A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 375: Man, Cat, Bird and Professor Luchi

In fact, the day after the potion recipe was made public, it was branded taboo by the Ministry of Magic.

Many wise wizards anticipated a potential disaster: werewolves could deliberately infect Muggles in order to obtain the ingredients needed to create potions.

Instead of hunting for and killing similar animals, it is better to choose a more "humane" method - to keep children in captivity. Then on a full moon night, he bites them, infects them, and finally digs out the warm brains to make an antidote potion.

Such behavior undoubtedly opens up a new abyss in the darkness. The Ministry of Magic reacted strongly to Snape's paper, classifying it as a Class 5X taboo, the highest level, and confiscated all photocopies.

In front of the statue in the main hall of the school, Lupine and Snape had a fierce conflict over this matter. Under the indifferent gaze of the stone sculpture, their argument escalated into a magic duel.

If Headmaster Dumbledore hadn't appeared in time, they might have unleashed an unforgivable spell in anger and ended each other's lives.

"Moon-face, does the antidote potion taste good?" Snape touched the wound on his cheek and sneered: "You really have to thank Scarface Black, otherwise I would have to make a potion for you every month."

Harry and the others were shocked. They had never seen the kind Professor Lupin so angry. He clenched his fists, pointed his wand directly at the opponent, and sternly accused: "You are opening the door to killing!"

"Do you know how many innocent people will die under the teeth of werewolves with that formula?" Lupine asked.

Part of his anger stems from sympathy for the werewolf, and part from the premonition of the tragic fate of innocent people.

"Really?" Snape shook his head casually, "It may cause some inevitable casualties, but this is the only way to completely solve the werewolf problem."

"Isn't it the best proof that you can teach as always at Hogwarts?"

"You!" There was an imperceptible tremor in Lupine's voice. The anger in his heart was like bursting lava, prompting him to shout: "Avada..."

Dumbledore quickly pressed Lupin's wand and scolded sternly: "Are you teaching students how to use the Unforgivable Curse? Or are you trying to cause murder here?"

Lupine turned his head and saw students surrounding them. He lowered his head silently, looking at Snape with eyes still full of anger.

Until the end of the school year, the relationship between Snape and Lupine was as tense as enemies. Every encounter between them is an invisible contest, with tension and hostility filling the air.

In the professor's lounge, the two professors never appear in the same room at the same time. If they met in the corridor, Snape would always have a sarcastic smile on his lips and provocatively say: "The moon is so beautiful tonight."

Lupine clutched his wand tightly, his eyes firm and angry. He choked back a few words, and both parties left in full view of everyone.

Snape taught everyone in class how to deal with werewolves, and even encouraged everyone to keep a werewolf sensor on their body. As long as the potion in the bottle glows, it means that there are werewolves around.

He even said publicly that the sequelae of the werewolf transformation were that he became pale and weak for a few days after the full moon, and had to take time off.

This tense relationship is exposed in every bit of daily life and has become a disharmonious landscape on the Hogwarts campus.

However, regardless of their personal feelings, Snape and Lupine continued to fulfill their teaching duties, albeit with a deep animosity for each other in their hearts.

Happily, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts made it through the school year without incident. Unprecedented and gratifying!

Some people say that it is the role of Mr. Green, the substitute professor, and that the two people share the effect of the curse; others say that the curse is nonsense, and some even think that Lupine used the lives of others to dissolve the curse.

Regardless, Hogwarts has been relatively uneventful this year. There is no threat of Voldemort, no fear of the Chamber of Secrets. Whether playing Gobstone or Quidditch, this is the tranquility a campus should have.

Of course, the biggest headache for students is always exams. Seventh grade students have to face the test of NEWTs, while fifth grade students have to work hard to pass OWLs.

Percy received his NEWTs certificate and became an outstanding graduate of Hogwarts. In private conversations among students, they jokingly refer to these people as "Salamander Wizards" because the abbreviation of NEWTs happens to be similar to the word "Salamander."

With the help of letters of recommendation from the Travis family, he became a clerk in the minister's office. The work is ordinary and busy. I have to organize files and distribute documents every day.

Although his position is not as high as that of his father Arthur Weasley, he has far surpassed his father in invisible power. He could even take some small revenge on his father if he wanted to.

On the last day of the semester, the exam results were announced as usual. Someone failed Potions and Seamus and Ron both got T's.

In one afternoon, they only succeeded in preparing half of the required potion. Moreover, one-third of them were mercilessly thrown into the trash can by Snape.

Harry Potter thought that Snape would deliberately embarrass himself, but to his surprise, he finally got an A (passing) grade.

Although this result is not outstanding, even roommate Neville also achieved the same result. But Harry was very satisfied with it, long live passing!

He even suspected that the headmaster secretly intervened to prevent Snape from deliberately making things difficult for him.

