A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 269 My golden cup? !

Dumbledore cleared his throat and his voice sounded magnetic: "What happened?"

His eyes swept over everyone. Malfoy wanted to rush out and complain, but was suddenly grabbed by Rogge next to him. He gave Malfoy a look to signal him not to be so excited.

As the vice-principal, Professor McGonagall has already done the punishment that should be done. Deducting points, freezing school team qualifications, and calling parents are already extreme punishments. If you still want to upgrade, the only option is to expel the student.

This choice is too extreme, especially for more than a dozen students. Unless absolutely necessary, there is no choice at all.

There is no point in rushing out to discuss who is right and who is wrong. It is better to wait for the principal to finish.

Dumbledore noticed the little movements between the two of them and couldn't help but smile. Just as he was about to ask Rogge, Professor McGonagall spoke.

"Albus, a conflict broke out in the courtyard just now between the Weasley twins of Gryffindor and Draco of Slytherin."

"To be precise, it was a fight involving multiple students." McGonagall glared at them angrily and scolded: "You received magical education, but you behave like Muggles."

When Grindelwald saw the scars on the faces of these students, he guessed very well. Hearing Minerva say this, a smile even appeared on his lips.

Snape couldn't help but clench his hands when he heard the fight. He didn't look at the other Slytherins, but stared directly at Rogge. He wanted to know more in his heart, did he win this fight?

Dumbledore put down his glasses, leaned back slightly, and looked at the students: "This is indeed a serious incident. Your behavior is against the spirit of wizards."

He looked at the students and said, "I'm sorry to see you in the magical world, but you have forgotten the dignity and self-discipline of our wizards. I believe that each of you has better qualities that can transcend this kind of violence." .”

The principal's words were calm, without the slightest hint of anger. Although no one was blamed, they could feel the deeply disappointed look in their eyes, which shocked their hearts.

What surprised Dumbledore was that this matter seemed to have nothing to do with Rogge. But if it really didn't matter, why would Minerva call him here?

"I believe that Vice Principal McGonagall has already imposed appropriate punishments." Dumbledore did not ask specifically about the punishment. Regarding school rules, he fully believed in Minerva's fairness.

"I believe even more that each of you has the ability to change and do better. You are the hope of the future of Hogwarts, and I don't want to see you lost in violence."

Hearing the principal's sustenance, everyone in the fight was even more ashamed. Seeing that the students had realized their mistakes, Dumbledore stopped criticizing them too much.

"Who can tell me the specific reason?" Dumbledore looked at Draco and the Weasley twins.

Since the three of them are the initiators of the incident, they should give some explanation to themselves as the principal.

"Malfoy insulted us," George whispered back.

"He said we were poor and didn't deserve to be on the school team," Pomfrey added.

Seeing them complaining to Dumbledore, Malfoy immediately wanted to explain. Rogge secretly shook his head and asked him to wait.

After hearing this, Dumbledore remained unconvinced by their argument. He nodded slightly and asked, "Is there more?"

The Weasley twins suddenly felt nervous and shook their heads quickly.

Dumbledore then looked at Malfoy with wise eyes and asked in a low voice: "Are they right? My child, answer me truthfully."

Malfoy originally wanted to deny it, but feeling Dumbledore's eyes, he nodded gloomily: "Most of it is right, but some parts are nonsense."

"I said they were poor and they didn't deserve to be on the school team. Besides, that's not why the fight happened." Draco pointed at their noses and continued: "The real reason is because of Harry Potter!"

His words made the professors fall silent. Malfoy was unaware and continued to accuse: "I made a bet with them that they were afraid that Harry would ask about hidden secrets and kicked over my desk."

"I, we..." The Weasley twins stayed where they were, stammering about trying to explain.

Dumbledore looked at the unconscious Harry in Lupin's arms and already understood what had happened. Snape stared at Malfoy with cold eyes. He almost told Harry what happened in the last Potions class.

"Malfoy." Dumbledore's voice was unusually gentle, "Can you keep Sirius's matter a secret from Harry?"

"Why, I don't understand, Headmaster!" Draco lowered his head, clasped his fingers, and said stubbornly: "He should know the truth, he has the right."

Rogge suppressed a smile, and he used Malfoy's personality to guarantee that this guy definitely didn't think so.

"Of course, I don't deny this. Every professor present does not deny it. But..." Dumbledore looked at him meaningfully and asked, "Do you think Harry can deal with the criminal who escaped from prison?"

"I..." Malfoy was silent and hesitated for a while before shaking his head.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and turned to other things: "The lady who left just now is our new minister Amelia. After discussing with her, I decided not to evacuate the Dementors for the time being."

"The reason is very simple. Sirius escaped from prison this time just for Harry." He continued, "With the Dementors around, he will have no escape."

