A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 251 Crazy Horse Stripping Curse

Hagrid's face was full of disappointment, his back was slightly stooped, and his whole body seemed to have collapsed. He knew that his first teaching was not successful and caused a lot of trouble. The school would probably cancel his teaching position.

He has dreamed since he was a child that he could one day become a professor at Hogwarts. Now, he is about to lose this identity.

Looking at his decadent back, Malfoy said unwillingly: "We could have asked the school to expel him and let him go."

"Is this why you are pretending to be sick?" Rogge asked calmly.

"How did you know?" Malfoy looked at Rogge in surprise.

He thought his performance was perfect and he never disclosed any information to anyone.

When Pansy and the others heard Malfoy admit to pretending to be sick, they all looked at him with wide eyes in surprise. It turned out that Malfoy's wailing and holding his arms in pain were all staged.

"Have you forgotten Neville?" Roger reminded, "During the flying lesson, Neville fell from a high altitude, and Madam Pomfrey quickly cured him."

"How could Buckbeak be so tall and fall and seriously injure you?" Rogge shook his head slightly, "Do you really think Madam Pomfrey can't detect it?"

"So what if I find out? As long as I cry out in pain, it means the injury is not healed yet." Malfoy crossed his hands on the back of his head and raised his head to enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

He looked at the small black dot in the distant sky and sighed lazily: "What a pity!"

"What's a pity?" Pansy asked him quickly.

"It's a pity that I can't complain to the school about Hagrid."

"Not necessarily." Rogge looked at the sneaky Harry and the others, and said calmly: "That group of hippogriffs did cause a lot of noise. It was a teaching accident after all."

Malfoy's eyes lit up and he quickly said: "Yeah, why didn't I think of that! Those are 3X-level dangerous creatures. The professor never brought them to the first class. Hagrid also brought 12 of them at once. Hehe, Now he’s finished!”

A sly smile appeared on Malfoy's face, realizing that there was still room for maneuver in this matter.

He hurriedly asked: "Where is the hippogriff? The beast that threw me down."

"Right at the entrance of the hall, if someone hasn't let him go yet..." Before Rogge could finish his words, Malfoy had already disappeared.

Daphne looked at his vigorous figure and sighed helplessly: "Mrs. Pomfrey's medicine is really effective, and Malfoy is really in high spirits."

After a while, Malfoy came back disappointed. In his hand he held the chain with which Buckbeak was tied.

It was obvious that someone had taken advantage of their visit to Malfoy in the school hospital to let Buckbeak go.

"Harry must have done it! I swear to Merlin!" Malfoy said angrily, "I'll go find the Dean!"

"Harry is in a terrible situation now." Daphne sighed. No one in the school knew about Snape's dislike of Harry.

She looked at Roger and asked, "Did you expect that they would let Buckbeak go?"

"It's just a test." Roger nodded and explained to her: "Give the caring savior a chance, he can send Buckbeak a death declaration."

"Death announcement?" Daphne was confused, "Didn't Harry let it go?"

"The hippogriff just ran back to the Forbidden Forest, where could it hide? Although no one bled to death, a teaching accident occurred after all. In any case, the principal must give everyone an explanation."

Rogge was very puzzled by Dumbledore's appointment and said: "Hagrid's teaching arrangements are too radical. He has to bear greater responsibility for this accident. He always likes to deal with those magical creatures, but he is not aware of their dangers." You don’t know your nature.”

"As for the hippogriff, he wouldn't have received much punishment originally. After all, Malfoy is still alive and kicking. If you teach that guy a lesson, forget about it. Now..."

Rogge sighed softly: "Draco will definitely hold on to this matter, and the Malfoy family will not forgive easily. As for the hippogriff that tried to kill the wizard, he will definitely be sentenced to death by the Ministry of Magic."

Rogge thought of some people who might be celebrating and said sarcastically: "Some people are just too smart."

Daphne nodded in understanding and asked, "Will the Ministry of Magic definitely sentence it to death?"

"In normal times, there might be room for it, but now it's impossible." Rogge concluded decisively, "Now the campaign for the new minister has reached a critical period. The newspaper said that Scrimgeour and Shakur supported Old Barty, Deluxe supports Amelia.”