In the Quidditch school match, Cedric, who was struck by lightning, seemed to have undergone a transformation and opened the valve of potential. Under his leadership, Hufflepuff successively defeated other houses, and finally defeated Gryffindor and won the championship.

This feat meant that Ravenclaw House's lead that had been maintained for a whole year was instantly wiped out, or even overtaken. Before the House Cup banquet, students gathered around the hourglass scorer and carefully measured the height of the sand piles of the two houses with a ruler to see who could be taller.

"This school year is coming to an end again." Dumbledore stood on the podium, his eyes gently swept over the students in the auditorium, and said with emotion: "Many people will graduate and leave Hogwarts. At the same time, there are also more students Having completed their studies, they are looking forward to the new school year.”

"Before the banquet officially begins, please allow me, an old man, to say a few more words..." With a hint of smile in his tone, he turned to Mrs. Hooch at the teacher's table and praised: "Hogwarts Quidditch School The team was formed in a hurry and suffered setbacks at the beginning of the season. However, with the excellent guidance of Mrs. Hooch and the joint efforts of all the team members, we successfully reached the finals."

"Before giving the speech, Mrs. Hooch asked me to say something." Dumbledore adjusted his half-moon glasses, cleared his throat and said: "This summer vacation, the school will organize Quidditch training. Except for the members of the school team, other Students who are interested in Quidditch can also sign up. The relevant application form must be signed by a guardian."

As soon as these words came out, Malfoy, Harry and others in the audience immediately became excited. They know that this is preparation for the finals. Especially Harry, who finally had a legitimate reason to leave the Dursleys.

Dumbledore raised his hand to suppress the noise in the auditorium and said: "Now, we have to conduct the Academy Cup award ceremony. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: fourth place, Gryffindor, 102 points."

Immediately, there was a burst of sighs in the auditorium. Professor McGonagall's face was gloomy, as if he did not dare to look at the reactions of other professors or students. This was the worst result she had ever seen, and the first time Gryffindor was at the bottom.

"Third place, Slytherin, 105 points." Dumbledore continued to announce.

This score is obviously not high for Slytherin, and it can even be said to have refreshed their lowest score record.

However, the little snakes still seemed happy. They may not win the House Cup this year, but at least they win against Gryffindor, which is enough for them.

"Second place..." Dumbledore paused deliberately and glanced between the students of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The students of both houses stared at him nervously.

"Second place, Ravenclaw, 374 points." Dumbledore announced.

"Oh!" The auditorium instantly burst into warm applause and cheers, and a pot seemed to explode around the Hufflepuff table.

Amid the cheers, many witches were so excited that they shed tears. The Head of Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout, couldn't help but blush.

"How many years?" She stood up and couldn't help but applaud the students.

Students from the other three colleges immediately joined in the applause and had no objection to the result. Dumbledore knocked on his glass, and the auditorium gradually became quiet.

The little badgers stared at Dumbledore nervously, their hearts filled with worry and uneasiness. Just a few years ago, the principal used special reasons to give extra points to some colleges and successfully won the college cup. This makes them worry that the same situation will happen again.

"Will there be extra points suddenly?" a Hufflepuff student asked quietly, his eyes full of worry.

"I don't know, I hope not," another student replied, her fingers gripping the edge of the table tightly.

"We have obviously won, why are we still worried?" Someone tried to comfort himself, but there was still a trace of uneasiness in his voice.

"Because he is Dumbledore, you never know what decision he will make." The Hufflepuff prefect whispered, her eyes secretly looking at the principal.

The little badgers subconsciously looked at the Gryffindor next door, and their eyes were fixed on Harry Potter. Many people then remembered that he once had the nickname "Mr. 100%".

Worry and worry spread like a virus across the Hufflepuff table, and everyone held their breath, waiting for Dumbledore's next move.

This tense mood made the atmosphere in the entire auditorium awkward and awkward. The Slytherins burst into inexplicable laughter and their eyes moved back and forth between Dumbledore and Gryffindor.

Professor Sprout stood there with a trace of nervousness on her face. She didn't know whether she should sit down or what she should do to relieve the tense atmosphere.

"Ahem..." However, Dumbledore just coughed slightly.

There was a smile in his eyes, which seemed to tell everyone that he would not make any unexpected decisions.

"Although we already know that the first place this year belongs to Hufflepuff, we still have to follow tradition and announce the specific score."

The principal's words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and the students realized that Hogwarts already had clear rules for the management of different houses. They no longer have to worry about the principal adding points at will.

"Hufflepuff, 376 points." Dumbledore solemnly announced the ownership of the Academy Cup.

"Oh..." Hufflepuff's long table rumbled, and the students hugged, cried, and shouted with tears in their eyes.

Dumbledore waved his wand, and the scarlet decoration of the auditorium was ruthlessly removed, replaced by black and yellow flags and emblems.

