A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 287 Temporary Substitute

Mrs. Huo Qi heard that Rogge's attitude had relaxed, and she quickly pulled out a page of details from a large pile of game rules: "It doesn't matter, you can come on as a substitute player for the school team."

Rogge took the page of details, which was densely written with notes written by Mrs. Huo Qi.

"The rules of the secondary league are generally based on the World Cup. Although the federation has made special adjustments, there are still many loopholes." Mrs. Huo Qi took out a notebook and smiled helplessly.

The notebook is full of loopholes she found while studying the rules during this period. Her original intention was to submit it to the International Quidditch Federation to promote fairness and justice in the game. However, reality had to force her to make certain choices.

Mrs. Hooch's heart is full of contradictions and helplessness. She loves the sport of Quidditch and Hogwarts even more. When the two were put together to choose, she chose the latter.

With remorse in her eyes, she said to Rogge: "The full quota of the school team is 21 people, and we selected 14 people in the first batch. Because of the fight, we had to add 4 substitutes in the last game. Now, we There are 3 spots left.”

"What do you mean?" Rogge listened to Mrs. Huo Qi's explanation and gradually understood her plan.

"Yes, fill in your name in the remaining blanks." Mrs. Huo Qi picked up the list and showed it to Rogge.

She pointed to the remaining empty seats and explained: "The rules only require starting players. The school needs to submit the starting list to the federation the day before the game. As for substitutes, there are currently no restrictions."

She knew that her decision might cause some controversy, but she had no other choice. She needs Rogge to join the school team against Amin to increase the chance of winning the game.

"Doesn't that mean that I can even replace a certain substitute?" Rogge took advantage of the loopholes even more thoroughly, not even willing to waste the vacant substitute spot.

Mrs. Huo Qi was stunned. She felt ashamed for taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules, and felt guilty towards the Ouagadu players. But she forgot that the person standing in front of her was Slytherin.

For Slytherin's wizards, exploiting loopholes has become the norm. Even if I can win normally, I still want to use loopholes to achieve the goal more conveniently.

"Theoretically, that's the case." Mrs. Huo Qi said calmly. She was really embarrassed to take advantage of the loopholes.

Rogge looked at Mrs. Ho Qi, a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes. He knew that Mrs. Huo Qi was an upright person. He likes to be friends with upright people and just does dishonest things himself.

He nodded and said, "I am also a member of Hogwarts, and of course I am willing to fight for the school."

"You agreed!" Mrs. Huo Qi shouted in surprise, feeling a little moved in her heart.

She understood the damage the Azkaban Dementors had done to Rogue, and she understood what he was willing to overcome by being a substitute. Mrs. Hooch hugged Roger warmly and hurriedly turned around to find a bat for him.

"This one is made of maple. It is a high-density hardwood with excellent properties such as wear resistance and fall resistance." Mrs. Huo Qi brought a lot of bats and introduced them to Rogge in detail.

“Maple can provide excellent vibration absorption and rebound strength, which is important for players to achieve ideal ball speed and accuracy.”

She handed the bat to Roger and said expectantly: "Try it."

Rogge swung the bat, but it felt a little light, not enough to bring out his full power.

Upon seeing this, Mrs. Huo Qi immediately handed over another bat: "This is made of maple wood. It is slightly harder than maple wood, but has stronger elasticity and flexibility, and is more flexible... Isn't it not comfortable yet? ?”

Mrs. Hooch couldn't help but frown. She looked at the remaining bats, and after thinking for a moment, she picked out the ash bat and the birch bat.

"This ash bat can withstand impact, and this birch bat can break and take the power of the Bludger away..."

"Mrs. Huo Qi, do you have a metal bat?" Rogge weighed it, but he was not satisfied.

Especially the birch bat, which is completely disposable. He always felt that if he applied a little force, it would break. After it breaks, it needs to be restored to its original state, which is very poor in practicality.

"Metal bat..." Mrs. Huo Qi shook her head regretfully and explained: "Because the speed of the Bludger hit by the metal bat is too fast, it is not allowed to be used in professional games. The rules of the secondary league are in line with the professional rules. ,so……"

Rogge nodded helplessly, looked at the remaining bat, and asked, "What material is this made of?"

"Pine bat." Mrs. Hooch picked it up and did not think it was suitable for Rogge. "It is light and soft. The only thing that makes it good is the price and flexibility."

Rogge nodded, looking at the bats made of five materials in front of him, and suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Now it's like choosing a wand, but unfortunately this is not Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Mrs. Huo Qi recommended: "Amin's Bludger is very powerful and heavy. I recommend you to use an ash wood bat. In this way, it will have the least impact on your wrist, and it can also get more space for the chaser and seeker." More time.”

"When the game starts, I will find an opportunity to send you on the field." Mrs. Huo Qi continued, "You don't need to confront that Amin, just hit the ball she hits. The most important thing is, don't get hurt. Own."