Daphne reacted instantly, her voice slightly excited: "Are they going to win the support of the Malfoy family?"

"Yes, even if Malfoy will not support himself publicly, he cannot support his opponent."

Although Old Barty has left the Ministry of Magic's power center for more than ten years, as an important official who once fought against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, his influence is still there. Coupled with his international reputation in recent years, many people have high hopes for him.

For this enemy, Jessica wanted to torture him to death with the Cruciatus Curse. But in this ministerial election, she suppressed her anger and has not expressed her attitude so far.

Rogue's uncle Buck served time in Azkaban. In fact, there are only two people in the family, Jessica and her son. They have no competing interests in the Ministry of Magic, and they don't have to compete for positions, so why should they get involved in this muddy water?

If old Barty becomes a minister, it will be too late for Rogge to be happy. He would even buy some hookah and go to the Ministry of Magic to celebrate Old Barty.

Because he knew clearly that Barty Crouch Jr. was being hidden at home by Barty Old. Once this matter is exposed, it will definitely cause an uproar. It would be very interesting if the British wizarding world changed two ministers in a short period of time.

A faint smile appeared on Rogge's lips, but he was even more curious about who the principal would support.

Snape's classroom was still filled with a dull atmosphere, and after two years together, the young wizards were still afraid of him.

Wherever he looked, everyone lowered their heads subconsciously. Fortunately, Snape's eyes were mostly on Harry, following his every move.

The potion we learned today is very simple, a shrinking potion that can reduce the size of living things.

For creatures like toads, which grow through metamorphosis, it can even reverse the toad's biological form, degenerating it back into a tadpole state.

Snape walked slowly and said, "Cut the daisy roots into equal sizes, and then peel the shrunken figs."

"Slice five caterpillars, then put them in a crucible and heat the potion until it turns red." He said, picking up the darker bottle and grabbing the mouse's spleen from it.

Snape watched the color change of the potion in the crucible and continued to explain: "With continued heating, the red potion will start to turn yellow, and then slowly turn into purple."

"A small piece of mouse spleen." Snape held the smooth spleen and emphasized: "It requires a drop of mouse bile."

He quickly took out the leech from another bottle and continued: "Add 5 drops of leech juice into the crucible accurately."

Then he added more peeled and shrunken figs.

"Wait until the potion turns pink before adding the last caterpillar."

Snape explained the production process in detail, and soon, the potion in the crucible turned bright and dazzling green.

"You don't need me to teach you such a simple potion a second time, right?" Snape asked everyone in a sarcastic tone, receiving silent approval from everyone and nodding with satisfaction.

"What are you waiting for? Will the fig skin fall off automatically like the knowledge in your head?"

Everyone immediately took action, holding knives and carefully cutting the daisy roots into equal lengths. On the other side, Rogge just waved his hand and used Shen Feng Wuying to handle the daisy roots properly.

For those shriveled figs, cutting off the skin with a knife is extremely troublesome. Rogge specially developed a magic spell called "Crazy Horse Stripping" for this purpose.

With just a thought, the potion consumables will automatically take off the clothes. It’s not that cutting the skin with a knife is expensive, but Crazy Horse stripping is more cost-effective.

His wand touched the figs one after another. They jumped up excitedly and couldn't wait to take off their clothes.

Oh, perfect! Perfect!

What is this called? This is called art!

Only vulgar wizards would use a knife to peel off the skin bit by bit, and they might even hurt themselves. True art requires transcending the narrow vision of the world and directly appreciating the true beauty of potion consumables.

The most important point is to let the consumables know how to take them off by themselves, and be willing to take them off. Even begging you to take off your clothes, this is the true meaning of Crazy Horse's undressing spell.

The classroom was filled with the sound of cutting daisy roots with a knife, which was similar to chopping dumpling fillings during the Chinese New Year. Rogge waited for a while, and the potion in the crucible turned bright and dazzling green.

Shrinking Potion, completed!

Snape turned his head slightly to glance at him, the corners of his mouth rising imperceptibly.

Then, he suddenly yelled at Harry: "Potter, don't you even know how to use a knife? Or are you like a stupid hippogriff who only scratches with his front paws?"

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