A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 26 Stepping on the accelerator into the gearbox

The main ingredients of the potion formula include dragon's blood to enhance physical fitness, dragon's head flower and leaves to enhance mental strength, moon dew to feel the magic of the moon, and starlight bear fruit to increase the body's magic reserve.

Excipients include moonstone powder, blue rose petals, luminous insect powder, licorice root, etc. But the price is not cheap, a set costs 20 gold galleons.

It's just expensive, but the production process is extremely complex and arduous, so you have to be careful, otherwise it will fail if you make the slightest mistake. To this end, Rogge has spent 800 gold Galleons, repeating experiments and adjustments day and night, and the current results are only a thick record of failures.

Roger spread out his notes and wrote down the 40th test. He lay on the sofa with his pen between his teeth, lost in thought.

Jessica was able to help with guidance at first, but as Rogge began to actually operate Blue Moonlight, Jessica was unable to do anything. Rogge could only rely on the simulation function, trial and error, and slowly advance.

Rogge knew that this high-level magic potion was currently far beyond his ability, and it would not be wise to contact it directly. But the magic power limit of 2.3 was like a tight curse, and he could only bite the bullet and find a way to overcome it.

Every time he failed, Roger carefully wrote down the operation process and various parameters, as well as the changes in the potion in the crucible. Then compare the practical instructions in the recipe to find out the corresponding problems and avoid them in the next operation.

In order to reduce wasted time, he has been staying in the underground laboratory. When he was hungry, he asked Paopao to get some food. When he was tired, he fell down on the small bed next to him and rested. If Jessica hadn't come in every day to check on him, she would have been worried about her son's mental state.

The loss of money is still secondary. The key lies in the frustration of each failure. Rogge was grateful that he had a strong will that was tempered by the dementors, otherwise he would have been defeated by failure.

"Roger, you must have a good rest." Jessica came in with hot milk and ordered Rogge to hand her the notebook.

"Mom, I'm almost successful! Just wait a little longer!" Rogge hugged Jessica and shook her vigorously.

"No!" Jessica pushed her cute son away and asked him to drink the milk and go to bed.

Roger had to climb onto the soft bed under Jessica's gaze. He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, thinking that he would slip away as soon as Jessica left.

But the sleepiness was far more intense than he imagined, and he fell asleep unconsciously as soon as he closed his eyes. Jessica covered her son with a quilt and hugged Yumi down who jumped on the bed.

"Little Master, we have bought the materials." Bubbles' transformation is really convenient, and he shouted excitedly while holding up the bag.

"Bubble!" Jessica hit Bubble's head hard and signaled it to hand over the bag.

From sleeping at 6 pm to 6 pm the next day, Roger slept for a full day and night before jumping out of bed full of energy. He ate his dinner and looked at Jessica intently.

"Not today, go to bed honestly, and I will return it to you tomorrow morning." Jessica shook her head, it seemed that it was necessary to manage her son's schedule.

"Okay." Rogge pouted and looked at Bubbles. Bubbles lowered his head in frustration because he couldn't help the little master steal the mistress's things.

Early the next morning, Roger couldn't wait to get back the experimental notes and rushed into the laboratory.

Jessica looked at her son's back helplessly, thinking about the last bit of material, and would stop and rest as soon as it was used up. Although she believed in her son's talent, she had not studied systematically and could not refine high-level potions by relying on books and magic formulas.

Rogge touched the test bench and even felt a little strange after not seeing it for two days. The sunlight from outside shines in through the window, and fine dust is floating in the light.

"Clean as new!" Roger waved his old wand, turning the laboratory into a dust-free environment.

"Bubbles, bring the materials here."

Failure…failure…failure again…

"We can't fail again." Rogge looked at the last piece of information. His mother had made it clear that he would not give him another Galleons pocket money.

He closed the notebook helplessly, grinding the moonstone into fine powder while adjusting his mentality.

Moonstone is used to absorb and filter impurities in dragon blood. Unlike the dragons in Eastern mythology, the dragons in the Western magical world are more like large lizards with wings.

They are naturally violent and extremely difficult to tame. Even adult wizards find it difficult to use their blood directly, let alone young wizards.

Rogge's skills became more and more skillful, and the moonstone was polished extremely delicately. After many experiments, he found that the fineness of the powder is best between 800 and 1,000 mesh. If the moonstone is not ground finely enough, it will not be able to completely purify the dragon's blood; if it is too finely ground, the moonstone powder itself may be mixed with the dragon's blood.

In the long test tube, the blood of Hungarian Horntail glistened. After pouring 20g of moonstone powder, the dragon's blood immediately became turbid. As the moonstone slowly settles, the dragon's blood above becomes purer. In the end, it is like the purest emerald, crystal clear without a trace of impurities.

After layers of refinement, this hard-won dragon blood has been perfectly prepared for the production of potions.

"Rogg, the Muggle named Andrew is here." Jessica saw Rogge processing medicinal materials and knocked on the door outside.

"Andrew?" Rogge carefully collected the dragon's blood. What was he doing here at this time?

"Mom, did he say something?"

"It seems to be talking about a place called Moscow in the Muggle world..."

"Moscow! What's the date today?"

"August 16th, half a month before school starts. Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"There are still three days left..." Rogge thought for a while and decided to meet his asset manager.

"Andrew, what's wrong?" Roger came to the garden, and Andrew walked around excitedly.

"Roger, I asked cousin Thompson to get some newspapers from the Soviet Union." Andrew grabbed Rogge and eagerly took out the newspapers.

"This is today's "Izvestia" of the Soviet Union, look here!" Andrew pointed to the article, with uncontrollable joy in his tone: "Yakovlev said that a coup was being planned within the Soviet Communist Party. He is a member of the Soviet Union. Propaganda Minister..."

"From June to now, the Soviet Union's principal and interest payments on foreign debt have stopped for almost three months. Coupled with the turmoil that is about to happen to them... Rogge, you bet is right!"

"Keep your voice down!" Roger pulled Andrew aside to prevent Jessica from asking if the house was back.

"Most people in the Financial City haven't received the news yet, but the market has already fluctuated..."

"The opponent exploded?" Rogge frowned. The wind had just started on August 16th.

Andrew shook his head quickly, "Not yet, I just want to ask what to do next?"

He reminded in a low voice: "If the market picks up, we will continue to increase margin calls..."

Rogge carefully recalled the Soviet Union's psychedelic operation in August. When Maozi went downhill, he really wanted to step on the accelerator and into the gearbox.

"819 coup, 825 resignation..." Rogge walked around the pavilion and suddenly stopped.

"If the market picks up before the end of the month, don't hesitate to give me a plan!" Rogge has a big appetite, and it's not just to drink some soup and water in this gluttonous feast.

"Go to Thompson if you have no money. In addition to what he promised, you can also lend me the gold galleons I have at the Ministry of Magic."

"Um... Rogge, doesn't the wizard's Galleons exist in Gringotts?" Andrew looked at him suspiciously, you can't lie to me about your identity as a wizard.

"You don't need to know why. Anyway, the Ministry of Magic owes my family hundreds of thousands of gold galleons."

"Hundreds of thousands?"

"Remember my words, don't be afraid, don't let me down." Roger patted Andrew's arm and sent him away.

Rogge turned around and saw Jessica standing at the door of the living room, and quickly said bluntly: "Mom, the weather is really nice today."

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