A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 353 Card Master: Grindelwald

Hermione was busy attending classes and reading books every day, while Crookshanks was basically free-range. Take good care of it, and it will look as majestic as a little lion.

It was still lying next to the cage, staring intently at the sleepy Banban. It stretched out its paw and snapped, very quickly! Hit Banban's sleeping little head quickly and forcefully.

Roger quickly lifted up the cage, fearing that Peter Pettigrew would be severely concussed and even end-stage vegetative.

"Okay, I'll feed you freeze-dried food." Rogge scratched Crookshanks' chin, thinking that Black would not be caught by the Ministry of Magic.

Until Lupine took leave at the end of the month, he had not received a reply from Black. Professor McGonagall adjusted the class schedule and finally sent the children substitute Professor Grindelwald under the shadow of the full moon.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Professor McGonagall was wearing dark green robes and sitting in the corner. There was a bright light shining on her square-rimmed glasses, and the pages of the notebook on her knees were turning rapidly.

The students looked at each other, wondering why the substitute professor hadn't arrived yet. The corners of Professor Minerva's mouth raised slightly. She hoped that Grindelwald would always be late.

Tap tap tap... The sound of leather shoes hitting the floor came clearly from outside the door. Grindelwald was wearing an elegant black tuxedo, with a cane under his arm. He walked steadily into the classroom, his monocle reflecting the deep light.

"I'm sorry, everyone." He looked around and bowed slightly to apologize.

"I just participated in a magic show, and there were spectators surrounding me, insisting that what I was showing was magic." Grindelwald said, waving his right hand, and a deck of playing cards unfolded like petals and appeared in a fan shape in his hand.

The students kept exclaiming, and even Roger didn't see where the card came from. He immediately muttered: "Is there a hidden pocket in the sleeve?"

"Invisibility spell?" Others whispered with wizard thinking.

"He wants to become my disciple." Grindelwald said with a smile in his voice, casually giving the playing cards to the student next to him, "But he is a Muggle, and I am a real wizard."

The second deck of playing cards appeared in his hand and was gently fanned by him like a fan.

"Wow, Professor Green's spell is so magical!" the students exclaimed.

"Professor, what kind of magic is this?"

"Magic?" Grindelwald shook his head and motioned to Minerva, who was getting up, to calm down. With a sly glint in his eyes, he was ready to share a story that had nothing to do with magic.

"You should know about the Statute of Secrecy." He smiled and took out a code from his pocket. "We should abide by the law and hide the existence of magic and wizards. So..."

Grindelwald smiled as he put the cards together and handed them to another student. When his hand returned to his front, the third deck of playing cards appeared silently.

Listening to the exclamations in his ears, he smiled and said: "This is magic, a work of physical and mental interweaving, without any magical power."

"Who wants it?" Grindelwald raised the cards in his hand, and everyone raised their hands, shouting: "Me, me, me!"

Professor McGonagall's heart sank. It had only been a few minutes in class, but Grindelwald had already captured the attention of all the students. She admitted that Grindelwald's magical abilities fit the bill as a professor. But, mentally, she remained absolutely skeptical.

"Of course, I still have it here." Grindelwald nodded and decided to give it to Professor McGonagall. "Our Vice-Principal, Ms. Minerva, has been impatient for a long time. I'm afraid she wants to check it out and see me. Is this old man lying?"

Professor McGonagall took the card and warned in a low voice: "I will keep an eye on you."

Grindelwald smiled slightly, as if he had anticipated Professor McGonagall's warning. His eyes sparkled with confidence and humor, making it impossible to guess what surprises he would bring next.

He nodded slightly, pretending to be a little scared on his face, and said: "Your warning is really frightening. I feel a lot of pressure." He took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and prepared to wipe the sweat.

As the handkerchief passed through my fingertips, the fourth deck of cards magically appeared. Professor McGonagall was stunned. She didn't see any trace of magic at all. However, the deck of cards suddenly appeared! Appeared in front of him without any warning.

