A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 381 The Immortal in Oak Castle

When Rogge heard the words "Immortal", the image of Phoenix Fox immediately appeared in his mind. In the magical world, it is the most unique magical creature, possessing the true power of immortality.

Of course, Fox also ages. Even compared to wizards, it ages faster. However, Fox never truly dies, but rather rises from the ashes, forever remaining alive.

This magical power is more desirable than Nicoléme's artificial magic stone. Although the French alchemist gained infinite life through the artificial magic stone, his body is still gradually aging. This is a kind of decaying immortality.

In contrast, the mysterious power of the Phoenix is ​​even more coveted. Rogge never thought that a wizard could control this power for his own use and make himself a true immortal.

On the road to eternal life, he has gone further than Nicoléme and Voldemort.

"Kashchei?" Rogge repeated the name, trying to find relevant clues in his memory. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't find any clues, so he had to ask: "What is the relationship between this wizard and the white witch?"

"He is the father of the White Witch." Rabbit explained quickly, as if he was worried that Roger's patience was limited, so he used himself to make spicy rabbit heads and lucky charms.

It continued: "Kashchei is in charge of a magical kingdom and rules everything there." There was a hint of awe in its tone, as if it was talking about an insurmountable king.

"Moreover, he also has thirteen beautiful daughters who live together in the castle. Anyone caught by him will be turned into a stone sculpture and will stand in the garden of the castle forever."

"They became eternal garden decorations!" the rabbit said in a trembling voice, trying to make the little wizard understand the danger and power of the other party. So that he would give up the gray bird and let himself go.

"An evil wizard?" Rogge thought to himself, unsure whether Dumbledore knew about Kashchej's existence.

The information he got from the principal was about Baba Yaga, not this mysterious immortal. Perhaps Dumbledore didn't know about this.

Rogge looked up at the bright sky, thinking of Bathsheda and wondering what her current situation was. He turned to the rabbit and asked, "Where did the black cat go?"

The rabbit shook his head quickly: "I don't know, he is a traitor. He is always the first to run away when encountering a disaster." His tone was very disdainful, as if he despised the black cat's behavior.

Rogge stared into its red eyes to make sure it wasn't lying before thinking about his next plan. Now, he has two choices: one is to leave the forest to find Bathsheda and then make plans; the other is to let the rabbit lead the way to find Kashcey's castle.

Although Bathsheda is a road addict, her memory is surprisingly good. She can remember all the routes she has taken, although she may get confused when there is no reference point.

Rogge carved a winding snake body on the tree trunk. If she could find it, she hoped to see the mark she left.

"Let's go, take me to see his kingdom and castle." He said, opening the cage, tying the rope around the rabbit's neck, and holding the other end tightly in his hand.

The rabbit glanced back secretly, thinking about how to bite the rope quietly. However, Rogge glanced at it from the corner of his eye from time to time, as if to warn it not to act rashly. This forced the rabbit to give up any idea of ​​escaping, at least until he found a suitable opportunity.

"The castle of Kashchei?" Rabbit replied reluctantly, "It's very dangerous there! It's a magical island surrounded by water. Any intruder can be discovered immediately."

It continued to play up the danger, trying to make Rogge retreat.

"Who said I was an intruder?" Rogge waved his magic wand, and the ordinary trees turned into gilded four-wheeled carriages.

Its design is exquisite and ornate, with intricate magical symbols engraved on its rims and body. There is a statue of a raven on the roof, symbolizing magic.

Rogge changed into a gorgeous costume, a robe made of the darkest blue silk embroidered with golden stars and moon patterns. His collar and cuffs were inlaid with a thin gold band, sparkling with diamonds from time to time.

He waved his wand and the wooden stick in his hand turned into a shiny cane. There is a gem the size of a dove egg at the top, which emits a soft light.

It's a pity that Rogge didn't tame the Thestrals, otherwise he could have asked them to help pull the cart. Of course, your own magic carriage can actually move on its own.

The carriage lowered the solid steps and invited its owner to enter. Roger tugged on the rope and let the rabbit jump on.

"Isn't there anything to pull the cart?" Rabbit asked puzzledly.

Rogge shook his head slightly and told the other party: "Magic is always magical." As soon as he finished speaking, the carriage started walking under the influence of magic without any external force.

The rabbit was a little surprised by this scene. He never expected that he could do this.

"Rabbit, show me the way!" Roger slammed the table and reminded.

"Yes... yes, go to the left." Rabbit responded quickly, feeling in awe of the little wizard's magical ability.

