A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 382 Why do you have a shadow? (5K)

Rogge's eyes slowly scanned the surrounding sculptures, and he walked towards the palace with steady steps.

Kashchei watched the guests' actions, with a smile on his thin face. He seemed to be waiting for Roger to walk through the garden or become a new sculpture.

The green vegetation is carefully trimmed and neatly trimmed, like the dark grid of a chess set, intertwined with the white floor. Rogge stepped into it like a chess piece.

The rabbit followed Roger's feet step by step. It lowered its head and drooped its ears, as if it didn't dare to look at everything around it. Roger kicked it lightly, urging it to speed up.

The wind on the lake is very cool, winding around the tops of the oak trees and blowing into the checkerboard garden.

Under the cover of leaves, elk and birds watched the young guest, wondering whether he would be able to enter Kashchei's palace.

Maria's sisters woke up at some point, and the twelve beautiful princesses ran upstairs one after another, staring at the guest curiously.

They are dressed in gorgeous clothes and graceful. Each one is like a different flower, blooming perfectly, adding endless beauty to the monotonous garden.

"What a handsome young man, he must be a prince from some principality."

"Natasha the nymphomaniac, he's as young as a child! Besides, he's not a prince, he's just a noble wizard."

"What's wrong, Xiao! I can wait for him. Besides, we have been in the castle for nearly a thousand years, are we afraid of waiting a few more years?"

"As promised, none of you are allowed to rob me!"

Natasha's answer caused laughter from the sisters around her. Their sweet voices echoed in the garden, and the birds in the trees also sang along, forming a beautiful harmony.

"That depends on whether they like the enthusiastic Natasha."

Maria, wearing a pure white dress, stood alone under the shade of a tree in the corner, in stark contrast to the laughter of her sisters. She quietly stared at the guest who was halfway through the journey, without any worries in her heart. She was not worried that he would become one of her father's many sculptures.

Here, any intruder will have his soul taken away by Kashchei. And those who attempt to assassinate him will also be turned into eternal sculptures.

The legend of his father's immortality spread throughout the forest, and there were always people who dreamed of killing this evil undead and becoming heroes.

However, Maria doesn't think Roger is such a hero. She felt a breath from the depths of darkness from this guest. Although it was calm and gentle, it was the calm before the storm, and it still made people want to stay away.

Roger had no idea what Maria and her sisters were thinking, and didn't care about their idle chatter. In his opinion, if three women can perform a play, then twelve women are a symphony without a conductor.

He walked through the neatly manicured green grids, and when he encountered a sculpture blocking his way, he kicked it away without hesitation. In his eyes, these sculptures are not innocent people, but insignificant obstacles: "No matter what crap they are, they are blocking my way."

Kashchei was quite satisfied with Rogge's performance. This domineering behavior obviously did not belong to those knights who claimed to be righteous. He saw some shining points in this guest: pride, ego, and the unique temperament that only noble wizards possess.

"Welcome my distinguished guest, Mr. Ivan." Kashchei motioned to his daughters to keep quiet. He put his palms on his chest and bowed slightly to show respect.

"Thank you." Rogge smiled, gently pulled the rabbit's ears, and said jokingly: "Didn't you just say that you once raised a black rabbit? If you throw it into the fireplace, it might really turn into black."

When the rabbit heard this, he immediately trembled with fear. Its short tail was curled tightly, and a string of black balls were expelled from its body in fear.

The princesses next to him burst out laughing. They had never seen such a timid animal.

Kashchei frowned slightly, his eyes fell on the rabbit, and there was a hint of joking in his tone: "Perhaps, we can try this interesting disguise. Please come in, Mr. Ivan."

They walked into the gate, and inside the palace was a crystal clear dance floor. Birds on the oak trees flew over quickly, holding fruits in their mouths.

"I don't have many guests here, and you are one of the few distinguished guests." Kashchei raised a glass of juice and took a sip, "As the monarch of the Magic Kingdom, they all have their own requests when they come here. "

"Some people pursue gold, swords, beauties, and even rights and lives. But you are so young, and in my opinion, you don't need these now."

Kashchei's eyes showed curiosity, and he asked: "Ivan, can you tell me what the purpose of your coming here is?"

Rogge met his eyes without evading. Various thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, and he made a preliminary assessment of the wizard in front of him.

In this castle of the Magic Kingdom, as the rabbit said, Kashchei is the king here. Rogge can sense that he can control everything here. This feeling is like Dumbledore at Hogwarts, omnipotent yet unfathomable.

Rogge pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "I'm looking for a firebird."

He spoke very slowly while carefully observing Kashchei's reaction. When the old wizard heard the words "Firebird", his pupils shrank instantly. However, his expression remained gentle and did not change at all.

But this brief change has been keenly captured by Rogge. It seems that what the rabbit said is true, and the firebird of Eastern Rome is indeed in the hands of Kashchei.

"Mr. Kashchei, I have seen that magical magical creature in England." Rogge licked his lips and pretended to be greedy. "It is reborn in flames and never dies."

