A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 367 Snape on sick leave (4K)

Rogge stared at Baldwin coldly with the same eyes as he looked at 2B. In his opinion, Baldwin was just a self-righteous fool. Controlling test subjects into prehistoric animals through blood magic spells is a huge and long project, as you can imagine with your toes.

Moreover, Baldwin actually wanted to create a new world and try to compete with Merlin? All I can say is that Meng is very good, but it’s a pity that he doesn’t deserve it.

Rogge remembered that the last guy who invited him to join was named Voldemort. It's a pity that this guy doesn't know which barren mountain he is wandering in now.

Snape snorted and turned away, as if staying for a second longer was an insult to him. He originally thought that Baldwin was a first-class potion master, but now it seems that he is just an arrogant illusionist.

He admitted that Baldwin's plan had some value, but to achieve that goal, the bones of failure would fill the entire crypt.

"Severus, I know that Animagus in animal form have no offspring after mating. But we can cooperate..." Baldwin was still trying to persuade Snape, but before he could finish his words, Snape was ruthless The ground interrupted.

"Shut your dirty mouth! Avada Kedavra!" The wand in Snape's hand flew out with a green beam, which was a genuine Unforgivable Curse.

It flew close to Baldwin's face, and if it deviated even slightly, it would kill Baldwin. The death curse was shot unimpeded into the zoo behind, and the air was filled with the smell of charcoal.

Baldwin stared at Snape with disbelieving eyes, filled with sadness and innocence. He yelled angrily: "I regard you as a friend, and you actually used the Death Curse on me?"

"Snape!" Baldwin quickly took out his wand and pointed it at Roger and Snape.

His actions attracted the attention of the underground fairies, who rushed over one after another, raising their wands high, and surrounded the two men. The eyes of these goblins are full of hostility, and as long as Baldwin gives an order, they will release the fatal spell without hesitation.

Looking around, it can be said that the closed cave is ambush from all sides. And right in the center were their master and apprentice.

A wry smile appeared on Rogge's face, and he joked: "Teacher, the pressure is a bit high."

He holds a sword in his right hand and a fireball in his left hand, and can even cast spells without a staff. The wings of Daedalus are shining and can wrap around himself to resist a wave of damage. Despite the dire circumstances, he maintained a sense of humor.

"Are you afraid?" Snape glanced around at the goblins around him, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. Maybe he shouldn't have been merciful just now.

He affirmed Baldwin's talent for potions and believed that killing such a potion professor would be a loss to the magical world. After all, in his eyes, Baldwin was a paranoid, not an unforgivable person.

As for the huge zoo in front of him, in Snape's eyes, it was full of loopholes.

"Afraid." Rogge nodded, and then joked: "It would be a pity if I don't hear the teacher scolding me when I return to Hogwarts. The dungeon will be too deserted without you."

"Ha." After hearing this, Snape showed a bright smile on his serious face.

This smile was very rare for him because he hadn't smiled in decades. However, he laughed just as much as he cried.

"Snape!" Baldwin was emotional. He walked towards Snape and asked loudly: "Don't you understand? The rules and regulations in the wizarding world severely restrict the development of potions."

His eyes were full of enthusiasm and eagerness, trying to make Snape accept his point of view: "Your students all know how to use Muggle equipment to study the blood curse, and those gray-haired old guys are still stirring the crucible. As long as we Together, we can change the world.”

"Your experiment of converting the Blood Curse into Animagus failed again." Rogge suddenly interrupted, trying to change the subject, while secretly observing the surroundings, looking for possible escape routes.

The magic elevator just flew so fast that I couldn't even remember the route. The underground cave is a closed space, like a cage with no way to go to the sky or the door to the earth.

Rogge looked at the No. 1 test bench and continued: "Besides, your test bench is fake, it's all rotten."

"Huh?" Baldwin was stunned for a moment, his face turned ugly, and he hurriedly turned back to check.

The originally fantastic giant zoo now looks like a popped balloon, shrinking little by little. There was an ever-growing gap in it, caused by Snape's Death Curse.

Baldwin waved his magic wand, and the damaged zoo turned into a thick picture album. He opened the book, tore out the broken pages, then held them in his hands and crumpled them into a ball.

