A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 255 School Team Mascot

Also, the rings in the sky are not static. They are near or far, high or low, changing positions all the time.

This clever design tests each player's reflexes. Once a mistake is made, other players will be quickly left behind in the fierce competition.

Everyone is deeply aware that this is a cruel competition, and there is no room for retreat.

Malfoy's special summer training was obviously very effective, and he quickly found a way out of the chaos. Seize the moment and instantly release the broomstick's ultimate speed to rush through the next ring.

Meanwhile, Harry displays remarkable reflexes. He flexibly turned and maneuvered quickly according to the changes in each ring, and he also avoided the sudden squeeze of other people.

Although the two were pushed to the back at first, they quickly caught up. Mrs. Huo Qi nodded with satisfaction at everyone's performance, with a hint of relief in her eyes.

The players flying in the air gradually distanced themselves, and the first echelon was almost all official members of the academy.

Everyone is flying with full concentration, their faces are full of desire for victory, and their eyes are shining with firm determination. They all want to prove themselves and show that they are worthy of being a part of the school team.

Hassan Mouss sat in the audience, his eyes following the fiercely competing players in the air, and couldn't help but exclaim: "It's so energetic."

"Principal Dumbledore, I don't know what the mascot of the Hogwarts school team is. Has it been decided?" Hassan asked with concern.

"Mascot?" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and smiled: "If it is a team emblem, we can use the school emblem instead. As for the mascot, I just heard the news."

Hassan pretended to be enlightened and explained: "The mascot is a newly passed regulation that can represent the image and spirit of each team."

Amelia suddenly interjected: "How about Phoenix?"

"Phoenix..." Hassan's face twitched unnaturally. He came here for Golden Flying Hero.

As the dignified president of the International Quidditch Federation, how could he be invited to a small school team tryout? But facing Dumbledore, he did not dare to say that Phoenix was not suitable. Who in the wizarding world doesn't know the magic of Dumbledore's phoenix.

If he were the headmaster of Hogwarts, he would also make the phoenix the school team's mascot.

Seeing that his plan was about to fail, Hassan hurriedly reminded: "The phoenix is ​​naturally very suitable and can even become a symbol of the British magic world. However, haven't you considered the Golden Snidget?"

"It is part of Quidditch, and the Golden Snitch is modeled after it. I heard that students from your school successfully hatched the Snitch. I wonder, is he down there?"

Hassan, who is too noble and forgetful, has no idea about Rogge's preferences. He only remembered the name of the little wizard and rushed to watch the school team selection game.

"Roger, right?" Dumbledore looked at him and reminded: "Roger doesn't like Quidditch, and even hates this sport. If you need Gold Snidget, it's best to talk to him directly."

"Great." Hassan agreed quickly. Whether you like Quidditch or not is not important, but whether you have Gold Snidget or not is important.

He hurriedly bid farewell to Dumbledore and quickly walked towards the audience, looking for Rogge.

"Long time no see, Mr. Hassan." Rogge called kindly, "Our college has moved, over there."

He pointed to the glittering golden tower in the distance and introduced it enthusiastically: "It was newly built during the summer vacation. I can introduce it to you."

"No, no need!" Hassan kept shaking his head. The last time the child introduced Hogwarts to him was still vivid in his mind.

"That's right, Roger. Every team in the minor league needs a mascot. I discussed it with your principal and the Gold Snidget is an ideal choice for Hogwarts."

"Really?" Rogge asked doubtfully, "But the Phoenix is ​​more representative."

"Of course!" Hassan replied affirmatively.

Rogge was slightly hesitant and didn't quite believe what Hassan said. But he wouldn't go to Dumbledore to confirm this matter.

"I am just an ordinary viewer and have no say in the mascot. However, we can go see Golden Snitch." Rogge suggested.

"That's great." Hassan eagerly agreed and said excitedly: "During the summer vacation, Mr. Newt refused our request to visit. If it weren't for the photos in the Daily Prophet, I still can't believe they were successfully hatched. .”

Rogge nodded and smiled: "Please wait for me a moment, I have to go to the dean to ask for leave."

Snape was staring closely at the pitch from the stands, and Harry's flexibility won almost everyone's admiration. He heard that Rogge was asking for leave and nodded impatiently in agreement.

Through the Floo network, Hassan came to Travis Manor again. The manor is quiet and beautiful, and the house elves are busy chasing away the goblins in the grass.

They were a group of magical creatures that lived underground in the garden. They had sharp teeth, hair all over their bodies, and a big head that was out of proportion to their body.

