A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 351 Damn dung thief!

Harry gradually understood Ron's inner feelings and resonated with Ron's emotions. As the youngest boy in the Weasley family, he has long had to use the hand-me-down items left behind by his older brothers. However, his brothers never cared about his feelings.

"What should we do now? Are we still looking for Percy?" Harry looked at Ron and said, "Scabbers is still in Roger's hands."

"Harry, why don't you go to the library and see if Percy is there?" Ron looked at Harry, his eyes full of pleading.

"Then wait for me..." Before Harry could finish speaking, Neville hurried back with a bag of dragon dung on his back.

"Ron, Dean McGonagall is looking for you." Neville blinked and thought carefully, "The Dean asked me to tell you, tell you..."

"It's terrible, it's terrible!" Ron looked at Neville, who was thinking hard, and his face turned pale. He shouted in a panic: "This time he will definitely be severely punished by the dean, and he may be called a parent or even expelled. …”

"Oh, I've written it down." Neville took out his notebook from his pocket and read: "Ron Weasley needs to write a 5-foot-long letter of apology. In addition, due to disturbing the order of the library, Grant Fendo deducted 20 points."

In the past, his behavior would have received at least 50 points from Professor McGonagall. But with the new credit system, the vice-principal's maximum punishment has become acceptable.

In the past six months, the house points of Slytherin and Gryffindor finally turned from negative to positive. The two colleges are still competing desperately. They are not competing for who is the first, but who is not the last.

After all, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were close to 200 points behind them, which could be said to be far ahead. The principal himself has almost no right to add points, unless Dumbledore throws the dying Voldemort in front of Harry and lets him kill his enemy in front of all the teachers and students in the school. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Gryffindor to achieve a great comeback.

Harry and Ron were basically immune to the point deduction. The guilt and shame they once had, after experiencing many points deductions, had been thrown into the black lake outside the castle like bubbles.

When Ron heard that he needed to write a 5-foot-long self-reflection letter, Ron's legs suddenly became weak, and he leaned weakly on Harry.

Harry patted him sympathetically and asked, "Neville, will Professor McGonagall let Ron go now?"

"It seems so." Neville's tone was full of doubts. He himself had forgotten the details of Professor McGonagall's instructions.

"Seems like?" Harry scratched his head. Why did the professor ask Neville to inform them, "When will the self-reflection letter be required?"

"I forgot." Neville scratched his head in embarrassment. No one knows whether he did it on purpose or accidentally.

Harry accompanied Ron through the Fat Lady's door. The students in the castle were pointing nearby. Malfoy even cleared his throat and read the notice on the library door after them.

Dear members of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

Since Mr. Ron Weasley was making noise and disrupting order in the library for no reason, I had to take measures to ensure the sanctity of the library. Effective immediately, Ron Weasley has been permanently banned from the Library.

Administrator, Irma Pince.

"Malfoy, stay away from us!" Harry took out his wand and pointed it at him.

Malfoy smacked his lips, as if he wanted to continue his sarcasm. But his eyes suddenly fell on the door of the classroom, where Professor McGonagall stood with a frosty face.

He immediately changed his attitude, circled his hand twice in the air, then put it close to his chest and bowed to Harry and Ron: "Gentlemen, I wish you good luck."

"Disgusting Malfoy," Harry complained under his breath.

Professor McGonagall glared at him and said in a stern tone: "Perhaps you should learn to reflect on yourself first."

She turned to Ron, who was trembling slightly, and her tone softened slightly: "Come in, Mr. Ron, our Gryffindor celebrity..."

"Oh, Gryffindor celebrities..."

The moment the classroom door closed, Ron heard Malfoy shouting loudly. Soon, a new nickname spread throughout the school: Ron Weasley, Gryffindor celebrity.

"Celebrity?" Roger, who was walking out of the library, couldn't help but chuckle when he heard the title. Fortunately it's not Chinese, otherwise Kong Er might sound like "Naruto".

"They deducted points from the college again!" Hermione, holding her textbook, stood in front of the scoring hourglass and said in a serious tone, "Really, those two guys don't think about the consequences at all, they just know how to mess around all day long."

She was more concerned about college points than Ron trying to reason with her. Even if they are destined to miss the Academy Cup this year, they cannot violate school rules at will and bring disgrace to Gryffindor.

Roger stayed by his side, silently listening to Hermione's complaints. He had already unabashedly exposed the deal for Scabbers to Harry Potter, so why did Ron rush into the library to accuse Hermione? This scene puzzled him and he didn't understand the reason.