"Before the Ministry of Magic arrests the escaped prisoner, I hope that everyone can keep him a secret in order to protect our classmates."

Dumbledore's friendly words made the students, including Malfoy, couldn't help but nod. Other professors also understand and support the Dementors' decision not to evacuate for the time being.

Of everyone in the room, perhaps only Rogge and Grindelwald were skeptical of his words.

Rogge didn't believe the monsters outside at all. Now that Black can use the Animagus to escape from Azkaban. He could turn into the black dog again and sneak in from under the dementors' noses.

Especially since there are so many secret passages in the school, who can those brainless dementors stop?

As for Grindelwald, I just felt that Albus was superfluous. Rather than relying on those gloomy guards in the sky, it is better to take this opportunity to teach students how to use black magic to deal with intruders.

In his opinion, the reason why school wizards fight each other with fists is that the magic they learn is not powerful enough. They did not realize the joy of magic, which shows that there is something wrong with Albus's educational philosophy.

Professor McGonagall suddenly spoke, "Albus, Harry is already asking what was hidden from him. I temporarily controlled him with a faint to prevent accidents."

Dumbledore's eyes became serious. This was indeed not good news.

"I understand." Dumbledore nodded, his expression not wavering at all, "You should go back first and find Madam Pomfrey to see the injuries on her body."

"I'm sorry, principal, professor!" Wood said shamefully.

"I'm sorry!" Others also apologized.

Seeing that they sincerely realized their mistakes, Professor McGonagall raised the corners of her mouth slightly. She suddenly thought that if so many players were suspended from the school team, what would happen to the weekend games? Is the punishment too severe?

Rogge mixed in with the large army and turned to leave, but Professor McGonagall patted his shoulder and shouted to stop him.

"Minerva, since he already knows, it's better to use Oblivion on him." Grindelwald said with a smile, while using his fingers to draw spells in the air.

"Or, extract his memory. I believe that our Mr. Rogge will not tell anyone about this matter."

"Professor, he is threatening me!" Rogge quickly grabbed Professor McGonagall's sleeve and accused Grindelwald in front of him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Professor McGonagall still didn't know the relationship between them, so she blocked Rogge firmly behind her.

Rogge tilted his head and made a face at Grindelwald, causing Grindelwald opposite to frown.

He suddenly thought of something, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I heard that you are looking for the Horcrux named Voldemort, and I was lucky enough to find one."

He walked towards Professor Sprout and said in his bewitching tone: "Hufflepuff's golden cup was somehow stolen by the dark wizard. It just so happened that I had some knowledge about Horcruxes and made it out of the soul fragments inside. Purified.”

"You, you want to give the golden cup to our college?" Professor Sprout stood up quickly, nervously paying attention to the cup in his hand.

Since the death of founder Hufflepuff, the Gold Cup has disappeared. As Head of House, she never imagined that the Gold Cup would one day return to Hogwarts.

"Of course, it belongs to Hufflepuff." A smile appeared on Grindelwald's face and he handed the gold cup over.

Professor Sprout took it with trembling hands and examined it nervously. She became very fond of the new Grimm wizard and hugged him excitedly.

"Thank you, Professor Green."

Everyone in the room had different expressions, and Rogge was even more angry! Grindelwald actually gave away his golden cup, obviously they had already reached an agreement!

In this case, you don't want to know where the next Horcrux is.

Professor McGonagall stared at Grindelwald with burning eyes. She once again realized the other person's ability to confuse people, and her eyes were full of vigilance.

Snape, on the other hand, was more concerned about whether the other party's statement about purifying Horcruxes was true or false. He couldn't help but look at Harry, and then stared at the new Grimm wizard.

If the other party can really purify the soul fragments, it is not impossible to take up the position of professor of Defense Against Dark Arts.

"Ahem!" Dumbledore said: "Congratulations, Professor Sprout, the Hufflepuff Gold Cup is back. Minerva, you left Roger behind...?"

"Albus, I think we need to talk to Rogge. It just so happens that all the deans are here, so we can learn about the Jackdaw Magic Society he formed and the magic items they recently launched."

Dumbledore nodded, now was indeed a good time. For the shadow prefect of Slytherin, just like a real shadow, it is difficult for you to catch.

The activity track is fixed, classrooms, libraries, auditoriums... these are the daily routines of all students. He never runs around and completely abides by school rules. Under the cover of other troublemakers, he would be forgotten if he didn't pay attention.

The campus trade fair in the morning fully demonstrated Rogge’s leadership. Under his leadership, a group of third-grade children made excellent magic items.

Rogge looked up and saw Dumbledore and Grindelwald, the four deans, Lupin, Wilmina, and Hagrid.

What lineup is this? Do I need to defend my graduation? Or do you want three inquisitions to take me away to Nurmengard?

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