"But it's in the hands of a powerful white wizard, and he has a contract with that wizard's family..." Rogge paused deliberately, then shook his head, as if there were some things he couldn't say.

When Kashchei heard about the other firebird, he didn't believe it was true. In his opinion, Ivan must have learned that the Phoenix was in his hands, so he wanted to take it away.

A few cold gleams flashed in his eyes, and he sneered in his heart, he was another robber in disguise. However, compared to other uninvited guests, at least Ivan acted sincerely.

Roger took a feather from his sleeve, it came from Dumbledore's Fawkes. As long as you pay a certain Galleons, you can buy it at the potion shop in Diagon Alley.

"Look." He said and handed the phoenix feather to Kashchei and introduced: "This is the material of the British wizard's wand, which comes from that magical phoenix."

"Phoenix?" Kashchei stroked the feathers gently, his fingers couldn't help but tremble slightly. "What a beautiful creature, every part of it full of fire."

He sighed sincerely, with a hint of longing and desire in his voice. The originally calm state of mind was aroused by the phoenix feather in front of him, which aroused endless greed.

His eyes turned to the side hall of the palace, where the daughters had put on their costumes and were preparing to perform a gorgeous Rondo for the guests.

Kashchei looked at Maria involuntarily. She is different from other sisters in that she has her own principles and bottom line. Many years ago, she drove away Baba Yaga and saved the gray bird.

Later, Kashchei transformed the gray bird into a magical egg and attached his soul to it. From then on, he became an immortal.

To him, the years are just like falling snowflakes. With a slight shake, he can get rid of its entanglement and shackles.

As an immortal who has long transcended the boundaries of mortals, he has been enjoying the fun of endless years. Your life is like an oak castle. Although it has gone through wind and rain, it is always lush and full of vitality.

However, when Rogge mentioned that there was another phoenix in the world and confirmed that it was true, the panic and jealousy in his heart spread quickly like a virus.

He couldn't accept the existence of another phoenix in this world. For him, immortality is a privilege, a secret unique to him. Your own satisfaction and contentment with eternal life cannot be shared with anyone else!

Kashchei is unwilling to share this specialness with others, let alone face possible competition and threats. His heart was filled with suspicion and hostility towards the other wizard, an emotion that made him feel both painful and conflicted.

At this time, his state of mind was as complicated as the passages of Oak Castle, full of twists and turns and fog.

The palace suddenly fell into silence. The princesses were waiting nearby, but their father's instructions were not received.

"British wizard?" Kashchei asked.

"Yes, right in the Scottish Highlands." Rogge revealed Dumbledore's information without hesitation. Sold, but not quite sold.

Kashchei nodded and muttered: "The island with Merlin."

He has not left his Oak Castle for a long time and knows very little about the outside world. He knocked on the seat, and a thick magic book flew from outside.

The book is painted with various abstract patterns and strange characters, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Kashchei maintained the elegance of the old-time wizard. His eyes scanned the magic book carefully, and there was a trace of reminiscence in his voice: "Merlin, I found it. It is indeed him, the combination of the dreamy silver demon and the mortal woman. Freak born.”

"He has gone to the world of the dead..." Rogge was about to add, but Kashchei interrupted him and said firmly: "No, kid, that's Merlin."

"He has the blood of demons and possesses extraordinary strength and wisdom. He did not die, but walked the world." Kashchei's tone revealed his awe for Merlin.

"Walking on earth?" Rogge didn't know much about Merlin. He usually only sighed: "Merlin is the best." He never thought that this legendary wizard might still be alive.

"He has the power of transformation and can turn into an old man, a child, a dwarf or even an animal." Kashcey's expression became solemn, as if to hint to the other party that Scotland and Wales were not good places to go.

His words changed Rogge's perception. If Merlin wasn't dead, where was he? What are you doing again?

Rogge couldn't help but think of Hogwarts and Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration. What a magical spell that has the power to change almost everything.

In addition to this curse, he also thought of someone: Nymphadora Tonks. She is a natural Metamorphmagus and can easily change her appearance.

Judging from Kashchei's description, this ability seems to come from Merlin. Or, it's the Dream Silver Demon.

"You are right, sir, it is very dangerous there." Rogge looked serious and continued: "So I left the UK and came to the forests of Eastern Europe to look for legends."

"When Rome was divided, missionary wizards came here. They brought another phoenix, or Finnista."

As soon as the name came out, Kashchei's expression turned gloomy. He was very confused as to why the story of the Firebird was still circulating in the outside world. He has clearly eliminated all insiders and erased all records.

"Is there a traitor in the castle?" he thought to himself.

"Finister?" Kashchei nodded, showing a look of realization: "I've heard that it is indeed here."

"Really?" Rogge jumped up excitedly and couldn't wait to ask: "Please tell me where it is! That's a phoenix, with powerful magic power and the secret of immortality."

