A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 271 The principal gave me Fox?

Before Dumbledore tried to bring the topic back, Hagrid asked him in a voice that was so angry that he almost roared: "Did you kill Rogge, Aragog, Mossag, and their children?" !”

Hagrid's loud voice made such a loud sound that the professors sitting next to him couldn't help but cover their ears.

"Hagrid, you have to speak clearly!"

Rogge snorted coldly. When others heard Hagrid accuse him like this, they thought he was some kind of inhumane demon who killed many people.

"Those Acromantulas are pests, and they want to surround and kill me. I'm just fighting back in self-defense, is that wrong? Or do you think the students at Hogwarts should be eaten by them without resisting? "

Hagrid was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, putting on a scary look: "They are not pests! If you hadn't caught them in the Forbidden Forest, Aragog would never attack you!"

"Well, they are indeed not pests." Roger suddenly agreed with Hagrid's opinion, which made the professors in the room a little confused.

Professors who knew him well, like Snape, obviously knew he had something bad up his sleeve.

Rogge continued: "Your group of eight-eyed spiders are gentle and kind. They are smaller than the principal's office and are like a group of cute babies. They are pitiful every day and can only weave webs. They never attack other creatures and use Leaves and young grass will satisfy your hunger.”

Rogge's sinister tone sounded so funny and sarcastic that Professor McGonagall couldn't help laughing. She quickly made a straight face and warned seriously: "Roger, answer the questions seriously and don't be naughty!"

"Okay." Rogge nodded obediently and then said, "I admit that I secretly visited the Forbidden Forest last year."

Dumbledore nodded, his glasses flashing with light. As a principal, you need to impose certain penalties on students who violate school rules.

"But you all know that I knock one out every week and bring it back to the magic club members for training. As for killing them, taking the poison sacs and selling them for money..." Rogge stood up and looked directly at the sea. He looked into Grid's eyes and said without giving in: "Hmph, you should ask your good friend Ron Weasley. He knows what's going on better than me!"

"Or you should take a look at his rocket crossbow, new wand, and new school robe."

"Actually, I was the victim. If I hadn't happened to have a handy weapon, I might have died in your spider baby's mouth that night."

Hagrid lowered his head in despair, feeling helpless at Slytherin's eloquence. He looked at Dumbledore pleadingly, hoping that the principal would severely punish the students who killed the Aragog family.

"Let's end this matter here." Dumbledore said calmly, "Hagrid, you need to tell Professor Wilmina about the magical animals you raise. Don't be nervous, just make a registration. If you want to release them, If so, remember to tell the school.”

"I'm sorry, Albus." Hagrid lowered his head and replied in a muffled voice.

In fact, not only Rogge had issues with his behavior of releasing magical animals at will, but the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest also had issues with him. As intelligent creatures that have lived in the Forbidden Forest for generations, they are responsible for maintaining the Forbidden Forest.

Those foreign magical creatures will greatly squeeze the survival of local creatures. In particular, the animals released by Hagrid are extremely dangerous, which makes the centaurs feel very troubled.

Dumbledore had received numerous complaints over the years. However, he used various reasons to shirk them.

He glanced at Grindelwald lightly and realized that he might not be able to cover everything in the future. There are some potential dangers that need to be avoided in advance.

Dumbledore sighed softly and stared at Rogge sharply: "Rogge, since you admitted to violating school rules many times..."

"Ah!" Rogge looked at the principal in surprise. Those things happened in the second grade. Why should he punish himself in the third grade?

"Minerva, Severus, what do you think about Rogge's behavior of violating curfew and entering and exiting the Forbidden Forest multiple times?"

"Disqualified from going to Hogsmeade (imprisonment, come to my place to process materials)."

The two expressed their opinions almost at the same time, but the punishments were very different. Obviously, Snape's punishment is not punishment at all, he is more partial to his students. As for violating school rules, he believed that as long as he didn't see it, it wouldn't be considered a violation of school rules.

At this time, Grindelwald suddenly suggested: "Albus, why not let Rogge take me to get acquainted with the school."

Dumbledore decisively refused and said, "Let me think about it again."

He changed the topic and talked about the inventions of the Magic Society: "The inventions of the Jackdaw Magic Society are very novel. I found that many of them have the shadow of Muggle tools. For example, Anthony's bicycle and Hermione's camera projector.

"Why do you want to modify them?" Dumbledore asked.

"Because it's easy to use." Rogge's reason was simple and powerful, and Dumbledore didn't know how to ask.

"Just like broomsticks, they were first used to sweep the floors in Muggle homes. Wizards and Muggles have been isolated for too long. Some of their things can have extraordinary effects as long as they are slightly processed with magic."

"Actually, there is a more direct reason." Rogge showed an embarrassed smile.

"More directly?" Dumbledore's eyes brightened, and he couldn't wait to ask: "What is it?"

"Gallon." Rogge whispered, "Our earliest starting point is to make some money."

When Dumbledore heard this answer, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He originally thought that Rogge could speak of more noble ideals. And this reason is very vulgar, but very true.

"I understand." Dumbledore smiled gently, knowing that he would not be able to find out anything if he pressed further.

In his opinion, the magic props provided by the Jackdaw Magic Society are more like modifications, and maybe they can really make some money in the magic world. As for changing the magical world, it seems too naive.

