Lupine put his hands in his pockets, kept everyone quiet, and introduced the spell to repel the Boggart.

"The spell is simple, but it requires willpower," he said. "The real way to defeat a boggart is to laugh. You have to force it to become something you think is ridiculous."

Lupine took his hand out of his pocket and motioned to everyone: "No need to rush to get the wand, please practice the spell with me: Funny."

"Funny," the whole class said in unison.

"Very well, I'm afraid this is the simplest thing. You know, this spell alone is not enough. I need an assistant." He said as he glanced at everyone, pausing for a moment on Harry. Move away quickly.

"What are you most afraid of?" Everyone is thinking in their hearts what they are afraid of. When Lu Ping's eyes swept across, many people subconsciously avoided it.

"Professor, me!"

When everyone hesitated, Hermione raised her hand again. Everyone cast curious glances, guessing what she was afraid of.

"Okay." Lupine asked Miss Granger to come forward and asked her: "The first thing is, what is the most afraid of you in this world?"

Hermione's lips parted slightly, and her eyes became uneasy. She hesitated for a long time before she mustered up the courage to say, "I'm afraid of failing."

A group of people exclaimed in disbelief when they heard that what Miss Granger was afraid of was failing the exam. If failing the exam is the most terrifying thing in the world, then aren’t they living with fear every day?

"Failed... Well, well, it is indeed unfortunate to fail the exam." Lupine smiled awkwardly. It was difficult for him to understand Hermione's emotions.

"If the report card at the end of the school year makes you feel uneasy, anxious, or even scared, that's what Boggart will become later." Lupine smiled and continued: "Now, we have to think of the report card as something else. .For example, painted with a clown's mask..."

"Exam paper!" Hermione replied almost simultaneously.

"Okay, just think of it as a test paper, if you think it makes you feel funny."

Lupine smiled awkwardly and continued: "When the Boggart rushes out, it will directly see you and become a failing report card."

"As for you, you need to pick up the wand and chant the spell loudly: funny." Lupine said, demonstrating the wand gestures and teaching Hermione how to use the spell.

"If Hermione succeeds, you will be next. I hope each of you will take a moment to think about what you are most afraid of and how to make it look ridiculous."

"Are you all ready?" Lupine patted the closet, and a violent crash was heard from inside. "Now, everyone, step back and leave a space for Hermione. When the time comes, I will call the next person's name. "

Hermione picked up her wand, took a deep breath and prepared herself to face the boggart.

"One, two, three, start!"

A spark shot from the end of Lupin's wand, hitting the wardrobe doorknob. The power that restrained the Boggart disappeared instantly, and the closet door was instantly opened.

A piece of parchment several feet high was unfolded in front of Hermione's eyes. On it were listed all the test scores from first grade to seventh grade, even including future OWLS.

Seeing the strings of 'T' letters, Hermione felt her scalp numb and her face turned slightly pale.

"Funny!" Hermione shouted at the report card, waving her wand quickly.

The report card became distorted, and then turned into a mountain-high full-score test paper. Except for Hermione who smiled happily, everyone else felt even scarier.

"Parvati, come forward."

Lupine called someone by name, the witch walked to the wardrobe, and the boggart turned into a blood-stained mummy.


With a swipe, the bandages on the mummy were tangled together without restraint, and the terrifying monster fell to the ground.

Then the female ghost turned into a mouse, the corpse turned into a springtail, and the spider had no legs... The whole classroom was filled with joy.

Lupine deliberately jumped over Harry, allowing the Slytherin to come up.


Everyone looked at Rogge involuntarily, wondering what he was afraid of.

Roger nodded and walked to the closet.

The Boggart instantly transformed into Jessica's appearance, and she lay quietly on the ground, making no sound.

She is dead.

Boggart directly embodies what Rogg fears most.

Rogge's body couldn't help but stiffen, and his eyes were wide open, full of sadness. The wand trembled slightly in his hand. Roger could not and could not make his mother's corpse look ridiculous.

