal with it publicly means to make Fudge's crimes public and let the wizarding world know about his scandal. Although this maintains the fairness of the law, the Ministry of Magic cannot accept it.

Because Fudge is still the Minister and represents the entire Ministry of Magic. If he was guilty, wouldn't many people in the Ministry of Magic be questioned? Facing the potential threat of Voldemort, they could not afford such turmoil.

Not to mention, when will the Minister be able to stand trial on the Wizengamot?

Although many people know in their hearts that the Wizengamot has been separated by Dumbledore. But administratively, it is still under the control of the Ministry of Magic. The Minister was tried by the Wizengamot. How could this precedent be set?

Even if the sky falls and Voldemort rules the magical world, this precedent cannot be set!

If you choose to resolve the matter privately, it will not only ensure that Fudge receives the punishment he deserves, but also prevent the Ministry of Magic from being impacted and safeguard everyone's interests.

Dolores showed a sly smile and said, "It must be private. Fudge chose to resign voluntarily or take a slight punishment. As for the female singer, she shouldn't make a big deal out of it."

"Huh? What do you mean by this?" Delis was a little confused and asked: "I was given a love potion, can I just let it go?"

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