The branch rotunda consists of two floors. The lower floor is paved with thick stone slabs and the Goldie knot is inlaid in the center. The upper floor is a circular terrace, where Ilvermorny professors and students from other grades stand to watch during the freshman orientation ceremony.

"This is it!" Ian shouted excitedly, his voice echoing in the empty hall.

"Did you see the knot in the middle? That is the golden brooch inherited by the founder from his family. It is the symbol of our school." Ian's face was filled with pride and pride, even when facing the students of Hogwarts , and he has no stage fright.

"It originates from ancient Greece. It is a puzzle that no one can solve except Alexander the Great." He rolled his eyes and stayed on the guests in front of him. "Dignified guests from Hogwarts, does anyone know how he came to be?" Is it untied?"

Faced with Ian's challenge, everyone present looked at me and I looked at you, but no one could give an answer for a while. Many people are hearing about the Goldie Knot for the first time and know little about its history and secrets.

"Excuse me, do you have any concrete objects?" Grande from Ravenclaw asked doubtfully, "The flat knots on the floor are really embarrassing for us."

"Oh, it was my oversight." Ian showed an apologetic smile, and then he unbuttoned his school robe. There is a beautiful golden knot on it, which is the Goldie's Knot.

"It comes from Phrygia, the capital of Gordium, and is also known as the Knot of Gerdios." Roger saw Grande's frown and knew that he had never heard of the story of Alexander the Great. . He immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to explain: "Lydia's temple enshrines a chariot, which is tied to a pillar with this kind of knot. The oracle said that the person who can untie this knot will become the king of Asia. "

Hearing this, Ian's smile froze slightly. He didn't expect that there was such a knowledgeable person hidden among these rough guys playing Quidditch. Looking closely at Roger's clothes, he doesn't look like a Quidditch player. Ian thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he came with Professor Snape.

He asked out of curiosity: "Who are you?"

Malfoy immediately stood up and praised loudly: "He is the sleeping dragon of Hogwarts, the shadow prefect of Slytherin, the great and sacred pure-blood descendant: Roger Travis."

"Ahem..." Rogge's facial muscles twitched unconsciously, thinking to himself: "Malfoy, are you serious about introducing me?"

However, as Hogwarts students, they must show their strength to Ilvermorny without any reservations and straightforwardly. They come from the greatest magic school, Hogwarts, and can handle any challenge well.

The knot was turned over and over in Rogge's hands. He observed every detail calmly and sighed softly from time to time. It seems to indicate that he is unable to solve it.

He said to himself: "It's a very difficult puzzle, and I can't even find the end of the rope."

When the others at Hogwarts heard his words, they were immediately filled with worry. Everyone knows that Rogge is as smart a wizard as Hermione. If even he can't do it, there's no chance for anyone else.

Could it be that they were going to be defeated without a fight, losing to Ilvermorny in wisdom and knowledge? This is a major blow to morale!

Some people looked at Rogge worriedly, silently praying that he could find a solution. Some people came around and started thinking, hoping that they could help or come up with a way to inspire Rogge.

Ian was very lucky that he knew everything about Goldie's Knot and had tried its difficulty. Even with magic, it is impossible to find the end of the rope and untie the complicated knot.

"Please give it a try." He walked up, looking graceful on the surface, but secretly happy in his heart.

He saw Rogge touching here and tugging there. So he thought that the other party was just a half-empty person who happened to have heard about the origin of Goldie's Knot, but did not remember how Arisa the Great solved it.

"Please keep some distance?" Rogge looked around, his voice gentle but unquestionable.

The smile on Ian's face suddenly solidified. He instantly understood that all Rogge's previous actions were just to confuse him.

"He should have known how to unlock it from the beginning, damn it!" Ian secretly cursed, his heart filled with regret for underestimating the enemy.

While everyone was still in shock, a bright sword light suddenly lit up in the hall. Like the first ray of dawn, it illuminates the dim rotunda.

"The Sword of Gryffindor?" someone said uncertainly. It wasn't until he saw the writing on the sword that he was sure it was true.

The Gryffindor student frowned slightly, filled with doubts. They couldn't help but wonder why the relics of the founder of their house were in the hands of a Slytherin. Their mood suddenly became complicated.

Rogge's voice echoed in the hall: "For such a complicated knot, Alexander the Great's method was quite simple."

He flipped his wrist slightly, and the sword danced accordingly, and the tip of the sword drew an elegant and sharp arc in the air. The hall became a little brighter again, as if the morning light had penetrated the night.

Everyone around was blinked by the sword light, and their bodies were even more shaken. The clear sound of the sword was still echoing in the ears, and everyone looked around quickly.

The golden Goldie's knot was easily solved under the sword, just like ice and snow melting under the scorching sun. This puzzle that no one thought could be solved was solved by Rogge in a rough and direct way. His swordsmanship was neither civilized nor wizard-like, but it was undoubtedly the most efficient.

While others were still worried about whether Rogge's behavior was too reckless, Ian had already taken the lead in applauding, "Bang bang..."

The smile at the corner of his mouth was a little forced. Although he had mixed feelings in his heart, he still praised him: "As expected of a student from Hogwarts, he is knowledgeable, wise, decisive and resolute."

"It's just a trick." Rogge shook his head modestly and said lightly: "After all, this method was left behind by Alexander the Great."

"Repair it as before." Rogge chanted a spell, and the broken Goldie's Knot returned to its original shape under the power of magic.

Ian swallowed and exclaimed: "Wandless casting?!"

He took his knot and inspected it carefully, and found that there was no sign of breakage on it. The original thought in his mind of using magic spells to compete gradually disappeared.

"It's just an ordinary skill. Apart from me, there are many people in Hogwarts who have mastered it." Rogge's voice was modest and convincing.

His answer not only showed the heritage of Hogwarts, but also slowly calmed down the unwillingness in Ian's heart.

Harry Potter beside him couldn't help but straighten his back. Under Lupin's tutelage, he also mastered wandless spellcasting. At this moment, he felt proud to be a student at Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts really deserves its reputation!" Ian sincerely praised, his voice sincere and respectful, "It seems that the international rankings of magic schools cannot be fully trusted."

His words were approved by everyone, and everyone nodded in agreement. Hogwarts' reputation does not lie in international rankings, but in its history and traditions, and even more in the abilities and talents of its professors and students.

"Gentlemen and ladies, please try the sorting table in Ilvermorny." Ian shouted in a loud voice, his tone full of encouragement and expectation: "Please be brave and stand up!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Rogge, and even Harry thought he should be the first to take the stage. Roger nodded in thanks and stood calmly on the Goldie's Knot in the center of the floor.

He felt that the gazes of the four wooden sculptures were alive, penetrating his body and reaching deep into his soul. He felt as if his soul was shining.

The next moment, the crystal inlaid on the forehead of the long-horned water snake lit up first, shining with mysterious light.

"Sure enough!" Ian kept nodding, his eyes full of appreciation: "The horned water snake represents wisdom, you can become an outstanding scholar."

He turned his attention to the other three sculptures, firmly believing that at least one of them would respond.

"Cat leopard, or thunderbird?" Ian guessed in his mind.

I accidentally separated the chapters into different chapters. I will update them soon.

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