"I don't think it has any flaws. How did you see it?"

Rogge reminded, "Have you ever seen the traceless expansion space of the void?"

"Huh?" Baldwin was stunned for a moment. He had never thought about this problem before.

"The Traceless Expansion Spell requires a material container to be effective." Rogge curled his lips, with a hint of disdain in his words. He didn't understand why the other party would make such a stupid mistake.

There was a teachable expression on Baldwin's face. He nodded. Instead of being discouraged, he strengthened his thoughts: "It seems that my understanding of magic is not profound. However, this just shows how important you are."

"Join me!" He appealed again without giving up.

"I'm not interested in your affairs." Snape responded coldly, putting his hand on Roger's shoulder naturally.

Baldwin stared at Snape with wide eyes, "Are you sympathizing with those No-Majs?"

Snape shook his head slightly and remained silent. The wand in his sleeve was waving secretly, and he was whispering something.

Rogge quickly stood up, stood in front of Snape, and said, "What the teacher means is that, across the Atlantic Ocean, you American wizards can have fun as you like."

"As long as it doesn't interfere with the British wizarding community and Hogwarts, it doesn't matter to us. I hope you don't set yourself on fire..."

As soon as Rogge finished speaking, Snape suddenly started to disapparate. To be more precise, it is a "follower's appearance" that can teleport with others.

There was a strong explosion in the air, and the space where the two stood was like fragile glass, breaking into countless pieces in an instant. As the crackling sound grew from small to loud, Baldwin and the goblins in the cave had to cover their ears to resist the piercing sound.

When they refocused their gaze, Snape and Roger had disappeared. "Elevator! Call the elevator!" Baldwin shouted at the goblins, anxiously trying to catch up with the two fleeing people.

At this time, Rogge felt like he was stuffed into a tight rubber tube, and his body was squeezed and deformed by the surrounding pressure. Whoosh, they were already standing on the Quidditch pitch in Ilvermorny.

"I hate Apparition!" Rogge complained while holding his stomach. His stomach was churning, and the world around him was spinning before his eyes, making him dizzy.

"You will get used to it." Snape's face was abnormally pale, and his steps were trembling due to weakness.

He knew this was a side effect of long-distance apparation. If the destination just now was Hogwarts, he and Rogge might have been cut into pieces by space.

"We need to return to Hogwarts as soon as possible." Snape felt that his physical condition was getting worse and worse, and there was a hint of fatigue in his firm voice.

Rogge endured the strong dizziness and nausea and quickly followed up: "Do you want to tell the principal about this?"

"There is no evidence and no meaning." Snape replied, with truth in his words: "What we have seen is Muggle on Muggle experiments. Baldwin only cooperated with the goblins, which is nothing. .”

"Didn't you say that this is the American wizarding world?" Professor Snape opened the door of the school hospital ward and looked directly at Harry and other students on the bed with burning eyes.

An unknown cold wind rushed in, and the students felt a chill on their backs. The atmosphere in the room that was originally full of laughter and laughter instantly solidified. His pale face, in the dim light, looked like a vampire who had just awakened from the castle.

"Set off immediately." Snape ordered without hesitation, without any hesitation.

Mrs. Huo Qi moved her lips and did not dare to ask any more questions. She quickly urged the students to pack their things, and the group hurried back to Hogwarts through the fireplace.

"Have they left already?" Baldwin stood in front of the cool fireplace and smiled gently at the students. There was a hint of regret in his voice: "Oh, what a pity. I didn't expect that an academic discussion would cause everyone to break up unhappy."

On the way back to the laboratory, Professor Baldwin said to himself: "You don't even need a ticket to the New World. You deserve to be drowned in the flood!"

There was a arrogant smile on his lips, and his eyes fell on the unfinished potion formula on the blackboard. He immediately picked up the pen and continued writing in Snape's handwriting.

He is not worried that his behavior will be exposed, because there are countless wizards willing to provide him with umbrellas to protect him from wind and rain. In this world, there are many intelligent creatures looking forward to change.

On the night he returned to Hogwarts, Snape suffered a high fever. He was too weak to maintain consciousness and passed out in the dungeon. Fortunately, Rogge went to ask for advice on Apparition and sent him to the school hospital in time.