"You see, madam, this is not magic. I have not broken any laws." Standing next to McGonagall, Grindelwald said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "After all, I am an old wizard without a wand. "

Rogge and others also turned to look at him intently.

"This is an empty handkerchief; the cards are never in it," he said, examining the handkerchief, running it through his fingers again and again. When he took the handkerchief with his left hand, the fifth deck of cards miraculously appeared in his right hand.

He gave the cards to Harry Potter who was standing next to him, and Mr. Savior found the professor as approachable as Professor Lupin.

"Wow! Wow wow..." Grindelwald startled the dark magic classroom, which used to be boring, into a roar of frogs.

His performance caused a sensation, and his classmates rushed to him and surrounded him. Everyone stared at him intently, carefully observing every movement of his hands.

"Who can help me take off the crutches?" Grindelwald asked.

"Professor! Me!" Hermione raised her hands actively and took the black cane with both hands.

"Thank you." Grindelwald nodded and gave the sixth deck of cards to Hermione. No one saw how it appeared, it seemed to have been in the professor's hands.

"What did I see?" Everyone's mind is full of questions. If this is not magic, what is it? What else could it be?

"Magic?" Grindelwald shook his head, "I've already told you, it's not. Watch carefully!"

He adjusted the monocle on the bridge of his nose, and then under the curious eyes of everyone, the seventh deck of cards appeared out of thin air in his hand.

He showed the students the skills of cutting and shuffling the cards. When the deck of cards unfolded like a fan, it shrank by one size.


"Shh!" Grindelwald signaled everyone to keep quiet. When he closed the card again and unfolded it, it was half its previous size.

After the third folding, the cards became mini versions. The fourth time, the cards in hand disappeared directly in front of everyone's eyes.

In the stunned silence, Rogge was the first to ask: "Close-up magic?"

"Magic! It must be magic!" The person next to him immediately retorted.

"No, Rogge is right, Slytherin adds 5 points." Grindelwald said with a smile, "I did not use any magical power. I have said this many times."

Then, a crystal ball the size of a table tennis ball magically appeared in his hand. It flickered in and out between his hands, as if playing with everyone's vision, playing with everyone in the palm of his hand. Even though Rogge knew that this was just a magic trick, he had to admit that Grindelwald's tricks and performance were perfect.

The crystal ball seemed to be alive, jumping and flowing between his fingers, and finally slowly reversed and moved to the tiger's mouth. He held it gently and it turned into a wisp of white smoke and disappeared without a trace.

"As usual, every professor will select teaching materials at the beginning of the semester." Grindelwald quickly turned his attention back to the classroom and motioned for everyone to return to their seats.

"When I received the class notice, I realized that I hadn't decided what to teach yet." Grindelwald vaguely expressed his dissatisfaction to Minerva. He walked to the podium and continued: "However, considering that Lupin The professor is only temporarily ill, so I won’t choose the teaching materials.”

"Of course, there are other professors who suggested that I explain some advanced dark creatures, such as werewolves." The corners of Grindelwald's mouth raised slightly, and Rogge guessed that this professor was the teacher Snape.

"However, I think I need to let you understand the nature of magic. For example, when I traveled in the Muggle world, I learned a lot of things that Muggles mistakenly thought were magic." He put the crystal ball on the table as he said, "It has never been It didn’t disappear, it was just magic.”

Grindelwald's sharp eyes swept across the classroom and said with a hint of amusement: "Some of you claim that this is magic, and from a wizard's perspective."

Many pure-blood wizards lowered their heads uncomfortably. You'd be forgiven for assuming that Muggles couldn't see the difference between magic and magic. But as a wizard, this seems like a shame.

"Muggles classify things that they cannot understand, even their too advanced inventions, into the category of magic." Grindelwald raised a question, "If today's Muggles traveled back to the Middle Ages in a car, would they? Want to be burned as a wizard?"

"Grinder...Professor Green!" Professor McGonagall shouted anxiously.

Grindelwald smiled and shook his head, and said firmly: "Professor McGonagall, this is my classroom. And, I think, what is more terrifying than dark magic is the human heart."

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