He picked up the Elder Wand and pointed it at the unconscious Harry Potter. A spark flashed from the tip of the wand, and Harry slowly woke up in Lupine's arms.

Harry looked around and saw that it was the principal's office. At first, he didn't believe it until he saw Dumbledore and Fawkes, and then he shouted. "Principal, what are you hiding from me?"

Harry rushed forward and grabbed Dumbledore's hand tightly.

Dumbledore looked at him with kind eyes and raised his hand to straighten his messy hair. Dumbledore sighed slightly when he saw the lightning scar on Harry's forehead.

"Your father had three good friends at school, Professor Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Wormtail."

"Principal!" Lu Ping stood up suddenly, his face full of worry.

Dumbledore shook his head. Now that Harry started asking about this matter, he would not give up easily. Rather than letting him find out and sneak out of the school, it's better to tell him now so that everything is still under control.

"Sirius?" Harry muttered the name obsessively, and his mind flashed back to his crazy appearance on the wanted poster.

"James and Lily set up the Fidelity Charm in order to prevent Tom from finding their place."

"Later, I was informed by the secret keeper."

Dumbledore deliberately concealed the whistleblower in this story. He investigated the whistleblower incident in detail and found that there were many suspicious things in it.

Black, in particular, has always claimed that he was wrongfully accused. He told everyone that the real informer was Wormtail and Peter.

But, Wormtail is dead. In an explosion, he disappeared along with a dozen Muggles, leaving only a severed finger.

"It's Black? It's Black!" Harry's eyes were red, and he turned around to seek revenge, but was caught by Dumbledore.

"Kid, you are no match for Black."

The tears in Harry's eyes couldn't stop flowing. He couldn't listen to Dumbledore's advice at all. He broke away suddenly, but was held tightly by Hagrid.

Grindelwald sighed and shook his head slightly: "Al, you are getting old."

Dumbledore smiled bitterly, looked at Harry who had taken out his wand, and used a disarming spell to take away his wand.

Dumbledore stood up and stared at Harry with his blue eyes. Harry felt the silent pressure and slowly became quiet.

He didn't say anything, clenched his fists and kept crying. Everyone knows that he now wants to escape from the school and seek revenge on Blake.

Dumbledore told him in a firm voice: "Hogwarts has been enchanted by me. You can't leave without your own wand."

"Including secret passages and invisibility cloaks." He said with an emphasis, making Harry completely lose all methods of sneaking out.

"If you want to leave school and seek revenge on Black," Dumbledore said, raising his hand, Harry's wand was thrown to Roger.

Rogge subconsciously caught it and immediately understood that the old bee was going to bring trouble eastward.

"Defeat Rogge, who is in the same grade as you, and get your wand back, and I won't stop you anymore."

No one of the professors present stopped the test set by Dumbledore. Because they all know that it is an impossible task for Harry to defeat Rogge. Even seventh-year graduates or ordinary Aurors may not be able to recite the spell when facing Rogge.

As for Roger deliberately losing to Harry, Dumbledore promised with the Elder Wand that he would never do that. This kid has a dragon-like obsession with treasures.

"Principal, this...can I refuse?" Rogge was completely unwilling to take on this task.

Dumbledore shook his head and motioned for the others to go out first.

When they were alone in the principal's office, he shouted to the perch: "Fox."

Fawkes flew gently and landed on Dumbledore's shoulders.

"Principal, you want to give Fox to me? Oh, how can you be so embarrassed?" Rogge said he was embarrassed, but he ran over.

"I'm not giving you Fox."

"Oh..." Roger sighed in disappointment, turned around and was about to throw Harry's wand on the table.

"The phoenix is ​​called Finnista in Eastern Europe. There is also a witch in Eastern Europe named Baba Yaga." Dumbledore stopped here and looked at Rogge quietly.

"Principal, you know me. I am a little wizard who loves to learn. I have an urgent desire for knowledge, just like a thirsty traveler in the desert who sees an oasis.

Can you tell me a little more? "Roger quickly picked up Harry's wand and looked at Dumbledore with his big eyes.

"That's a very dangerous place, and only Fox can take you there."

"Don't worry, Harry Potter's wand is absolutely safe with me. Holly wood, eleven inches, phoenix feathers, easy to bend." Roger put Harry's wand into his school robe. He was willing to protect his classmates. Good boy, this is definitely not for Phoenix.

"It's summer vacation next year."

"Oh." Rogge was a little unhappy. The principal was actually drawing cakes.

However, getting news about another phoenix is ​​definitely a big gain. Baba Yaga in Eastern Europe must carefully investigate this old witch when she comes back.

When he reached the door, the professors had left. Hagrid was left holding Harry, and the two of them looked at him.

Roger waved Harry's wand and said to him: "Potter, if you want to defeat me, you will never be able to defeat me in the next life. I advise you to find a pillow and either soak it with tears, or defeat me in your dream and kill me." Die Black.”

"If you really hate Blake, let me give you a suggestion."

He smiled and looked at Hagrid, who was startled.

"Hagrid has a motorcycle, a gift from Black."

"Yes, you guessed it right, it was given by Sirius Black. I heard that it was given to you the night your parents died. Hehe, do you want to burn Hagrid's motorcycle before you come to me?"

"Hahaha!" Rogge laughed mischievously and left happily.

This chapter is 3.5K. I originally wanted to cut off the next 1,000 words, but after thinking about it, it’s better to read it continuously.

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