The carriage followed the rabbit's guidance and traveled through the forest. The morning fog is very thick, and the sun shines through the treetops, casting mottled light and shadow. A beam of light shines into the forest gap, like a guiding light path from heaven.

The wheels occasionally ran over tree roots or rocks, and the car body bumped slightly, but the interior of the car was extremely stable. The magic made the ride feel like walking on the clouds.

Roger knocked on the golden cup, and each delicious food was served to the table by Tom one after another. The rabbit pursed his lips and stared eagerly at the little wizard enjoying the food.

Its heart was filled with envy and desire, its eyes were locked on those mouth-watering foods, and it wished it could take its place and taste those delicious foods.

"Want to try a vegetable salad?" Roger asked.

"Thank you, the great and kind Lord Ivan." Rabbit replied quickly and flatteringly.

"No, from now on, you have to call me His Highness Ivan." Rogge said with a smile, "Since Kashchei does not welcome intruders, then we will go to his castle as guests."

"Guests?" Rabbit was surprised by Rogge's alternative brain circuit. "Kashchei doesn't even welcome intruders, will he still welcome guests?"

It was thinking as it enjoyed the salad in the basin. The taste of grass was familiar yet unfamiliar, but as soon as the rabbit took a bite, he couldn't help but vomit.

"Didn't you say that you are a vegetarian?" Roger asked with interest as he picked up the butterbeer.

The rabbit stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and said with a hint of embarrassment: "There is sauce in it, which I can't bear to eat! I only eat pure natural vegetables, such as carrots, lettuce, beetroot, turnips..."

Every time it announces the name of a vegetable, Jinbei will send out one accordingly. Warehouse manager Tom ensures that the vegetables are natural and fresh, with some leaves even dripping with dew.

"It's true that there are no turnips, but I also have coriander and peas here. How about it, which one do you want to eat?" Roger said with a smile.

Rabbit was silent, staring at Roger with eyes full of resentment. It jumped up to the lettuce and took a hard bite. As expected, he immediately vomited it out again.

The food Baba Yaga used to feed it, although it looked like vegetables, was actually made of flesh, blood and bones. Its stomach has become accustomed to the taste of flesh and blood and can no longer accept vegetarian food.

Rogge sneered, picked up a carrot and took a bite. The crisp sound echoed in the morning light, and the rabbit jumped into the corner, enduring the hunger coming from his body.

Its stomach protested the emptiness, but it also tolerated the taste of green vegetables. How much it misses Baba Yaga at this moment. If the mother-in-law is there, she will not be hungry. Even with her own flesh and blood, her mother-in-law will feed it.

As Rabbit thought about it, hot tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

However, this can never go back. Baba Yaga has died under his own rules, and it may take many years for that tree trunk coffin to return to the form of a chicken-footed house.

The carriage ran faster and faster through the forest, and finally, they came to the Black Lake.

"Look, the castle is on the small island in the center of the lake." The rabbit lay on the floor and said feebly: "Kashchei's territory is the entire black lake, and he is the king here. If you regret it, look back now You still have time."

"King?" Rogge smiled and said nothing, letting the carriage fly the heraldic flag.

It was a flag with a raven holding a lily of the valley in its mouth, very similar to the emblem of the Jackdaw Magical Society. But on the edge of the flag, there is a snake biting its own tail. It stares at its own tail and keeps spinning.

Seeing that Roger was silent and just sitting there soaking leaves, Rabbit couldn't help asking: "Do we really want to go in and take a look? It will turn into a statue!"

"No, we are guests." Rogge shook his head, "Since the Black Lake is Kashchei's territory, how can we break in without the owner's invitation?"

"Call the guardian angel." He whispered the incantation and summoned his guardian angel. A silver-white raven flew out of the car window, leaving a trail of flickering fluorescent lights on the calm lake.

The rabbit looked at the castle curiously and was surprised by the little bird flying out of him: "What is that?"

"It's for spreading news." Rogge replied calmly, and then continued to taste the tea he made.

Soon, a beautiful woman stepped on the lake water and floated towards the carriage. She has dark green eyes and dark purple paint on her lips.

The patron saint returned early to report. Rogge tidied his clothes, put on white gloves, and stood outside the carriage to greet him.

"Welcome, guest." Her voice was very soft, looking curiously at Rogge and the gorgeous carriage behind him, "Are you a noble wizard?"

"May the orchids bloom forever." Rogge responded politely and reservedly with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The four words "noble wizard" immediately reminded Rogge of Alexander. He mentioned this identity many times in Moscow two years ago.

In the secret passage of the Ministry of Magic in Moscow, the thick stone door is engraved with a huge orchid. The silk on the door is even engraved with the motto belonging to the noble wizard: Suffering creates glory, and the nobles will enjoy glory forever.