The elves plucked them out of the ground, knocked them around by their ankles, and threw them out of the garden.

"What a bunch of annoying pests." Hassan cursed at the goblins thrown out.

He followed Rogge and came to the glass pyramid. Looking up at the building in front of me, I couldn't help but praise: "The unparalleled design is similar to the Egyptian pyramids."

"Compared to Egyptian brick walls, diamond-shaped glass can refract more light, making the entire space more transparent. This perfect art is something Muggles can never imagine."

Hassan felt so good about himself that he didn't notice the embarrassed expression of the little wizard next to him.

Rogge took out his magic wand and clicked on the pyramid: "Balala eat the big melon."

The glass facade rippled like water, and they walked into this natural space created by magic.

"Mr. Newt?" Rogge pushed aside the large leaves blocking the road and shouted loudly.

Hearing the noise, Newt poked his head out of the tree and motioned for them to be quiet. Rogge and Hassan looked at each other and walked over quietly.

Newt motioned for them to climb up and take a look. Roger stepped on the branch and looked into the bird's nest. He saw a shining Golden Snidget adjusting the leaves in the nest with its slender beak. His movements were light and skillful.

Soon, it chose a location and squatted in the nest, waiting for something. Its wings trembled slightly, and under Newt's expectant gaze, a small Golden Snidget egg slowly slid down.

It is like a golden gem, shining with the brilliance of life. Jin Feixia's eyes revealed full of maternal love, and he gently warmed them with his body.

Newt recorded this heartwarming scene. In another twenty days, a new life will be hatched, and the number of Golden Flying Heroes will increase a bit.

His face was filled with joy, and several people carefully landed on the ground. Newt motioned for them to stop talking and follow him to the rest area on the other side.

The breeding center built a wooden house at some point, with simple but comprehensive living facilities.

"Mr. Scamander, has Golden Snidget started breeding?" Hassan asked impatiently.

Newt shook his head, and then nodded: "My other companions and I used some magic potions to accelerate their growth. This is not natural breeding. What are you doing here this time?"

He looked at Hassan, probably already guessing what it was about. But this time, he didn't directly evict the guests.

"Chairman Hassan suggested that we make the Golden Snidget the mascot of the Hogwarts school team." Rogge explained, "But I personally think the Phoenix is ​​a better choice."

"Quidditch school team?"

"That's right, Mr. Scamander." Hassan quickly seized the opportunity and said hurriedly, "We plan to hold a secondary league for magic schools around the world to provide opportunities for more young people with professional sports aspirations."

These are all high-sounding performance languages. They are actually intended to expand the influence of Quidditch, and even more so to capture the Golden Snidget.

"That's it." Newt pondered for a moment, then looked at Roger: "There are currently 22 Golden Snidgets in the breeding center, which is far from the size of a population."

Before Rogge could speak, Hassan couldn't wait to plead: "Just one!"

"If it's just a temporary loan, I agree in principle." Newt hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "You guys talk, I'll take care of Golden Snidget."

He and Rogge had already discussed the return of Jin Feixia to the magical world. Over the past few months, I have been bombarded with letters from all over the world, which makes me unbearable.

"Thank you, Mr. Newt."

After Newt left, Rogge looked at Hassan with a smile. He rubbed the family ring on his finger, not in any hurry.

"Rogg, your work is of great significance to the wizarding world. I think you, Mr. Scamander, and other participants should be awarded the Order of Merlin." Hassan came up with the same old rhetoric, ready to exchange honors for leaving Jin Feixia.

"Mr. Hassan, don't you want Golden Snidget to become the mascot of Quidditch?" Rogge showed a sly smile and tried: "This will not only reflect the wizard's repentance for the history of Quidditch, but also highlight your achievements. .”

"At that time, your name will coexist with this sport. Instead of being like other presidents, you can only be found in the nooks and crannies of books."

He lowered his body as he spoke, and his pure voice contained magical power: "This is an honor that has never been achieved before or since."

Hassan admitted that what Rogge said was very reasonable, and he was shamefully tempted. Looking at the golden figure flying past the breeding center, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said, "What conditions do you have."

"No, you misunderstood." Rogge shook his head quickly, "For me personally or for the Travis family, galleons and honor are not important. Like you, we also have the same heart to protect Golden Snitch and protect nature. kind heart."

"A kind heart?" When Hassan heard this word, the corners of his eyes twitched uneasily.

Behind such bright and beautiful language, there is definitely a sharp knife hidden.

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