"Is the Potions class suspended?" Snape's voice was low and hoarse. His cough was like a broken bellows, and a small ball of fire spewed out from his mouth from time to time.

"No, Madam Pomfrey is responsible for taking the place of teaching." Rogge answered while carefully observing Snape's symptoms and recording every detail of the illness.

This is a magical virus that has never appeared before, and all symptoms must be recorded in detail, including the patient's weak demeanor and the length of the runny nose. It is best to take photos or draw them so that they can become valuable information for future research.

"I heard that Professor Lupine once applied to the principal for acting as a Potions class." Rogge murmured softly.

"Lupin! I knew he...ahem..." Snape coughed violently, and the flames almost ignited the sheets. He felt a surge of strength coming from nowhere, grabbed the edge of the bed with both hands, and sat up with difficulty.

"Coughing up fire is a typical symptom of dragon pox, even though it came out of my throat." Snape took the glass of water handed to him by Roger and drank it in one gulp, as if to put out the fire in his throat.

"Baldwin tried to combine dragon pox with other viruses." He explained in a hoarse voice, unconcerned about his physical condition: "I guess I contracted it while visiting his laboratory. You know, us devils Pharmacists sometimes unconsciously use their noses to sniff out pharmaceutical formulas.”

After hearing this, Rogge showed a surprised expression and realized that he had also fallen into this bad habit. It seems that I must get rid of this bad habit.

"He designed a clumsy and lame virus." He sneered, with a hint of disdain in his tone: "For that insignificant brain-eating effect, he weakened the lethality of dragon pox. Baldwin is really a complete idiot!"

"If I was infected with the original dragon pox, I might become a monster after I'm rescued." He paused, the muscles on his face twitching involuntarily, and finally looked at Rogge and said softly: "Thank you."

"Teacher, are you still polite to me?" Rogge responded with a smile, "If you really want to thank me, then teach me how to use Apparition."

Snape did not refuse directly, but explained seriously: "Apparition is not a magical skill that can be learned lightly, especially for younger wizards, who are not aware of the dangers at all."

He continued to explain: "Usually, students are allowed to learn to Apparate in their sixth year. The Ministry of Magic will send special tutors and conduct 12 weeks of study and training in specific classrooms."

"Moreover, Apparition does not allow you to cross national borders. It is also easily restricted by counter-curses." Snape did not think it was a wise decision to let Rogge learn Apparition now. He put down the water glass in his hand and continued: "I suggest you use the door key."

"Most door keys are managed by the Ministry of Magic." Snape taught, "It is fast, less dangerous, and unrestricted. In addition, some door keys can also achieve ultra-long distance transmission."

"For example, during this summer vacation, the Quidditch World Cup will be held in the United Kingdom. The International Federation will leave regularly transmitted door keys in many places around the world. As long as you encounter it at a fixed time, you can go to the Quidditch venue. "

"They are common daily necessities, so as not to attract the attention of Muggles." Snape snorted and coughed, "Although I can't figure out the relationship between the two."

"Compared to the Floo Network, the Portkey can transport multiple people at once without worrying about getting lost. It is most suitable for some big tongues that cannot pronounce clearly." Even when he was sick, he would not forget to ridicule someone, even if Harry was not in the school hospital. , can't be heard at all.

At this time, the savior was surrounded and cheered by the students of Gryffindor House. Because of his outstanding performance, he successfully captured the Golden Snitch and won the game for Hogwarts.

"Mentos." Snape muttered the spell and traced the wand's movement in the air with his fingers, showing Rogge how to make it.

"However, I warn you." Snape added seriously, "If you want to make a portkey, you must obtain authorization from the Ministry of Magic."

"Understood, teacher!" Roger nodded sternly, but he was thinking of Dumbledore.

The Headmaster himself is a master at making portkeys, but the portkeys he carries have never been reported to the Ministry of Magic. The officials responsible for managing the door keys in London seemed to have forgotten about it and never asked about it.

As he was thinking about how to bypass the Ministry of Magic and make a portkey, an owl flew out of the window with a letter.

The torn letter paper was stained with blood, and the scrawled handwriting showed that the writer was in poor condition. When he saw Black's signature at the end of the letter, Roger frowned slightly.

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