The image of the badger replaced the original lion, symbolizing integrity and loyalty. Hufflepuff House finally won the House Cup after unremitting efforts.

"Open and aboveboard, blameless!"

This was everyone's heartfelt evaluation. Even Ravenclaw, who was narrowly defeated, believed that the ownership of the Academy Cup was undisputed.

As Hufflepuff has the most students and the best intentions, they are the building blocks for building the entire magical world. Maybe their colors are not bright, but their moral character is extremely noble, and their spirit deserves everyone's admiration.

The little badgers enthusiastically shared their joy with other houses, and Hogwarts ended the school year with particularly lively cheers.

Everyone was celebrating, everyone was laughing, and the joy and unity filled the auditorium and became one of the best memories of the school year.

The next day, when most of the students left the station on the train and started their journey home. Roger hurried to the principal's office to borrow Fox.

"I thought you had forgotten." Dumbledore said with a smile. He waved gently, and Phoenix Fawkes landed gracefully on the desk. "The other phoenix was hidden by Baba Yaga. Only she knows Its whereabouts.”

"That phoenix that the Eastern Roman wizard took away?" Rogge asked curiously.

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded and continued: "But you can't go alone. The witch hiding in the forest is very dangerous. The school has arranged a professor..."

Before he finished speaking, Professor Bathsheda pushed open the door and entered. She wore an earth-toned canvas coat, replacing her loose black robe. The coat is tailored to fit her body and accentuate her toned figure.

The white shirt underneath clung to her body, outlining her ample curves. Even if it is covered by a coat, it still gives people a strong visual impact.

Her overalls were tucked into tall hiking boots, giving her a smart and dapper look. No matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like a wizard, but a professional wilderness explorer.

"Principal, don't worry and leave Rogge to me!" Bathsheda put her arm around Rogge's shoulders, patted her chest and said, "I promise to let him learn how to explore ruins and restore cultural relics."

Dumbledore opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Bathsheda said quickly like a machine gun: "The Enchanted Forest in Eastern Europe, the Guardian of the Oak, I ventured there many years ago."

He smiled and shook his head, knowing that Bathsheda had a wealth of adventure experience. He believed that Rogge would learn a lot under her guidance and his safety would be guaranteed.

"There is absolutely no problem with safety. If I have enough time, I will take Rogge to Egypt to explore the pyramids." She turned around and smiled: "Rogge, there are a large number of rune tablets there, and you will learn... …”

"Professor Bathsheda!" Dumbledore interrupted her hastily, handed over the wool socks, and warned: "This is the door key, please pay attention to safety, if..."

"Don't worry, don't worry! There's absolutely no problem!" Bathsheda threw the socks into her pocket and pulled Rogge outside.

She called over her shoulder: "Oh, Fox, come on!"

Dumbledore nodded, and Fawkes let out a clear chirp, landing on her shoulder.

"I think it's suffering." Roger looked up at Bathsheda who looked excited, secretly hoping that the principal could change the accompanying teacher. Even Professor Lupin would be better than traveling with Bathsheda.

He turned back to pack his luggage and walked down the tower with Yuumi. The professor couldn't wait to urge him to set off. It seemed that there was no hope of changing the teacher.

"Roger, have you been reading the Book of Death recently?" She led Rogge out of the school gate, but did not go to the station, but turned towards the direction of Hogsmeade village.

"Thoth, the Underworld and the Book of the Dead?" Rogge subconsciously touched his arm and felt a chill coming over him.

"Yes, that's it!" Bathsheda nodded affirmatively, then walked into the Three Broomsticks Tavern and purchased some food and drinks.

"The first step in adventure is always to prepare food and water." She taught, "The most terrifying thing is not the dry desert, but the vast ocean. It will wear away your will, make you insane, and take the initiative to jump off The raft, submerged in the waves.”

"The original version of the book was excavated from the pyramid. It was a paper roll made of sedge core and a burial object." Bathsheda introduced bluntly and selected some herbs.

Watching her expertly match them, Roger couldn't help but feel that she had a lot of adventure experience.

"I think there's something wrong with that book." Rogge muttered under his breath. "Every time I open it, I always feel like something awakens from the darkness."

"Oh? Rogge, your intuition is very keen." Bathsheda's eyes lit up, and she continued: "The mystery of this book is that it can make people feel the breath from another world. For For wizards, death is a new beginning."

"What you feel may be Thoth the baboon. He is the scribe of the underworld. Maybe you have been in contact with death and made him curious."

"Death?" Roger's throat tightened. He seemed to have witnessed the legendary God of Death in the underground world of Paris. Although that memory had been deliberately erased by him, he always felt that it was related to it.

Bathsheda handed Roger a cane, gently stroked Yumi in his arms, and then said: "Let's go, our journey will first go to the Shetland Islands, and then from Norway to Eastern Europe."