Mrs. Huo Qi picked up the pen and began to fill in Roger's name on the list. She wrote very seriously, and every stroke was full of determination and expectation.

Then, she pulled Rogge and kept explaining the competition to him. Roger took the ash bat and said to himself: Mrs. Hooch is more nagging than Jessica on the train platform.

He also knew that Mrs. Huo Qi had good intentions, so he listened silently and nodded in agreement from time to time. When Mrs. Huo Qi finished talking about the precautions, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

Looking through the window towards the stadium, it was crowded and bustling. All the spectator stands were packed and the students were enthusiastic. Everyone waved homemade flags and cheered for the school team.

Shouts and cheers came and went, and they were so boiling that even the dark clouds in the sky were driven away. Everyone's face is filled with excitement and anticipation, and their eyes are full of desire for victory.

The dementors guarding the entrance to Hogwarts received orders from the Ministry of Magic to evacuate far away. They were still patrolling around, and there were even many Aurors hiding in the dark, catching Sirius Black who might appear.

The flag Hermione was waving shone with magic and read in large letters: Hogwarts. The representative animals of the four colleges jumped happily on the flags, as if they were also cheering for the school team.

Luna's skin was decorated with green scales. She had a lion's head, a pair of homemade eagle wings on her back, and her hands and feet looked like badgers. Her appearance was strange and cute, and she immediately attracted a lot of attention when she appeared, becoming the highlight of the viewing platform.

Dumbledore and Headmaster Babajid of Ouagadu were sitting on the high platform, exchanging something with each other. Suddenly, a golden rainbow flew out of the castle, and it was Fox, the mascot of the Hogwarts school team.

It flew freely on the Quidditch pitch, stretching its graceful figure and eliciting bursts of screams.

Fox's appearance instantly ignited the atmosphere of the stadium. The audience's shouts and cheers became even more enthusiastic, and the atmosphere instantly reached its highest point.

This warm atmosphere made everyone feel the unity and strength of Hogwarts. Whether they are students or professors, whether they are spectators or players, they are all excited for this wonderful game and proud of the honor of Hogwarts.

Rita, who originally wanted to write a negative report, silently tore up the report written with a quill after seeing this passionate scene. It's not scary to offend Dumbledore, because he doesn't share the same experience as you.

But the students at Hogwarts are scary, because behind them are pure-blood families who can come back with revenge at any time.

The wizards of Ouagadu, who were playing away games, listened to the enthusiastic cheers in their ears and looked at the Hogwarts flag and their mascot Fawkes. Demoralized, even feeling unable to cope.

What is home field advantage? This is home field advantage!

However, at this time, the school team players were also very anxious. Because the game is about to start, they haven't seen the coach Mrs. Huo Qi yet. On the Slytherin viewing platform, Daphne was also looking for traces of Rogge.

All the teachers and students from the school came, even Filch and Mrs. Norris. But, what about Rogge?

Finally, the players saw Mrs. Huo Qi, and their hanging hearts finally settled. However, who is the person holding the broomstick behind Mrs. Hooch? Foreign aid invited by the school?

When the figure in the backlight became clear, everyone saw clearly that it was Slytherin's Shadow Prefect Roger Travis.

Cedric, Wood, Malfoy, Harry Potter... all of them opened their mouths in shock. Everyone in the school knew that Roger was a weirdo who didn't like Quidditch.

Even if Harry competed with him, he would rather ride on the magic carpet than ride on a broom. He also tried to prevaricate Professor Luping by saying that he was hurting his prostate. Many people in the school secretly speculated that he was afraid of heights.

They couldn't understand why someone who didn't like Quidditch would be here and apparently want to participate in the game.

Everyone was very curious about what Mrs. Huo Qi said that made Roger willing to ride a broomstick. But are the two bats in his hand serious?

Mrs. Huo Qi introduced to everyone: "The substitute of the school team, the batter Roger."

"Temporary substitute." Rogge said with a smile, "I hope everyone will perform well and don't let me ride on the annoying broomstick."

The team immediately burst into hearty laughter, and Rogge stretched out his right hand and high-fived everyone. When he walked up to Harry, Harry gave him a high-five after hesitating for a moment.

From the stadium's commentary box, voices introduced the two teams.

“Let’s welcome Team Moon from Ouagadu School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Uganda!”

Amid a burst of applause, Air Tank Amin rode her poor broomstick, with her teammates lining up on both sides with her as the center.

"Next, our Hogwarts...Fawkes!!!"

With Fox's clear call, Wood led his team members to fly into the sky. The overwhelming applause resounded through the sky, and the cheers and shouts were endless.

"Sister, look at the bench." Astoria shook Daphne's arm and pointed into the distance and shouted.

"Rogg...Rogg?" Daphne quickly closed her eyes and rubbed them, then opened her eyes in disbelief and looked over again.

Roger Travis was indeed sitting on the bench at Hogwarts. Everyone was attracted by the player in the middle of the court, and few paid attention to the familiar stranger on the bench.

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