A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 37 King of the Dinner Table

Principal Dumbledore nodded and stood up, loudly announcing: "The banquet begins!"

Sumptuous food and drinks suddenly appeared on four long tables. The golden plates and goblets shone brightly, and the light from the candles reflected on them made them even more dazzling.

Harry looked at the plate in front of him in surprise, which was piled with grilled steaks, chicken legs, sausages, as well as various fruits and fragrant gravy. He swallowed, he had never had any of this in the Dursleys.

Ron next to him had already started to move. He picked up the chicken legs and steaks and wanted to show off three mouths and one pig on the spot.

Hermione happily put some herb roast chicken and roast potatoes on her plate. She still cares about her dental health and makes purposeful choices from the dazzling array of foods in front of her. Ice cream and various desserts will not be touched at all.

At the long Slytherin table, Malfoy happily clinked wine glasses with Crabbe and Goyle and ate roasted pork chops and onion soup. Roger sat opposite them, tasting the food in front of him elegantly but quickly.

The Ravenclaw table was right next to them, and Elena couldn't help but laugh when she saw Rogge's disc move. She raised the juice to Roger from a distance, and now she believed Hermione's words: "The belly of the hidden dragon."

Rogge also raised his cup. He had to say that the food made by the elves at Hogwarts was indeed delicious.

The lively banquet soon attracted ghosts from all over the castle, including the Bloody Barrow, the Fat Monk, Ms. Gray and the almost headless Nick.

While Roger was eating a delicious dinner, a ghost appeared from the table to say hello. He endured his nausea and said to himself: "Magical world, magical world..."

"Ms. Grey, can you please stop coming out from below?" Roger really couldn't accept the desecration of food by these guys. They would turn the food into leftovers taken out of the freezer. He had to protest strongly against the ghosts. .

"A real lady must respect food." Rogge ate a piece of steak and brought another plate to the surprised eyes of other little wizards.

"Of course, including gentlemen." In just one sentence, Roger wiped out the steak in front of him.

It’s hard not to notice the high piles of plates. The key is that Rogge eats elegantly but at an extremely fast speed. This contradictory and weird sense of conflict makes everyone surprised by him.

"The belly of a hidden dragon." Hermione opened her eyes wide and looked at Rogge who continued to fight. A few minutes before the train arrived at the station, she saw Rogge eating a lot of snacks with her own eyes.

"Roger." Malfoy was stunned. Before he could finish his first steak, the surrounding food had been cleared.

"Do the Travis family have such terrible appetites?"

"Special circumstances, special circumstances." Rogge did not explain the specific reason. "It's just the past month. It will be fine after this period of time."

Rogge smiled bitterly and said that he didn't want to be so different, but every cell in his body was shouting: Hungry! Hungry! Hungry!

"Hiccup." After eating the sixth serving of ice cream, Roger finally felt eighty percent full. The people around him also breathed a sigh of relief, especially Professor McGonagall on the high platform.

Logically speaking, Snape should be the one taking care of his new students. But the dean of the little snakes was chatting animatedly with Professor Quirrell, and they didn't even notice that a new student with an astonishing appetite had arrived in the college.

If Roger continues to eat like this, Professor McGonagall will consider sending him to the school hospital for Madam Pomfrey to have a good check-up.

"Hey, I feel so tired after eating!" Rogge stretched out his arms and sighed sincerely. The little wizards next to them opened their mouths. The way you eat will make you tired when the dragon comes.

At the end of the dinner, Malfoy still only had one steak, and he felt bad about the first day of school. His friendship was rejected by Harry in front of all the young wizards.

At the banquet, I also met a weirdo from the Travis family, so much so that I didn't even have enough to eat. The others looked at Rogge with a wry smile. They must stay away from this kid next time they eat.

The lounge of the Snake House is in the other direction, separated from the other three colleges starting from the auditorium. Marcus, the prefect, took the new students to the entrance of the secret passage.

It was a seemingly ordinary wall. Marcus approached the wall and read the password: "Green Silver."

A smooth snake body made of masonry rose from the base of the wall. It slowly bowed into the outline of an arch, revealing the door behind it.

"The password changes every two weeks. You must remember that the new password will be notified on the bulletin board in the lounge in advance." Marcus looked at the freshmen and repeated the password.

The freshmen nodded and filed in behind Marcus. As the arch slowly lowered, the wall returned to smoothness.

They came to a dark passage with green fluorescent moss on the walls. At the end of the passage was a luxurious common room.

The lounge is located at the bottom of the lake and is made of black Gothic marble. The ceiling is a transparent hemisphere carved from crystal. If it is daytime, you can see the sparkling waves above your head.

A green light was tied to a chain on the ceiling. There is a fireplace indoors with a beautifully carved mantel and some carved chairs nearby. You can often see some giant octopuses or strange creatures through the windows.

"Welcome to Slytherin. The boys' dormitory is on the left, and the girls' dormitory is on the right." Marcus looked at it. The freshmen in Slytherin this year are pretty good.

"Your luggage has been delivered to the dormitory by the school elves. Although our college is far away from the Owlery. But!" Marcus smiled, showing his big buck teeth. "Each student in Slytherin House has a separate dormitory. There is a nameplate with your name on the door. I believe you can all find it."

"If you are wandering around the school at night and get caught by the administrator, yes, it's Filch and his annoying red-eyed cat. You have to earn back the points you get deducted."

"Our dean, Professor Snape, is excellent, and you will feel this in your future studies."

"In addition, our college has won the College Cup for six consecutive years. I hope everyone will work together to achieve the goal of seven consecutive championships." Marcus's words made the freshmen's eyes light up, and they were filled with expectations and pride for Slytherin College. But life.

Rogge nodded. It seemed that the unlikable Marcus in the movie had not accomplished anything, otherwise he would not have been able to get the position of prefect just by relying on Quidditch.

Emily, the prefect, said: "First-year freshmen have 7 classes this school year. They are Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts..."

Emily's voice was clear and pleasant, and she shared the class schedule she had made with everyone: "Our class will be held with our old rival Gryffindor."

After she introduced the course schedule, she smiled slightly and said, "Just don't act stupid in the dean's potions class."

"There is no dumber wizard than Gryffindor," Marcus added with a smile.

"The prefect selection is in the fifth grade, and boys are not allowed to go to the girls' dormitory." Emily nodded and added.

They still have high expectations for this new class of students. Malfoy seemed to have a talent for being a leader, and he had Crabbe and Goyle as his followers when he first entered school. As for Roger Travis, he seems to be just a pureblood with a relatively large appetite.

"The curfew is from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. the next day." Emily took out her pocket watch and took a look at it, reminding everyone, "Wizards who don't have an owl can go to the West Tower shed to borrow a public owl. If you need it, hurry up. Curfew is in an hour.”

The freshmen quickly found their dormitories, and Rogge also found the one that belonged to him. When he opened the door, his luggage was already brought in by the elf. On the table nearby was the wand confiscated by Professor McGonagall, with a letter and a booklet underneath.

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