A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 253 Harry and Revenge

Malfoy seemed to have discovered some secret on Harry's face. He leaned down and whispered: "Harry, don't you want to do something? For example, find a way to leave the school and catch him single-handedly."

"Yes, I've thought about it." Harry said boredly, pouring the green shrinking potion into the test tube.

Malfoy shook his head in disappointment, took the test tube from Harry's hand, and said angrily: "If I were you, I would never be willing to be a good boy in school and brew some shrinking potion here."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Malfoy!" Weasley said rudely, trying to silence him.

Malfoy glanced at him and said reluctantly: "Harry, it seems that you really don't know."

"Know what?" Harry raised his head and asked in confusion.

Malfoy burst into laughter and explained in a cold voice: "Revenge. Are you really going to be a coward in school and let Sirius be captured by the Dementors?

If I were you, I would definitely rush to Dufton immediately. Complete your revenge before the dementors capture him. "

Harry was confused and felt that Malfoy's words made no sense. He felt that the other party was playing with him, and he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed: "What are you talking about? I don't understand it at all."

"He came to find you..." Just as Malfoy was about to continue explaining, Snape came over and turned him back forcefully.

After checking Harry's potion, he threw back the test tube with disdain: "Now, you should all be done. Remember, the shrinking potion must be boiled before you can drink it. Pack your things and the medicine table, and get out of my classroom. .”

Harry looked at Malfoy's leaving figure and asked doubtfully, "What did he mean by that?"

"You mean Hagrid and Buckbeak?" Weasley's eyes flickered, avoiding Harry's gaze.

Without thinking much, Harry put his hand under the gargoyle's mouth and washed his hands with the cold water that came from there.

"He said I wanted revenge on Sirius."

"Why should I seek revenge from him? He hasn't done anything to me, not even now."

"He's talking nonsense, don't worry about him." Weasley said quickly.

After everyone left, Rogge turned around and quietly returned to the dungeon. At this time, Snape was preparing the potion. He raised his head and glanced at Rogge, letting him watch and learn from the side.

There were precious medicinal materials such as wolfsbane and monkshood on the table, and Rogge secretly marveled at their value. Not to mention the finished medicine, just these raw materials, even Lu Ping could not afford to sell them.

Those poor werewolves, if it weren't for Dumbledore's initiative, no potion master would research wolfsbane potion for them.

Because developing magic potions for them is a loss-making business. Not only can they not pay for it, but they may also be robbed. If they were displeased, they would even retaliate against the potion master's children with wolf kisses.

Scholar Emeret Picardy wrote a book called "Wolves Who Break Law: Why Werewolves Don't Deserve to Live." It details their dangers, as well as various acts of revenge against wizards.

Rogge carefully observed Snape's every step of the operation and couldn't help but sigh at the difficulty of preparing the Wolfsbane potion.

He stared at the fire with all his concentration, making sure that the temperature changes every minute met the requirements. Then, add the ingredients to the crucible at the right time and stir with the wand to allow them to fully blend.

The whole process was full of challenges, and even Snape had to be careful and not make any mistakes.

Finally, after five hours of waiting, Snape completed the preparation of the Wolfsbane potion. Wearily, he put down his wand and wiped the sweat from his brow.

Upon seeing this, Rogge immediately handed over a glass of ice water. Hope it can bring some relief to the exhausted Snape. Snape took the ice water, nodded slightly to express his gratitude, and then took a sip of it, feeling a refreshing feeling in his heart.

"Encountering difficulties?" Snape calmed down and looked at his student.

"Research on the Blood Curse has made progress recently." He said, taking out his research notes and giving the bottle of iron chelator to Snape, asking him to check it.

Snape did not immediately check the unfamiliar potion, but picked up Rogge's research notes and read them carefully.

His eyes were focused and serious, sometimes nodding in approval, sometimes hesitantly. The quill in my hand keeps recording on the paper, stopping to think from time to time.