"Walk over?" Rogge's eyes widened, wondering if the professor had forgotten the fact that he was a wizard.

"It's not all on foot. We need to take a boat for part of the journey." Bathshedda explained with a very firm tone, "On the islands in the far north of Scotland, there are traces of ancient ruins. Roger, this will be a great time. The true test of a wizard!"

She teased Youmi and whispered to herself: "Take this little guy to explore the pyramids, and you will definitely be blessed by good luck."

"I don't think this is a good idea." Rogge followed helplessly, but Fox only stayed on Bathsheda's shoulder and ignored him.

The Scottish Highlands are a bit hot in summer, and the sun seems to occupy two-thirds of the sky. Roger was wearing a big-brimmed hat. He swore that this was the longest road he had walked.

In the evening, a small breeze blew through the grass, and the green waves undulated. Roger was writing letters in the tent, while Bathsheda was busy cooking. If simply cutting the fish in half and sticking it on a branch and grilling it would count as cooking.

"Didn't we buy food?" He patted Sailor and signaled it to take off.

Bathsheda handed the grilled fish to Roger and shook her head: "That's different. The food in the traceless expansion pack is limited and cannot be wasted casually. I remember that when I just graduated, I was stranded on a desert island. Three months.”

While biting into the half-cooked fish, she began to examine today's harvest: stones picked up on the road.

Most of them are sandstone or weathered gravel and have no research value at all. However, she recorded it happily, as if there were unknown secrets hidden in these stones.

Fox stood on the perch, squinting his eyes lazily, appearing indifferent to everything around him. Youmi ran around outside and rejected the fish offered by Rogge in disgust. It caught a grasshopper from nowhere and had a great time.

"Professor, the fish is not even cooked yet." Roger took out a knife and cut some flowers on it, and sprinkled some salt to enhance the taste. Maybe I should bring an iron pot, at least enough to drink a bowl of fish soup.

Bathsheda took the processed fish, said thank you casually, and then went about her business again.

Suddenly, she pointed to the file box next to her and said to Roger: "If you didn't bring that book, you can study Tut's draft first." She put on her protective glasses and concentrated on studying the stone at hand.

"Draft of the Emerald Slate?" Rogge opened the box curiously and found that it was filled with dense notes.

Even the glass brick that protects the draft is in the box, and the professor is not afraid that he will damage it. Faced with Bathsheda who was so nervous, he had no choice but to learn these materials first.

After a full week of arduous trek, they finally arrived in Shetland Islands. Looking at Bathsheda who was familiar with the road, Roger couldn't help but ask the question that had been waiting in his heart for a long time: "Professor, did you take this route last time you went to Eastern Europe?"

"Of course, absolutely safe, I promise." Bathsheda nodded affirmatively, pointed in the direction of the sea and said: "We can get to Bergen through Hardanger Bay. Then continue to Stockholm, cross the Baltic Sea, and finally Arriving in Riga…”

"Why not use phantom migration?" Rogge asked quickly.

"This..." Bathsheda's cheeks turned slightly red. She hesitated for a moment before hesitantly said: "Apparition is too dangerous, and... and I don't know how to use it."

Rogge took a deep breath and then asked: "What about the Floo Network?"

"That... that." Bathsheda lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I don't know the Floo Network nodes in Eastern Europe. I used to walk through them."

"This is the training of a wizard!" She emphasized again, but now it always sounded a bit harsh.

"What if I know the floo network outside Moscow?" Rogge asked tentatively.

"That's not possible!" Bathsheda shook her head firmly, "Except for this route, I'm not familiar with anything else."

Rogge opened his eyes wide and asked with a slight stutter: "You... you are not a road fool, are you?"

"I know the road, how can I be a road idiot!" She turned around and said to Rogge seriously: "You are not allowed to slander the professor like this!"

“But at the rate we are going, by the time we cross the Baltic Sea, schools will have already started.

If we go back the same way then, we might be able to spend Christmas at Hogwarts. Rogge shook his head and said resolutely: "We can't go on like this." Even if I could stand it, Fox and Yuumi couldn't. "

Phoenix and Cat nodded quickly. It was obvious that the novelty of the past few days had disappeared and was replaced by endless exhaustion. Even though the magic tents are as comfortable as a mobile presidential suite, it doesn't make them any less tiring.

The situation became three to one. Professor Bathsheda looked towards the sea and insisted: "Norway is over there."

"That's Iceland, right?" Roger held up a compass and pointed out that Norway should actually be in the east.

The air suddenly became quiet, and one person, one cat, and one bird all realized that Professor Bathsheda was indeed a road fool. What's even worse is that she seems to have no sense of direction, and she relies entirely on her memory when going out for adventure.

Rogge secretly wondered if she was stranded on a desert island for three months because she looked in the wrong direction.

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