"I'm afraid it's difficult." He shook the cup with a smile on his lips: "It is in the hands of an old witch. She is very dangerous, and no wizard can kill her."

"My territory is only on the Black Lake, and the forest outside belongs to her. She has set many rules there. Even if Merlin faces her, he has no guarantee of winning."

Looking at Ivan's indifferent expression in front of him, Kashchei said seriously: "Rules, do you know what rules are?"

"Just like dry trees catch fire and waterfalls flow down. In the forests of Baba Yaga, everyone must follow those rules."

"The wind is her messenger, and the leaves are her eyes..." Kashchei preached the terror of the old witch without hesitation, with a hint of helplessness in his words.

Baba Yaga was an even older wizard than he was, and he couldn't kill him at all.

Rogge said secretly in his heart: Yes, Baba Yaga is indeed very strong. But she has died within her own rules. If you start with this, you will end with this.

On the surface, he pretended to be disappointed and continued to deal with Kashchei: "You mean, Phoenix can't get it at all?"

Both of them are veteran actors, and their expressions and tone of voice are convincing. But Rogge had more information and watched Kashchei's performance intently.

"Maybe, we can try the British Phoenix." Kashchei seemed to be inducing Rogge to tell more.


"Oh, is it called Fox?" Kashchei nodded with satisfaction, feeling secretly proud that the little guy in front of him had taken the bait.

He planned to get more information from Rogge, and then he could take action. However, instead of going to Scotland to find Fox's owner, he continued to wait at Oak Castle.

Patience is a virtue, and endless life gives Kashchei endless confidence. Some of his contemporaries were smarter and more powerful than him. But death can take away everything, and only what is left is king.

"Why are you anxious? Maybe there is Merlin, the terrifying half-human wizard, in the forests of Wales." Kashchei comforted himself in his heart.

He believed that as long as the wizard who owned Fox died of old age, he would be able to catch the second phoenix.

"Can you tell me the name of the wizard who owns it?"

"This... this is not good." Rogge deliberately hesitated and did not intend to reveal Dumbledore's name easily.

Kashchei smiled and clapped his hands toward the side hall. Beautiful music sounded in the palace, and the princesses danced and performed rondelas for the guests.

Thirteen women show off their beauty, like natural elves, perfect and elegant. Their movements are relaxed and natural, and their singing sounds are like the chirping of larks.

Their gorgeous costumes rotate and jump gracefully to the rhythm of the music, like blooming flowers. Everyone's dance is different, but very harmonious. Every movement is full of rhythm, as if telling a beautiful story.

Under their dance, the entire dance floor turned into a dream world, full of romance and temptation. They seem to weave a beautiful dream, intoxicating people with the beauty of their circling dance, making all worries and worries disappear.

Kashchei admired the dance of his daughters. He did not believe that Ivan would not be moved.

"My daughters have been living here, maybe they should go out and have a look." Kashchei smiled, but there was only pure appreciation for the dance in Rogge's eyes.

He didn't know if Ivan was pretending, after all, many people were prudes. As long as a woman takes off her disguise, a man will immediately reveal his inner ferocity.

If you are indifferent, you can only say that the woman in front of you is not beautiful enough to make him attracted. Or, the type that the other party likes is not popular and needs to be made separately.

"Helena!" Kashchei shouted down, and then a petite and cute girl came over with a blushing face.

From time to time, she secretly raised her head and looked at the guests on her left. The boy in front of her made her want to get closer.

"She is my youngest daughter." Kashchei lied calmly, "Young people, you can get to know each other better."

"It's getting late. You can stay in my castle tonight. Let's talk about other things tomorrow."

He had great confidence in Helena, and even if she failed, he still had twelve daughters as alternatives. Cold Maria, passionate Natasha, mature Ollie, savage Sofia...

Kashchei believes that there is always a suitable match for each other. Even permutations and combinations are possible. He is a nobleman and never forces others on principle.

When Helena saw her father leaving, her long eyelashes kept beating. Her eyes are very seductive, and her pure gaze coupled with her shy expression makes people want to get closer.

"It's time for the rabbit to take a bath." Roger quickly picked up the rabbit and pointed at the ashes on it and said, "It's obviously a white rabbit, but it doesn't like to be clean."

Maria walked over slowly and said with a smile: "I will take you to the room."

"Hmph!" Helena looked at the two people leaving and kicked the air hard: "Smelly sister, steal the man from me!"

"Sister, with Maria's cold temper, who would like her?"

Suddenly the hall was filled with whispers, chirping, chirping, like birds chattering incessantly.

Maria stood at the door and warned coldly: "You'd better leave as soon as possible."

Rogge stared at her and suddenly asked a simple but strange question: "Why do they have no shadows, but you do?"

Maria's footsteps suddenly stopped, she turned around slowly, her eyes were as cold as ice, and she was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, she put her hands in front of her and said softly: "Because, I am just a container."

A chill instantly surged up Rogge's back, and Maria's shadow disappeared at the end of the corridor along with her master.

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