A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 358 The birds here are very wet

He waved his fist, stretched his neck like a greedy vulture, and shouted arrogantly: "The qualification for the World Cup exhibition belongs to us, do you understand? Those who know better, it is better to admit defeat early. On this mountain top, there has never been a team. Can beat us!"

Looking at the arrogant Kaili, everyone was stunned for a moment. They are full of doubts. Last year's results have been recorded. How can they get back the lost victories? Even if Hogwarts loses today's game, it will be a brand new record.

Besides, whether you can enter the World Cup and participate in exhibition matches cannot be achieved by just shouting twice. The players turned and left, ignoring the dim-witted wizard. They continue to work hard to adapt to this unfamiliar place under the guidance of Mrs. Huo Qi.

As the students from Ilvermorny entered the stadium one after another, the stadium immediately burst into laughter and laughter. Cheers came and went, and passionate slogans even sounded: "Show'em down! Show'em down..."

That scene was quite spectacular. It was really loud applause, cheers, flags waving, and huge crowds of people. Ilvermorny, with a desire for revenge, put tons of pressure on their opponents from afar before the game started.

This is not the first away game for Malfoy and his teammates. After many exercises, they have been able to stabilize their mentality and fight normally. Some substitute players performed better when there were a large number of spectators, and were even included in the starting list by Mrs. Huo Qi.

At this time, a poorly dressed witch rode on a broom and performed a leg-raising performance in mid-air, triggering bursts of exclamations from the audience on the sidelines.

Her leg-raising movements are skillful and powerful, and her slender legs draw perfect curves in the air. Every time she rides on the broom, she can cause bursts of exclamations from the audience on the sidelines. Her body is flexible and flexible, and every turn and jump is full of energy and sexiness.

Immediately afterwards, other members of the witch cheerleading team flew high into the sky and conquered the audience with their seductive dance moves.

"Wow, isn't this performance revealing a little bit?" Marcus stretched his neck and looked up at the sky. Harry and the others, who were younger, had red heads and lowered their heads, but they couldn't help but glance up secretly.

Rogge walked to the auditorium, sat next to Snape, and asked: "Teacher, are you looking forward to the Wonder Boy of Hogwarts?"

"Wonder Boy?" A trace of doubt flashed in Snape's eyes, and he quickly understood that Rogge was referring to the Seeker.

Ilvermorny's players all carry modified broomsticks. They are better equipped than they were before Christmas. In a head-on battle, others may only be able to maintain a point difference. To win, it all depends on the Seeker to catch the Golden Snitch.

Snape looked at the players beside the ball and thought to himself: "Who will be the Wonder Boy of this game?" Or, in other words, did he expect Harry Potter to stand up and catch the Golden Snitch.

Thinking about Harry becoming arrogant because of his little talent in Quidditch. Snape didn't know how high his tail would be if he won the away game alone.

Compared to the raging and increasingly fierce minor leagues, the Quidditch International Association is as noisy as a wet market.

In just six months, more than 3,000 supplementary clauses have been proposed. They were repeatedly discussed by several schools, so that most of the provisions could not be implemented.

Among them, the discussion on whether to modify the broomstick is extremely fierce, and several schools still have no unified opinion.

Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang insisted that the broomsticks should remain original and should not be modified in any way. Mrs. Hooch said that the modified broomsticks were too dangerous and should be completely banned.

However, Ilvermorny and other schools that do not have the financial resources to equip themselves with top-notch equipment insist that broomstick modifications must be allowed, otherwise it will be equivalent to buying the league championship with money.

This debate is just the beginning. If modifications are allowed, how extensive should they be? Which parts can be modified? Is it possible to add magic effects? In addition to brooms, should cloaks and goggles also be allowed to be modified...

As you can imagine, this is a big project. There are still many similar modification issues on the desks of international associations. Adhering to the principle that there is no legal prohibition and no lower limit, many schools' modifications cannot be said to have no bottom line, but can only be said to be crazy.

In addition to equipment, the importance of a good player is self-evident. They are key figures in the game, and their mood and skills on the spot will directly affect the outcome of the game.

With Hogwarts lagging behind Ilvermorny in terms of equipment, the performance of Harry and other players became crucial.

"Welcome Team Fox from Hogwarts." Ilvermorny's commentator loudly announced, "Today is the battle between Thunderbirds and Phoenix."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge thunderbird flew into the sky. Its high-pitched chirping penetrates the clouds and mists, as if it is controlling the weather with magic. The moment he came out, it started to rain heavily in the originally clear sky.

Rogge looked up and stared at the thunder in the dark clouds, activated the Eye of the Demon Pet, and various information about the Thunderbird appeared in his field of vision.


Species: Six-winged Bird-Ex

Characteristics: Pride (with noble blood and arrogant character), keenness (aware of changes in the surrounding environment), intelligence (can learn commands quickly)

Skills: Storm, Celestial Phenomenon, Swift Flying

Level: lv38

Cultivation plan: It is recommended to enhance agility through flight training (wind stone can be used as a boost)

It is recommended to cultivate the obedience of thunderbirds (give rich food rewards and strengthen the connection with the trainer.)

It is recommended that Thunderbird learn the loyalty spell (guaranteed not to be affected by black magic and to serve faithfully)

"I'll go, so strong!" Rogge looked at the continuous thunder and lightning in the high-altitude clouds and sighed sincerely,

Compared with the small and cute Phoenix, the Thunderbird is huge, like a giant bomber. It soared freely in the sky, and the blood in its feathers showed complex cloud patterns against the backdrop of lightning.

Every time it flaps its wings, it produces a lot of water vapor. The surroundings of the Thunderbird were wet, and large rain clouds formed, which finally condensed into water droplets and hit the ground. In addition, its mood can directly affect the weather, making it a complete walking weather forecaster.

Mrs. Huo Qi frowned, thinking that her opponent was deliberately manipulating the weather. However, during last year's competition, the blizzard in the Scottish Highlands also came unexpectedly.

The opponent once suspected that there was a wizard behind it controlling the weather. After the game, they specifically applied to the Quidditch International Association for inspection. However, neither party found any traces or evidence in the end.

Mrs. Huo Qi secretly curled her lips, thinking that things were really changing. She did not go to the referee to express her dissatisfaction, because she believed from the bottom of her heart that the unprecedented snowstorm was Dumbledore's masterpiece.

As long as the supplementary rules have not been implemented, no one can accuse this of illegal operation. She reminded the team members to pay attention to safety and encouraged everyone to give their best.

"Teacher, I'll go down and give you a spell." Rogge shook his wand and whispered to himself: "Waterproof and moisture-proof."

An invisible magical power quickly wrapped around his body, as if forming a protective film from top to bottom. All water and moisture are isolated, and even if a heavy rain hits the body, it will fall like dew on a lotus leaf.

Rogge suddenly felt a sense of relief. Such a spell would allow Malfoy and the others to fly freely in the heavy rain.

"Give this to Mrs. Hooch." Snape took out a small bottle from his pocket, which contained a clear solution.

"This is not good." Rogge hesitated, suspecting that it was a blessing elixir. Using it during a Quidditch match will result in immediate disqualification.

He noticed the stern look from Snape, and quickly opened the plug and took a sniff, "Hmm, horseradish powder, dragon's blood grass, moonstone powder and valerian essence. Warming demulcent?"

Snape nodded slightly, satisfied with Rogge's performance. He turned his head and looked elsewhere, as if he hadn't given anything.

"This color is really confusing." Rogge couldn't help but complain, and then quickly gave the spell and potion to Mrs. Huo Qi.

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