The woman opposite nodded secretly, raised her skirt and saluted. Rogge's handsome appearance, coupled with his ever-present spiritual power, made her fond of him.

She was convinced that the person in front of her must come from an ancient and noble wizard family.

"Ivan Cora Smaug." Rogge continued to use this pseudonym, and even borrowed Elena's middle name.

"My name is Maria." The lady smiled, stepped out of the way, and motioned for Ivan to follow.

The rabbit in the car opened its eyes in shock. It had never thought that it could enter the castle of Kashcey so easily. That was the castle of the Immortal, and there were thirteen beautiful princesses living in it.

No matter the hunter in the forest, the adventurer, or the prince of the principality, who doesn't want to have some stories with the princesses. Of course, it’s okay to have accidents with each other.

"Wait a moment." Rogge smiled and tightened the rope, signaling the long ears to come down.

Maria looked along the rope and saw the rabbit being dragged from the carriage. She pursed her lips and smiled and said: "I didn't expect you to like to keep such a pet. Many years ago, my father also had one, but unfortunately it ran into the forest and never came back."

Rabbit lowered his head guiltily, not daring to look directly at Maria. It never thought that it would have to return to this castle full of terror.

A stone bridge slowly rises from the bottom of the lake, leading to the small island in the center of the lake. Maria raised her chest and raised her head slightly, half a step behind the guest. Her voice was very soft, and she introduced everything here to Rogge in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "The castle is built on a huge oak tree. It is a miracle of nature and magic..."

As they came closer, Roger saw that the trunks of the oak trees formed the strong outer walls of the castle. A lofty tower emerged from the hole in the tree, with its spire reaching straight into the sky. The top is inlaid with colorful magic gems, shining with dazzling light.

The surface of the oak tree is also inlaid with transparent glass of different sizes, allowing outside sunlight to shine in and dispelling the darkness in every corner.

After climbing 99 steps, two huge wooden doors slowly opened. Walking up the spiral staircase, a spacious balcony comes into view.

Balconies surrounded the entire castle, or rather were on the branches of the oak tree. There are all kinds of magical plants planted on it, some of which even Rogge himself has never seen before. He was sure that the plants here must be more complete than the greenhouse at Hogwarts.

They emit their own scents and fluorescence, which blend together to create a unique fragrance. The balcony railings are made of fine ironwork and are carved with various vivid magical creatures.

"Father is waiting for you up there." Maria said with a smile. "The sisters' room is up there. They are still resting. We can go up from the balcony outside."

Rogge nodded and followed, and the huge green leaves seemed to be conscious, actively making way for them. When they reached the end of the passage, the balcony beneath their feet suddenly moved. The huge oak wood stretched out and lifted them to the top.

There is a garden square, with elk and birds leaping in front of you from time to time. The ground looks like a chessboard, with hundreds of lifelike statues placed on it. People from different eras are in the same space. They are either frightened or struggling, expressing their stories with lifelike expressions and movements.

Orion broke his bow and arrows, fell to the ground and begged for forgiveness. The thief moved forward bravely, his whole body in the air, as if he was going to stab the target ahead with his dagger. Rogge even saw a knight turn around and flee toward the exit. Not far away was a stone sculpture of a prince who died of fear.

Maria had been observing Ivan's reaction, but there was no fluctuation in her dull eyes. Like stones in a garden, they are really just stones.

She tried softly: "These are my father's works. Each one has its own story."

Rogge knew very well that these were living people turned into stone. However, he just nodded and said casually: "Yeah, a beautiful work of art."

Just when Maria wanted to continue saying something, Kashchei came out of the palace. He is a thin old wizard wearing black robes and a long beard.

"Yes, a work of art." Kashchei's evaluation of Rogge was very useful. He pointed to the sculpture beside him with his crutch and said: "It is the closest one to me. It is only one step away from the checkerboard garden."

Rogge turned around and saw that it was a gardener. He held the barrel in his right hand and touched his waist with his left hand. Under the opened linen clothes was a sharp short knife.

"Patience is a virtue." Kashchei waved Maria down, and he praised: "Look at this face, the pleasure of excitement and revenge is written on the wrinkles, but the eyes are full of shock and fear."

"If he is as patient as me, he will definitely gain something." Kashchei said meaningfully, with a hint of regret and nostalgia in his tone.

"I once raised a rabbit, and it was black." After he finished speaking, he smiled at Rogge, then turned and walked towards the palace: "As if asking, can you get out of this checkerboard garden?"

The last update of this month, the Chinese New Year is coming in February, save the manuscript

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