After reading a third of the research notes so intently, Snape looked up out the window. The moon was already high in the sky. He marveled at the tremendous progress Rogge had made in such a short period of time, and was also proud of his diligence and talent.

"Your research is good, I need to take another look."

Rogge opened his eyes wide. Did he hear it correctly? Snape actually said "very good" just now.

Oh my god, the sun is coming out from the west!

Snape picked up the iron chelator and marveled at Rogge's open mind. Find the key node where the blood curse takes effect through phenomena, and then suppress it. Although the blood curse cannot be completely eradicated, great progress has been made.

He looked at his students and saw that he was indeed right. Rogge's attainments in potions can allow him to go further than himself.

However, he has given him enough praise. A potion master must have a humble and low-key heart.

Snape's face became stiff again. He handed the wolfsbane potion he had just brewed to Rogge and said, "You know where the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office is."

"Don't you charge money?" Rogge muttered.

When Snape heard this, he suddenly laughed: "Money? He has half a galleon on him, so I lose."

"Well, it seems to be charity." Rogge shrugged, carefully put the Wolfsbane potion into his pocket, and said with concern: "Teacher, remember to rest early."

Snape waved his hand and told him to get out.

"Oh, you are a person who is good at disguise." Rogge sighed softly, walking in the castle with relaxed steps.

"Please come in." Lu Ping, who was preparing for lessons, heard a knock on the door, put down what he was doing, and responded softly.

His clothes were still in tatters, but he looked much better. The first time I saw him on the train, he was exhausted, his cheeks were sunken with hunger, revealing his high cheekbones.

Now, I am full of energy and look like a completely different person. This showed that the food at Hogwarts was pretty good and the stable environment made him feel at ease.

When Lupine saw it was Rogge, a complex emotion flashed in his eyes.

Although he had just arrived at Hogwarts to teach, he also learned about the specific conditions of the school from other professors.

He knew that the young wizard in front of him was not only far stronger than his peers, but he was also the protégé of his arch-enemy Snape. Moreover, Rogge is also the shadow prefect of Slytherin.

After only two years of enrollment, he has already won high praise from everyone. Everyone thinks that he will become a star in the magic world in the future. Even though Hagrid was full of resentment towards him for killing his pet spider, he still spoke highly of it.

However, late at night, Rogge suddenly visited, making Lu Ping full of doubts.

Rogge placed the wolfsbane potion on the table and said with a smile: "Professor, your potion."

"Thank you." Lu Ping took the potion and put it away carefully.

In fact, he was a little embarrassed, because this was equivalent to directly revealing his identity as a werewolf. And he has always avoided being discovered by the students.

He sighed and said, "Thank you Snape for me."

Rogge nodded and said softly: "Professor, Wolfsbane potion only makes people stay sane on a moonlit night, but it cannot really solve the problem."

"Have you ever thought about completely eradicating the werewolf virus?"

"Eradicate it?" Lupine looked at Rogge in surprise.

This question made Lupine's heart beat faster, and the scar where he had been bitten by the werewolf was aching.

"This is impossible." Lupine calmed down and continued: "The wizarding world has never heard of anyone who can eradicate the werewolf virus."

"You also said, that was before." Rogge's tone was full of affinity and told him: "Wolfsbane potion is also a newly invented magic potion. In the past, there was no way to keep a werewolf sane on a moonlit night."

"Why don't you give it a try." Rogge explained patiently, "If you don't try, the possibility of success will always be zero. But if you try, even if you fail in the end, it can help with subsequent research."

Hearing Rogge say this, Lu Ping couldn't help but feel excited. Could it be that Snape really planned to rescue all the wizards in the wizarding world who were infected by the werewolf virus?

But from what he knew about Snape, this wasn't his style at all.

Lupine was right, Snape had never thought of solving the werewolf problem. Even Rogge had other intentions. If the werewolf problem could be solved smoothly, that would be the icing on the cake. Rogge's main goal is to break the blood curse.

"What do you need me to do?" Lu Ping asked firmly.

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