A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 290 A little cold light comes first

Such a wonderful passing performance not only excited the audience, but also made the Ouagadu players feel frustrated and helpless. The students on the sidelines began to laugh loudly, and sarcastic words were shot at them like sharp arrows.


Suddenly, Ouagado goalkeeper Kanig heard a strange noise coming from above his head. He looked up in confusion and saw a black spot rapidly enlarging and approaching in the sky. …

"What is that? Bludger?" Kanig stared at the sky in confusion, wondering why the Bludger was attacking him from mid-air.

Just as he was in trance, it shot right in front of his eyes. By the time he realized the danger, he tried to activate the broom to avoid it, but it was already too late.

There was just a "bang" sound, and the iron Bludger hit his Tianling Cap without any bias. The powerful impact made the bones of his neck crack with a tooth-piercing sound, and the severe pain spread.

Rogge put his hands to his ears as if listening: "If it sounds good, it's a good start."

"Ah!" Kanig screamed in pain, his face turning deathly pale.

He tilted his neck back, his body detached from the broom, and fell to the ground like a kite with its string broken. In the audience, the people who had been cheering for the wonderful dribbling just now fell into silence for a moment, and they were all shocked by this sudden change.

"What happened?" everyone asked curiously.

"Did he fall ill and faint?" someone speculated.

Everyone quickly looked around and saw that Kanig fell heavily to the ground, with blood pouring from his head. The severe pain made his vision go dark. He struggled to get up, but found that he had no feeling in his hands and feet.

Madam Pomfrey rushed in to check. She frowned and said, "His skull is broken and there are cracks in the neck bones. Compared with Malfoy's fracture, his injury is more serious. If not treated in time, he may even Life is in danger.”

"Albus, there's something wrong with that Bludger!" Babajid stood up suddenly and accused: "This is obviously your student's deliberate attack on our school's goalkeeper."

"Isn't it common sense that the Bludgers attack the closest player?" Dumbledore met his gaze calmly, with a hint of questioning in his tone: "Are we the referees?"

Babajid's lips moved slightly, wanting to say something but unable to say it. When the Hogwarts students were injured by Armin, Dumbledore did not question or accuse him. Now, he had no reason to blame Dumbledore.

The bludger launched its attack according to its own code of conduct and was not blessed by any external force. If anything, Rogge just sent the Bludger over the head of their goalkeeper.

Babajide then reluctantly closed his mouth and sat back sulking.

"Oh, what a bad luck." Rogge shook his head and looked at Amin with a joking look.

He said provocatively: "Why are your teammates standing there? They can't even use a broom. It's really embarrassing."

A Ming looked at his teammates who were being carried away, anger bursting out of his eyes. She roared angrily and flew towards a Bludger. He held the bat with both hands and swung it hard, only to hear a loud snap, and the Bludger was hit hard.

"This... this seems to be rare." Commentator Jordan looked at the field in surprise and said dumbfounded: "The batters of Ouagadu are attacking Rogge."

"This was unimaginable before. Because in the history of Quidditch, the target of the batter was often the seeker or the chaser."

I saw Amin and Rogge on the broom, like two fixed forts. They went back and forth, using Bludgers to engage in fierce battles. Bang, bang, bang, the two men's bats swung out like phantoms, hitting the ball towards each other. The Bludger quickly shuttled back and forth in the air, making a crisp and deafening impact sound.

Gryffindor's Colin took a camera and took pictures of the players. He said to himself: "Merlin's beard, the two of them seem to be playing tennis. No, it's like a cannon blasting each other."

Hermione pulled Hagrid's sleeve and asked softly: "Hagrid, can you hit such a ball?"

Hagrid nodded, then shook his head and said, "I'm too big and it's too uncomfortable to ride on a broomstick. If you give me a bat, I can hit such a ball."

When he said this, he looked calm, as if he was talking about the most ordinary things. "When I was little, I used to throw stones. It was normal for Rogge and Amin to play like this."

"Normal?" Hermione had a look of astonishment on her face. Hagrid was probably the only one in the school who could describe such a powerful Bludger as normal.

At the same time, the more violent Amin's Bludger was, the more leisurely Rogge's response became. He cleverly adjusted the angle of his bat swing and sent the Bludger to Amin's teammate.

The chasers and batters in Ouagadu's team were moving wildly in the air, like a herd of hunted wild boars, for fear of being hit by the Bludgers.

After their wicketkeeper fell, the second batsman to be incapacitated was another batsman. His bat was sent flying by a Bludger, and by chance, the bat he let go hit him in the head. Rogge even suspected that the other party fainted on purpose.

Madam Pomfrey quickly took him away on a stretcher. Three seconds later, the new pinch hitter also fell.

They began to change players in a hurry. All players no longer competed for the Quaffle, but fled quickly. Marcus and Harry looked at their opponents helplessly, and the game suddenly became boring.

"Tsk, tsk, the wizards in your school are too fragile." Rogge blocked the wandering ball lightly and said sarcastically: "I can understand that I can't cast spells with a wand. But I never expected that I can't even hold a stick, too. Shame on you."

"Even Muggles wouldn't behave so badly. Oh, I made a mistake. Muggles in the primitive era used their sticks better than you."

Amin was completely angered by Rogge's words. She suddenly tore off her school robe, revealing her dark and muscular body.

She shouted at Rogge: "Boy! I'm going to teach you a lesson! I'm going to let you know what power is!"

The bulging muscles all over her body looked like onions of different sizes, looking bloated and disgusting. He suddenly raised his broom and quickly approached Rogge.


Ludo noticed Amin's behavior and quickly blew the whistle to stop the game. However, Amin was so angry that he ignored the referee's restraint.

She screamed and raised the bat. From the look on her face, she vowed to smash Roger's head with a bat before she stopped.

"Heh, who are you scaring?" Rogge snorted disdainfully, even the Halloween trolls were more oppressive than her.

Of course, at that time, I had a magic wand and could use Shen Feng Wuying to kill the opponent. Now, so can nature. However, because of this idiot, the Wizengamot might have deemed it unwise to overdefend.

He sneered and murmured: "Transformation Curse·Cavalry Lance."

I saw the maple bat in his hand suddenly lengthened, turning into a nine-foot-long lance in an instant. The tip of the gun is a sharp edge that shines with white cold light.

Rogge flicked his wrist, and the moment he threw the lance, it turned into a silver lightning bolt, shot through the air instantly, and appeared in front of Amin.

There was a burst of exclamation from the surrounding auditorium. When Ludo and other wizards tried to use magic to stop it, the lance had already penetrated Amin's body.

"Ah!" Amin roared in pain, and the huge impact knocked her off the broomstick.

The lance pierced her shoulder blade, and half of the spearhead came out from her back. The Ouagadu team's aerial turret was like a big black ball hitting the ground, and was firmly nailed to the grass by the lance, unable to move.

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