"I know you are thinking about the college." Rogge squatted down and compared the heights of the sand piles in the two colleges, and found that there was only a short difference of one finger.

"But this year, you can relax a little." He smiled bitterly, looking at Hermione, with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "I'm afraid the Academy Cup belongs to Ravenclaw."

Hermione pouted and turned her gaze to the hourglass in the Yard of Eagles. I saw that the piles of sand there were high and thick, several times their size.

"I just can't figure it out." Hermione still frowned, "I've talked to Harry and Ron many times, but they..."

Hermione was speechless for a moment, she was lost in thought and didn't know how to describe her feelings.

"You say it but don't listen, you listen but don't understand, you know it but don't do it, you do it but you make it wrong, you make it but you don't admit it, you admit it but you don't change it, you change it but you don't accept it, you don't accept it but you don't say anything." Rogge muttered, Hermione's eyes There was a bright light inside, and he nodded his head.

"Yes, I don't know what to do at all!" Hermione completely agreed with Rogge. This is how she felt about Harry and Ron.

"I have an idea."

"Really?" Hermione looked at Rogge with surprise and asked impatiently, "Hurry up and tell me!"

"You won't have to worry about it after graduation." Rogge said in a deliberately long voice.

"Huh?" Hermione was stunned for a moment, suddenly realizing that Rogge was teasing her. Her eyes widened and she yelled, "Travis, how dare you fool me!"

Hermione held up the book as if to hit her, but Roger immediately ran forward. The two fought from the main entrance to the corridor, and chased from the first floor to the sixth floor. Finally, Roger was chased outside the greenhouse by Hermione and stopped only when he had no way out.

"Let you tease me!" Hermione threw the book in her hand angrily.

Rogge turned around, accurately grasped the flying book in the air with his right hand, and pulled Hermione gently with his left hand, bringing Hermione into his arms.

"Ah!" Hermione screamed and punched Roger hard with her angry fist.

Rogge gently smoothed the messy hair on her forehead and whispered: "How about you become a prefect and drive them out of the academy?"

Hermione shook her head and snuggled into Roger's shoulder. She looked at the stars in the sky, chasing the twinkling lights in the night sky. She put her finger gently on Roger's lips, signaling not to mention them again.

At this moment, she just wanted to quietly enjoy the rare tranquility, and then continue to face the heavy school work tomorrow.

Even though the Christmas break had just ended, Hermione was already preparing for her final exams and the "upcoming" OWLs in her fifth year. Her white and slender fingers gently traced across the air under the starlight, outlining the elegant outline of the constellation Virgo.

The two were silent for a while before Hermione said softly: "I decided to cancel the Muggle Studies class and plan to return the time turner."

"Yes." Rogge nodded slightly and listened quietly. He knew that Hermione, who had a dozen classes to attend, had a lot to talk about.

"I asked Percy, and he said that you can study those courses by yourself. Then apply to the dean, and you can take the unelected subjects." Hermione tilted her head, with a hint of tiredness in her voice, but more of a determination.

"What about the divination class? Do you still need to prepare for the exam?"

"I don't know." Hermione shook her head slightly, "Professor Trelawney's class is illogical. Maybe I can only get eleven certificates, one less than Percy and the others."

Rogge comforted him with a gentle voice: "You only need to get an A to pass the exam and get the certificate, but you can become a Hogwarts legend with 11 O's."

"Yeah!" Hermione looked up at Rogge, with a firm light shining in her eyes. She nestled against Roger's chest, feeling the warmth coming from there.

"Roger, thank you." She said suddenly, "I don't value college points so much now."

"Thank you so much..." Rogge smiled slightly and was about to say something, but was interrupted by a sudden voice.

They heard the voice of Professor Lisprout in the greenhouse: "Who stole my dragon dung!" The voice was full of confusion and slight anger.

Hermione laughed when she heard the sound. The laughter was like wind chimes at night, clear and beautiful. She easily pulled away from Rogge's arms, and walked towards the castle with a bright smile on her face. "Good night, Roger!" Her words echoed in the night sky, like a gentle nocturne.

Roger stood there, reluctantly waving his hands to say goodbye, and hoping that Professor Sprout could find the annoying feces thief.

"Good night..." His voice drifted in the night wind, warm and soft. He watched Hermione's back until she disappeared at the castle entrance.

I recently saw a movie recommendation on Bilibili, and with the idea of ​​sharing good things together, I wrote it here: Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut", restricted rating, under 18 years old, please watch with the company of your parents

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