The body is fake, I know it.

But my heart was still tightly grasped by invisible hands, and it was so painful that I couldn't breathe.

The classroom was instantly filled with a sad atmosphere, and many people realized that there was something more desperate than fear.

Rogge raised his head slightly and looked at the ceiling, so that the crystal in his eyes could not fall.

Faced with this unexpected situation, Lu Ping didn't know how to comfort him for a while. He stood nearby and sighed softly.

Rogge calmed down a little, turned around and left the closet without casting any spells.

For a while, the classroom was a little dull. Everyone seemed even more uneasy when faced with the mediocre wardrobe.

While Lupine was thinking about how to comfort everyone, he didn't notice that Harry had walked up. Just as he was about to stop Harry, the Boggart turned into the person Harry feared most: Voldemort.

To be more precise, it is Voldemort's soul that has left Quirrell's body. It is suspended in the air, a black-gray mist.

A face actually grew out of this thick mist. The humanoid face was ferocious and twisted, and it roared silently, exaggerating death and terror.

Except for Harry and Roger, no one else recognized what strange thing it was.

Lupine breathed a sigh of relief. If the Boggart turned into Voldemort himself, it would probably cause a major teaching accident, even more serious than Hagrid's accident.

But when he saw Harry's stunned state, he realized that the mist was most likely related to Voldemort. So, he suddenly jumped between Harry and the Boggart.

The mist that rushed towards Harry instantly turned into a bright full moon. Lupine quickly resorts to comical antics and turns it into a deflated balloon, which eventually rolls back into the closet.

"Oh~ Harry is actually afraid of thick fog?"

"The thing the professor is afraid of is even stranger, it turns out to be a crystal ball." Few people realize that the crystal ball they talk about is actually a full moon.

The little wizards started talking one after another. Including Rogge, the things that everyone fears can more or less resonate. However, what Harry and the Professor were afraid of was just too strange.

"That's it for today's class!" Lupine remained calm and said, "Everyone performed very well in this class. Let me see... give Gryffindor fifteen points."

"What?" The Slytherins immediately turned to stare at him.

A full fifteen points is not a small sum of money. This is the first double-digit bonus since the beginning of school. If Lupine cannot give a reason for extra points, they will report it directly to the principal.

Lupine seemed to have anticipated this situation and said calmly: "Hermione answered the question accurately and was the first to bravely face the Boggart. A total of 10 points will be added. Harry also answered the question correctly and will receive an additional 5 points." .”

He even pretended to be relaxed and said, "As for the homework, please read the chapter about Boggart carefully and write a summary. It is due on Monday."

Lupine's extra points were justified, and the little snakes had no choice but to return in frustration. Malfoy looked at Harry and said sarcastically: "You can get extra points for being asked questions. This is really the first time I've seen him."

In addition to the after-school homework that added a bit of sadness to everyone's joy, everyone was discussing how they made the things they feared the most ridiculous.

"Did you see how I dealt with the female ghost?" Seamus shouted.

"And my mummy."

Lupin's first lesson was well received, and the Boggart was far safer than Hagrid's Hippogriff. He not only uses this to show students the magic of the magical world, but also teaches them how to fight against the things they fear in their hearts.

Perhaps, Lupine wanted to tell the students that the best way to eliminate fear is to face it and face it with a smile.

Unfortunately, there are always some things in the world that are difficult to fight with a smile. Oligo is not a universal tranquilizer.

Rogge sat by the black lake and looked into the distance quietly. Memories are like the lake in front of you, with ripples in circles, taking turns.

Magic means power, but also danger. If you don't want the scene in the classroom to happen in reality, you must become stronger.

Rogge secretly made up his mind to become the most powerful wizard. Only in this way can we build a house that is sheltered from wind and rain.

The October wind in the Scottish Highlands is slightly cool. The moon is getting rounder.

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