A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 3 The layout of a journalist

"Get up!" He rushed into the small dark room and took Roger in his hand.

"Sir, you..."

"Hey, haven't you always wanted to see your mother Jessica? I'll satisfy you." He said, opening the C2 cell and throwing Roger in.

"You, mother and son, don't need to thank me." Paul smiled and left the cell. He had to find an owl to deliver the message. Damn little Death Eaters, what a nuisance.

After the war with Voldemort, the entire magical world suffered heavy losses and its population dropped sharply. The once bustling Diagon Alley is now deserted. If it weren't for the new students coming and going as the school term begins, people would doubt whether this is Diagon Alley.

Rita has soft blond hair and long, thin eyebrows. She is nearly forty and thinks about how to produce a shocking, anti-mainstream, and controversial report every day.

She adjusted her jewel-encrusted glasses and moved the gorgeous quill. The green and shiny shorthand quill flew quickly on the paper, and soon a new report was published.

"People have lost interest in the mysterious man!" Rita tore up the manuscript again, and the wastebasket next to it was filled with paper balls. She picked up her coffee cup and stood by the window, looking at the deserted Diagon Alley and thinking about how to write a sensational piece of news.

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo." The owl landed on the window sill. Rita handed over some snacks and picked up the letter casually.

The letter's handwriting was crooked, and it was from a wizard in a stinking ditch. Normally, Rita would throw away this kind of letter without giving it a second glance.

But this letter is special, coming from Azkaban. A smile bloomed in the corner of Rita's eyes, and her red nails carefully tore open the wax seal.

"Azkaban, Death Eater." Rita thought of a new idea before she even took out the letter.

Wizards throughout the wizarding world more or less have relatives or friends imprisoned in Azkaban. If you can write one or two articles about them, and criticize the Ministry of Magic and the Dementors... you will definitely take your fame and newspaper sales to a higher level.

Rita scanned the letter boredly as she thought about it. The ugly handwriting made her eyes hurt, but the content inside made Rita sit up straight.

"Azkaban actually imprisoned a baby for eleven years! Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable!"

Paul was exaggerating in his mind, using poor wording to tell Rita that there was a child who had spent eleven years in Azkaban. There were hints in and out of the letter that the child was being held in prison.

The next day, an article was signed by Rita. Skeeter's article sparked discussion among wizards, with the title: "Ministry of Magic Secrets: Have We Created a New You-Know-Who?"

Just as the wand and scales in the mural in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic symbolize law and justice, our expectation of the Ministry of Magic has always been that it is the bastion of justice and the guardian of truth. But when the symbols of justice and fairness are marked by a shadow, can we still trust this belief?

According to the latest information I have, the number of prisoners in Azkaban Castle skyrocketed during the war. Astonishingly, this was not the result of an impartial court, but a lynching by the Aurors: they dictatorially threw wizards into cold, dank cells without trial.

Drawing on this war, lynchings were painted as heroic murals "in defense of our magical world." But in fact, does this mean that we just create a new "mysterious person" on our own journey of prosperity and ruin?

Let me make it clear here that criminals undoubtedly deserve appropriate punishment, whether they are Death Eaters or evil Dark wizards. However, let us recall that once upon a time, the mysterious man also used this tyrannical and absolute power to defend the ideal of "pure blood" that he saw. He did not give a fair trial or ask, "Are they at fault?"

The mysterious man just blindly deprives them of their rights and leads the entire magical world towards chaos and fear.

As our protectors, the Ministry and Aurors are expected to maintain law and order while respecting the law and justice. They should not abuse their power or neglect justice and humanity in the name of protecting us.

The Ministry of Magic and Aurors must remind themselves that there is something more terrifying than You-Know-Who, and that is a society that has lost justice and dignity. Therefore, I call on us to work together to prevent history from repeating itself. Let us see justice as our shield, not as our sword. Only in this way can our magical world truly emerge from the darkness, have the strength to defeat threats like the mysterious man, and truly provide protection for wizards. Otherwise, we might just be paving the way for another Mystery Man.

In this biting and satirical article, Rita uses sophisticated and sensational writing to reveal that the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot secretly put wizards into Azkaban without trial.

Officials from the two departments laughed when they saw Rita's article. This matter has been concluded a few years ago. It is really whimsical for that sharp-tongued woman to attack them on this point.

Under the order of Minister Fudge, the minister's office quickly produced an announcement and published it the same day.

Dear wizards:

The Ministry of Magic has recently received concerns from some people about Death Eaters and Dark wizards being thrown into Azkaban Prison without trial. After review, it was found that some Aurors did skip formal trial procedures during the war and were directly imprisoned.

In view of the fact that this matter touches upon the principle of legal justice, the Ministry of Magic decided to explain the relevant situation.

1. The persons directly imprisoned are all important members of the Death Eater organization, and there is conclusive evidence that they have participated in many serious illegal and criminal activities, endangering the public order of wizards. The facts of his illegal crime are clear and there is a high risk of absconding and retaliation.

2. In view of the complexity and harmfulness of the Death Eaters' criminal activities, and out of urgent considerations to maintain social security, the Ministry of Magic has implemented special procedures for some core personnel and sent them directly to Azkaban Prison to avoid greater harm. occur.

3. After the war, the Ministry of Magic has conducted strict examinations of the above-mentioned personnel in accordance with the law and completed trials according to procedures to ensure that each case is handled fairly.

We will continue to uphold the rule of law and justice and effectively protect the basic rights and interests of every wizard. Anyone who violates the law will be dealt with accordingly. We thank everyone for their attention to this matter and welcome you to continue to supervise our work. Let us work together to build a more fair and just society for the wizarding world!

Joint Statement from the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot, July 2, 1991.

Rita, who was sitting on the magic carpet, laughed. It could be seen that the drafter of the announcement was in a good mood, and her counterattack was well-founded and convincing.

"Temporarily." Rita waved her wand, and the tea set next to her started to move.

The teapot flew into the air and brewed black tea. The white porcelain and gold-patterned tea cup jumped into Rita's hand, letting the woman leave bright red lip marks on her body. She put the Ministry of Magic's announcement into a calfskin folder, and Azkaban Castle on the isolated island of waves loomed in the distance.

"Dear Ms. Rita, welcome to your arrival." Paul waited eagerly on the high tower of Azkaban, looking at the beauty in front of him, and welcomed her with great enthusiasm.

"Hello, Mr. Paul!" Rita took off her gloves and shook hands with the sloppy wizard in front of her with disgust. When Paul turned around to introduce Azkaban to her, Rita quickly washed her right hand with a spring of water.

"With all due respect to Mr. Paul, the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot made an announcement this morning."

"Announcement?" Paul touched his bald head. Azkaban was really too far away, and not even the owl was willing to fly over. He never knew what was going on in the wizarding world.

"Yes, the announcement has already explained those Death Eaters. Yes, it is the people who were thrown into Azkaban Prison without trial in your letter." Rita covered her nose and walked towards Paul's office, having just passed by in the aisle. The dementors scared her legs to the point of weakness. She really didn't like this place.

"I'm sorry. The Ministry of Magic has re-examined it at Fudge's request. After their rigorous investigation, the Ministry of Magic said that the situation in your letter will not occur."

"They are lying!" Paul cursed rudely and took out the admission notice belonging to Roger from the drawer. He waved the envelope in the air, the Hogwarts crest shining uniquely in the candlelight.

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